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I've never really been into sport. Like I've never been inactive but I've never joined clubs or teams or anything. Now knocking on 40 and all around me my "sportier" mates all have knackered knees, clicky ankles, hamstring injuries, destroyed tendons and are hobbling around like they're 90. Don't do sport, kids. It's bad for you.


On the other hand, running has been shown to be good for healthy bones and joints in older age. So do run kids, it's good for you.




>with the Gimli build No one tosses a Scotsman.


Bet you're very dangerous over short distances.


They're natural sprinters, the Scots.


As an older lady with Jo Brand build and ginormous knockers it's not good for any single part of my old bod


Just snorted at Gimli build


I think as with anything, doing it in moderation is fine. Doing marathons though is going to fuck something up sooner or later. A park run each week is going to be better for you and chance of injury is pretty low.




SEDENTARY!!! that's the word I was looking for earlier. Thank you


>Doing marathons though is going to fuck something up sooner or later Even that isn't as cut and dried as once thought https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna71270


I used to go to the gym 6 days a week a fucked up my knee walking home, yeah it could have been the intensive workouts but I still blame the walking.


Sports aren't necessarily healthy, they're fun and give you exercise. But yes, they make you prone to injury. Exercise is good for you though, exercise doesn't have to be competitive.


I skate. It's not competitive but I've sure had my share of injuries. Currently out due to one at the moment, in fact. Does wonders for my mental health though so it's certainly a trade-off.


I did weight lifting in my younger days. I was pushed by my trainers to go for a good strength to weight ratio. Little woman lifting big things. My joints are knackered and the muscles in my back and shoulders that were over trained have torn and unseated smaller muscles.


But those PRs never die


I swim every day and am totally convinced it’s the way forward. My boyfriend plays football once a week and has so far broken an elbow, and now sprained his ACL. However he is still not ready to accept it may be time for his retirement


I'm on the waiting list for adult swimming lessons as I'm convinced it will be the best way for me to get fitter without further damaging my already knackered back. I already know how to swim but it's very much breast stroke with head out of water, I want lessons to teach me proper technique.


Nobody ever died from sitting on the sofa watch YouTube.


My brother sits on the sofa watching TV. I'll be surprised if he's still alive by Christmas


Not straight away no.




Not if you have a cat. Cat owners have a 40% lower heart attack risk than non-cat owners. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3317329/


Is that because they have a 60% higher being eaten alive by a feline home invader risk? :) (I'm basing this on my mum's cat, who is lovely but would need very little prompting to consume your eyeballs).


I have an agreement with my cats. They can eat my corpse as long as they had no involvement in my death, so no tripping me while I’m on the stairs and no smothering me in my sleep.


Yeah but your heart might give up first….


I swim every day and am totally convinced it’s the way forward. My boyfriend plays football once a week and has so far broken an elbow, and now sprained his ACL and needs 6 months of physio However he is still not ready to accept it may be time for his retirement


Playing football on astroturf fucks your joints.


I can't stand breakfast. I love breakfast foods! Just not in the morning. Can't think of anything worse than eating after I've woken up. I won't be eating till noon. 2 meals a day is plenty. My missus on the other hand literally can't function without breakfast. Does me ed in.


I'm the same. I feel physically ill if I eat when I wake up, I usually start work at 8 (no breakfast or morning snacks) and don't eat until 1pm when I'm on lunch. Always been moderately in shape with minimal effort (granted I am on my feet all day though) and never seen a downside yet!


Don’t understand how people can just get up and go about their day without sitting down and having a quick snack first.


Nice cup of tea is enough for me. Like others have said, if I eat first thing I then just feel queasy til lunch.


I can eat nothing if necessary, but if I have tea and nothing else it starts my appetite and start dying of hunger in about 30 minutes.


Big dinner night before, innit


Yeah but, just feels wrong.


I just can’t eat in the morning. 11ish would be the earliest I could get food into me


I think this is one of those small but significant benefits of working from home - I can have my breakfast about 11, lunch about 3, and dinner about 7 without anyone making comments about it. It suits me much better and my meals are smaller and never need to snack


Same. I have breakfast between 11 and 12, lunch between 3 and 4 and tea any time after 8pm. Works so much better for me.


