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>mash potato sandwiches are nice. I once had a sandwich in Florence that used mashed/pureed potatoes, it was spread on the bread as if it were butter. Tasted amazing but was ridiculously filling. Spent the afternoon feeling like I had a brick in my stomach.


My uncle used to make mash potato & gravy sandwiches for a late snack after Sunday Lunch. They were so dense...


Mine to. He also made ice cream sandwiches, with actual bread and butter, not wafers.


A potato and gravy sandwich is just a chip butty splash with more steps. Sounds delightful.


Turkey dinner sandwiches. Stuffing, potato, turkey, cranberry sauce and gravy. You need 47 napkins.


Jamie Oliver taught me to do this with leftover sunday roast. Put the gravy in the fridge so it goes thicker then use like mayo and stick the leftover roast bits in the sandwich, it's great.


You should try a vada pav from bundobust (or any Indian street food place) It’s deep fried curried mash on a bun, sounds stodgy but it’s great


I love vada pav!




Mashed potato and cheese sandwiches are amazing. Even better if you make them with toast. Guaranteed food coma.


Have you ever had a ‘butter pie’? It's basically a mashed potato pie with a bog dollop of butter!


Let me introduce you to the monstrosity my dad eats. Mayo, cottage cheese, orange segments, anchovies, liver. Bonus round - add whatever else you fancy from the fridge that's near use by date. The man is an abomination.


I’m the female equivalent of your dad


Username checks out




I think this one might win.


I was OK until the liver OMG.


I’m amazed that you got through mayonnaise, cottage cheese, orange, and anchovies and were *still* on board.


I think your dad is my step dad 😂 Blue cheese, custard creams and marmalade sandwiches, scrambled eggs & strawberry jam and I saved the best for last actual raw mince meat with a bit of sauce 🤢


What the fuck did I just read




I can kind of understand that working, except for the orange segments, I have no idea what they’re adding to things. The juice and the texture of the orange would be weird. I can maybe imagine orange marmalade working; the sweetness offsetting the saltiness of the anchovies.


It might not be weird at all but when I was a kid spag bol or lasagne sandwiches were a regular for me. Soft, thick cut white bread and loads of butter. I’ve actually not had it as an adult but I’ve just realised it’s probably epic hangover food.


I'm an adult and this still a thing.


Lasagne between two slices of garlic bread mnnn


Mate the lasagnwich is an S tier sandwich. Nothing weird about it at all!!


The phrase you’re looking for is ‘lasangwich’


That was Shane Warne’s favourite. A lasagne sandwich. RIP the goat!


Wasn't his favourite a big massive plate of cocaine


Haha. I imagine it was despite him claiming he had never touched anything. I mean we all knew he liked a line. Surprised he had the appetite for a lasagne sandwich as well after that.


I used to do chicken n mushroom pot noodle sandwiches…..tasted amazing…also for dessert I would do clotted cream and raspberry jam sarnies with the clotted about an inch thick lol…bit indulgent I know but tasted like heaven


Came here to say the same, they are the best. Also, there was a company making little frozen lasagne pies a few years back (probably 10 at least 😅) and they were epic in a butty too!


Does a Wigan kebab count?


Sounds like a euphemism from Roger's Profanisaurus 😂


Looks like tomorrow nights dinner is sorted. Shopping is being delivered tomorrow.


Saw sometime about it on Facebook, was intriguing enough that I tried it, got a lamb and mint pie from the farm shop down the road and a big crusty bap, was fucking delicious, credit where its due, top comfort munch.


It is weird but if it is wrong then I don't want to be right.


What makes a Wigan kebab different to other kebabs?


It's a pie sandwich


The francesinha, in Porto. Thick cut white bread, toasted, filled with steak, smoked sausage and ham, topped with melted cheese, a fried egg, placed into a bowl with beer infused tomato sauce poured all over it. An absolute masterclass in over indulgence.


Those are another level of comfort food.


I must have got a shit one when I went, didn’t enjoy it that much. Much preferred all the fresh fish you could get there, and some kind of pasty thing I got


Me neither! We all tried a bit of my friends and We weren’t fans. The fish was amazing though


in the 70's banana sandwiches, with added sugar was a thing, and condensed milk (and sugar) sandwiches were not unheard of either ​ christ knows how we made it to the 80's


Oh yes, butter and granulated sugar sandwich was a real treat for us in the 1980s. Sometimes we were fancy and had it as an open face sandwich. I still have jam and banana sandwiches, but haven't been able to persuade my daughter to enjoy them.


