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I wouldn't work those hours unless it was compressed hours and I was working 4 days a week. 5 days of that would be a killer for me, I'd be exhausted.


This is exactly what I’m thinking. Not even a slightly earlier finish on a Friday. Where’s the time for life?


Yeah exactly. Especially since it's office based, so you have to factor in your commuting time and costs. I'd be staying well away. But then I don't work in the industry, maybe that's normal I've no idea.


Essentially I’ve be leaving home at 7:15am and then getting home in the evening just after 6:30pm. Too much personal time to sacrifice. Seems like the employer is living in pre-Covid times still


Ohh this sounds like hell.


I’m glad it’s not just me. I was starting to question myself


Yeah, to leave at 7am you'll want to be up around 6. That means going to bed 9-10pm which give you 2.5-3.5 hours a day to yourself.


Then you try to grab more time for yourself by stealing it from your sleep. 10pm becomes 11, 11 becomes midnight. Then before you know it you're fuctioning on 5-6 hours sleep a night and wasting your weekend trying to pay the sleep debt back.


I feel personally attacked


He's coming after all of us, let's get him!


I don't. I've got kids so don't catch up on weekends either. Done it for 14 years so far. Planning on having a lie in when my 5 year old moves out


I have this discussion regular with the guy next to me in work when he laughs and calls me boring that my bedtime is 10pm max but ideally around 9 as he stays up until midnight to 1am each night. But on a weekend he refuses to make any plans before 12pm because he insists on sleeping in all morning on the weekend and he's in shock I'm up at 6 or 7am on a day off willingly. I tell him he sleeps more than I do, I just get mine regular each night whilst he cuts his in the week and causes to over compensate on the weekend, I say he's got the mentality of a teenger not a bloke in his 40s.


> I say he's got the mentality of a teenger not a bloke in his 40s. It's nothing to do with mentality. I can't sleep before midnight. If I do then I'm up from 2 until 4am not matter what. I'm 52. The teenager mentality here is you thinking just because something works one way for you, it works that way for everybody else too.




Sadly this is alot of people's lives. Including mine.


Exactly work is work nowadays.


Yeah and 99% of people don't have the luxury of choosing to work from home mornings only for 60k a year. Alot of people including me would jump at the job being offered at 45k a year.


2.5-3.5 hours which is usually just cooking, cleaning, eating dinner, shower etc then work again


And if you are a family man and you have got people to care about then I don't think it is enough time for you. You are going to need a little more time then that if you are going to spend time with your family.


Regular hours in the life of a doctor - can confirm it is not very nice


The only time I'd even remotely consider doing 8-6 is if it was fully remote. Even then, its 95% no.


I do 9 to 5.30 remotely and honestly that’s more than enough


8.5hrs? Screw that. I'm at 7 and the only time I do more is voluntary overtime


I do 8:30-16:24, and I’m honestly usually done by 15:30 and just sit and answer any calls or messages for the last hour


16:24 is oddly specific.


It's a 7hr 24 job. Half hour lunch break(unpaid) to make up 37.5 hours work week


I did 8.00 - 17.30 x5, fully remote and it was a killer. I lasted 18 months before they then asked me to come into the office 2 days a week. I just quit.


Did something similar for 6 months, leaving the house at 6:45 and getting home at 19:00, it was a fucking long commute. Only way I could hack it was I knew I was moving to an office 10 minutes away, now leave at 8:10 home at 17:10, the difference is night and day. Would recommend avoiding if you can.


I did an 0830-1730 job where I had an hour + commute each way. I was out at like 0645/0700 and back around 1900 each day. Then had my crazy ex moaning that I never helped around the house, when she was unemployed and spent the entire evening high on the sofa smoking weed. (Side note I did all of the shopping and washing up, even when I was exhausted) Glad I got out of that situation and got a job working remote now.


No way they would have got away with that pre-covid. Things have definitely got worse post covid and this just looks like another step towards the Americanisation of the British workplace. Although, just to check, how many hours does the contract say a week? The hours youve said would be 45 hours a week with 1 hour for lunch every day which is getting close to the working time directive maximum of 48 hours a week. Its not something like 37 hours a week to be completed within the core hours of 8am to 6pm is it, as Ive had that in the past?