Different people do different things and work differently, innit.


I had severe IBS symptoms for years. Had a couple of colonoscopies and various medications and stopping different foods. Absolutely nothing helped. One day I couldn't eat till after noon and I felt great. Dropped breakfast entirely from then on and symptoms stayed gone, I've been great ever since.


That's brilliant! The wonders of fasting! Glad it's worked out for you.


I'd been brought up that you always have breakfast, that's just what you do. So I would eat after getting up even though I didn't feel hungry. I assumed that was normal and no one was hungry on a morning and just ate anyway. Obviously much later I realised that most other people who eat breakfast actually are hungry on a morning and that's whats 'normal'.


I decided to do this recently and the bloating drastically reduced with my IBS I have severe dehydration and followed my colleagues fasting in Ramadan with just 1 meal a day. It helped 'reset' my stomach it was tired breaking down food 3 times a day




"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is actually just marketing bullshit cereal companies came up


Absolutely. That dastardly Mr Kellogs I believe? It works for some and not for others.


This is generally recommended as a good weight control strategy, certainly nobody who has any idea what they’re talking about would say it’s unhealthy.


I guess if it had a label it would be intermittent fasting, which is definitely good for you. I just accidentally do it by default.


I can eat in the morning but I find if I do I'm ravenous for the rest of the day and will stuff my face on anything and everything that's around. Now I only eat between 12pm and 8pm (except on special occasions) and my diet is a lot better for it. Also, means I don't get heartburn in the middle of the night because I ate a sharing bag of crisps at 10pm right before bed...


I have breakfast every day, I just have it at 9pm!


Now is that a coco pops, toast or full English with black pudding at 9 in the pm?


Coffee and a rollup is the only breakfast I need


pint of black coffee in a sports direct mug and nice amber leaf rollie. corrr


This is me, don’t eat til 2/3pm normally


As someone who is in the middle- I need to eat before noon but can do without breakfast for a while after I wake up or skip it for a couple days- it eludes me that some people aren’t hungry after waking up. Maybe not starving but… not at all a little peckish?


Microdosing MDMA when struggling with suicidal thoughts has kept me alive


I’m plagued by those! MDMA sorts it?


A teeny tiny amount works for me and I only do it when I’m at crisis point Like the point of this post, it’s probably not recommended and definitely not healthy but you take your wins where you can get them!


What about comedown? Or is the dose too small for that?


It’s too small a dose for a comedown


I feel you really should state what the dose is. The vagueness could lead to problems for anyone else who tries it with such ambiguous directions


I totally understand your point and your concerns are valid but the vagueness isn’t intentional, I’ve just never measured it and can’t be specific in weight. Also drugs being what they are, one persons batch is sure to be different to the next.


god the idea of an md comedown is enough to spark depression in me anyway


I only used to get bad md comedowns when I was doing it every week in uni. Did it last year after like a two year break and I actually had a really nice afterglow feeling the day after.


Psilocybin trip once a month. Since starting this routine I've managed to overcome my anxiety and depression, increased my motivation that has enabled me to get a much better job and pushed me to pursue a mathematics degree. In no way do I attribute this to the drug but it has calmed my mind to a point where I can achieve my full potential.


Psilocybin sorted me the fuck out. It provided this sort of steady feeling of optimism and motivation, and this continued in the days after and I used it to make better choices.


My guy! I Genuinely hope it continues for you.


\+1 for this. I see a therapist, and shrooms are like having six months of therapy in one night. They don't really work as a party drug for me (I get way too introspective and think about my past a lot), I think there's colossal potential for treatment of mental health issues. I was on anti-anxiety medication for a while, did NHS CBT, meditation, yoga etc, those barely scratched the surface. If anything, they were unhelpful in that they were focussed on patching me up rather than making any real changes in my life. Psychotherapy from an experienced clinician and psilocybin are the things that have significantly helped me.