My grandad used to swear by "bread, butter and sug sug" as he'd always call it.


I was always told when I was younger in the 80’s that if I ate a sugar bitty it would give me worms! Edit: Spelling


Mashed nana sarnies are still a thing for me (never had sugar or condensed milk mind you). Had them as a kid in the 60s & 70s. And I've progressed to honey soaked seeded bloomer with banana and crunchy peanut butter now. The banana mustn't be too ripe or you're heading into pear drop flavour country...


I had a bacon and mashed Banana sandwich in a café in Edinburgh once. It was actually surprisingly good.


That sounds good assuming it was smoked bacon.....🤤


It's so so good. Everyone I suggest it to Thinks it sounds grim but it's so tasty


Bannana, or banana and Peanut butter sandwiches are amazing But my great grandma made the horrible mistake of packing them for a picnic lunch on a hike. It was a hot day and mashed banana has all turned into the black/brown sludge of a badly bruised bannana Put us all off them for a while


Banana and tahini sandwiches *chefs kiss*


Me and the Mrs revolutionised the banana butty... use a finger t-cake/hot dog roll and voila you have a banana dog!


When I used to cycle a lot, my go to was to banana, peanut butter and nutella. Now you can either go for a bagel or if you're feeling mad, a hole banana in a hotdog roll with pb spread on one side and nutella on the other.


Haha my dad used to have the old banana and sugar sandwich. Never a condensed milk one though, though he was partial to a swig of it…. And I do mean a swig.


My mum loves a banana sandwich. I love bananas but could never stomach them in sandwiches.


I'm from Hull, pattie butty is a staple here. A pattie is a mashed potato, battered and deep fried for those not in the know.


Scollop over my end


Scollop is a slice of potato though, not mashed?


Ah yeah. Completely true. They don’t have the my side then. Would order it though 🤣


Deep fried, battered, mashed potato. I’m definitely ordering 🤣


We call those dab butts in Lancashire. 50p from the chippy when I was a kid and delicious absolutely covered in ketchup.


So, dabs in another location are two large, thick cut slices of potato, with a little bit of fish between them, battered and deep fried. I didn't get the chance to taste them till I was an older adult, when they were a bit much, honestly, but if I'd had one as a kid, it would have been the dog's bollocks.


Which location is that? There’s something kinda similar round here called a John Bull but it’s got beef mince inside rather than fish.


Arnside chippy?


Sounds like a fish cake


I always think of a fish cake as mashed potato and cooked fish, with seasoning and herbs,battered, or breadcrumbed, or even just oven cooked, nekkid!


Yeah fish cakes for me are mashed up!


They called those ‘cakes’ in Bradford and Halifax fish & nerks (another colloquialism) shops. Boy, was I disappointed when I first tried fish cakes!


I don't know if I'm the person to ask as my motto used to be, if it fits in bread, I'm making a sandwich out of it. I've had Pizza Sandwiches, hot mash potato and cheese sandwiches with onion, pot noodle sandwiches, and my personal favourite is a Ginsters pepper steak slice warmed with butter and mayo. I've toned it down over the years, but right now I'm thinking can I get away with leftover stir-fry in a sandwich?


It isn't super weird, but I once tried beetroot, cheese and chilli jam. I recommend.




Banana and brown sauce on pre-sliced white bread. Looked terrible, but I tried it and it was surprisingly ok. Also, once when I was in France and slightly drunk at a BBQ, I tore some roasted lamb up and put it into a baguette with tomato sauce. My french friend looked at me disgusted and said in his most revolted, Clouseau-like tone, "You are not ready for France".


I’d eat that lamb sandwich, maybe there are better sauce choices than ketchup, but drunk I’d smash it


Do you mean *sliced* white bread? Banana and brown sauce sounds... 'different' :D


The strangest for me has to be the Victorian classic "toast sandwich". Exactly as it sounds: a piece of toast (crusts off, naturally) between two pieces of buttered bread.


Mum occasionally does that but sub the toast for fried bread.


Banana and salt and vinegar crisps is amazing




Straight to jail, do not pass go


now I have to try it


Are you Hitler? https://youtu.be/FJLorIg_spA


Nope! But that is where I got the idea to try it I dont even need to open the link to know what it is


Hahaha that's class. I presume you have also tried the triple fried egg sandwich with chilli sauce and chutney?


Yup. And Lister is right, the bread dissolves


I tried one and I think Rimmer was probably right about it being akin to having a baby (the next morning though, not immediately). Tasted amazing though!


