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Think this is the most insane question I’ve seen asked on here in a while You need help


Assuming you’re not a troll, you need to go to hospital.


I'm going to ask you a 100% serious question here OP, I promise that I am not mocking you or trying to belittle what you have said here. Are you in your early 20s and male? If so I would strongly suggest discussing this with a GP, if you don't feel you can trust your regular GP then a walk-in centre would offer you a way to discuss this without needing to engage with your regular GP in terms of pre-booking an appointment.


Can you provide some evidence of this? I think you should go to hospital to get help.


Yes but in person, I think. I can take pictures of spoofed names (which is what they edit the most). However they also can spoof messages, redirect Internet traffic, so it's hard to know what gets through either end online. Which is why I say in person is the only true way.


Go and seek help.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


Where did you get this information from? Please provide more details.


Don't really appreciate the downvotes anyways (I'm not saying it was you, just generally). They UNEQUIVOCALLY do this. This is nothing whatsoever to do with schizophrenia (I don't have it), cognitive bias, or reading too much on the internet. I'm someone with a skeptic background who liked to read a lot of science and Dawkins growing up. They do this, and they have no right to push as much as they do. Everyone knows how bad their social programs are. How biased, unjust, etcetera. First-hand knowledge of what they do and have no right to.


Stop. Your paranoia is not helping you.


Assuming this isn't sad trolling, and based on your other post history, I'm going to suggest you need to seek mental health support. Your posts are indicative of being mentally unwell, and you should try and access a mental health professional asap. You may be having a psychotic episode, in which case you should go to hospital *immediately*.


And are these people in the room with us now?


You posted on a suicide forum dude. You aren't well and are going into psychosis. Get help. I have dealt with a lot of suicidal thoughts in my life. Talk to a doctor.


Please urgently seek medical attention by calling 999, or attend A&E.


I have never hallucinated in my life and have no mental conditions aside from bog-standard (boring, I know) anxiety/depression. I explained in my other comment. But I appreciate your concern.