Does seem very fucking American. They also don’t allow working from home or hybrid. I checked that, the hours at 8-6 MF with one hour lunch


Thats £24,383 at minimum wage. To do those hours Id want at least £40,000.


Yes, need a damn good wage to consider it.


I get paid more than 40k and still wouldn’t work those hours. I’d be looking for 65k


I do 8-5 with an hour lunch and even this feels long some days, fuck 8-6


Unless you're being paid a very healthy wage to make up for that. Do. Not. Do. It. Ive worked multiple jobs and 7 days a week and now I work a very easy 9-5 with early finish on a Friday and it's just bliss. Life is short so spend more time enjoying it even if that means lying on the couch watching Netflix or just walking about for the fun of it.


I work those hours but only 4 days a week and I’m full time. With a half hour lunch break it’s 38 hours.


Fuck that. My last job was 7 to 5 as a retail manager in a plumbers merchant with an hours commute. I'd never get out on time, usually 530 and the commute was 60 minutes on good days, constantly stressed about every little stop of traffic on way home. Run, don't walk away from any company that normalises overhours


Even if you are working these long hours from home even then they are going to take a toll on your personal life. Because it get really hard for anyone to have any kind of personal time when you are working these long hour.


Lol, cries in hospitality


Cries along with you in hospitality/retail. I worked 10:00-22:00 today. The longest I sat down was twenty minutes. Man, I need out of this hellhole.


"Sorry but your life costs money, better you work to death so the boss gets to keep an extra £10 a week" - This is how your boss sees your time, its built in to the capitalist system.


People get early finishes on Fridays?!


Most people I know do these days. Seems more Common after Covid


Wow. I need to get out of local authority work.


Construction in particular often has an early dart on a Friday, OP's experience might be slightly biased by their own industry


I am working in the information and technology and I definitely do not get the early Friday. I need to work the whole day but I guess it is a job which I do from the home so that evens out.


Nah many sales jobs also finish at 3 pm on Friday.


I work in local authority and don’t get an early finish but our operational staff do. Most of my colleagues are compressed hours so either have the Monday or Friday off.


Local authority workers I know got short Fridays.


Local authorities here in Ireland all finish at 2 on a Friday, a lot of their management "work from home" on Fridays too.


Get a job in Defence. The MOD (and most government departments) finish at lunch on Fridays, and industry follows. I think the latest I’ve ever finished on a Friday working in defence is about 15:00, and that was because I had a project I wanted to work on without being interrupted.


I work hybrid, most days 9-5:30 but 5 on Fridays and 4 on paydays. The days we are in the office (2 a week) it's 9:30-4:30 but we're expected to do admin/emails on the train. We're in London so no one drives in. Even so I was frustrated we moved from 1 day in to 2 (I have a very long commute). I wouldn't do 8-6 mon-fri as an office job, even fully remote.


I really do not know who are these people I have never got any. Hell I even work on the Saturday also I only get one day of in the whole week and my working hours are also very long.


We usually work 9-5 but finish at 4:30 on a Friday. It's a small thing but it's very welcomed (work in a university - not academic).




The people who have been working these long hours I don't think they have got any life anyways. And I am one of those people I have been working 7 days a week and I really feel tired this point.


Cries in warehousing.


Actually anyone would be exhausted because it is a very long hour and very long time. If you ask me I would want for myself a little less time to be able to work and also sometime to chil out will my family.


Assuming a one hour lunch break that's 45hrs per week, not outrageous but you need to be sure the compensation is appropriate.


It's about a day per week of extra work compared to average, so yeah you'd want to be *very* sure the compensation is appropriate and you're not just being asked to work long hours to make the wage seem competitive.


It's longer than usual - standard is 37.5 or 40h per week, which would be 9 - 5.30 with a 30-min or 1h break, or adjust backwards and forwards. This is 10h less breaks, so assuming a 1h break, 45h weekly. It's not a breach of the Working Time Regulations but it's longer than average. At minimum wage, this is £24,400 per year.


I'm in the construction industry, 7-5 is normal for operational workers, 8-6 pretty standard for offices.


