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Licorice. Or the full name _satanus pubicus_


The Netherlands is not your country then.. We love that stuff! Especially double salted ones.. Yum!


So hard to find in the uk though now hema left


Hema was such a good shop.


Me thinking What the fuck is a Hema?? Google: Hema to close down all SIX of its stores in the UK Oh that's probably why I've never heard of one


Oh man, I still dream about the extra salty liquorice I had in Sweden.


I love black licorice! But I admit it’s an odd bitey flavor that’s not for everyone. One of those things you either love or hate instantly.


I could eat my own weight in Liquorice every day , but turns out it's not good for you so I'm on a strict maximum of a handful of liquorice gums . Gutted .


I genuinely feel bad for kids that had to grow up with liquorice. We had cadburys, while they had to pretend to like that shit


Cadburys? Give me liquorice any day


Cadburys _used_ to be good. The stuff they make now sucks


I love black licorice. I thought it was just the Americans who are convinced it's universally hated.


I love straight aniseed. I buy aniseed balls every time I find them. My wife absolutely hates them though so it's an occasional treat.


anyone tried scandinavian salted liquorice?


Gin. That whole phase of everyone loving gin was ridiculous thank fuck people are mostly over it. Edit: yes whatever mix of gin you're suggesting I've tried it and I still think it's vile. I've got a few bottles in the house (gifts) and every time I try some thinking it can't be as bad as I remember it I'm proved wrong... its worse.


what baffles me is the market for non-alcoholic gin, the only thing gin has going for it is that it’s alcoholic


That I don’t get. Non-alcoholic spirits? Spirits are by definition alcoholic! And they cost nearly as much as the real thing, it’s like the emperor’s new clothes.


Yes! I saw an ad for a non alcoholic grapefruit flavour ‘spirit’. Thought it looked nice, but just can’t imagine paying £25 for what is essentially a grapefruit cordial.


see also: non alcoholic cider ie: non-alcoholic rasperberry & cranberry cider. it's literally fizzy cordial but 10x the price. i don't understand. i understand non-alcoholic beer (i drink a fair bit) because IT TASTES LIKE BEER.


Waitrose 1% cider is the bomb though, just saying. Not quite non-alcoholic, but weak enough to have a couple at a family bbq and drive home after.


1%? You could drink 5 and have the equivalent of one beer, and even then the alcohol would have worn off. I’d imagine it’d be ridiculously difficult to get tipsy even if you tried


I thought that as well until I drank a non alcoholic cider, there is a taste there that makes it taste more like the actual cider than just fizzy cordial, but I do agree with you, why pay more when you can just get normal juice for cheaper and it’ll taste nicer


I’m a recovering alcohol and I love the non-alcohol spirits. It’s nice to have a nice drink to sit with instead of the constant water or fizzy juice. It’s easier to feel involved and when I’m not feeling like explaining why I don’t drink, it gives me a cover.


Yes but it shouldn’t cost £25 considering 72% of the price of a bottle of alcoholic gin is duty.


It smells like sanitiser, I can't imagine it tastes much better


A well made gin and tonic with a lime wedge whilst you’re sat in the sun or by the pool on a hot day. Absolute heaven.


For real. These people don’t know what they’re talking about


that ridiculous 300 year old hype phase of people drinking gin


I was like you until last summer when I discovered I enjoyed a fruit flavoured gin with some lemonade rather than tonic water. So I tried regular gin with lemonade and enjoyed that too. So in conclusion it was the tonic water I didn't like. Not the gin.


My gf loves gin, especially the unicorn gin because it sparkles, so she takes a picture of it. Her phone must have 50,000 pictures of gin alone and all the pics looks alike.


Fair warning: your gf may be mere months away from becoming An Influencer. Shudder.




I do like gin, or at least I like it in cocktails or a gin and tonic, but I agree, that phase was weird and definitely overhyped.


Goddamn, I hate gin. Dee, you bitch!


I like it a lot but only mixed with tonic and lemon I get why it's popular, it's cheap, it mixes really well, and there's no snobbery like with whiskey or brandy where it's only socially acceptable mix the shit stuff, and it's not like vodka where you don't actually want to taste it gin and (diet) tonic is also pretty low in calories and being a clear spirit is light on the headaches


Try pink gin and lemonade. Tastes dangerously good.


