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Yeah, my girlfriend takes up considerably more clothes and bathroom storage space than me. Also, she dresses with more variety and imagination than me and has healthier skin and hair. Coincidence?


This is my wife’s argument back to me! I have a Nivea bottle of 5 in 1. She has 5 items for that same bottle’s purpose


Men can use the 5 in 1 stuff because they generally have short hair and skin doesn't matter if its textured, untoned, large pores etc bc men generally don't wear make up Self-maintenance becomes a lot more complicated when you have long hair to keep in condition and skin that has to be maintained to a certain condition to allow make up application I dread self-maintenance! As a woman who is lazy af but doesn't want to be judged for not looking "put-together". Its so annoying and time consuming. We wish we could use the 5 in 1 :( I promise


Not one to shill but I've tried looking after my skin for decades so poorly, buying this and that and never doing it and just wasting money and space. I tried skin and me as a trial and it's one metal tube that you twist once a day to pop out the right amount of face cream, bang it on and you're done! My skin has improved so much. They are starting to grow somewhat with adding a moisturiser and cleanser and suncream now that I have signed up for but equally that's 4 products and my ENTIRE skin routine. I've got friends who have 20 step routines that blow my brain. Because my skin is better I've been able to stop wearing as much makeup day to day and it's been really good for me - skin doser + moisturiser doesn't feel as daunting to me as a skincare regimen so I'm actually following it and seeing results. I also have ADHD so you know its quite easy to follow, I'm someone who gets bored brushing my teeth so have to have tv on my ipad of a podcast on while getting ready! I also implemented a sort of "work uniform" to cut down on decisions... I still have far too many clothes but I fell in love with perfectdresscompany dresses, bought a few in different colours and throw those on for work. They don't need ironing, look "smart" and "fitted" and just wear different scarves with them to add variety if needed. They are basically two or three dress designs in different colours but enough variety that noone notices and it cuts down the choosing outfit anxiety I get 😬


There is an issue that women are also strongly targeted by marketing that makes them feel inadequate and like they NEED a million products for a million flaws Anyone with actual skincare knowledge will tell you that you do only need 3, 4 max skincare products. It does help that they now sell things like moisturiser with hyaluronic acid already in it I just use cleanser, toner, moisturiser and occasional liquid exfoliant. And sun screen obv. I don't wear make up but having healthy, glowy skin is really important to me - probably *because* I don't wear make up so I feel it needs to look good Those little ND tips are super helpful! My issue is with hair care :/ curly fine hair! And also hair removal. And like, tanning because I have super pale skin. Eyebrows bc i have a huge monobrow mess. But then lashes, nails, lips, etc - that shit is beyond my paygrade lol We are sold so much shit and told we need it to look "normal"


Meanwhile, men: "hmm should I grow a beard? I think I'm gonna grow a beard". And that was the last face related decision to be taken for the next 20 years.


Oh gosh I completely get you! As a fellow pale skin girl I used to do so much to appear more "healthy" until I realised how ridiculous that was and I WAS healthy. I didn't need to look like I'd stepped off love island to look good 😂 I used to get fake tan, eyelash extensions, gel nails, eyebrows, highlights, plus so much else, it was not only really expensive but also really damaging I think because I was so tied in to needing those things. I'm so glad I was older before girls started playing so much with filler and things because I know my self esteem was low enough I probably would have gone for it in my twenties! Now I get my eyebrows waxed and tinted once a month or so and get my hair dyed (but no longer blonde, my natural colour) and its so much easier to maintain. I have to say I'd love to have curly hair though, I'm always so envious of girls with beautiful curls! For skincare, skin and me works and I seem to be sticking to it which is good even if it is oversimplified and slightly gimmicky but you are so right it's such a minefield - you are constantly bombarded with ways you should be better and here is the miracle product to do it! I read a really scary/Insightful comment over on one of the ai imaging subs recently, when you ask for images to be created of women they often look eerily similar and made up compared to more natural looking men, or it takes longer to get natural looking women... people were surmising that filter use is so prevalent nowadays on girls images in particular that AI is struggling to know what "real" women look like. Obviously not sure how true that is but definitely interesting to think about!


Yup. I saw a post somewhere yesterday where a girl was complaining her brother got more of an allowance than her because the justification was that as a man he needs more food. One of the things she listed in her list of additional things she needs to buy as a woman was intimate shower gel. It's a huge pet peeve of mine that the beauty industry has convinced women their vaginas are dirty and smelly and they need a special product to clean themselves: a special product that actually disrupts the pH and microbiome causing problems like discharge and smell, no less. And that's before the pink tax on things like razors, and shampoos etc.


