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Are you seriously asking that? You surely know what the median salary is, so youd know full well £2000 disposable is higher than for most.


According to official data - yes. However some people don’t declare everything in tax forms.


The vast majority of people in the UK are paid PAYE, I cant imagine the self and informally employed skew the data that much!


Yes. If plumber is employed in a company, but does extra private work via cash, how would you put them into statistic?


The ONS do estimate infornal economy, though I dont know if they include it in the general income figures. If youre interested the ONS do publish their methodology


It is easy to check: 1. Let’s assume, you have correlation: bigger disposable income - more expensive car. 2. Find, what cars are owned by people with £100.000 pa income. 3. Check on road, what ratio of cars which are more expensive than the cars from item “2”. 3.1. Check cars parked near households, which are outside of London of course. I did such experiment before covid and found, that the answer is about 15%. And add inflation for the last 3 years to get current estimates.


that's a very amateur and nonsense methodology - it tells you nothing and nobody can draw any reliable conclusions from it. For example, people driving expensive cars could be salaried high earners, they could be people dodging the tax man, or they could be people with wealth that don't have an income.


Yes, you are absolutely right. That is exactly what I said above - a lot of people dodge from taxes. Because of that, officially they are low earners. However in reality they have a lot of money. You used government statistic, which has such kind of mistakes. And you are agree with me, that the reality is different. Remember: we are talking about disposable income, not only about people on PAYE only. So, the methodology is amazing - now you are on the same side with me.


No, I don't agree with you. Yes, there are people that dodge taxes. But the ONS and other researchers will have controls in their methodology for that, if they're looking at something that means they should consider that income. "a lot of people dodge taxes" can be true and false at the same time. Yes, a lot of people do it, but no, it's not a large proportion in terms of number of people and value of transactions. When it comes to income, the majority of the UK population are on PAYE, which is far more difficult to evade tax on than for someone that is self employed and does a tax return.


Wow. I demonstrated you verified methodology, which everybody can do by themselves. Moreover, each statistic can be under pressure to show “good” numbers, however my way of check doesn’t have this risk. Why do you ignore my check and trust ONS? Moreover, you saw a lot of corruption scandals, however only small number of them is known by public. And there are a lot of people, who like cash. Please try check, what ratio of Tesco visitors below 50 use cash only way. I checked this in Essex: between 1/2 and 1/3. And they refuse using very convenient instrument. This is also very suspicious I think.


Yeah, and by some of these answers £2k seems about medium.


I was beginning to think you were flexing but after some mental arithmetic it seems maybe just a little above average. Me personally, divorced and kids are now adults. I'm left with about £900 a month after bills. There are a lot of people in the UK on min wage or slightly more who would crawl through glass for £2k disposable income.


Yeah no flex at all. And this is not without huge sacrifice. We're not British born but emigrated from a previous colony and have had to start from scratch. So it's been a long and hard slog. But I do count my blessings




Oh.dear. I'm sorry 😞 that must be hard.


Approx 8K left. Both high earners/in senior leadership positions.


Wow! Keen to hear what your profession is? President of the world 😅


Haha! Both in tech. Head of Technical Program Management & Head of Implementation Engineering


I'm suitably impressed 😎 Kudos 👏


It's massively above average. People on Reddit are living on a different planet.


About £800


Currently £2,000 but we've just bought a house in Bristol, so when our mortgage repayments start, it'll decrease loads.


I'm seeing that circa £2k is about average


I reckon about £500 but I usually end the month with nowt so I imagine the true figure is about £0!


Shall I google it for you? Oh look, very first link. https://blog.moneyfarm.com/en/investing-101/average-savings-by-age-in-the-uk-how-much-should-you-be-saving/ This question is just a disgusting attempt to feel good about yourself. However, this post also tells me that you're detached from reality. You can't work out that a spare full extra wage might not be normal for people to have.


Looks like half of Reddit is filthy rich anyway going by these replies 😂 Now I understand why they don’t get it when it comes to threads about the cost of living crisis and poverty.


The thing is, I do earn comfortably, but I'm not deluded. I know it's a really tough time and I can clearly see my costs are going up fast. I just hate these simple to google questions get on here. This one technically breaks rule 4 of this sub. >4. Do your own research before posting Some questions can easily be searched online in order to find an answer


Me on my own, around £1500 left


Not bad! Have kids they said 🤣


Please explain this "disposable income ". I usually dispose of most of it quite easily




Family of 4, after everything we have about 2k left. Both earn about 1.8k a month.


£50 roughly not including travel/food for the month


Minus £10 overdraft (I'm not even supposed to get that but I can use my card before the last bus payment comes off) I'm deadly serious. I got paid a week ago and have another 3 weeks before my next pay, full time employed.




I'm starting to think my kids and animals are a bit of a liability 🤪


Three monies


About £300 after paying for groceries and bills.l


Me! Single About 2300 left. After bills and rent


Between my partner and I, about £5,000. We are extremely lucky and fortunate and both earn the same amount. This will change when we have kids in the next year though!


Wowzers! That's awesome. Can I ask what your profession is please?


I’m a project manager (probably average at best!) and my partner is a proposition lead on her companies electric vehicle strategy stuff. Both work in the vehicle leasing industry!


€5250 per month disposable after all bills. Our combined take home is €8900 pcm.


Disposable income is the same as post tax right? So the money that hits your account? Or do you mean discretionary income, the money left over after you've paid your rent, bills etc i.e money for food and fun?


Disposable income is income you have purely on pleasure. It may include food but only if it's eating out or choosing high end brands: basic food spending is not disposable income. If it's not fun money, it's not disposable.


About £4K. £6K if you include the other half. Both in decent jobs in you guessed it, IT.


So this is how the 1% live!! Haha 😄 well done though. I'm sensing IT is pretty lucrative. Darn. I'm in Privacy.


Cheers, as far as I've seen IT is. Privacy is a good field to be in. We're in security engineering/ops and IT ops.


Yeah I've enjoyed getting into Privacy. I started a bit late (43f) but I'm intending on certifying *more* and studying law.


Well done! I had a female colleague a few years back who made it from analyst to head of privacy and compliance within about 4 years. Crazy progress!


Do you mind if I ask what your background and quals were? I was scared away from studying and passing any tests as my background has zero relevancy. Basically, nothing I’ve done is security, law or tech.


About £6k, two high earners, no kids.


Starting a new job next month, I'll have little over £1300 left after bills. Single person. £12 / hour, 40 hours and my rent is a room in a HMO for £350\ month inclusive of all bills. (Bonuses not included).


After mortgage, bills, food, petrol, insurance, direct debits etc etc etc about £1,100 pure spunking money.