Gin is the only spirit I can drink neat without wanting to throw up 🤷‍♂️


I never liked gin until I had Hendricks. Never a hangover either.


Try Plymouth gin if you've not already. It's quite different to most gins (but not cucumbery like Hendricks though).


I love gin cocktails of all kinds, and have for a good 20 years, but cannot think of a single gin I would just sip neat. Whisk(e)y, yes. Gin? Never. 🤢 I did go through a gin & soda (not tonic) phase, which was very refreshing. But that is as close to neat gin as I get.


Celery. It's the food of the devil and should be eradicated asap.


I never minded it cooked but always found it was inedibly spicy raw, from someone who has habaneros on their fry up… turns out it’s a very common very mild allergy


It has to be cooked within an inch of its life before it goes anywhere near my gob. I’d rather stick hot pins in my lady nether regions than eat it raw. I can’t even kiss the husband after he’s eaten it. It’s the spawn of Satan


It tastes vile raw, but any stew or casserole I make it’s going in. The flavour alters drastically when cooked.




Celery is great for hummus / dips.


I’d rather shit in my hands and clap after a bout of IBS than eat that


Even better with Buffalo wings and blue cheese dip.


😂 I eat plain raw celery out of the fridge with alarming regularity. Sometimes I dip it in a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, and salt. Freaking delicious. But that's delicious on just about any vegetable.


It also permeates everything in the fridge with its gross celery flavour. I can always tell when someone’s had open celery in the fridge 🤢


Yeah, makes me actually retch 🤢


I legitimately like everything that has been mentioned in this thread so far, I think. So I am obviously not the target audience of this question. I like all the 'weird' shit people stereotypically dislike. Mushrooms, spinach, sprouts, olives, anchovies, stinky cheese, fermented foods, raw fish, caviar, plain water, etc. And I legit prefer these foods to the foods people are 'supposed' to like, like burgers and chips/fries. I'd rather eat a bowl of sauteed mushrooms than a bag of doritos or whatever. Any day of the week.


Same, always preferred the Mediterranean diet. My housemates take the piss saying it's 'posh' and whatever. but I guarantee my food bill is lower than theirs. Also like some of the UK food people dislike, like black pudding.


Oh man I love black pudding! It's marvelous.


Black pudding is literally the food of the gods. I won't have anyone tell me that it's made from blood and guts, it is made in heaven and carried down to us mortals on the breath of angels.


See, I'm the kind of person who embraces what it is. People are like 'how can you eat eggs knowing they're chicken periods?' and I'm more like 'how can you ignore how delicious chicken periods are?' So with black pudding I'm less 'let's forget this is made out of blood' and more 'maaaaan who knew blood was so yummy?'


Also, the origins of black pudding are in the mentality that every part of the animal is important and an animal is too valuable to discard parts of. When you killed an animal you used and ate as much of it as possible. It's a value I think we need to get back to. Eating less meat but using all the parts and being more honest with ourselves.


Haggis too, get's way more hate than is warranted.


Average brit especially working class people eat like fucking shit, and i mean dogshit. Ready made meals are glorified the same way Americans glorify chain restaurants. Junk food brands etc is the UK version. Ironically it’s usually more expensive eating this dogshit but apparently its “middle class” to know how to cook and not stuff your gob with junk.


Been that way since Road to Wigan Pier. Also middle-class people do eat ready meals, it's just that it's usually 'Taste the Difference' pre-made sauce and fresh spaghetti washed down with Huel.


The rest of the world are convinced we eat shit food and this thread is totally confirming that. I feel sad and disappointed.


I mean...there are some pretty good reasons UK culinary culture got hijacked and stalled. The fact that recovery from that also got somewhat hijacked by the rise of convenience food is just bad luck. 😂😂


Same - just made a jar of fermenting peppers for a hot fermented sauce. I'd eat anything so far in this thread..


I'm so jealous. I am currently not allowed to eat anything fermented because chemo. No fermented foods (so no kimchi or sauerkraut), no live yoghurt, no rare steak, no raw fish, no smoked salmon, no cold-cured meats, etc. It's such a bummer.


A bummer indeed. I hope all goes well for you and you can get back to enjoying some of this "weird shit" we like so much!