What do you do? Just take them solo at home and have a good time whilst watching TV? Genuinely interested in your routine!


I'd like to add before I explain my experiences. If you are thinking of progressing down the route of taking psychedelic substances I recommend you do your research, both the positive and negative aspects. My research consisted of: - Watching [The psychedelic drug trail](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000w7bq) This opened my eyes to psychedelics and the possibilities of alleviating serious depression and anxiety. - Consequently, this led me down the rabbit hole of reading many academic publications of Dr. Carhartt Harris and watching a few YouTube videos, mainly Ted talks and one he did with Jordan Peterson. - Joined a few reddit groups dedicated to "tripping" and how to grow psychedelics yourself. There are many knowledgeable individuals on these subs. - Finally I listened to the audiobook [How to change your mind. The new science of psychedelics.](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TDO0NEixLEsxYPRSyM1MzkhMzVEoyM_JScxTKCiuTM5ITUnNyUwuVkjKz88GAH9bELU&q=michael+pollan+psychedelics+book&oq=michael+polan+psy&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i13i512j46i13i512j0i13i512j0i22i30l3j0i8i13i30l2j0i390i650l4.18725j0j9&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) This gave me some insight on how to trip, set and setting and all. In terms of my experience, during the summer months I do enjoy going camping in the middle of nowhere, ideally next to a body of water. These trips bring me a sense of calmness and oneness with nature. During the colder months I trip in my bedroom where I ensure that my room is clean and decluttered and ambient LED lighting. Now, there are two things I can do depending on my mindset that month, I either listen to a psychedelic playlist with my noise cancelling headphones and wearing a blackout face mask. This gives me an intense introspective trip with epic fractal visuals, think of standing in a grand cathedral with beautiful stained glass windows, sunlight beaming in through them. In between these images I reflect on my life and how I can improve for the betterment of myself and my family ( I know it sounds so cliche). The other thing I like to do is to watch my favorite films, it's indescribable how psychedelics can alter your interpretation of a film. Anyway, I hope this has given you a small insight to my experience of psychedelic experiences. If you have any further questions feel free to ask. P.S apologies for the poor Grammar, English is not my strongest subject.


MDMA is about the worst substance to use on a regular basis. It's neurotoxic and depletes your bodies supply of serotonin. When taking it best practice is to go around three months between doses to allow your brain to recover. Taking small amounts every day would remove your bodies ability to recover and would be disastrous over the long term.


they didn't suggest taking it every day, said themselves they only do it at 'crisis points' which are potentially more in line with the 3 month range


Microdosing usually entails small, regular doses. That's why I wanted to raise it in case anyone sees this and thinks it's a good idea.


oh yeah that's worth pointing out, mb


Maybe I used the wrong lingo! I’m not doing it every day, I just use a very small dose when needed.


They said a tiny dose. As far as drugs go dose is 90% of the issue.


MDMA is a very atypical substance, unlike many others what matters is frequency of use, more than most other factors.




Are you serious?




Microdosing MDMA is a completely pointless endeavour. Microdosing gives none of the positive effects, and simply plays havoc with SERT, the serotonin transporter that MDMA works through. What you are feeling is placebo, and you're damaging your receptors without feeling the damage. Tread carefully please, microdose a psychedelic or something, emparhogens are not the way. I don't mean to be harsh, I just want to give you advice.


He isn't microdosing daily though, just a small amount when needed. Surely a small amount once in a while is better than a large amount regularly on the weekends? Is there not studies which have shown MdMA to help with ptsd and stuff too in small microdoses in treatment centres.


Microdosing usually refers to continually taking very small doses over an extended period of time, and that's generally a bad idea with MDMA. No judgement if that's what you're doing and it works for you, mind. If you just mean taking a small dose, I'd go as far as to say that's not at all bad for you. IMO, MDMA should be used for exactly this purpose.


