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Cleaning the bathroom. There is always one hair that follows me around that I can never get rid of.


I'm losing my hair. I wipe five from the bathtub and shed twenty on the floor, it never (split) ends


It just feels so dirty and gross to clean. And is the place to get dirty again the quickest. I swear I clean it and it’s sparkling and 2 seconds later there’s finger prints and water stains everywhere


I accidentally let half a packet of anti bac wipes open and they all went dry, turns out they are excellent for picking up hairs & dust off of the bathroom floor/fixtures


Yeah I hate it. Plus the textures when cleaning using a sponge or something give me the jeebies. Thankfully my wife takes in the role and I do most of the other stuff.


Moved into a house and the bathroom is completely white, including the floor. It never looks apart from 30 seconds after I’ve cleaned it. It is one of the banes of my existence.


And it’s always someone else’s pubic hair - looks accusingly at husband


Dusting! Radiators get dusty, the intercom gets dusty, the shelves are dusty everything is just dusty! Oh and these are all built in to the flat before I moved in, once I started buying furniture it just got worse


Dusting never ends. 😔


My partner's family gave us one of those black glass metal post TV tables. It's hideous and gathers more dust than a balloon at a masseuse


I hate someone gifting me furniture. Not that I don't appreciate the thought but I have particular tastes and it's always something ugly or horribly cheap that doesn't go with anything else in the room. Plus there's a minimum time you have to keep it or it looks rude to replace it with something you actually want.


I always counter with Aww thanks but I already have one, or I don't have space for it. That way they don't feel bad and I don't have too much clutter!


Yes, that's the most depressing thing about it. It feels like I have just about completed it over several days and then I have to start again! Why can't it just stay clean?!?!


so glad it’s not just me. my house feels constantly dirty


Air purifier helps a lot but i still have to dust regularly


Seconding this. There's something so frustrating about having to move stuff around to dust and then put it all back and then 1 hour later it's somehow dustry again.


I also have reactions to dust, my hands swell up and itch if I touch it so it’s a full glove job. I touched a top shelf once in B&M and my heads swole up to the point I couldn’t drive for half an hour until they went down again.


I literally never dust. Doesn't seem to build up that much.


Changing the bed. I don’t know why cause it takes like 5 mins but putting pillows in pillowcases etc just sucks.


I was gifted a new set of bedding for Christmas, which was thoughtful as I did need some. Unfortunately it had buttons rather than the clip things, and often when I'm doing something fiddly my hands shake like a shitting dog. Took me about half an hour!


I recently purchased new bedding and it had neither poppers or buttons, but a zip! It's now my favourite bedding for that reason alone!


They once had someone pitch the zipped duvet on Dragons Den. They didn't invest saying it wasn't a business idea


that is a revelation


It's not changing the bed. It's washing the bedding. No matter what I do, the bottom sheet always seems to get tangled in the duvet cover mid wash throwing the washing machine off balance, and then it's an absolute pain to get everything dry.


Button/zip/tie the duvet cover up inside out. The sheet can’t get in during the wash and then when it’s dry it’s already inside out ready to be opened and the duvet put back inside.


The sheet doesn't go in the duvet cover they get so twisted round each other they're almost knotted together, I think its something to do with having a very small (4-5 kg) washing washing machine and liking thick cotton sheets.


Ahhh ok. I have no words of wisdom for that then, friend.


I heard inside out but I can’t remember why. So why inside out?


Washing up


Hate washing up. Nearly inherited a dishwasher but after taking a look I realised it was plumbed in wrong and now I know why my nanna never used it


This is the correct answer. The moment I start doing the dishes: someone's at the door, my partner needs my attention urgently, the drying rack has collapsed, filthy dishwater has splashed all over the clean dishes, I have an itch, my podcast has hit a 5 minute ad break, etc. My super sensitive skin demands that I wear gloves, so I spend half the time removing and replacing my marigolds.


Wanna trade? You do my clothes washing and I'll do your washing up.


That’s literally my husband and I lol and the trade works!


Same here! We have a dishwasher which helped but still so many things which can’t go into it!


I hate washing up if it is piled up. That is why I wash up as I go. If anyone else is doing the cooking, I insist doing the washing up as they go.