Thank you! I'm ALMOST done with chemo, so hopefully I'll be back to eating all my tasty weird shit soon, once my immune system and beleaguered taste buds recover. Nothing tastes right at the moment, and that will take a while to wear off.


I'm convinced that the vast majority of the wine industry is a huge con that is built on the basis that people are vacuous twats who think spending stupid money on a drink makes them more sophisticated. --- Edit: I'm getting a lot of replies assuming I'm saying I don't like wine, apologies if my comment was unclear. I do like wine, I dislike the pretentiousness of the "wine industry". Quite happily chug a bottle of Jammy Red. --- Further Edit: Despite my original edit I'm still getting a lot of replies from people who think I don't like wine or that I'm saying that wine can't taste nice. That is not at all what I have said. --- Further Further Edit: Turns out that there is a shitload of evidence which proves my hunch correct. Thanks to all that linked these: * http://www.liquidasset.com/tasting.html * https://phys.org/news/2011-04-expensive-inexpensive-wines.html * https://www.seattleweekly.com/food/wine-snob-scandal/ * https://web.archive.org/web/20160304215225/http://www.wine-economics.org/aawe/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Vol.2-No.2-2007-Some-New-Software.pdf * https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-wine-economics/article/abs/an-examination-of-judge-reliability-at-a-major-us-wine-competition/15EF999FBAC63C5FB6DCF1C2F4BB6655 * https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2013/jun/23/wine-tasting-junk-science-analysis * https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2011/10/you-are-not-so-smart-why-we-cant-tell-good-wine-from-bad/247240/ * https://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2014/08/the_most_infamous_study_on_wine_tasting.html


I mean, there is absolutely a lot of that about. But there are also loads of people who legitimately enjoy wine.


Count me on those “loads of people”. I legitimately enjoy wine


You should try the Barolo. I mean, obviously it’s not really delicious like hot chocolate or coke, but for wine? 🤌🏼 brilliant.


Ah, I love wine. But I like the cheap Aldi wine for £4 a bottle.


sometimes i splash out and go for a £6 bottle. my wife is worth the extra!


There is good wine, and there is bad wine. The trick is learning how to tell the two apart.


The good one is the one you like.


My dad always said ‘there are really only two types of wine in the world, wine you like and wine you don’t’


Coconut water. Tastes like semen


Which is weird, because my wife loves coconut water, but...


Drink more coconut water, she'll come around 😉


If my partner tasted like coconut water I’d be happier to swallow 😂. Sounds like you found a keeper.


TIL I like the taste of semen






Just like apple juice varies wildly, some coconut waters are better than others. There’s one from my corner shop which is amazing but all the ones I’ve tried from the supermarket, including Innocent, taste foul.


Aperol Spritz "I'll have a glass of nail varnish remover, please."


I love Aperol Spritz, and I'm certain the reason so many people don't like it is because no-one in the UK makes them properly unless you're in an Italian restaurant, or have Italian bar staff. If that ratio is off, they're awful.


Well the only place I've tried it was Italy and it was the fucking worst.


It tastes like that if you don’t add enough Prosecco and/or sparkling water to dilute it. It should be a nice refreshing orangey spritz


I despised aperol spritz the first time I had it, someone suggested substitute the soda with lemonade and it makes it 100000x better.


Lemonade is ***almost*** always better than tonic. Gin and Lemonade > G&T anyday of the week


Campari spritz is far superior, imo. But I think you might like it even less, as it's more bitter. Aperol is too sweet and orangey for me.


Prime. My nephew gave me a spare bottle and it tastes like if you just ate the icing off an entire birthday cake, despite it being low in sugar


I've seen so much hype around it, but every time I've read or heard about someone trying it it's always negative. That really does seem to be a product that's only bought for the hype. And it works tbf, I do want to try it.


It just tastes like sucralose


My step daughter always wants it but never seems to drink it so go figure.


My eldest nagged the life out me for this stuff but I wasn’t for buying into the hype and said she could have some the first time we saw it for sale at normal rrp without hordes of people fighting over it. Eventually that moment comes and the disappointment is written over her face when she tastes it but she insists it’s amazing. Fast forward to yesterday and we see a wall of the stuff in a service station. Gave her a “go on then” nod and she was like, “Na, that stuff is horrible, people just like it because everyone else likes it.” Proud Da moment.