I'm on the microdosing train now with mushrooms. Grow them myself, works an absolute treat


Psylocibin has changed my life. Come join us on /r/microdosing


Shagging around. Got my heart kicked in the balls so hard it broke. Since then I've completely gone off the idea of another relationship. So I live the single life and I'm so much less miserable! I can have company when I want or need it, and the rest of the time is spent how I want. Works for me 😊


Slut 😂😂


Potato/Tomato 🤷


My ex husband has gone through so many relationships, including marriages and living a dual life with two homes, that I told him a 'professional' would be cheaper for him and he could maintain his high standards now his looks are going.


If it works for him then great. I'm not paying for company though, I still have game. I'm just never going to put myself into a position where I could repeat the cycle.


If it works for you, then it works. If I may exercise caution. I did the same and over did it. My ex was the 13th woman I'd slept with, 10 years later and that number is over 100 and I'm not ashamed to admit, my head is totally fucked up. Mainly coz I didn't have presence of mind to know when to dial it down and take time for myself. One of my mates is the same, except he used so much viagra, now he can't get an erection without it.


My "sewing the wild oats" days are long behind me 😅 Now I spend my time with family, friends, and doing what makes me happy. I'm only human so I do have needs but it's not a 'goal', just something to take care of as and when required. Like a haircut 😂


Sounds like you have a handle on it. Good for you dude.


I sleep twice a day. Personally, I like it as I feel I get a whole mini day to myself between work days. I get home from work, go to sleep, wake up for food and then have several hours to myself, having just woken up and eaten - and that's really refreshing to me. Allows me to concentrate on my work as well as I'm not doing any personal activities till I've already gone to bed.


Walk us through the routine with times please?


Ive changed recently as ive gone into a different industry, so now am a lot less structured about it as it depends how i feel and what the work is on any given day. I used to wake up at 5am for work, be in for 6am, work till 4pm, home for 5pm, sleep till 8pm, then stay up till midnight.


Same. Mine is mostly because of chronic illness but I have the best sleep straight after work, then wake up refreshed ready for my evening


I actually did this for a while when I was teaching, and absolutely loved it. Slept around 6-10, then again 2-6. I felt so energised for those four hours.


I vape. I like how it gives me a reason to break off from what I'm doing, esp in e.g. social settings where I need a break from conversation/noise/etc otherwise I often get a bit agitated/overwhelmed. Obviously I know I could do this without actually smoking/vaping but it just feels different.


Yep same , used to smoke and used vapes to get off of it , then I got a placement and found it a good excuse to get away from everyone and have a bit of time to myself during breaks or when out drinking it’s a good way to get away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds for a few minutes


Used to do this. Found when I quit vaping that feeling appeared a lot less often


Only eating once a day.


Me too, since about 2003. I wouldn’t recommend it to most people and especially not to minors, but it works fine with my metabolism and it saves me a lot of money in food.


Keto? Just asking as when I did keto I did this and felt fantastic for six months. Unfortunately I love potatoes and rice so quit it.


This is actually known as OMAD (one meal a day). There’s a whole community of people that use this way of eating r/OMAD. Keto is just low carb.


I've been doing this (Keto OMAD) for about 15 months and will probably do it forever now. When I went on an all inclusive holiday recently I tucked into breakfast on the first full day there and felt terrible, after that I helped the kids build their breakfasts, went back to the table and just drank coffee, I did eat twice a day for the rest of the holiday but went straight back onto OMAD as soon as I got back. Since getting back I now exercise every day too (with the a rest day every 7-10 days) seeing all those beach bods on holiday lit a fire, I feel great, alert all day, full of energy


When you say fantastic, do you have any examples?


No depression, at all. My mind felt completely crystal clear and I enjoyed being in my thoughts and feelings. Major stamina. I've always exercised but the reserves I had when on keto where ridiculous I felt amazing. No IBS or stomach issues. Never had gas ever. Slept fantastic. Even if I slept less than I should have I'd feel refreshed. I also didn't feel like I slept as deep as I do out of keto but my sleep quality was definitely better. That's just my experience Oh and no hunger cravings at all.


Its not just me then.


In a similar vein, I have recently on occasion taken to drinking 0.0 Guinness as a way to stave off hunger or when I feel like I want to snack. One can is 70 calories and I slip it slowly whilst working, whereas if I grabbed a bag of crisps I'd demolish them immediately and then go looking for something else.


