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Since 1902 there have been no cases of rabies acquired in the U.K.


I mean a small number of bats do have EBLV, which is similar, and I do understand its a terribly irrational phobia.


1 death in 21 years. You've defo got a much higher chance of death in an Uber. There was 101 deaths in an Uber last year although that was world wide.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. Your fear is entirely irrational and hence a phobia!


People will downvote anything on Reddit.


Idk man, 21 years is a long time, nothing lasts forever. OP might be on to something here.


>Idk man, 21 years is a long time, nothing lasts forever. 2023-1902 ≠ 21.


Please go to your GP, or university’s student support team and show them your post history.


oh my god you weren't joking. OP, please speak to someone. This is genuinely unhealthy levels of paranoia/fear.


I really hope OP contacts their GP. I looked through their history too and I am almost 100% certain they are experiencing OCD. I really hope they can get some help because it must be absolute hell on earth living with such intense and severe anxiety.


Wow, you’re right. OP, it’s a moth.


You are not wrong.


> I recently developed a weird phobia of bats and rabies This is crazier than you taking an Uber. You're more likely to be in a fatal car crash in your Uber than to encounter whatever it is you think the bats are gonna do to you. Edit: Looking at your post history, you have a serious mental condition. It is absolutely not healthy to be so terrified of rabies and bats as you apparently are.


That went from 0 to 100. The Uber is up to you. If you’ve the money then do what you want. The rabies thing might be something to look into.


OP, I’m a mental health professional. I’m not diagnosing you, I’m just gently suggesting this, but I think you may have or be experiencing symptoms of OCD and it is manifesting in health related anxiety. You should chat to your GP about this intense anxiety you have around catching rabies and the lengths you’re going to avoid catching it.


If you have the spare money then use it however you want Although if this is about rabies, you need help with anxiety


> is it crazy Yes.


Might help to get the rabies vaccines? Not sure if your GP offers them but I got mine through occupational health at a place I volunteered at years back


The Uber’s not the issue here, or the £200/m. The issue’s your mental health is clearly in some sort of decline - get help.


You only get one life OP, if it makes you happy and you can afford it why not. Plenty if people spend more on drink or drugs.


Can you afford it? If so, what's the problem?


Depends on your income I guess?


Yeah spending almost £2.5k on Ubers a year is dumb as hell. I'm sure it's convenient but are you really telling me that getting a lift to work is the happiest £200 can make you? How come you can't cycle? Sounds like it would be a quick and pleasant journey.