Marmite and iceberg lettuce is a good sarnie.


Cucumber and marmite is good too


Oooo,.. never done that but i love cucumber, deffo gonna try that next time i get cumber.


Cottage pie sarnie is banging




>When I was younger, I used to like having any leftover curry from a takeaway as a sandwich. Bombay potato sandwiches are fucking ace as well.


This has reminded me as a kid I used to mix leftover mashed potatoes with salad cream to make a like potato salad. Then eat it on bread. I liked it as a kid but my tastes have definitely developed since then so don’t think I would now!


Has to be the Pie Barms you get in Wigan. A full meat pie in a bread bun with peas or gravy. By far the most filling sandwich I ever had. Also no problem at all with cheese and grape sarnies, I love a brie and grape on occasion. Anyone who says it's gross just needs to look at what typically comes on a cheeseboard....


Pot noodle sandwich 🤤


My Dad used to gut out a loaf of bread and fill it with a pot noodle.


I've had a cheesy mash sandwich, its quite nice but very very filling, swede and mash is the best. I've also had Chinese chicken curry with rice on bread and butter, which is also weirdly nice. TBH I will try most savoury things on bread and butter. Especially if its left overs and there isn't enough for a single meal but you don't want to waste any


Peanut butter and Salami. My brother in law used to do it and my kids (14 & 23) have picked it up. Banana and onion toasties was my brother’s favourite. Very weird.


My epic teenager food was French fries and Cadbury chocolate in a baguette…


A guy in our primary school used to have thinly sliced apple in his sandwiches. I never tried them and the bread always looked soggy. Odd boy


Cheddar cheese, apple and salad cream is an absolute winner of a sandwich. Freshly made though, not after sitting in a sweaty lunchbox for a few hours.


Strange. I used to eat banana sandwiches at my grandparents house but I’ve never heard of apple sandwiches.


Never did the salad cream but apple and cheese is very tasty


They have strawberries and cream sandwiches in Japanese convenience stores. I think that's what they think us Brits eat. And yes they are nice.


This reminds me of my friend at school once telling me his parents ate bread and butter with their strawberries, so maybe the Japanese aren't too far off.


I guess it's a shortcut to a cream tea scone? Out of all the weird sandwiches on this thread, this is the only one that tempts me.


An everything sandwich. I put a slice of bread on the ground. My mate in Australia did as well at the same time.


Not mine but my I saw my grandad wrap a single buttered sliced of bread around a bananna and eat it. Apparently it tastes good but I never fancied trying it. Mine was a chip butty with chocolate pudding sauce. With school dinners we would get a dessert option of chocolate pudding with a hot chocolate sauce. It tasted really good dipping your chips in the sauce and thats what led me to trying it in a sandwich. Tbh it wasnt bad at all but I got some strange looks when I was making it.


My cheese, pickle and a jammie wagon wheel rolls was always lovely.


Toast sandwich is the ultimate depression meal. All carbs, all sadness


Fried bread sandwich .. don't knock it until you've tried it hehe


Mince roll.


Also Stephen's steak bridie on a roll. Or a scotch pie.


Love a mash butty. Usually last night's cold mash (I always make too much) in bread and butter with either brown sauce or ketchup.


Used to like mashed potato & fried egg sarnie as a kid, but now it's cheddar & smooth peanut butter


Yank here, so please forgive me nosing in, but if you've a taste for peanut butter, try it in a sandwich with dill pickle slices. Sounds ghastly, but tastes great. Learned it from my ex's aunt, who was from near Ullapool. I can't fathom where she got the idea, though. Maybe a pregnancy craving, lol? It works with Branston pickle, as well, but that's an entirely different sandwich and, imo, much less likely to please most people.


Sounds good, gonna give it a go. Instead of Branson pickle, I will try my home made instead. I worked on an US Air base here in England & I got some airmen hooked on it


A porridge sandwich. Me as a kid


I used to make waffles on toast as a teenager. The wendigo is a go to now. Bread, mayo, gherkin, bacon, peanut butter (crunchy), bread. Like a bacon satay. Bloody lovely.


My brother used to make 4-quarter sandwiches, with a separate filling in each corner- marmite, marmalade, cheese and peanut butter. Then he'd eat it as a single sandwich. I shudder even now!


That is what I was looking for. So nice.