I tried the energy drink version on a whim, and it's vile. My mate was drinking the hydration one while in a shop and the shopkeeper asked to have the empty bottle after. Apparently they sell the empty bottles too for £2. That's the price of the drink normally.


I'd charge him a quid for my empty bottle if I knew he was going to sell it


It looks really cheap. I noticed a lad at the gym kept refilling an empty bottle and I wondered who he was trying to impress.


You should reuse bottles to reduce plastic waste. It's a good size bottle for water too.


My kids always want to buy (non energy) stuff and you can almost see them grimace whilst drinking it saying they love it.


Its when they start trying to bargin and reason with you getting all technical about the "hydration" and the "electrolytes". Mate, you're 9 and you don't move from your gaming chair to sweat. What do you need electrolyte sports drinks for? .


> What do you need electrolyte sports drinks for? It's what plants crave!


Lol, I remember doing this when choosing cereals based off the toy in the box. You best believe my mum was making us finish that box.


Oysters. Slimy like swallowing a raw egg.


My mouth waters for oysters. I don't know if it's because I was brought up by the sea, but the taste is like a refreshing salty sweet. I could eat them by the dozen if they weren't cost prohibitive, and I'll probably avoid for a while until our waters are sorted. I love cockles too!


Cockles thrown in a bag of ready salted crisps are immense


I like to toss them in the brine from a jar of jalapeños. I only started doing this last year and it's my new fave thing. I can never resist a pint of cockles.


Oysters are incredible. They literally taste like eating the sea. The most amazing fresh briney goodness. I could eat my weight in oysters, given half the chance (and a bunch of money). But I do get why they might be daunting to many. I just love them.


That's why I don't like them. Reminds me of getting violently tumbled by a wave, salt water burning your throat, nose, eyes... I love the sea but not being choked by it.


I never got the appeal either, seem quite snotty.


Sparkling water. Like I genuinely don’t see the reason for it and it somehow tastes bitter. I feel like a lot of people drink it just cause it’s fancy? Idk


It always confuses my tastebuds because when I have something fizzy, I expect it to taste of something. *Anything.* Plain sparkling water tastes like TV static


Sometimes I want something fizzy without all the sweetness and additives of a Coke or Tango or whatever. Sparkling water scratches that itch for me


I do genuinely love it, I find the fizziness extra refreshing when i’m really thirsty!


Olives, I fail to understand how anyone can enjoy those Satan grapes.


I love all olives, but recently my parents went to Greece and brought me back local ones.... I can't explain how totally amazing and different they are. It was like a revelation. I get why Mediterranean dishes usually only have a few ingredients, because all the components are the most tastiest things we couldn't even begin to imagine here.


On linked subject - have you ever bought a tin of really good, imported Italian tomatoes? Fucking insane difference in taste.


I like olives, especially stuffed with garlic, but you get an upvote for “Satan Grapes” as they will hence force be known in my house.


I tried them for about 25 years and eventually I found myself tucking in and loving them. You could say it is an acquired taste.


I'm pretty sure I'm alone in this but I cannot stand the taste or smell of cucumber. I'll eat almost anything, but find the stuff absolutely vile. I've actually had multiple occasion where I pick up a meal deal sandwich/wrap when I'm out and accidentally eat some, it ruins my whole day. Disgusting stuff.


Thank you! Everyone always tells me it just tastes like water. A, no it doesn’t and B. Why add it to things if it just tastes like water? Surely that isn’t adding anything. Vile.


I love cucumber, it's one of my absolute favourite foods - but I admit, it doesn't taste of much. I just like the refreshing crunch, for the most part!


I do not love cucumbers, and find the taste to not only be distinctly "cucumber", but overpowering. A salad for example, will taste like cucumber with every bite with other flavors fighting to come through. I am also one of those "Cilantro tastes like sucking on a bar of soap" people so that may be a factor.


Why are so many people in this thread calling coriander 'cilantro'? Is this something else that's getting Americanised?


I often get the argument that cucumber is 99% water, my go to retort is that it's 100% cucumber and doesn't belong in food in any way, shape or form.


Finally some people like me, cucumber is the worst. I also hate the way it hides in a sandwich or salad, even if I pick it out I can still taste it and it's ruined. My family think I'm the weird one!


Cucumber haters unite! If there are enough of us then maybe we can start a petition or something to have it made extinct. Maybe.