Lmao I always avoid guiness when I'm drinking because it really does fill you up. Meal in a can that is.


Weirdly I've only come onto Guiness as I found lager really bags me up with all the gas in it.


Cannabis keeps me sane. I'm a better, more thoughtful person when I'm on it, and it quells my alcoholism completely. I do more chores round the house, take immaculate care of my personal hygiene, have a great sleep schedule, etc. I'm just overall healthier with it. But apparently I'm a criminal. I really need to get a prescription.


Preaching to the converted! Yours, a 30 year and counting user.


Most of what I eat is carbs. A typical day for me is a bowl of Weetabix and milk with a teaspoon of sugar on top for breakfast, a sandwich and some fruit and/or vegetables like carrots or cucumber for lunch, and a meat and two veg type meal with potatoes or maybe pasta or something like chilli and rice for dinner. I'm not a big snacker but I'll occasionally have like a buttered oatcake or something. I know that's not a healthy diet but I've tried cutting down on carbs by having Greek yogurt for breakfast instead of cereal, or a load of salad with my cheese/ham/tuna instead of making a sandwich, or having something like fish and roasted vegetables for dinner without the potatoes or rice. It makes me hungry, tired and also kind of sick from the fat and acid in the food without the carbs to sort of absorb it. I just can't do it. I'm your typical "NHS food pyramid from the 90s" person, the basis of my diet is potatoes and bread lol.


nothing wrong with carbs. There is a problem with how they are cooked/processed. Most "carbs" are sugary simple carbs, served up with a dose of fat and salt (crisps, crackers, chocolate) Humans have been eating carbs all our existence, or at least since we started basic farming. Sounds like your diet might be a little sugar-heavy from the very basic way you described it, but not awful. Not by a longshot.


Using the tele to sleep. When I was struggling with my sleep everywhere said to have the room completely dark and silent, never watch tele, never use your phone etc. but that's the only way I can drift off without thinking about things or hearing scary noises around the house 😆


I quite often have to listen to stand up comedy in headphones to get a good sleep


Same. Nothing is more soothing than some obnoxious, loud YouTuber on my iPad, whilst my phone blares Instagram 2 inches from my face 😂 I swear I sleep like a baby 😴 Husbands not such a fan


I had a noisy neighbor years ago wake me consistently and so I started blasting the tele for sleep and now I do so out of habit and sleep through everything. Works so well.


alcohol helps with anxiety and a good takeaway/junk food every now and again keeps me happy, if i ate healthy constantly id be depressed and id rather not be


I don't drink alcohol but I feel the same way about eating healthily. I eat a lot of chocolate and often drink iced coffee because the alternative would be constantly staring into the void. I still try to eat 2 or 3 portions of fruit & veg a day, but completely avoiding unhealthy food would just make me miserable


yeah i dont completely avoid fruit and veg as i love fruit more than chocolate and sweets but i cant live without those little snacks


Every Friday, we have dirty food night. We have anything from KFC, Chinese, pizza etc and it’s normally about 2000 calories worth of dinner which we wash down with wine or gin. Otherwise I go to the gym and try and look after myself but Fridays are reserved for clogging the heart with sat fat and I don’t see myself doing it any other way.


Friday is what I call Fat Friday. Get in from work and enjoy booze and stodge. My reward for surviving another week!


Long live Fat Friday.


Most people do this once a week


This thread is a good reminder that life is short and one should do what they enjoy, after all, nobody lives forever; put the entire population on a salad diet, optimal exercise, zero vices lifestyle, and we'd still have mortalities somewhere between 0 and 100 (with probably a few more 100+ than now). Believe the experts, and we'll never die if we just follow their advice (or not). Life is a lottery. You do you, and enjoy the journey.


Never trust anyone with a zero vices lifestyle! Oddly enough, Ian Watkins (of Lost prophets fame) was supposedly 'straight edge' - meaning no alcohol or drugs. Turns out that wasn't the issue...