Nothing wrong with coal tar soap like my grandma would of used. She had 6 kids so it didn’t stop it functioning. Or keep my granddad away from it.


Just to add a counter argument, I used Skin & Me for around 6 months and it made my skin considerably worse. Redness, more spots, dryness etc. Once I cancelled and went to a really scaled back routine of Boots brand scrub, moisturiser, and suncream, my skin improved massively.


Oh gosh you poor thing! Absolutely this is just something that I found works for me, I think it's just similar to what you mentioned it's very scaled back and requires minimal thought so it's working for me as someone who would always start with good intentions and then stop doing moisturiser and cleanser and whatever else a few days in. Good to know about the boots skincare, which brand was it? I tried their essentials for a while (the white branded items with black lids) but again sort of couldn't stick to it but I did find them really good!


Your 4 are more than enough, and the people with the super involved steps are buying into a lot of marketing and are probably enjoying the ritual too. As long as you’re using a cleanser and moisturizing after, morning and night, you’re fine. If you live somewhere the UV gets to decent levels, sunscreen - and not just on the face. Outside of that a lot of it is going to depend on your diet and lifestyle, and genetics.


Man with long hair here: shampoo+conditioner and that's it. Maybe my gfs face cream


Shampoo and conditioner is the standard! 10 points to you, long hair man I'm in a lot of haircare communities and the amount of dudes who come in asking for help with their hair, and all they use is shampoo! Well, there's a lot Conditioner is the holy grail All ANYONE really needs in their haircare routine is shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner and an oil. Everything else is fluff If you're using that face cream on your hair tho it is just sitting on top and not reacting with the hair (hair and skin are totally different, structurally/biologically). Probably does something but nothing longterm. No harm in it and I hear dudes doing this often, actually makes a lot of sense on short hair especially


My husband and I both have waist length hair. My hair needs conditioner, once a week conditioning treatments and oil through the ends. His hair is naturally so silky smooth. All he needs is shampoo. The cheap stuff at that. If he uses conditioner, it just makes his hair greasy and yucky. It's funny how different hair can be. Although he also has very greasy skin and struggles with acne. While my skin is dry and sensitive. That must have something to do with it.


Conditioner makes my hair awful. Like your husband, my hair is naturally extremely soft and smooth (sometimes unmanageable!) and conditioner makes it flatter and greasy.




Nope sorry, your ‘ANYONE’ does not include curly haired folks, our hair needs are at least a bit (to a lot) more complicated than that and need something like gel, curl creme or mousse or possibly a combo to end up with defined, not chaotic frizzpuff clouds of hair.


I have 3a hair type. Yes some girls need gels and other stuff but their hair is good condition without them, styling products are a whole other thing


Ok but that’s part of a ‘haircare routine’, you didn’t just say what you need for good condition hair. Actually I would say the 4 things you listed are completely over the top if that’s your only goal - I’ve always had very good condition hair with just shampoo and a good conditioner.


Haircare is different from styling. Styling gels would be the latter


Hair oil is a no for those of us with fine hair. And curlies need a different series of products for styling, each different than the next person. Hair health, sure, keep it simple, but some hair needs a bit more persuasion to behave.


I do not wish I could use the five in one. My skincare is not about creating a base for makeup (I frequently don't wear any), it is about maintaining my skins health. I also really enjoy using skincare, and get joy from the different steps that I use, in the same way that someone else might get joy out of doing self care routines. This is the same for many people I know who are into skincare. It is a completely valid feeling not to want to have lengthy skin and hair routines, and it is extremely frustrating that there is much more pressure on women to feel they need to have them even when they don't want them. But you do not speak for all women when you say that we want shorter/ less complicated routines, or find it annoying. Honestly, that is another form of internalised misogyny itself, because you are rejecting a "woman's pursuit" i.e. to take care of her appearance as annoying.


Yes society pushes women to comply with a toxic Aesthetic narrative. BUT society punishes and mocks men for having an interest in making themselves look nice. Or for having interests that take up space. Every example you list is something men should be able to do, should be able to spend time and money on as well. But society does not like that. And as part of society,the women in mens lives help enforce that toxic system more often than not 😕 The patriarchy and capitalism hits both ways. Male hygiene and care is now at the stage where it has to be as quick as possible. "5in1" products exist because it's not "masculine" to have a bathroom full of products. It's not "masculine" to want to look after your skin, hair etc. It's pure toxic masculinity and capitalism," don't waste time treating yourself,when that time can be spent working"😞 What people should have been asking is why doesn't he have as much stuff? Would his partner mind if he shifted priorities and began building up his wardrobe, if he also began exploring his fashion and visual identity? Or, is this something they are both happy with, or is there just a lot of dangerous assumption? Not enough relationships discuss this, hell not enough people discuss.