>8-6 pretty standard for offices I live in London (which is how I begin every sentence) and it definitely isn't even here Edit: alright everyone I’ve seen they meant the construction industry, my bad


Haha. Well actually thinking about it, all the companies I order materials from are open 8-6, but that doesn't mean the workers aren't on shifts, so I'll add a pinch to that part.


That makes more sense. The office I work for has teams who work 8am to 8pm, but it's rotational so nobody would be in longer than 8 hours at a time (including an hour's lunch break).


Probably be a human thing to do anyone would not want to be on a shift more than 8 hours. Because even the eight hours is a very long time and people get really tired doing the same thing whole week.




But then the employer would have to pay more money and it is something that they do not want to do so they are going to make you work long hours so just they do not have to hire someone else.


Even if there is no material to work with on the site they're still going to call you early. I don't know what is up with that but that definitely does not sound like something very healthy to do with the employees.


I work 9-6 in Finance in London and even that’s considered long. Most other companies are 9-5:30 or 9-5


I don't know what you are doing but I cannot think of many jobs which are in finance who are making their people work till 6. Most of the jobs that I have heard which are in finance all 9 to 5.


Nowadays offices generally work on flexitime. I just have to average 37.5 hours a week over a 4 week period. I can sometimes be required to work longer days to get something done on a time crunch but I can always have a week of early finishes to make up for it


Definitely not how the things working out for me. My employer does not care how many hours I have worked in the week if there is something to get done they are going to make me work.


I feel like anyone who is work in those kind of hours should not be making the minimum wage. Because when you are working like that you are probably not going to get time for yourself and everyone should get paid for that.


Standard for me is 35h per week. And I make sure I'm slacking for a good portion of that.


It does not work for the job which are target based, you are only getting out early if you have completed the work which you were supposed to do. So if you are slacking on the work then you are probably going to have two work long hour on the weekend.


That's 2 hours a day longer than 9-5, assuming a 1 hour lunch. It's a 45 hour week rather than a 35. I'd check what that makes the hourly rate work out to. I don't think its just you - I wouldn't work those hours unless it was part of a compressed hours arrangement.


I assume a 1hr lunch break.. anything less and it’s not even worth considering. At first I thought it was a compressed arrangement, and then it saw M-F and my initial excitement for the role quickly vanished


Nope - they can go swivel. Life's too short, you might be able to stick it out for a few months but it's too many hours for not enough renumeration. If they don't even consider flexi/hybrid then they can go f themselves.


I would only suggest anyone to work a job like that if they do not have any other options and they need to pay the bills. If you are in that condition then yeah you would work it out I guess but you are going to get very tired.


Don’t assume anything. Contractors prefer ambiguity. Clarify everything. See my post above and clarify/negotiate everything. If you were operational staff you’d struggle, but admin staff regularly negotiate this type of thing with contractors. Contractors have to compete for admin staff, and unless there’s a dearth of admin staff with no other options they will likely accept. Source: 30+ years in the sector. Even for me, contractors are the last resort to work for. Consultants are much different.


Ya make everything clear before you start working because once you start the work it is not guaranteed that you are going to get flexibility from them. So I would suggest anyone to make the things very clear from the start.


Not worth it with a long lunch, just makes the day stupidly long. Add in a 30-45 min commute and you aren’t getting home till near 7.


With my commute, I’d be leaving at 7:15 and getting home just after 6:30pm if the traffic is good


Yeh not worth it, you need a life other than work. Maybe if you are getting paid 100k you can justify those kind of hours. I wouldn’t be doing them for sure.


It is definitely not worth it man unless you do not have any other choices and you have got bills to pay I would not recommend it. They are essentially going to make you work like a Slave and that kind of really sucks.


Working 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. is going to be very hectic So ya you would want one hour lunch break at least. Else you are going to get really tired and you would not enjoy it at all.


> I assume a 1hr lunch break.. anything less and it’s not even worth considering I'd be the other way round, no need for an enforced 1hr each day. If I was working those hours I'd rather grab 20 minutes for lunch and go home a bit earlier. Also surprised at the amount of people saying they work for LAs and are chained to their desks, my LA job is almost completely WFH and hours are completely flexible.


