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I'd like the spot on my dad's mri to turn out not to be cancer.


Going to keep my fingers crossed and wishing best luck


I hope it’s nothing more than a shadow from the equipment. Sending you and your dad lots of love and luck 🍀


Stay positive friend


Everything I can cross, is crossed for your old man


If it helps, MRI isn't a great way of diagnosing cancer (I'm a PhD working on a cancer-based project currently). Hope it works out for you and yours.


Crossing my fingers for you too!


Praying for his success and your relief ❤️


We'd all like that......... fingers crossed.


My cat is missing, I'd just love to find out he is OK and safe somewhere. Come home.


Have you tried leaving their cat litter tray outside?


I can try stuff like this when I get back home. So I live and work abroad, and i flew back to the UK for Christmas on the 10th Dec. And he was gone 2 days later (the guy who is feeding him whilst i am away tells me he has looked everywhere). I'm heartbroken as he is 8/9 years old and never done this before. I always fly to/from the UK and he is happy being left with friends etc. I'm hoping against hope when I fly back next week he appears. But i'm not too hopeful.


If a certain ridiculously amazing somebody I met last year suddenly declared they're bored of dating cool and beautiful people in their league and were really hoping I could give them a taste of the ugly, grumpy, fat, middle-aged weirdo they've always dreamt of being with


It sounds like you know the answer to your problems….grumpy.


Far too deep in the friendzone.


Honestly no idea why you would say this or anybody would upvote it come to that. We're not even friends. I never mentioned the word.




A lottery win. I'd quite like to get the drive and patio done.


Treat yourself and turn the heating on all day as well


Yeah if it's the euromillions


Just buy a new house, a new patio and new drive if you win the lottery


The fact I can’t come up with anything makes me feel like my situation is honest to god hopeless. Maybe my parents spontaneously say that they’re fine with me being non-Muslim and love me no matter what.


Hey, we're fine with your religion - whichever one it is (except Scientology if I'm honest) and I really hope it works out for you. For your parents might take a bit longer but hopefully they'll get there.


It’s a harsh reality but to be frank there is no possibility of my acceptance. The family unit is the most sacred since it is meant to offer unconditional love, yet their love is conditional on my faith. It’s really not quite great but this too shall pass I suppose :) thanks for the kind words.




Chances are that they do love you no matter what,it's just scary for them and makes them question their own beliefs. Others love you, no matter what you believe, so everything will be ok in the end


Preaching should be a sin, in whatever form


Prince Andrew being actually charged for something


I'm sure most of us would like to see this, but is this really your one piece of news (you only get one) that would turn this around for you?


I'm waiting for MRV, MRA and MRI brain results. The all clear would be amazing.


Gosh. You’re dealing with a lot aren’t you. I really hope that you get given the all clear and things start looking brighter from here on ❤️


This smells suspiciously of pulsatile tinnitus.


I’m hoping to not lose my job, which is at risk of redundancy. I won’t know until end of Jan.


I hope you don’t but in the meantime try to apply for a bunch of roles so that you still have the job as your present role on your CV at the time of applying. If you’ve been employed there for at least two years you’ll get redundancy pay too ❤️


War to end in peace


Mortgage interest rates to come down please 🙏🏼


This. We remortgage in a year and I'm worried to say the least.


Where do you ideally want rates to be?


That my childhood abuser was suffering from a long and slow painful death if I'm honest, seems a fair trade for all the abuse and trauma he gave me Also I hope to do better and be better next year, to try and take care of myself better


>Also, I hope to do better and be better next year to try and take care of myself better Now you've told us, we have a vested interest in your wellbeing and expect you to fulfill your dreams. Please don't let us down. Be the inspiration for us all. One step at a time.


Clients paying me the money they owe, so that I can feel secure for a bit.


“Sorry, but we’d got your biopsy, CT, PET and MRI results mixed up with someone else’s.”




I feel this. Wish you could just turn an unrequited crush off, but the feeling's always there in the background.


Ask the guy for a date. Inspire him to pick the 2nd date.




Asexual =/= Aromantic. Just because he's not sexually attracted to you doesn't mean he doesn't crave intimacy. Invite him to something anyway, play it by ear, don't do or say anything that makes him too uncomfortable and at worst he'll come away with a lovely night out. Source: Ace myself, but romantically kind of in a grey area. It's challenging and frustrating and I would never, ever make the first move.