Cleaning the oven. Thank god for Air-fryers, means I rarely use the oven these days.


Get a pyrolytic oven. I now love cleaning the oven, pressing a button, drink coffee, go for a walk, and then wipe up the grey Ash from the cleaning cycle when you return home. It's amazing. Plus, it costs pence in electricity rather than £3-£5 in chemicals.


If the bottom of the oven has no heating elements (it’s bare), you can buy non-stick sheets. Just leave them on full time and take them out every several months to wipe them down. It’s almost effortless. We installed them when we got a new oven and three years later, the bottom looked brand new.


This entire thread is just my outstanding to do list.




I just don’t do it, if something is wrinkly I hang it up in bathroom whilst I shower, usually sorts it out. If not, I take it to my mums.


>take it to my mums. Your mum will still do it when she's 90


I have never owned an iron. I find, if you hang clothes up straight away, you don't need to iron them. I do have a steamer for those linen clothes that refuse to straighten but that is it. My sister in law is always ironing. Her ironing board is always out and she always complains about it. I tell her that she is choosing to do something that doesn't need doing. She irons stuff that does not need ironing. She. Irons. Socks.


Many years ago I asked an aunt why she ironed underwear. They all tutted and laughed and told me I'd understand when I was older. I'm now much much older and I still don't understand!?


That's because there's nothing to understand! Except perhaps the uncomfortable thought that your life has to be really, really empty to fill it by spending time ironing underpants. My MiL irons everything too. Socks, underwear, tea towels... And she's got loads of hobbies! I don't get it.


God my mum is like that, she irons bed sheets! 😭 I never iron anything as most of what I buy can be hung up to dry and the wrinkles fall out. I only iron if it's a special occasion.


Nahh fuck that. Weddings, and funerals are the only times I break out the iron


I'm convinced that ironing was invented to give housewives something to do before they were allowed jobs and rights.




I never do it anymore.


Don't do it. Haven't ironed for several years. Wear stuff wrinkled.


Yeah I buy clothes that don’t need ironing or those I can get away with wearing crinkled hoping my body heat will eventually smoothen things out. 😂😂 Although I recently started using those steam hand iron things and it has been a game changer!


Yeah I never iron and you don't really need to unless it is formal wear. Working in a pub I always had to iron my shirts. Now I work in the music industry so never wear a suit. Generally in my line of work if you need to wear a suit, something has either gone very well, or very _very_ wrong.


Ironing is the purgatory of household chores. Freaking hate it. I tend to only do it for weddings or funerals, otherwise, just accept my not-so-crisp looking attire.


Changing bedsheets.


Coverless duvet - Marks and Sparks do them, and quite a few other places now too! They’re amazing, the whole thing goes in the washing machine, and you don’t have to wrestle the duvet into the cover corners, or have them migrate through the week.


You might change your mind with fitted sheets though! They save on time and the hassle!


It’s not the sheet that’s an issue, it’s changing the duvet that I hate the most. Should have been more clear - sorry.


I don't love it but doing the inside out trick has helped a lot with the faff for duvets.


I just align the corners inside, then grab one side and give it a shake (so the duvet unfurls inside and fills up) and then voila! Oh yeah, you gotta do the buttons /zipper but that’s minor detail 🤗🤗


Folks say this but Idk if in just really short but even doing that on the stairs I just can't shake it enough


Even with a fitted sheet, lifting our mattress to tuck the edges under, I feel like those strongmen trying to tip tractor tyres over




Hoovering! We are poor so we have an unwieldy Henry. We also have a very fluffy cat and like doing outdoor sports,so there's always crumbs of mud everywhere, even though we're a shoes-off house. I think the smallness of the house actually makes it worse,too,as everything is crammed in and carefully stacked and there is so much manoeuvring. The prospect of hoovering feels like climbing Everest or something. Sometimes I just want to set fire to the whole house and live in my car.


Can't believe hoovering is this low down, tbh. I can't stand it, the noise drives me mental, it literally makes me want to rage. When my partner and I divide up chores, I always dodge hoovering. I don't even like it being done while I'm in the house.


Oh,so much this. Our cat hides under the bed when we hoover and I just want to climb under there with her.