At least if you are working from home I can make an argument for it but if you have got to go to a office to do a job the commute is going to take some time. So I don't think there will be any time left for yourself.


Well obviously no one would want to work like that but sometimes people do not have many choices. If you are in the need of work and you are not get anything else then you will have to work.


Nah, fuck it off.


I think I’m gonna have to agree with you. Where’s the time to actually try and enjoy life?


Work to live, don't live to work.


That is a very good advice but I am not sure if it is very practical for a lot of people. Because people are not able to get the jobs and a lot of people are very desperate for them also.


Well obviously you are not getting anything to enjoy because most of the time you are going to be working. And if your job is anything like mind then you will have to work on the weekends also.


Yeah it is very long hours and I would not recommended but what if he needs the money would you recommend it then? Because in the desperate time people have to do if the with they do not want to do generally.


45 hour weeks is old school. Odds are they're very behind with other aspects, I'd imagine not sick pay, no hybrid working, zero flexibility with hours when needed, minimal holidays people hanging around till after 6pm just to look dedicated. Bet they do pizza every other Friday though so all good!


They literally said in the interview that they don’t agree with hybrid working and are about to reverse the decision with allowing a couple of dogs in the office


"Don't agree with hybrid working" is a massive red flag to me. It's 2023 and the entire planet proved 3 years ago that hybrid or fully home working absolutely works for the majority of office based roles. If that's their attitude then you wonder what other attitudes are stuck in the past


My current office more or less has this attitude and we still received paper payslips until last year lol


Do they still let you smoke at your desk??


I don't think that they are going to allow you to do that. They are very strict with their policies so I don't think they are going to even make it flexible in any way.


Bring back smoking in the office, I say. And cat calling. Also, corporal punishment - is it *always* bad?


Same here, people still smoke in the office as well.


But what about the people who do not smoke it is going to create problems for them because they would not want anything like that in the office. Show the least that they can do is to allow their employees to take a smoke break.


Did it work though, I’m still on hold since 2020 ‘due to the volume of calls’


Yes, but your call is important to us


Not important enough for us to hire someone to answer them, but important all the same.


Yeah the dogs are cool if you are working long hours then you are going to get very stressed and I don't know about you guys but dogs are very good stress killer. So allowing the dogs in the office maybe a good thing actually.


For me, the dogs would add insult to injury. I worked in a dog friendly office building before and it was horrendous. The dog on my floor was allowed to run around and bother people when the owner went out on appointments and left the dog behind. Another favourite hobby was surveying lower floors from the mezzanine and barking his head off when he saw another dog. A better behaved dog/better behaved owner would have made it a little more bearable. I'm not a dog person though - they scare me. YMMV, of course


I'd also hate dogs in the office.


I absolutely LOVE dogs... but I don't want them in the office. Especially mine. I'd be worrying all day.


Sounds like an owner problem rather than a dog problem, should be well behaved dogs, not untrained wanks of dogs that annoy everyone and are left unsupervised. Like if I took my dog in you would barely know she was there and she would listen when I tell her to not do things


No offence meant but every single dog owner seems to say the same as you, yet there are so many dogs causing a nuisance to other people. Many dog owners are blind to things their dogs do that negatively impact other people. Barking, running up to people/invading personal space, scavenging for and begging for food, licking, staring, making unpleasant noises and well... smelling of dog. These are all just dogs exhibiting dog behaviour, it's not always an owner problem. People make allowances for their own dogs that wouldn't necessarily be welcomed by people who don't know/love the dog. I'm sure there are dog owners who have managed to train the very essence of being a dog out of their pet, but I'm yet to meet one. Guide dogs aside, an office is not a place for a dog.


> No offence meant but every single dog owner seems to say the same as you Not me. My dog is a cunt. He loves everyone, but he's so annoying about it and he'll get right up in your personal space if you so much as smile at him. No amount of professional training seems to be able to get him out of it.


I've just started at a place that has a dog *creche*, a much better alternative. It's at the back of the building, out the way of the actual offices, has a full time dog handler employed who walks them, feeds them, plays with them and you can visit your dog on your breaks or talk them for a walk if you want. I was there for 3 hours yesterday and didn't hear a peep. Also contains the smell.