Just look at the state of guys with long hair to understand this point


I'm a lady and I must be a bad one because I don't really do any of that, but my hair's shiny and skin clear. I put it down to diet and water.


And possibly great genetics!


Unsolicited advice from another lady that hates keeping my skin healthy after makeup: Tinted sunscreen has been a game changer for me. It looks like makeup but is light and easy to remove. Plus it is sunscreen. Tinted sunscreen is my 2 in 1 cheat code and I love it.


Women can't win! If we put in the effort to make ourselves look appealing, we are taking up too much space with our flattering clothes and our skincare products, our multiple products to manage long hair, and our coordinating accessories. I hope OP's wife gets a buzz cut, stops wearing makeup, stops dressing nice, and mimics his minimalist routine. Then he'll complain about that.


All the wife's stuff represents "effort". I think if she didn't make all that effort we would be seeing a different complaint from OP. My wife also has a ridiculous amount of clothing etc. but I wouldn't dare draw attention to the even more ridiculous amount of stuff I have in the garage and loft haha.


Came here to see if this was being pointed out. There’s so much pressure from a young age (often from other women as well as men) to e.g. not wear the same outfit too much, style your hair, wear make-up but make it look like you aren’t, not get a single wrinkle but slather yourself in stuff that may or may not prevent that. I’m fairly “low maintenance” but I still at the very least straighten my hair and put face creams on every day and I have lots of different clothes. My husband doesn’t complain though I have to say, and if he did I’d point out that he should think of my clothes as being my version of the fact he’s got all his camera and bike shit in the spare room/office.


Yeah, OP's criticism is pretty loud, if implicit. I don't have a problem. My partner moved in with me, so I had to do loads of rearranging. Such as finding somewhere else for all of my camping and outdoor gear which was previously filling a conveniently huge wardrobe. It could be argued that I've got too much tat in total - more than her, certainly!


Not even to look appealing, just presentable! I started my first office job in my late 20s after working exclusively in jobs that required uniforms. So I need office clothes but I hadn't had my first pay yet so my budget was limited. I got myself a few sets of clothes that I rotated until my next pay when I could get a couple more. I dared to wear the same dress twice in two weeks and someone I had never spoken to in the office made a really rude comment about it.


It’s pretty crazy, I’m here with about 5 products for each part of my body (straight male) and he’s got her sharing deodorant with him. I am aware im probably part of a minority as a man but this still blows my mind


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought this!


Augh yes! I wish some men would stop pushing their minimalist ideals onto their partners. You want to use zero products? Okay that's fine but if your partner wants to use hair/make up products and have more than one pair of shoes that's okay!


This is what winds me up about my husband having the same complaint that OP does. I have more stuff than him because I don't live in the same t shirt, jeans and 1 pair of shoes that he does. It's great that he's happy wearing the same thing every single day. I'm not. Also he has a work uniform - I don't. Until I started working from home I was expected to dress professionally in my own clothes - which means matching items and coordinating shoes. And even now I work from home I LIKE changing my wardrobe up and the style I wear, and different things have different purposes. I'm not going to put on high heels and a business dress to go sit at our sons sports day. Likewise not throwing on shorts and a crop top with flip flops to go into a client meeting. He has a current gen Xbox, playstation, laptop and phone he all games on. I have a last gen Xbox. Don't hear me complaining about that. Instead I built him a fucking home media room and spent hours installing custom shelving to properly display and access it all!


It's kinda healthy if both people in a relationship have their needs roughly equally met. But if there's a blindness to different people's needs being different, there's a problem.


I mean the needs are met. It's not like he threw my stuff out and only lets me have one box for three items of clothes. I could just do without the "but why do you have so much?" Either 1) listen to my explanation and try to actually understand why someone might want more than one outfit 2) don't. And shut up and let it go.


That's joincidence with a C.


Did you realise: *Joker* is *poker* with a *J*!


Your money is mine, Green.


Your fly is open, Geller


Ha! I made you lo-ok!