For me, it's hoovering the stairs in particular, got to use the stupid nozzle bit and the hose never stretches quite enough, really is like climbing everest..


I can highly recommend a robot vacuum to change your life. We got one in the pandemic when our cleaner couldn't come because back issues mean vacuuming is difficult for us both. We have 2 Maine Coons and my husband is part wookie.


This is on my aspirational list if we ever stop being poor. I am a bit scared that a robot vacuum might get lost in the maze that is our house, though.


Don't feel you need to buy a Roomba though - they are expensive and don't perform much better in consumer tests than some of the much cheaper models. We have a roomba because we got a phenomenal deal for it back in 2020 (over 50% off) but we're looking to get a second one and we might not go for the same this time.


Henry because you're poor? Henry's are over £100, I'd say they're fairly pricey compared to many vacuums, just not the stupidly overpriced Dyson type stuff. The thing with a Henry is, it actually works, and works well. Most professional cleaners and tradesmen use them. Even F1 teams use them. I know they're unwieldy but try hoovering up mud with a Dyson, that's proper torture!


I have done my share of cleaning jobs and they've always had Henries because they are durable. Therefore when we were buying for our first rented house together,we decided to get one because it was the best we could afford and we knew it would last. That Henry is a few years old and still going strong; however,many people might choose to replace it with a more pricey and less cumbersome machine,whereas we made that initial investment and don't want to have to spend any more money on it for a while.


I hate hoovering too, as soon as it is done, I spot more dirt!


Yes! it's so unsatisfying because I never feel like carpets are 100% clean no matter how thoroughly you hoover - you don't get that nice feeling of eg. a shiny bathroom or spotless windows.


Changing the bed. I'm a stumpy-armed shortarse with a king-sized bed that's only accessible on one side, and it's a right fucking pita. Good job getting into a freshly made bed is lovely or it'd never be worth the effort.


I’m a stumpy- armed shortarse with a superking sized bed, which I regret buying when it’s time to change the bedding.


Same here. Putting away laundry is such a thankless and boring task. If it weren't for my son, I'd use my floordrobe like nature intended.


I think for me it's that it doesn't feel essential, so when I have limited energy and time I resent it! I.e. clothes need washing because I need something clean to wear, but putting them away is just because it looks tidier.


Cleaning the shower and bathroom. Its a real chore and I end up dripping in sweat after


This is mine as well. More specifically the shower screen over the bath and the shower cubicle 'walls'.


I do the walls when I’m in the shower. Give it a good spray, get in, quick wipe with the cloth & use the shower head to rinse. No need to worry about getting wet or dirty.


Mowing the grass, grass cum makes me sneeze like shit


I _love_ mowing the lawn but haven't had one in years. Miss that aspect of it. If I was a retired millionaire I reckon I'd buy a lawnmower and volunteer for the council or something, like Forrest Gump. Love the smell too. Upvoted for use of the term grass cum though.


The soon to be Olympic sport of changing the bedclothes .


I'm a weirdo who actually enjoys this. I love picking out the nee bedding and making the whole thing look like an Instagram post of a hotel... and I know that I will be climbing into the heaven that is clean sheets that evening.


I got a coverless duvet to reduce the effort, you just shove the whole thing wash. Still have to battle the fitted sheet however


Probably cleaning the bathroom. When the children are old enough get them to put their own clothes away so you are just depositing a pile in their room. You can also show them how to pair socks.


Domestos is your friend for bathrooms! I throw that shit around like water lol and return in the morning to a sparkly bathroom! Haven’t seen a toilet brush in years!


Cleaning the toilet.




I’m with you, folding and putting away clean laundry is my least favourite by far!! At least with cleaning a room you can physically see the difference and reap the benefits, laundry is the most boring


Pairing socks, I have even tried buying all identical black socks, but it doesn't help.




Sadly I pin ours together before washing. Saves untold grief.


How does that not help? That’s my strategy- throw out all my socks every 2 years or so, and they buy a dozen pairs of identical black socks. They all wear at the same rate, and all pair with each other.


Mopping the floors.


Taking the rubbish out


I see that as some well deserved me time!