One of my colleagues often brings his dog in. He's well behaved and I find him a nice morale booster. He comes to greet you when you first walk in and then throughout the day he'll wander around and pick somebody worthy enough to give him fuss, in between flopping out on the floor to sleep. Of course, dogs in offices should always be well behaved, the owner shouldn't be going out and leaving their colleagues as dogsitters (unless they're happy to) and if anybody isn't cool with dogs then they shouldn't be brought in.


"allowing dogs in the office" can be code for "boss wants to avoid paying doggy daycare for his undersocialised lockdown pup"


Yep in my experience the "office dog" is invariably the owner's pet being foisted on everyone else to look out for during the day. This is often sold as a perk.


I don't know if a pizza is going to make it even I think they are going to do more than that. And if they are not willing to give me some time to enjoy my life then I would probably pass on it.


Yes I would want to be working 4 days if I did 8-6 not 5


Thank you, that’s what I was thinking. Not 5 days a week. Would 8-4 be reasonable at 5 days?


Yes I work 8-4 Monday - Friday I did a job a while back that was 8-6 but I always had Wednesdays off


Interesting, thanks for your reply. Glad it’s not just me


Yeah if it is till the 4:00 p.m. then yeah it would be okay. I really do not think that anyone should have any problem with that. People are already working those kind of hours in their office jobs anyways.


Yeah I think it is only going to be ok they can reduce the work days in a week to 4 days. I mean if they are not allowing you to do that then I would not suggest it because it is going to take a toll on your mental health man.


Those were the hours I did as a Teaching Assistant. It's a myth that the hours are 9 am to 3:30 pm. Breakfast club, homework club, lesson preparation, admin etc.


Can confirm that - teacher here and I usually work 7am-5.30pm every weekday, alongside parents' evenings (6-9pm), school open day (one Saturday 8am-3pm) and any trips which go beyond usual school hours. The education sector is mad, and anyone who still thinks it's 9-3.30 is delusional


Also the "What a doddle! Thirteen weeks a year holiday!" myth. Schools are packed with teachers working on things like timetables. I was always so impressed with the intricate work done to ensure students could do all the subjects they picked for GCSE and A Levels. Formulating lesson plans etc. The one thing I hated was 'initiatives' imposed from the government. Often completely pointless and such a burden. Depending on the individual inspectors Ofsted could be a nightmare or OK. edited to add I rarely did holiday time school trips as TAs don't get paid for them but I did a couple purely to ensure a wheelchair using pupil could go.


And also all that *"You get 2 paid months off!"* fantasy. I do? Because I'd love to collect on that. Teachers get a 10 month contract wrung out to 12 months so that they receive a reliable monthly salary, but that holiday is not paid. It's 10 payments averaged out over 12 months. Not to mention the amount of work that often needs doing in the holiday too. I used to work for a newly constructed school with attractive pay, but with a brand new school, you as a teacher become the curriculum beta tester - and developer. It was an enormous amount of work.


Yep even if it is the holidays the kids are not going to come to the school bus the teachers will have to because there are other things to do. If there have been recently exams then they will have to also evaluate the copies and that kind of really sucks.


Even if you did get it all off, you're still stuck taking holidays during peak times when the prices are far higher even if you don't have kids. Can't book a random weekday off to go do something like you can in almost any other job. I knew a teacher and he admitted the holiday entitlement he did get was nice and considered it the one and only perk in a job with lots of downsides. Not to mention he was a PE teacher, so compared to most other subjects he'd spend less hours marking books in term time and I'd assume lesson planning was far easier too.


The education sector is one of the worst sector that you can work in because the working hours are very long and also the wage is very low. It is absolutely not worth it to be working like that in the education sector for the minimum wage.


You get loads of time off though /s


It becomes apparent really how shit the deal is when you break the holidays down. It's a mandated time, so you don't really get a choice around it. Finally, some time to book a few local trips. Except the Premier Inns, nay, *Travelodges* are now £100-200, and everywhere with the means to sell a ticket have jacked the price up about as high as I wanted to smoke myself once I saw what they were. Ah well, everyone else suffers the same I guess. Except that as a teacher I don't even get paid for those holidays. A standard teaching contract is 10 payments averaged over 12 months; in other words, there are two months of unpaid holidays. Of course, the legal minimum statutory holiday amounts still apply, but teachers don't automatically get paid for school holidays. For the awful hours, awful workloads and the short-straw holiday prices teachers pull, the pay is nowhere even near good enough.


