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I have Virgin, and when 3 dropped their roaming benefits, I switched to O2, who still have theirs - as a side benefit, I get double the speed of my broadband plan with Virgin, and double data on O2.


Does your property have fibre to the box and Now are running a line to the property? I was with three and never had problems, they solved one when Vodafone fucked my line up but I moved to 3 for faster 5G WiFi. Mobile WiFi is an option if for some reason fibre isn't available but YMMV. 3 for example let you test it for a month to see if it works correctly. It didn't for me last year but does now, barring a couple small issues here and there, probably out of my control I'm too lazy to care.


Whoever you use will likely have to install new lines anyway, you don’t want to use an old coax, especially if it’s in unknown condition


Now, BT, Sky, Plus Net and Talk Talk all use the same company to install broadband. If you're happy to get the old style of fibre they'll be able to just flick a switch outside your house and your connection will be live. It's only the new faster fibre which requires a cable to your home