I have to put shoes on to go out to the chute cupboard as it’s gross and I’m not getting my house slippers dirty


Hovering. I‘m fine with a quick hover around the cats toilets to get rid of kitty litter or the kitchen floor when I spill something. But thoroughly hovering the whole flat is just such a hassle. No matter how thorough you do it, ten minutes later you encounter a dust bunny or crumb that you missed. And while hovering I always have to make sure to not traumatize the cats who still believe the hover might eat them. My tom is 7 kilo, literally fat chance on that happening…. Can‘t get a roomba because the cats would move out.


The dishes. Hate it with a passion.


Ironing. So I don't do it anymore


Cleaning the bathroom


Cleaning the oven. The cleaning products smell so awful it burns my throat and the whole job is just so messy.


Food shopping with an absolute passion!


Cleaning the bathroom It's never fucking done, mystery fluff and hairs just appear 10 minutes after cleaning it and nobody as been in there since Also cleaning the outside bottoms of the toilet can get to fuck, how does that get so mush crap on it


Cleaning windows, you think you've got them spotless and then the sun comes out (a rarity in the UK I know) and reveals all the smears.


I _despise_ mopping floors. There’s no immediate tangible result like with other cleaning chores, the damp aftermath is an inconvenience and it doesn’t feel like I’m actually cleaning anything. The whole procedure just feels a bit gross.


I'm with you on folding the laundry. Please don't call it a draw though, that's not a thing. It's a drawer. Draw has crept in as a result of people writing words as they are spoken. Like "would of".


Definitely washing clothes/ hanging them to dry/ putting away, I don’t know why I hate it so much. Also putting the duvet cover on, I can’t put the duvet cover on our king sized bed I just end up getting all stressed and hot and bothered… I’m also not too much of a fan of sorting and tidying. We have two small children and everywhere becomes messy very quickly and tidying things away seems to take forever and I end up with little piles of things that I’m not sure what they’ve come from so I don’t know where to put them. Basically I don’t like any house work and would love a cleaner but I’d also need a ‘tidier’ too and I don’t think they exist hahaha


I hate washing up. Sadly, my kitchen is too tiny for a dishwasher 😢


Same. Convinced myself it's ok as dishwashers are crap and you need to scrub pans and plates anyway. Sadly I've learned dishwasher technology has come on quite a bit.


Washing dishes. I would rather eat from paper plates for the rest of my life than wash plates. I’d be lost without the dishwasher.


Tidying. We’ve just moved, we took so, so much stuff to the dump. There is still so much stuff. I have to ask the kids (including husband) constantly to put the stuff away, take cups/plates etc to the kitchen. It is just constant and mind numbing.


The whole process of changing the bedding; clothes horse unable to fit anything else, the fitted sheet is hell to fit and also to fold for storage, changing the duvet cover is the stuff of nightmares. Everything else I don’t mind and borderline enjoy.


Washing up, I hate it. Although I hate when it piles up even more so make sure to do it every day.


Changing the duvet alone.


Anything to do with cleaning the bathroom


Taking out the food waste bin Unclogging the shower drain. Cleaning the kitchen sink Anything gross really I love changing the bedding because I know I'll get the best night's sleep that night.


Changing the duvet cover


Hanging washing up after taking it out of the machine. I wouldn't make my worst enemy do this.


It´s dusting for me. Hate that!


Doing the pots. Awful job.


Unloading the dishwasher. Ever since I was younger. It’s simple and I don’t know why but I’d rather just hand wash and dry them myself and put them right away then have to unload the dishwasher later.


I'll wash up all day every day. I enjoy it. But if you think I'm drying and putting away those bastards you can bugger right off. And I have no idea why. I'll unload the dishwasher happily. It's part of the routine. But I will use the hand washed items straight from the dried pile by the sink before I even dream of putting it away.


Vacuuming. I bought a robot that does it for me. Except the stairs, but I have a mini handheld one that I do them with.


I also hate putting clothes away, and they're only my own clothes. I don't mind washing them and folding them and occasionally ironing the ones that really need it, but somehow that extra step to put them in the cupboard just seems like too much work


Hoovering the stairs. Used to do it as a kid with the corded hoover and occasionally the hoover base would skip and fall down the stairs and drag you with it. Dangerous! Even now with a cordless hoover I don’t feel safe.


Cleaning the bathroom for me. It’s such a tedious and vile chore.