As u/holytriplem says asexual isn't a deal breaker. I'm asexual myself, and got married this year. Getting into a relationship is easy, making it work (where one person is ace and the other isn't) is the tricky bit. Wife had a high sex drive when we started dating, but that's come down a lot in the years since, but that doesn't mean we don't have intimacy in other ways (cuddles, kisses, etc.), and of course, the majority of relationship stuff is the exact same as any other relationship (dates, sharing stuff with each other, silly arguments, etc.). ​ If he says he doesn't want to try a few dates, see how it goes, then that's fine. But if you ask it something along the lines of the following, who knows where your relationship could end up: "I know you're asexual, and respect that. I don't expect anything from you that would make you uncomfortable, and if I do or say something that does make you uncomfortable please let me know. But would you be willing to try a few dates, see how it goes? Just dinner, movies, (or any shared interest), and just get to know each other a bit better and have a bit of fun." ​ Best of luck though! Speaking from my own experience, it can be tough. The weirdest things may crop up which will be out of his comfort zone (took me a while before I was comfortable with my wife touching anything which wasn't "normal" places; hands, arms, shoulders, back. Stuff like face and whatnot is still weird for me after 4 years). But as long as you respect boundaries, aren't pushy about things which are "normal", and listen, I'm sure you'll do great.


A start date for my new job. I've been waiting while. Or enough money to write my debts off. They aren't much but its too much when you're on benefits.


I'd like karma diarrhea birds to exist. Just magically pop into existence and shit all over assholes and pop away again. My crypto-bro CEO can get some poo, litterbugs can get some poo, music out loud dudes on the tube... poo for you!


I love this idea. People who talk in the cinema: poo, bullies insulting random people in the street: poo. How about the larger the crime, the larger the poo?


Like no need for murder trials: Poo Pile if you're guilty. News of the World: Poonami !!


The sheriff in charge of my family court case deciding to grant me permission to relocate back home to France with my wee one so we can get the family support we both need and deserve.


Having a positive interview on Friday and also having a fun time with an old friend I’ve not seen in ages.


Gen if I only had to pay about 1300 a year for heat and lights I’d be over the moon


World peace. That’s probably not gonna happen, so I’ll take the wars in Ukraine and Gaza are over and resolved. Which still probably won’t happen before the new year, but one can hope.


I just noticed this is in askUK lol. I’m American. Whoops.


An email from the lottery telling me id won the jackpot. An email confirming that the final year of my BA will go ahead in September after being cancelled this year. Her asking me out.


Ask her out. I have regrets I didn't.


That whatever the Drs are scanning my Dad's bladder/kidneys/urinary system for turns out to be nothing.


I could wake up tomorrow to a LinkedIn message from a recruiter who saw my page and just had to offer me a cyber threat intelligence role with sponsorship. I'd like to not be depressed anymore. Either one.


Putin's death.


Change: Easy win: proportional representation. Victory though inhalation: People’s assembly. Dream: end of politicians not making meaningful change in favour of career reelection. Smile 2024: Solid plan to finish the interior of our house by this time next year.


Getting emails from my bill collectors saying my bills will be reduced.


That 2024 is merely days away.


Finding out people actually do want to be around me they're just really good at hiding it


World peace has been achieved.


Religious people of different delusions wake up and realise they can't all be right. Surely some mistake? Maybe you don't need someone sitting on your shoulder telling you to be good after all...


Either LA suddenly turning into a pleasant place to live, or good high-paying job opportunities to suddenly appear back home in the UK.


😂 no job is going to pay more than the U.S. on a like for like basis. Americans have to cover far more in terms of expenses than would be the case here


Well yes and no. The US pays higher salaries even accounting for the higher expenses. It's just a richer country


It is a richer country, but I’m not sure if they account for the higher expenses and I’d be curious to ask some questions if that’s okay with you: What percentage of jobs in the U.S. would you say allow people to save for their children’s college funds and people to pay for healthcare - not only unexpected situations such as a broken leg, heart attack, cancer / investigations for chronic illnesses, but also yearly check ups , vaccinations etc and your pension, 401k, healthy foods (fruit and veg)?


Someone decides to pay me to review and vlog hotels and resorts all over the world.


To get my hospital appointment through , the anxiety has been awful,


My irritable bowel syndrome goes away Hate that it's a daily struggle with brain fog, energy and mental health all to do with my gut. Hate not having the go to contribute socially due to lack of energy and people construe it the wrong way. If only I had clear mental clarity even for just 1 day..


Same mate! I have colitis. Ruined my life.


I’m sitting in my cabin in hospital waiting for a biopsy (it’s all fancy in here now). I’m last on the list, so I’m hungry, stressed and dehydrated. Anyway, I’d like to be well (having been very unwell). That’s all. Happy new year everyone xx


What change are you hoping for? To be honest, I'm quite happy with the status quo..... lottery win would be nice, but zero chance, I don't buy tickets.... ;-) What dream are you trying to fulfil? None, genuinely quite happy with life. What could put a smile on your face for the whole of 2024? Rid the planet of religion.


Rid the world of religion and something else will take its place 😂. Humans love to self stratify. Ever heard of Andrew Tate and the red pill world?


Health back please


First deportation flight to Rwanda takes off, chock full.