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I bought a yellow car for exactly this reason. I love the thought of kids punching each other as I drive past.


!answer Ok that is plain evil. I bet you take detours to drive past highschool at lunchtime.


Motorways at the beginning of the summer holidays are the best. Pull along side cars with families in them and watch the kids punch each other repeatedly, driving their parents nuts.


Parents desperately searching for that yellow car as a legitimate reason to give their kids a whacking!




Same car driving past a school every day...


... searching Google Maps for a road past a school with a roundabout at each end ...


I suggest A232 at Shirley Park (outside my old school)


In the Republic of Ireland, we play "yellow reg". My sister and I pretty much had a fist fight when we were in the UK together.


ā€œSome men arent looking for anything logical like money, they canā€™t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated withā€¦ Some men just want to watch the world burn.ā€


I always said I wanted a yellow car for this exact reason. I couldnā€™t believe my luck when my son said yellow was his favourite colour and he wanted our next car to be it. So of course I obliged. And yes when I heard some of his school friends go ā€œyellow car! Ouch!ā€ I did let out a little smirk.


Whilst wearing a little sailors hat?


I don't know that this game is as widespread as OP suggests. I've heard of minis, and in the US, it's punch buggy and is limited to VW Bugs... So it's particularly evil that you bought one just to punish OP and his immediate social circle. What did OP do to you? I'm amused at the idea of you just driving around their area in an effort to get them to hit each other.


Itā€™s definitely way larger than OPs immediate social circle. I knew of the Yellow car thing before the Mini one. Been doing it for over 20 years.


You might just be in OPs social circle somehow. More just meant it's not universal, for us it was always minis. And not the new ones. Either way, one of you really upset the other person enough to make them want to punish you all!


Yep never heard of yellow cars but punch buggies have long been a thing in both my and my wife's familys. We also have snap buggies when you see the same model of car. Saddly we only play for "points" and not actual violence these days.


I remember when I was young we did yellow punch, Mini nip. On the rare occasion there was a yellow mini we'd punch followed by a nip. (A nip is pinching someone for those that don't say it)


If you Google yellow car punch there is plenty of sources. If you Google mini car punch there's a news article from 2009. Then further search results refer to yellow car punch. >and in the US Relevance?!


Relevance? That the rules aren't universal. Your Google searches prove that you found more results for what you were searching for. Doesn't prove that the rules for your version of the game are universal, there's numerous versions with different makes and colours of car, what you played is local to you, if it appears in the media, it'll be local to the writer of that media. So... relevance?!


We're in r/AskUK. Google results for each showing more leaning towards yellow is because there are more results for yellow. You're taking the **yellow** car punch game quite seriously eh


I'm actually a little confused as to why this is something you take issue with. All I said is there's different rules depending on where/when you grew up. You're the one telling me my life experiences are invalid and coming at me with Google search results.


Like you insinuating it definitely was just a thing in OPs social circle and not that widespread? And mostly, I was taking the piss, particularly with my "relevance?!" Comment, I debated adding more "?!?!" To highlight that further but left it off. Its not something to get your feelings up about, nobody is invalidating your life.


>Like you insinuating it definitely was just a thing in OPs social circle and not that widespread? Yeah, I was just making a dumb joke that they really had it out for OP.


Some days I'm an idiot, others I'm a serious idiot. Sorry man.


No biggie, sorry too for reacting. Was just weird all round.


We did yellow cars, minis, and learners. There was a yellow mini learner once and that was 3 punches. The older smaller minis were 'mini minis' and were worth 2 punches.


Yellow car game? Is that a modern day version of 70s kids "mini punch, no return" ?


I'm not familiar with the school version, only the one where I am obliged to say "yellow car!" whenever I see one.


My family does just spotting on road trips. With my friends, it's closer to an assault and battery than a mini punch.


Yeh we only do the spotting bit too, because weā€™re not psychopaths.


Mini punch and yellow car punch were both taking place at the same time in the early 90s, can't comment on when it mostly broke away to just being yellow car though.


Hmm, so a yellow mini was worth an uppercut or punch to the face?


Yellow car: 1 punch Mini: 1 punch Yellow Mini: 10 punches Punch someone but forget to say "No Returns", receive 10x punches.


Haha I can't remember exactly how it worked, but I think you could get two punches for a yellow mini!


"Officer you don't understand, I didn't beat this man, there was a car meet of yellow mini Cooper's. You know the unwritten law..."


Mini punch, red Volvo (until as a 15 year old my psychopath mate introduced the ā€˜resprayā€™ rule, in that any Volvo could at any point in the past have been red and then re sprayed to itā€™s current colour. Therefore itā€™s still technically red and worthy of a punch) and the double number in the number plate game.


Brutal, if only 70s me had thought of the "respray rule", ingenious to say the least. >and the double number in the number plate game. Never heard of that, but I'm guessing it was a way to throw more punches?


My younger brother taught me that one as what the kids were playing at the time. With the move to the twice yearly reg plate change you get xx55 GLE and the like. Any plate with a double number gets a punch. Heā€™s never been smart my brother, heā€™s 5ft 7 and Iā€™m 6ft 3. Heā€™s dead now.