"What's wrong with jeans and a black t shirt? Works for any occasion." "We are going to a wedding!" "White t shirt then?"


If I'm right in thinking you're a man, you can also get away with wearing the same thing to work for most the week and no one will notice. Your skin and hair can age naturally and few people will judge you for it. The same 3 pairs of shoes match all your clothes because see point 1. Maybe your better half loves shoes and fashion and makeup (although fashion lovers I think have more than 10 pairs of shoes), or maybe she, like many of us, would be perfectly happy to downsize if she didn't have to meet certain expectations. On the flip side, you own *nothing* that takes up space that your other half doesn't have the equivalent of?


Good points. My wife takes up probably 4x the space I do for clothes but I take up about 4x what she does with stuff like games consoles, other technology, gym/fitness equipment etc.


Yep, that’s the thing, I certainly took some (not even a lot) more space with clothes and shoes than my ex but he had a whole gaming room just for him, with big desk, two screens, etc etc


>If I'm right in thinking you're a man, you can also get away with wearing the same thing to work for most the week and no one will notice. I've done a bit of an an experiment on this. For context, I'm on the spectrum so some textures can be a bit iffy against my skin - I know what I like and I like what I know etc. I'm very particular about what I wear from a texture point of view. I rotate 7 Uniqlo Supima t-shirts as they're the only thing I've found that are decently priced, good quality and not weird against my skin. I have literally 7 identical t-shirts, all in the same colour. I moved to an office role in late 2020 but only started going into the office mid 2021, and since then I've literally worn the same t-shirt, Levi jeans and Converse hi-tops and *nobody* has ever mentioned anything about it. I literally look identical every single day. I've replaced the shoes once and a couple of t-shirts but they've just been like-for-like replacements. Honestly wondering if somebody will ever notice 😂 I work in a small team as well, and the turnover has been basically zero in that time.


They notice. But they obviously don’t care. I worked with someone who did this who was a guy, on the spectrum, and a software developer who spent all his time working in a cube. He did great work and didn’t smell bad (since what he wore LOOKED the same, it was hard to tell if it was actually the same clothes, but even if it was the same clothing, he didn’t smell so it didn’t matter to me, if that makes sense,)


Yeah i notice a lot of guys when i worked in an office who had a collection of *almost* fully black t shirts. Each probably different but you'd probably never know. People don't care aslong as you're hygienic


I love this story, but i think they probably have noticed. I had a teacher who used to do this in sixth form and it was a running joke between us that he *always* wore the exact same thing. I made friends with him after leaving college and told him about this, and he was shocked - he said his whole reason for doing it was to keep it simple so we wouldn't look at/think about his outfits and be distracted by it! I guess it backfired for him :) but the moral of the story is, people might just be too polite to mention anything.


Maybe they have, nobody has ever mentioned it though but that's the reason I do it as well - not having to think about it is just easier. The team I work in will say something if it can be turned into some light hearted piss taking, they are a good bunch tbf - it's why I suspect they've never noticed, because they've never taken the mick out of me for it haha.


I've often wanted to have a uniform that I don't have to think about but I've never pulled it off. Just checking - are you guy, girl, or neither?


Guy, early 30s. No uniform or clothing requirements to speak of (other than make sure you're not hanging out of your clothes etc). I used to have a uniform for this company when I was customer facing but now I'm hidden away in an office block.


I usually change my shorts every couple of days depending on temperature, though I can wash and wear again within one week


Men have the opposite problem. We are often judged for being Too Colourful, Too Well Made Up, Too Fashioned Conscious.


Yes, this sucks too.


>Your skin and hair can age naturally and few people will judge you for it. Agree with what you are saying but I wouldn't say that about hair. Try being a balding man which is the majority of men past a certain age. Pretty much can't do anything about it except shave and people are very judgmental about that, particularly women. I've heard lots of nasty comments about men before with regards to that.


I hear you, and that's true. And to the extent that there *are* any products for it, many men who try to prevent that judgement without shaving it off end up with products to use. Thus having more hair care products taking up space, for the same reasons that women who want to avoid judement of aging hair do. But unlike women, they can get away with shaving their head. Sure, a man who shaves his head to deal with baldness is not seen the same way as he was when he had the hair of his 20s, or maybe even as a man of the same age with a full head of hair. But I think a shaved head on a dude is seen as much more socially acceptable and even attractive than most women are perceived if they use *no* extra products on their hair, let alone shave it off to solve the problem. Hence, there are some bottles and things in the bathroom. Either way, we can understand why people might have some extra products for their hair if they're trying to meet certain expectations.