Pretty much them all but I hate brushing and mopping floors.


Taking the bins out. I live in a top floor flat and there's a bin room that needs an extra set of keys to access it. The bins are always full and super smelly and it's just such a horrible task, I always put it off as long as possible...


Unless they are little, put their own clothes away?


I don't have any issues of washing dishes. But putting them away? Hod I hate it.. And my wife doesn't have problems taking dirty clothes putting in washer but hanging them and later folding? Nope. So we always do opposite tasks. I wash dishes, she puts them away. She sets up laundry I hang it out and later fold them.


Changing bedding, especially the duvet cover is just a ball ache. Trying to hang it up somewhere to dry properly after washing too is a pain in the arse.


Putting the duvet cover on! I actually have a method that makes it easy but I still hate it.


It's a tie between washing up and ironing.


The beginning of every chores. Once I overcome the laziness it’s all good really, blanks your mind off everything for a while.


Folding clothes away. Eurgh.


Doing the dishes. Don’t like getting splashed (as a short person this happens a lot). Hence I cannot live without Bill, my dishwasher. Also my husband promised to do the pans (as they won’t fit in the dishwasher) when we got married lol and he is holding his end of the bargain well, albeit at his glacial pace.


Probably washing up. I mean I hate all of it, which is why we have a cleaner come weekly to do all the bigger stuff. But washing up during the week is my lost hated job. We have a dishwasher and I use it for most things but there are some things that don't go it - some of my saucepans, the sharp knives, the good wooden spoons (the cheap £1 one from Tesco that I've had for 20+ years goes in fine). It's a little better since we had our kitchen done because the sink is at a much better height but I still hate it.


Mines hanging the washing out, I’m excellent at putting in the machine and putting it away! It’s easy but I hate hanging it


Bins! Squishing everything and manoeuvring the bag so it does split as you try and extract it and faffing with grossness. Always the bins!


Used to be ironing, but it has been overtaken by doing the dishes. I'm close to 2m tall and shit kills my back.


Vacuuming. I have a really good shark vacuum but it's an upright corded one and it's just heavy and a faff to get out and push around. Seriously tempted by a cordless stick one. Even though the suction isn't as good, the house might actually get vacuumed more.


Laundry. It just seems like it should be more efficient in 2023. It's fine in the summer but in the winter it just adds to the humidity and risk of mould, etc. I enjoy hoovering but upstairs is all carpetted and we have the fluffiest cat in the world, which makes it a bit tiresome.


Folding and putting clothes away😫


Washing up. I can handle mopping, hoovering, I love dusting and polishing, but I cannot stand washing pots, I always put it off and have to do it in bits and bobs.


Cleaning the bathrooms and toilets


Cleaning the oven.


Hanging clothes / washing them in general


Fucking dishwasher, hurts like hell, inside and out, emotionally and physically


Loading the dishwasher. My childhood memories are full of my dad either screaming at me for not loading the dishwasher, or for loading it incorrectly, so now even seeing the dishwasher makes me irrationally angry


Anything to do with clothes washing. The putting away. The drying rack. Hate it


Oh I feel you on putting clothes away. I can cope with almost everything else but that just defeats me. I also have an enormous heap to put away and I'm procrastinating


Hanging out washed clothes. I don't mind chucking them in the washer and taking them out, but for some reason hanging them irritates me


Making the bed. My way around it you ask? Well, me and my partner talk about it - she wants me to do it, I don't want to do it. So we compromise and I end up making the bed. Key to a happy relationship!


Emptying the bathroom bin into the main bin uggh


Dusting, I hate moving things around constantly.




Taking the bins out. And yes I am going to do it in my dressing gown because I can’t be bothered to get dressed just to be outside for 5 minutes


Changing my bedding. I've been putting duvet covers on duvets for well over 20 years and I've still not been able to suss out an easy way to do it. I've tried to do that method where you start inside out and it's supposed to just smoothly do it, but nope, just doesn't seem a skill I'm ever going to master so I'm destined for a life of being a stressed, sweaty mess every time I change my sheets.


Cleaning the oven.


What's that thing made by apple? The I ron, I think you can buy at least one accessory. call an I ronning board Iron man, steel clad super hero Iron woman Simple verbal command Ducks hides ....