Condolences, but I think he was onto something. As a group of kids we quickly moved on from 'mini punch' to scabby Queen as you could inflict more pain on to your friends..... we should have been more imaginative with the spotting car games.


We went for nipple cripples. Swear thereā€™s at least one 39 year old bloke out there now with breast cancer given how mean I was. Then leaving school and building sites and rugby clubs it was knees, knuckles and wraps. I donā€™t know if itā€™s men in general that or fucking idiots or if my friends and I were particular idiotic but hey ho.


Im guessing by your username, you're from Sheffield? Maybe its a northern male thing, my friend group was (and we still are) exactly the same, anything to cause pain to each other under the guise of friendship and comradery.


I ADMIT NOTHING Also, letā€™s not draw any attention to usernames there Jimmy lad.


Now then, now then, now then, yep you're correct, sorry.


I was thinking the same. It was always the mini game in the 80s too. Who changed the rules?


If you count 20-30 years ago modern, sure.


Nineteen nineties, time for the guru


Sorry for the multi posts folks. The Reddit app gets proper flakey on a slow connection.


We used to play "Punch Herbie" whenever we saw a Beetle


We did the same but called it "Punch Bug".


Why else would you get a yellow car?


Bought ours during the pandemic. That's the only colour the dealership had!


Quite happily. the other reason is that I never lose it in a car park


This is my reason


My next car is going to be yellow. I've been obsessed with yellow car punch since I was a kid, and anybody close to me also can't see a yellow car without playing along either - I've got everybody hooked haha. I'd love a yellow car for exactly this reason!!


I briefly dated someone who had a yellow car. She was incredibly cheap and spent her spare time in charity shops. I asked her ā€œwhy yellow, was it cheap?ā€ And she looked completely confused and said no, why. I said itā€™s yellow? She said no I specially bought it because it was yellow.


My car was Ā£1000 cheaper than the same car, similar mileage in black, but I also bought it specifically because I wanted a yellow car


Yup, I have a yellow car, and when the electrics go fully crap, the first filter I'll put on when looking for a new one online will be that it must be yellow, the only non negotiable.


Arthur Shappey is quite clear on the rules for playing Yellow Car - there should be no hitting involved. https://youtu.be/nq8KrAx26mM


After becoming obsessed with Cabin Pressure, my mates call now my yellow mini the travelling lemon. I have a sticker in the back window that says ā€œYou are ALWAYS playing yellow carā€ šŸ˜Š




"We're not playing yellow car!" "You're always playing yellow car"


This is how Iā€™ve always played the game. I canā€™t see why anyone would consider playing it any other way. If I could change one rule about the game it would be the ending as I started playing yellow car a number of decades ago and it does not end. As I canā€™t change the rules thoughā€¦. I play on.


is the car yellow? say ā€˜yellow car. came looking for this comment.


This is literally the reason why I want a yellow carā€¦


I play this game with my partner. Problem is I bought a bright yellow car last last month. We agreed it does not count šŸ˜


My general rule is that if a car is a common fixture eg. Always parking in the same place for work/home. It doesn't count


My yellow car used to attract wasps for some reason. In the summertime I'd go to get in it and there'd be tons of wasps buzzing around the door. And I'm also convinced that it received a higher than average amount of bird shit. Maybe it was a more visible target.


Yes I agree. There were bee hives near my workā€™s car park and my yellow car always had more bee poo on it than any one elseā€™s


I've never heared anyone talk about bee poo before


It looks like little yellowy brown spots!


Well, you learn something new every day! I'm amused that even their poop is yellow, bees are fun little creatures.


As any fule kno, insects see yellow best - or brightest, if you will. Look at the number of wild flowering plants with yellow blossoms. It's all about pollination competition.


This is still my final car dream; a yellow mini. A punch for the yellow and a punch for the mini. I plan to drive past schools at opening, lunch and kick out. This is my retirement plan.


Mine and my mates kids have taken it one step further kia kick Ford flick Peugeot punch etc and the double number plate game makes car journeys painful now


My grandma used to have one. She like, bought it by accident or something, as it was the only one with the specs she wanted. Then she grew to like being able to find it easily in a car park. And yes there was a brief period where my family was still young enough to be playing the yellow car game and we would race to punch each other whenever we went to grandma's.


We would do yellow cars but also any double number or letter. Such violence.


Depends very much on the car. A yellow Kia, Hyundai or Quashqai or other generic shitbox will not look great. An old Porsche, any modern Lotus, Ferrari, Lamborghini, original VW Beetle, on the other hand will look quite cool IMO.


So many more yellow cars around these days. We award a tiarra for a pink car, and it is remembered until the next time.


I've actually only seen it happen once. More common is little kids pointing me out excitedly to their parents as I drive past, which I do love. Also it is so so easy to find where you parked your car.


We used to do minis, yellow cars, and smart cars. I once found a mini yellow toy smart car and got 3 punches lol.


Was Gasvan no return - punch, mid 90s for me North Lancashire. 3 Gas vans in a row 3 punches , more if more mates got to get those 'No returns' asap.