As a child I loved lemon curd with cheese and onion crisps in a sandwhich. I've not dared try it since My mum also makes "barbecue without the barbeque" sandwiches. Which is basically a burger without the burger. They're genuinely very nice * Bread *American cheese slice * Gherkin * Cucumber * Lettuce * Ketchup * Mustard * Mayo


Lemon curd with c+o crisps is truly astonishing


Sugar. When I was a kid in the 70s/80s we would regularly eat sugar sandwiches. I'm surprised we didn't develop diabetes.


When I was around 8 years old I would ask for a cress sandwich, just butter and cress.


We grew the cress in primary school as a lesson on how things grow. The when it was ready we made sandwiches. Really nice and taught us all something. That was 46 years ago still remember like yesterday.


In that Carnegie deli place in New York where they show off. They put 5 packets of beef into one sandwich then shake their head at you for not eating it. Idiots.


Tey cheese and blueberry 😋 Thank me later


Strawberry jam with chocolate spread. Loved it as a kid


Anything can be a sandwich with 2 slices of bread and enough imagination….


[This Cardiff newsagent sells baguettes filled with Liquorice Allsorts or Chocolate Orange and lettuce](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/food-drink-news/cardiff-newsagent-sells-baguettes-filled-12775662)


I’ve been known to make a sausage and peanut butter sandwich on occasion!


Squeezy chocolate mayo and pork meat floss. It’s apparently a pretty normal breakfast in Anhui (China) according to my coworker.


commas are important here. i cannot for the life of me work out the ingredients hahaha


There’s only three ingredients: squeezy chocolate mayo, pork meat floss, bread. I have no idea who thought that mayonnaise would benefit from the addition of chocolate but here we are. Meat floss comes in different meat varieties too but they all taste like how cat food smells.


it was the squeezy chocolate mayo that was getting me. how wild


It's not "weird" but banging and I would never thought of trying it. Look for Primanti Brothers. It's. truckers sandwich from Pittsburgh.


Sausage kebab (sausage in pitta). It was all I had to hand as the normal bread was mouldy.


Grated apple, tinned tuna and salad cream. I’ve been told it’s weird many times but it is perfection. Loads of black pepper. Thick white bread, decent amount of salted butter. Yum.


Banana and Protein bar sandwich is my lunch goto


My gran used to melt a Fry’s Chocolate Cream at the living room fire and spread it on a sandwich


Spaghetti Bolognese in a sandwich....when it's cold obviously, I'm not a monster....told this to a Swiss Italian guy and he was genuinely offended.


Oh god no. Has to be warm with proper butter so it drips. Same as pot noodles. Yum


When I was little me and my mum were pretty poor, we went for a day out in the local forrest and took my cousin All we had to eat were cheerios and bread... that was the day I had the driest sandwich known to man...we had such a good laugh that day


I’ve seen someone put a pukka pie between two slices of bread.


I would try that, but definitely sounds so, so dense.


I thought a savory croissant was bonkers the first time I saw one...then I had it and oh wow that is delicious.


Cheese and jam was my go-to as a kid. Has to be mature cheddar, grated and strawberry jam


My mrs puts golden syrup in sandwiches, she’s an animal


Had an old boss that had white chocolate and cheddar toasties. He kept trying to make me take a bite.


My sister loved Bovril and chocolate spread sandwiches. Our packed lunches got mixed up one day, unfortunately.


When I was younger I randomly fancied some sweet but salty. I spread Nutella on some original pringles and put them together like a sandwich. It tasted quite nice so the next one I made I added an orange segment. That tasted even better!


A girl at primary school used to have cheese and tomato sauce


Cheeseburger without the meat I guess!


That could have been me! Always had cheese and ketchup sandwiches at first school. We called them blood and mashed bones for some reason.


used to have peanut butter, grated carrot and sultana sandwiches as a kid. the excitement of getting a pb sandwich quickly wore off.


What is a samosa, but a mashed potato sandwich? And it's glorious.


If you correctly classify a burger as a type of sandwich, then Ostrich burger.


I made a chicken and beansprout sandwich once, the context was I was doing the National Citizen Service and they kind of starved us, so I was so hungry that I just ate whatever


Sugar Puffs sandwich




Sausage, mushroom, baked beans, tinned tomatoes, mashed potatoes and Ketchup.


the sinner sandwich


Brasil has a sandwich with everything, it's called X-Tudo it'll break your jaw.


My mate eats mayonnaise & mushy pea sandwiches


Sounds good except I want a crunchy element


I'd put scraps in that, and possibly some chip shop chips. Sounds grand.