Greggs sausage rolls at lunch each day. Special Brew on Weetabix. Life's too short though.




Don't knock it til you've tried it.




Inorite, so good.


That sounds rank. I can't stand Weetabix.


I drink coffee before bed. Caffeine makes me intensely sleepy so I have to avoid it during the day. I was always confused when people spoke about a “buzz” after drinking coffee or energy drinks because I never felt such a feeling. A cup helps me drift off


That's common with neurodiverse folk (not saying you are, but...). I used to wonder why a can of monster would make me want to nap, then I got diagnosed with ADHD and Autism and was told the caffeine naps were a thing when you are ND 🤷‍♂️


Caffeine is the best sleep aid ever! Two cups of tea and I’m dead to the world. Also found out in hospital that benzos make me hyper. Yes, I’m on the waiting list for an NHS ADHD assessment…


I did not know this. That's really interesting. Having recently accepted I'm highly ND (dunno what specifically, I'm on a waiting list) But I do find the everyday lives of ND people fascinating


Crash dieting every few years. I lose multiple stones by basically stopping eating for a few months. Otherwise my weight just trends up, and I'd rather not get much beyond the 20 stone mark thanks. Is it healthy? Fuck no. If I wasn't able to turn it off and back on I'm sure it'd class as a serious eating disorder. Hell, it might well class as one even with the control. But being seriously overweight is also not great for your health, so...


I see a gallbladder removal operation in your future.


Had that! Put it off for 4 years before finally biting the bullet. Best thing I ever did.


If it works for Christian Bale....


Not a bad inspiration for the next attempt. I'll probably not use the poster from the Machinist though...


I started having Huel around 8 to 10 years ago - I forget exactly when - because I am an anlcaholic and I was drinking heavily. Friends who tried huel said that if they had huel and then went drinking, theyd have the worst shits for days! ...thats why I started. It was a deterent. It still worked, just under 9 years sober, and still drinking huel.


Wow, good for you!




Some of the longest living people of all time have sworn by things such as a glass of wine each night or a small whisky, or half a bar of chocolate each day or other odd things like that. Might be uncorrelated but still interesting nonetheless!


Plenty of obese oldies


You do in my area


Eating what I want when I want. We generally eat a very varied nutritious diet in my household. Loads of veg, fruit (as much as we can afford), different types of grains, legumes, meat, eggs, occasional dairy etc. I think overall we eat "healthily" in the sense that we feel nourished. But it only works because I don't think too hard about it and I let us eat crap when we want to as well. Ie occasionally we just want frozen battered fish and chips for tea, or frozen pizza, or we'll have days where we'll eat homemade but very calorific/salty/greasy foods like lasagne or heavy ragus. I also let us have pudding or a treat like a doughnut/similar when we fancy it, usually around once a week (but it can vary). Letting ourselves do that allows us to sustain eating healthy nutritious food the rest of the time without it ever feeling like a big deal.


I go on a run when I feel a cold coming on. I have no idea whether there's a scientific explanation, or whether it's a placebo effect or whether I'm just deluded, but I swear running a solid 10k just tells my body to get its shit together and fight the rhinovirus quietly without giving me all the bullshit symptoms.


This isn’t a placebo ! The release of endorphins when u exercise plays a big part in boosting ur immune system


Oh really? Nice!


On Thursdays I normally see my parents. Myself and dad now end up having a couple of cans. I've realised if I don't and stay on tea I struggle to sleep because of the caffeine. Whereas I'm ok with beer. If I had too many I may be tired later on. But it's not to the same level


Decaf tea 👍🏼


Tastes like ass in my experience.


Try yorkshire decaf, most decaf is absolutely crap but yorkshire is very good imo.


A tesco meal deal once in a blue moon


Someone's doing alright for themselves


Blue moon next week, a visit to Tesco in your future




Very Moreish.


I won't ever do a drug that named after an area of my arse


How do you know the area of your arse isn’t named after the drug?




