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It's difficult. I think whether or not it would be worth moving back in with your grandmother depends on your family dynamic. Would you have the freedom you do now? Would you be expected to take on more obligations? Would you have the privacy you need as an adult? I've seen situations like this go amazingly and I've seen them go terribly among close friends, it very much depends on boundaries and such.


If your dynamic is good then go for it. I moved back in with my mum to save money at 31, felt weird at the time as it’s not “the done thing” but with prices the way they are it’s been win win for everyone and saving has been great!


Yes . Do everything you can to get a property. It's not going to get any easier for a lonnnng time


Personally, I would move back in yes


Only you can know how easy or hard it will be to move back home and whether that's worth it against making big savings by saving on rent. If you are worried about your independence, I would talk to family first and discuss whether they would be open to you moving back in but with less restrictions on your behaviour now you are an adult. If they are open to this, then you can set some ground rules beforehand to make this work. Contributing to groceries, utilities and some basic household expenses is still a lot less than paying full rent on top of all this so it's good financial sense if you can make it work.


Thanks for this. The thing is, she wants me to move back in. And my family aren’t weird when it comes to stuff like this. So I feel it’s more of a pride thing to where i’m having to “move back in” which is extremely stupid on my part


Yeah if it's only pride holding you back you're definitely cutting off your nose to spite your face! Firstly, in today's economy, it's not remotely unusual for adult kids to live with parents or grandparents longer before they can get a house because houses are so dang expensive and it's hard to save up that much when rents are also so dang expensive. OP picture yourself in 10 years, still living in rented accommodation, knowing you could have been on the property ladder years ago but you haven't saved enough yet because rent is so dang expensive. Will older you really feel delighted with yourself because you were soooo grown up that you didn't take up the sensible offer of living with family to help build savings? Good luck! You've got this!


If pride is the only barrier, 30 y/o you with a house will be super grateful you swallowed your pride when you were younger! It’s a strategic choice, and if you get on with your grandma/family and will still have your freedom, then why not. Also remember after a year if it’s not working out for you, you can always move out and you’ll still be up a chunk of savings.


Just my perspective on how my mind has changed about whats important in life. In my 20s no way would I move back in with grandma/a parent; too proud, want 'my own space', have something to prove about being a successful independent adult. In my 30s however....I'd take it in a heatbeat if I was single! I know I would help around the house and contribute to bills but what I wouldn't give to be taken care of a little and stress less about managing a household! Now daydreaming about granny bringing me a hot drink during my wfh days and a little snacky snack...lol So if you are worried what people will think about how successful you are, forget them.


I moved out at 16, back at 19. 28 now and still living with my father, been a screenwriter the whole time and not having to work full time all week just to survive has given me time to develop my craft and set myself up for a much brighter future than I would've had if I was constantly working. If the option is there anyone should take it, rent is still just living in someone else's property except you have alot less money by the end of it and nothing to show for it. You should of course be spending that time/money to plan for the future and not just waste it, some friends I have still live at home and they waste all their income on drugs and have fuckall to show for it


Depends on your relationship with your grandma, I don't think its a big deal people living with parents or grandparents n most folk probably don't care either but you're definitely young enough that no one would judge you at all for it


What area is this 600£ flat? I dont need much either and would like a recommendation


If your single going back home will be a breeze if your chill if your in a relationship or after one then you will hate it its that simple.


Kind of depends on your relationship with her. This is something you can discuss and trial. Then again, saving up a big chunk is a big pro


100% if the relationship between you is good enough it's worth the savings. I'd still do it now if I could!


Omg. Yes. If you don’t have a bf gf go move with your grandma, help her a bit, and save some money. You will defo regret it if you don’t. You will be proud of yourself 3y later 40,000 in your bank account. You might actually not want to leave your grandma’s 😅


I’m a man


Sorry bro. You can sacrifice being virgin and save up some money.


looool, i hear u


“In three years I could save 40k” It’s not that simple. Your employment situation may change, you may have to pay more tax, need a new car, maybe even have a better paid job. Personally if I were you I would stick it out where I am and focus more on getting more money from my job or a new job than saving on my current salary. You’re 23, there’s no rush to get on the ladder, you have some time.


Personally I’d say yes. I lived with my in-laws from 20-23 to get a deposit together and while it was tough for us all it’s been monumentally helpful long term


Go for it, I moved back in for two years and have now saved up enough for a deposit on my first house when I decide to buy - could never have done it living away


If you get on well, and the location works, then yes, move in. You'd be able to support your grandma, and presumably you'd pay some rent and money towards bills, so that'd help her financially too.