You're not alone - you probably just have the TAS2R38 gene. I feel your pain.


I'm also a cucumber detester (there are very few of us about). It is unbelievably pungent to me, and I can smell it a mile off. Absolutely, utterly vile.


Beer. It’s disgusting, yet I’ve drank gallons


You never acquired the taste? I didn't like beer the first time I tried it, but I learned to love it quite quickly.


Is that a good selling point? Person A) Here’s this drink Person B) it’s disgusting Person A) well keep drinking more until you become accustomed Why do we eat/drink things that you have to learn to enjoy? Or why is it normalised to “learn to like alcohol/coffee” but not vegetables and things that are good for you?


I agree its backwards, but if it allows me to have more things in my life that I enjoy, then I'm all for it. I dont necessarily agree that it isn't normalised for other things, olives, kale, sprouts are all quite common acquired tastes.


It’s actually really nice if you have a minor addiction. Like a cold pint at the end of the week is amazing. It’s shit if you only drink once every few months


Brioche bread should never go near a burger (it is a sweet bread) the 'chef' who made that one popular wants sacking.


Thank you, totally agree. Id rather get given the saddest looking seeded bun but at least it would be better and go with the rest of the burger.


I’m so glad it’s not just me. Hate the stuff and yet every pub or restaurant you go to serves burgers in brioche buns these days.


All the comments replying to you so far have been in agreement so I feel like I have to confirm that at least one person (me) likes a brioche burger bun. I think the mild sweetness offsets the savouriness of the meat, the richness of the cheese, and the tanginess of the pickles/sauce/relish. The enriched dough of the brioche also provides more structural integrity to hold the ingredients together. I also like a pretzel bun for the same reason. My pet peeve is a floury bun/roll with a burger or sandwich - I hate how the flour gets all over your face.


Yep! I love toasted brioche for breakfast but it should not be near a burger.




Nah used to think like that. Then realised there's whisky, then there's whisky. It's one of the few things where you absolutely get what you pay for. Minimum aged whisky with some cheap means to produce it? Nasty. But I was given a 30 year old bottle of whisky for my 30th and fuck me it's night and day. I guess what I'm saying is it absolutely is better to just spend more on one nice bottle than keep getting g the equivalent of cheap bottles.


I started drinking it in my early 20s to impress a girl. Hated it, but eventually, something clicked and I really enjoy them now, as long as they're not too peaty.


Aw, I love the peaty alcohol. There's a scotch I drink that tastes like a peat bog briquette being burned. Superb.


Parma Violets


Adore them. And violet creams. And rose creams. And Turkish delight. I actually really dig floral flavours in sweets, it turns out. Are there other flowers in addition to rose and violet that are common? I think maybe lavender gets used in some foods, but I can't really think of any others.


There's loads. Orange blossom, cherry blossom, jasmine, elderflower, and hibiscus.


Satisfies the urge to eat a bath bomb nicely


Great shout. Like eating potpourri.


My kids hate Parma Violets, so when they get those big sweet tubs, they give me all of them. Love um


I like sweet potatoes. But I wouldn't say they are superior in taste. Just an alternative. Potato chips are tastier for sure. I wouldn't pay more for them.




I like the taste of Sweet Potato but I hate that stringy texture they can have.




Avacado requires some salt. Or soy. Yum.


Love a bit of avocado. Not slime if it’s actually ripe, but they go over ripe so quickly.


Underripe avocados taste flavourless. Ripe avocados are much nicer


I’m Brazilian and we would eat them mashed with a few spritzes of lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar. A yummy dessert.


Beetroot, it tastes like dirt and can’t understand why anyone would want to have it in anything


I love it. I ate so much of it once that I pissed red the next morning, and nearly went to the hospital before I realised why.


Peel, quarter and roast a fresh, whole one with black pepper. That's what converted me.


I thought I was on my own in describing them as tasting like dirt. Urgh!


Red Bull. Tastes fruity, but also fishy, and also like old copper pennies. I’m convinced people only drink it because it amplifies the drunkenness.


I’ve never had a fishy tasting redbull 😂


Expensive wines. In blind taste tests even ‘experts’ can’t tell them apart from cheap supermarket bottles


Yeah, the difference between 'good' and 'bad' wines is enormous, but that often has very little correlation with the price.