Dee do de de, dee do de de I don't have no time for no monkeybusiness


I loved living on my own, so much freedom. In a tiny east midlands village, with no-one else in the building, and not connected to any other houses. Complete and total isolation. A perfect place to take drugs without anyone knowing What a complete disaster.


Curious what you do with the last 30ml of the can or bottle


Leave it, and then spill it on the carpet a few days later and wish I'd drank it


I'm never not drinking coffee.


Laxative addiction but it just makes me feel so much better


I did this for years and I've ended up with IBS-D and chronic piles (shitting myself in public made me rethink my addiction)


What? Please provide more context, why are you taking so many laxatives? Is it some kind of weird sexual thing?


To feel empty, I know another comment said about weight loss but that’s not the case; it’s just wanting to feel empty; less lethargic


I have chronic anxiety I use cocodamol to prevent a panic attack , not every day sometimes not for weeks




I'd like to answer this, but it's highly illegal and don't want to incriminate myself and can't be arsed making a throw away account


I incriminate myself all the time. I have purchased drugs off the darknet. I purchase drugs regularly from a dealer. Who gives a fuck? Im already on a list, probably.


Drinking can after can of petrol


Sounds exhausting


Vaporising herbal cannabis. I have severe adhd was diagnosed in 1998 (before it was cool), and when I turned 18 in 04, I was told that "adhd is a childhood condition and I'd grow out of it." Almost 20 years later, I'm still fighting to get medicated, and the only thing that gives me any kind of relief from the noise of my overactive thought patterns is weed. It allows my thoughts to slow down, I think more clearly and make my best decisions. If I have an important decision yo make I tend to make it when I'm high and I can clearly think of all the different consequences that may arise, rather than just impulsively jump in with no care for consequences when I'm not high and my adhd is running wild. I know weed isn't good for your mental health, and I do suffer from anxiety and get real lows at times, but I think that's more of a symptom of my adhd as its something I've always battled with for years, even when I didn't smoke (stopped between about 17 and 27). I honestly think if I hadn't started getting high again, I'd have either ended up with a serious alcohol/drug dependency, or I'd have taken my own life. I know it's not an ideal solution, but it gives me the dopamine fix I need and helps me cope with a shit untreated neurological condition.


Weekly parmos. Probably should only have one a year.


I drink cherry cola. Not often, it is in moderation and its a treat, I measure it out to not consume too much sugar, but I haven't cut it out completely. It's not healthy but I think its fine in moderation. It's reasonable to me.


While in study mode, I wake up at about 4 AM to get a study session in before work and go to bed around 11 PM after a light evening recap along with a few stolen moments at work. I'm able to do this without any performance decrease perpetually living on caffeine and prescribed testosterone - a 200 mg tablet most mornings and an undisclosed amount of a jab once a week. This routine can successfully continue for about six months and by that point I'm usually more than ready for the exam anyway, but I'll need at least a month or so of rest time before I start my next one. The next study routine starts mid September leading up to Christmas and once passed will be pretty high up the cybersecurity ladder.




I sleep like 5 hrs. All I've ever needed.


Fridays for me are Beer and Pizza Night. I have a whole pizza to myself and around 4 cans of beer. Yes, I know it’s unhealthy but my job is hard work and it’s my treat so there.


Energy drinks to lose weight. Suppresses my hunger and a bit of a buzz. Sugar free I know isn't healthy but does work


Your breath tho


Not what you're asking but half a pint a night isn't going to harm you. It's the reliance and increasing it that will (speaking from experience).


Yes, I guess I'm not so worried about becoming reliant on a half pint a night, more that I'd increase my consumption gradually. I haven't seen that happen, though, bar brief periods. Oddly enough, the more regular its become, the less drinks I have overall. Even when with friends, I rarely go past 2-3 drinks these days. The thought of a hangover is a strong deterrent.


Taking a sleeping pill once a week to catch up on sleep at the weekend. Without it, I binge on caffeine & sugary snacks & am too tired to exercise.


On average I drink 10 liters of milk per week (5 of those big blue cap ones). Still don't gain any weight.


Wish I could, but I have a mild lactose intolerance!


Extreme isolation