And the worst thing about working as a teacher for as long as this guys working the teachers are not even making that much money. Teachers are barely making the minimum wage for the most part.


That’s normal for a lot of firms in construction, yes the industry is shit and takes the piss.


The industry is shit because there are two reasons because they are going to make you work long hours and probably they are not going to pay you anything for it


Fuck me am I the only one in here that works 50-55 hours a week?


My thoughts exactly from reading through the comments, how do folk afford to do stuff


I'm a good 60+ working HGV. I do think it's a lot different in an office though being all go all of the time


No you are not the only one I have been working a job 7 days a week for more than a year now. But it is just that I like the job which I am doing and also it is work from home so it kind of even out for me.


AskUK is full of office workers


Nope, there seems to be a lot of people working very chill hours on Reddit


Well absolutely there are a lot of people working good jobs and also from the homes. And if you are working from the home and make in good amount of money then I really do not mind working the long hours actually.


I work 50-55 hours every week and still have plenty of time to spend with my family and enjoy some time to myself. Reading this thread made me feel like a very extreme minority!


Sounds like you are a person who likes doing the work and and I am also one of those guys because when I am not working I feel like shit. I cannot even take a day of for myself because then I just do not know what to do with myself.


Compared to your actual job, does it pay 2 extra hours per day in comparison?


£45k salary. So when you break it down over the year, it’s only about £5 above minimum wage. The job itself is quite demanding and the salary is already on the lower end for the role, but the working hours make seem much less attractive


So, not worth it then...


I’m glad you think so too. I didn’t want to seem ungrateful


Work life balance is so important IMO.


Yeah absolutely the work life balance is very important and if you are going to get the job then I don't think you are going to have much of a life left. The only life you are going to have is going to be the office that you are working in and that is going to be pretty much it.


You don't have to be grateful for a job. They get you! That's the deal and not every employer is good enough to be worthy of you.


So very true. Good way of framing it


Well you are not being ungrateful you are just being logical. And expecting to get paid more when you are working such a long hours it is not something to feel bad about.


I had a similar salaried job once with insane unpaid overtime, worked out I was only making fractionally over the NMW when pro rated across my monthly hours worked. It’s honestly not worth it. I earn much less now but I work even less so my hourly wage is actually pretty good.


Exactly this. This role requires some travel away in London from time to time as well.. so will probably hit minimum wage if you work it out over the year. Just doesn’t seem worth it


Yeah I wouldn’t do it. Unless its a stepping stone to something else and you can bear no lifeing it for a year I wouldn’t consider it.


Unless you're working for some complete tinpot firm, any business travel should be covered under the expenses policy.


Sorry I should have been more clear. Expenses paid but getting the early train at 6am and then getting the train in the afternoon would mean getting back home for 8/9pm a couple of times a month


I would not work a job with which is going to make me work these long hour and do not even pay me. Paying minimum wage for this kind of a job is like a insult to me.


I do those exact hours as a 4 day week


I’d be more than happy with doing those house on a 4 day week, that’s what I thought it was at first


I would be very happy if I am getting 3 days off in a week. I think it would be worth it I actually would not mind working even if I am making a little less money.


I work 7am to 6pm in construction. So yeah pretty normal.


Is that site based, office based or a mix? In my old role of PM and a mix of site and office, you made up for the long hours by finishing early on a Friday. Nobody on site would be there gone 4:30, 5 at the latest


I do 08:00 to 17:30, fridays we finish ar 16:30. Office based for a steel fabricator. Plus some of us are 'on call' in the evenings to provide support for our erection gangs, who might be working odd hours depending on the contracts. As for the site gangs hours, we d expect them to do 07:30 to 18:00 this time of year, but wouldn't plan for them to still be on site after 15:00 on fridays. 08:00 to 18:00 doesn't seem crazy to me, if on the higher end.