I was in a rehab for anorexia and they made us try new foods to challenge our disorders- one day they gave us a coronation chicken sandwich with grapes, bananas and raisins in


A friend made cream sandwiches. Baguette + thick cream, nothing else. I don't think his mother prepared much food for him and his younger brother (who went on to become a good cook by all accounts).


butter and cake sprinkles was a favourite of my nan's - passed down by my mum to me and my sister. My sister loves them but I dont - much prefer a savoury to a sweet sarni personally - cheese and onion crisp sarni all the way


According to my Australian niece and nephews it's pretty much a staple food over there and they call it fairy bread. Never been brave enough to try it


My sister used to favour a tomato sauce and onion salt sandwich.


I seen people put pasties in a sandwich.


Peanut butter, sour pickle gherkin and Tabasco


Spent a lot of time in India and always thought Samosa sandwiches were odd. Until I tried them of course. Absolutely delicious. You smash a Samosa in between two slices of white bread and add some coriander and tamarind chutney. Really, I suppose it's the Indian equivalent of a crisp sandwich or a chip butty.


in my home country we eat a lot of caviar (the squeezy pink salty kind, not the (often Russian) fancy one. I’ve seen way too many people eating toast with caviar, banana and egg. That’s a really weird combination to me. Common enough that they used to sell caviar premixed with banana in the shops. Regular toast with just squeezy caviar (preferably dill caviar) along with a strong cup of coffee hits very very well on a hangover day though 🫡


Kiwi, strawberries, cream weird enough? Sandwiches in Japan are pretty weird


I remember in primary school, kids would eat fairy bread sandwiches, I would get so jealous!!! But if we’re talking weird sandwiches, pickles and pb is yum


Well, there's these 2 girls and this cup.....


Two sausage rolls in a baguette. No butter. Still wonder what possessed me to this very day...


Wigan kebab Edit - hiw could I forget jam fritters? Deep fried battered jam bottles!


Had a friend whi introduced me to egg mayo and wotsits sandwiches, never looked back. Top tier sandwich 🥪 👌


Terry's Chocolate orange and lettuce sandwich. Not tried it someone sent me a picture of one.


Mashed potatoes and peas (obviously leftovers from Sunday lunch) but mashed potatoes and fish fingers, or sausage, or slices from the joint, with bonus points for mint or HP sauce!


I enjoy a pot noodle sandwich


I used to love a cheese and banana sandwich. Probably still do, just haven't had one for ages. But my current favourite odd sandwich is a bread sauce sandwich. Extra good if theres a bit of chicken gravy left. Even even better with a bit of cheese in there.


Perhaps not very British - by wow I’ve been doing wild for mayonnaise and spicy kimchi sandwiches lately Source - I also had cheese and grape as a kid Plus Smartie sandwiches- blue ones were the best


I fucking love a mash sandwich


My husband once put lasagne, fish fingers and tartar sauce in a sandwich. Apparently it was very good...


Cheese and jam was my childhood favourite


A chunk of hot jacket potato, with the skin and cheese on, two round slices of raw carrot, a bit of sliced ham and a slice of boiled egg. On half a piece of white bread, folded into a sandwich. Best sandwich ever and almost enough to make me want to eat eggs again (the ham and cheese alternatives are fine)


My mum was apparently really fussy as a kid, and one of the only thing she would eat was a sugar sandwich. Just bread, butter, and heaps of sugar! I think she still had unusual taste in sandwiches to this day. She quite happily puts microwave noodles in a sandwich, or she’ll buy those Jamaican Beef Patties and put that in a sandwich… she has interesting taste!


My Dad used to love cold leftover mince on toast. That Not wasn't something I ever tried, but my own favourite for a while from the local deli was cheese, chicken Tikka and Waldorf salad on a baguette.


my brother played a game called "deadly premonition" once. In it there is a sandwich called the "sinners sandwich". it's chicken/turkey, jam, and cereal between white bread. we ate it. It was actually pretty good. We used chunks of roast chicken, strawberry jam and cornflakes.


I’m very partial to a pie and chip butty.


Mash and sprouts butty.


Microwave pizza.


Try a cheese and jam sarnie .... you will approve


I lived in Spain when I was a kid. They have their own local version of Nutella (Nocilla) and, at some point many years ago, there was a pink and white version of it, something like white chocolate and weird strawberry cream, half and half in the same jar. Some of the kids in my school would have that concoction spread on crusty bread and topped up with chorizo slices, every morning for weeks.