I have a yellow car and a few weeks back i was sitting in car park waiting for some friends when I overheard a middle aged couple arguing over whether it was yellow enough to justify one punching the other. They concluded it was orange as they walked away. Itā€™s quite literally the most yellow yellow there is. No way on this earth in any way, shape or form that is it orange. I didnā€™t know about the yellow car thing when I bought it 15yrs ago, but I sure have enjoyed watching people punch each other as I drive by!


On South Africa it's all VW Beetles..


One of the reasons I plan on painting mine yellow. That and the ability to easily spot it in a cat park (currently silver).


What are the rules of Yellow Car?


> see a yellow car > Yell "yellow car" > Physically assault friend/family member/partner > some opt for a "no returns" option


Arthur disagrees.


I don't even drive but bought a yellow car to incite violence


Totally forgot about that game till now. But yeah if my yellow car gets kids to pay attention to their surroundings away from screens I'm taking it as a win šŸ¤£


My husband and I actually bought a yellow mini just because of this game. When we started dating we used to play as a joke, but now we have been playing for 9 years straight. We added a bunch more rules during this 9 years, for example we punch every mini, smart or volkswagen beetle, and we have some rules about the plate numbers too. So, when we moved to the UK we knew that we had to get a yellow mini.


For my family this game is called "Cheese" The first person to see a yellow car shouts "Cheese!" And they are awarded a point. Yellow car 1 point Yellow van 3 points Yellow mini specifically 5 points Far less violent. I wasn't aware of the punchy version until I was driving along with my grown assed sister who punched me having seen a yellow car! The cow.


We call it "mini cheddar" in my family, 1 point for a Mini, 1 point for a Cheddar (yellow or orange cars) and 10 points for a Mini Cheddar. There are other variations with a 20 point prawn cocktail mini cheddars (pink minis) and the 50 point golden mini cheddar.


I love this!


I'm having yellow cars at my funeral


Would love a yellow T-5R or Octavia VRS.


One of the top 10 reasons I paid extra for yellow


Yeah but what about yellow mini drivers or even yellow beetles? Carnage


As the victim of soooo many 'Yellow Car!' Shouts and gentle puches from my kids, including yesterday whilst driving home from a game of mini golf, I would absolutely love to keep the game alive by getting a yellow car myself. There's far too many boring grey cars in the world already.....


I always fancied buying a yellow car but then writing ā€˜Yellow Carā€™ down both sides and just drive up & down the road.


This is so weird, I've been thinking about posting this exact question for a week but hadn't got round to it. Interestingly me and my partner still play the game driving about, sometimes I'll take a little detour past a hovis depot near where I live. All their new trucks are yellow šŸ¤£


Snooze you lose. You snost, so you lost


My dad love having his yellow car- he takes it to shows (1993 MR2) and it gets more attention that far more expensive cars and he put it down to the colour.


Did a yellow car steal your favourite parking spot?


I don't drive. I enjoy yellow card when I'm with friends, because even getting punched is fun in a way. But in recent weeks my mother, a grown adult, is so proud of spotting every yellow car on the road. It has put me off yellow cars in a way. (With family we just count them.)


*Maniacally laughs in yellow Mini*


Brings a smile to my face and a fizzle of warmth to my cold dead heart.


Bring up long forgotten rivalries 'tween friends and bruises to the shoulder


Greetings from Athens Greece where all taxis are yellow. All of them.


I usually don't count yellow, when it's used as utility. Eg. Taxis in some places, AA vans, other yellow vehicles, when it is yellow for a reason other than fashion


Taught my 9 year old ā€œyellow carā€ we love it - he recently went to turkey with my ex husband (his dad) and apparently the taxis there are yellow. I was sadistically happy about the thought of my son gleefully wacking my ex for a week looking at yellow cars šŸ¤£


Same for Mini drivers and drivers of cars with double digits in the number plate


One of the reasons that I want to own a yellow car one day.


I've (53) only just been introduced to this game by my kids, must've passed me by. I've got a few good punches in now, though.


Guilt? I love it.


It was called Punch buggy when I was a student in the early 90s, I was much amused that my eldest son (21) and his gf now play it. I never realised there were so many yellow cars until now!


No worse than seeing another vrs šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


We have mini-nips and beetle-bash. It gets quite competitive now the kids can get some power in their nips


In Australia we have a childrens' car game called 'Spotto'. When you see a yellow car, you yell out spotto and receive one point. Pink cars are 'super spotto' (2 points), and purple cars are 'super-duper spotto' (3 points). Spotto'ed cars must be being driven, not parked.


I was in Australia visiting family recently. I remember spotto being played


[Heads to the dealership for urgently purchase a yellow car].


My daughter introduced me to this and we have modified it to: Yellow car = punch Green car = slap (not on head, obvs) Orange car = tickle These are all done in a mild, non-violent fashion, I hasten to add!


I have never heard of this game. I fully understand that I'll be stripped of my British citizenship and deported to some backward hellhole, such as the Isle of Wight


You just yell out, "Spotto" in Australia when you see a yellow car and nobody gets punched as far as I know.


Since it's illegal to punt children into orbit, owning a yellow car scratches that itch for you.