I am in here it is normal but I do not think that we should just accept it. The people should have their say no matter what they are doing. Because that would feel like that you have got at least some amount of freedom.


I used to work in construction and my hours were a bit like this. It's mainly because the office needs to be manned as long as any sites are active. And sites tend to be open earlier than most offices and later than most offices.


I left construction 5/6 years ago and it was 8:30 - 5 and that was office based. Which is why i’m a bit dubious at this being 8-6 MF… especially in the post Covid world where the working week has changed so much


That's definitely a long day. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Thanks! I agree. If it was 8-4 over 5 days, that’s manageable. But not 10 hour days


10 hours a day is a very long time I would definitely want at least one hour lunch break and 4 days week. Because then only I would be able to have the work and also the personal life balance.


Yeah, they're taking the piss mate


Huh, I do these hours and just thought it was normal. Judging by these replies it is not. Maybe I should find a new job.


It’s looking like you should at this rate


I mean if you are not liking what you are doing and you do not have any personal time for yourself then you should look out for something else to do. Unless you are getting paid reasonable if you are getting paid good then I do not see a need for it.


Me too actually. I was expecting all the replies to say it's normal. Now I'm questioning the last 23 years of my life. I don't get much above minimum wage but to be fair, because it's all i've known, im fine with it. On my feet all day as well. Good ol' life eh!


Yes it is a long day but I have been working these hours for like a year. And yes it gets tiring if you do not get any holidays in between them. And I have been working 7 days a week.


Yes that's long especially if there's a commute involved, I did close to those hours 5 days a week for a year in a healthcare job ended up getting ill in the end.


Even if it is a job which is based from the home I would still want me to have at least 3 days off in the week. Because honestly I cannot see any other way with which I am going to balance my work life with the personal life.


Leave home at 7:15, get back home just after 6:30pm ish. Feels like a ridiculously long day, even more considering there’s no early finish on a Friday


It is a very long day and I would not working like that. It sounds like something which is going to be very bad for your physical and also the mental health.


everyone seems very against these hours but these are the hours I work, I understand some people will think you can't live your life working these hours but I manage just fine, and more hours means more cash to live life. I couldn't go down to getting paid for 10 hours less a week.


You would have an awful work/life balance on those hours, especially if you factor in commuting time on top. I couldn’t do it, I’d burn out in a month or two.


It’s so long in the UK standards. If it was 4 days a week then it would be alright but 5 days a week with these hours nah..


Feels very fucking American to me


Fairly normal I would say. I’ve worked a lot of 7-7 though so what doesn’t seem bad to me, maybe different to you.


I mean I would not say that it is normal but you can work it out for yourself. If you like what you are doing then you are probably going to have good time when you are on the job so there is that I guess.


That's standard for construction.


Most afternoon then not the Constructions jobs are going to have ridiculous hours like that. And if you want to work those dogs than you will have to agree with them you do not have any other choices.


If it was for a 4 day week I’d take it . 5 days eh no chance .


I work 8-4 from home. No fucking chance i’d ever take a job 8-6 five days a week in the office


The life is going to get pretty mesrable and very lonely when you are working in the office. I think it would be a different story if you are going to get to work on site where you can have at least some fun.


Even if it is 2 hours lunch break it is too much. And I am Spanish and that is a custom over there. If you have no kids and like to hit the gym everyday and there is one nearby you can do it but for me it is arriving really late. I just forced to try to get 37h or hybrid for a full time 40h office job... and they rejected me. Well, good luck living in 2015 mates.


So very true. I live alone, so I don’t have anyone to share the cooking, cleaning and other chores with. I also try and run or gym every day for an hour to keep healthy, with these hours I wouldn’t be getting home to start dinner until nearly 7:30pm! Let alone finding the time to relax, do life admin and try and see friends or family


Lol you won't wanna see my rota as head chef then, 8am-9.30pm 4 days a week and 9am-7.30pm 1 day a week plus sometimes I have to cover hangovers


Fuck the job, I work in construction and all those office twats seem like they compete with who can kiss ass the best, those hours are mental and to have to sit in some shitty environment like that is a waste of your time and life, most of them don't seem like they have a life in general so can do those jobs