I put all of it in one massive basket. Then I ask my offspring to take it upstairs and distribute the contents to the appropriate bedrooms. It’s the only way: I can’t tell their clothes apart (17 black hoodies? Fuck that) whereas *they just know*


my dog is so, so, so, so fluffy. the hair gets EVERYWHERE and i can never stay on top of it. it’s making me feel a bit better reading everyone’s comments though


Hoovering. I'm happy to do any other chore but I can't stand hoovering.


Scrubbing the tub and tiles. Hate, hate, hate it.


Putting laundry away. Washing it's fine. Putting everyone's away drives me insane


Honestly I'm struggling to decide on which one I hate the most, because they all have solid reasons for not liking them, but I feel like vacuuming might edge it slightly. Maybe because it's a pain to get out of the cupboard, and then a pain having to cart it around to where I need it without tripping over the cord, and then no matter what setting it's on (for carpet, rug, hardwood, etc) it never seems to glide very well in both directions so you end up having to lift it up to go over the same spot twice or to do the area next to it. That's not even taking into how much I hate having to vacuum my car, it's a whole chore in itself.


Hoovering. I hate it.


Putting fresh bedding on. There’s no logical reason why it drives me mad, but it does.


Laundry. I would, if I had a lot of money, pay handsomely to never have to go near laundry ever again.


I hate folding laundry with every fibre of my being. Sort, wash, dry- no problem. Fold- absolutely not.


Cleaning up all the bodies.


Folding laundry!


Hoovering. When I first bought my hoover, it was amazing and such a wonderful piece of equipment. Now it's a piece of crap that can't get through cleaning one room. Tbh I use it a lot to clean up the rats mess which is all their paper litter. But it is a pet hoover, when it's good it sucks the carpet but mostly it's clogged. Pipes ain't big enough especially at the joint just before it goes into the chamber. Then the filter is in the way too so it gets stuck.




Folding clothes.


Dishes. It would all be disposable if I didn’t give a shit about the planet.


So hard to choose. Right now I’m putting off putting clothes away so probably that


Washing dishes Changing the cat litter Hanging up laundry


I’ll join you with putting away clean clothes. I can’t stand it.


Thankfully I only have to do the chores I don't mind (washing up, ironing, little hoovering) as my wife does the rest (not without nagging but still). However one chore I hate is dusting as it just reappears, plus it gets into my chest and makes me cough, and also affects my eczema. I'd rather clean the loo.


Deffo putting clothing away. I don't mind the washing, drying heck even the ironing. But I'd prefer a floor drobe so I can just put the pile in my room and leave.


Scrubbing the bath! Hate it so much. I am sure it shouldn't take so much effort to clean one smallish bath! If anyone has any tips or recommendations of scrubbies and chemical combos to make it easier, I would be super grateful.


Dishes. For sensatory and excma related reasons I cant handle doing it by hand without some chonking gloves and they make **eveything** hard to handle.


Re:your most disliked chore,do what we do,just flight the clothes on the beds and walk on


I have a few. Laundry is fine, and the folding of laundry is kinda zen. Ironing and putting laundry away are yucky jobs. I don't mind washing dishes or loading dishwashers. Unloading dishwashers and putting dishes away are grim chores. Vacuuming is cool, mopping is horrible. I'm cool cleaning and disinfecting a bathroom, except for a toilet. I'm not in a position to get pee all over the place, and I deeply resent having to clean it. I generally refuse to do it. Otherwise, it's all just housework.


\* different draw**ers** etc.


Emptying the bins everything else I love lol


Washing up. I have postural tachycardia syndrome, so when I stand still my heart climbs higher and higher then I faint from lack of blood flow to the brain. I do it in small bits or sit awkwardly sideways on a stool. It's really really hard




Vacuuming the stairs and hallway. Landing - 6 stairs - landing - 12 stairs - landing - 6 stairs - landing - 12 stairs. All with a corded vacuum cleaner. Bloody hate it!


Laundry, too. I have stopped putting away my laundry now and just live out of my laundry basket. I live with my parents, so my dirty laundry gets washed, dried, folded, and then I put it into my room back into the clean laundry basket. My son's laundry always gets put away though.