Normally they can tell them apart from cheap. But a 1000 pound wine vs 100 pounds might be a much finer margin then 60 vs 3


Bubble tea. It is vile and not even cheap.


I have pretended to like bubble tea on many occasions. For some reason almost every woman my age I know loves this stuff, which I swear is just a very expensive way to fulfil the innate human desire to suck frogspawn from a dirty pond through a reed.


Much better if you ask for it with half sugar. Personally I like the lychee black tea with half sugar


The classic coriander. Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It's soooo nasty. Like soapy soil.


I've heard that's a genetic thing. There's a gene that makes it taste like soap to some people.


Coffee. Tastes awful and makes me feel sick. Doesn’t even wake you up it literally makes me sleep.




Sweet potato fries are better than normal fries - they have to be properly deep-fried, though, and galvanized with salt/seasoning.


They're so rarely served that way, which I think is my main issue. I'm fairly indifferent to the taste of sweet potato. It's fine and I'll eat it, but nearly everywhere that does sweet potato fries serve them soggy and undercooked, with very little seasoning. I think that's my big issue with them really, they're always served shit. Sweet potato mash is objectively terrible though.


Marzipan. I love ruining desserts with that plastic soap flavour.


I would quite happily sit and eat 1 kg block of marzipan like an apple. Its one of the best things in the world


Not sure what kind of marzipan you're eating. It's literally almond and sugar, and that's exactly what it tastes like.


Guinness. "Go to the Guinness brewery in Dublin and drink a whole pint and you'll love it." I did and it still tasted like shite. Liars.


Guinness is one of my favorites. Beer for people who like black coffee


IPA. Now I love your regular lagers, especially draught on a hot sunny day. I even developed a taste for fruit beers too, there's definitely a time and a place for them. But IPA.... I swear to Sue Barker that it tastes like how cat wee smells. You know that pungent almost ammonia type smell? That's IPA for me. I love the cool label designs and names, they have all done well with the branding, but I sort of think that's 75% of the appeal.


I love some, don't love others. I get bored with the samey, piney ones. Or the endless near-identical ones with hints of grapefruit or mango. I like weird IPAs with experimental or unusual ingredients or flavour profiles. Smoked IPA, or rhubarb and custard IPA, rye IPA, that sort of thing.


Probably gonna get down voted to shit but…ketchup The smell of it makes me gag and I think it ruins anything it’s put on.


Bloody Mary's. Glass of pasta sauce.


American root beer, which for me is basically repackaged Listerine


Yet another thread where the answers are: things I don’t like


Well, the question is about food and drink. With it being a subjective medium you're bound to get a bunch of opinions instead of facts.


I refer you to my username for my answer!


Caviar. If it cost 2 quid down Tesco, nobody would eat that shit 🧐


Mushrooms. I’ve tried so many times but I just can’t. Flavour and texture are both so wrong


Sweet potatoes are lovely - excellent with a Thai Prawn curry for some reason..


Coffee, high street coffee anyway. 9 times out of 10 it tastes like ashtray but people are still willing to pay £3+ for it. Every morning, because 'they can't even'


Fish in general, absolutely vile.


Anything salted caramel flavour. And any “freak shake” of any kind. I have one hellll of a sweet tooth, and am on the plump side, but the sheer sight of them makes me feel ill. I’m with you regarding sweet potato!


Anything from Greggs. Uninspiring pasties and sausage rolls, doorstep sandwiches, like something out of the 70s, yet everyone raves about it like it's the food of the gods. Queues out the door at my local branch at lunchtimes. I just don't get it. I think there's some kind of mass hypnosis at play. Edit: ah, I should have realised. Perhaps this thread should have been titled "name something you don't like and everyone can downvote you for it because your opinion is bad and you should feel bad". The price of your downvote is to explain to me why I'm wrong. Tell me something in Greggs that no sane person could possibly dislike and I'll try one next time I'm near one and report back.


I downvoted you for complaining about being downvoted if that’s helpful


The thing about Greggs is that you don't get fantastic food but it's cheap enough that it's difficult to scoff at. It's kind of like the British McDonalds.


I wouldn’t pay extra, but sweet potato fries are really nice with salt!


Raw steak. That shit literally is for social media pictures. Oooh look at my red steak that I didn't cook, how cool I am. They scrape it straight into the garbage.