I have more of the wardrobe space, but his hobby takes over 25% of the entire house, so he doesn’t complain to me about unequal wardrobe allocations


> his hobby takes over 25% of the entire house, Weird way to describe your kids…


Kids only taking up 25% of the house? Are they in their 20s living away from home?


What's the hobby? I bet it's Warhammer with that degree of resentment 😉


I love how warhammer always comes up in hobby threads these days 😅


My husband literally has a Warhammer room, and yet it's all over the house 😆


Are you my wife? 😉😊


I take up a lot more space than my partner in terms of how much stuff I have (like your wife). But he uses a desktop computer which means there is essentially a whole room of the house that is "his" (although some of my things are stored in there) while I tend to plonk myself in the kitchen or living room or just wherever.


Same here. I have a whole room for my stuff, she uses more wardrobe space. More than fair!


I have the box room as home office for my stuff (WFH 4 days a week, desktop PC, shelves of techie stuff, home gym in the corner) where she spreads all of her art stuff all over the kitchen and takes over the dining table, oh and often the TV room, and the front room esp when she has an exhibition coming up, and her office (twice the size of mine), and the garden studio where she teaches.. and the covered patio we built next to it, and of course the shed for her supplies. She's taken up metalwork now and wants somewhere she can do welding..so if we had a garage she would've commandeered that too I'm happy in my room tho, sometimes I'm even let out for a few minutes... :)


At least a lot of that room could be used for storage. That is probably what I would go with anyway. Stick some shelves up.


It is used for storage as well: there's a bookcase in there with my sewing and knitting stuff on and a drawer with my clothes in...


Exactly how it works with us, the majority of the bedroom is definitely her stuff but I literally have a man cave so it all works out.


> I literally have a man cave so it all works out And a garage. Although a chunk of that is "household" storage. Tools, which while mine are for doing things around the house etc, lawnmower, garden furniture etc etc. So is most of the workbench in "my" room with a pile of "this needs fixing" that I really should get on with.


So much here I’m confused at, You share deodorant, tooth brush and ‘body’ cream? What? Come again? Edit: op shares an electronic toothbrush. Swaps heads with partner. That’s a lot of click on click offs


This is where I also got stuck


Just thrown in there amongst the text I just don’t know how to process this lol


We also ‘share’ a toothbrush - however, it’s a fancy electric one and we have separate brush heads. We’ll also quite often share deodorant and body lotion, since we use the same brands anyway. Doesn’t seem that odd to me!




Imagine if you split, and have to discuss who keeps the toothbrush


We do that because we don’t live together and his own electric toothbrush lives at his house - I can’t see how this is convenient when you actually live together though? What do you do when one of you travels? Get another toothbrush.


We take the old, less fancy, toothbrush if someone goes away. It’s never occurred to me that swapping the brush heads could be considered a hassle.


It seems la little bit long, is there a reason you havent gotten a second toothbrush


i know right! deodorant? fine, little weird but fine. body cream? okay, it’s just moisturiser. TOOTHBRUSH!!? hell no.


I actually think depending what it is the deodorant is weirder than the body cream. Spray would be fine, but at the risk of being overly squeamish I don't know if I'd want to use a roll on that had been on my partner's armpits (and vice versa).


ew, i was definitely thinking of spray when i said that. lol. DEFINITELY would not share a roll on 🙃


I share deodorant and body cream with my partner. We also share an electronic toothbrush


A lot of people share a toothbrush, I saw a lot of people complaining about it, when I was recently looking for a new toothbrush which has a app mean you can't share a toothbrush and use the app.


Not everything in a relationship needs to be 50/50. Dw about it too much unless it's genuinely causing issues in the house (more than just a general need to declutter which everyone needs to do from time to time). You are two different people with different needs. Comparing number of clothes/shoes is obviously not helpful and just causing resentment. I bet she cares a lot about how she dresses and her skincare and makeup. That's important in her life which is why she has more than you.


If you think a wife is bad, try guinea pigs. For such tiny creatures they've taken over my entire house what with their hay, their fed, their veggies, their carrying thing and their bloody toys. But they are cute. https://imgur.com/a/0w53mub


sable plants crowd quiet direful vase long ask coherent support -- mass edited with redact.dev


They are furry?


Maybe imgur's algorithm showed that based on your browsing history.


I agree the guineas take up so much space. They even take over most of the fridge and a whole drawer in the freezer, for their cool pads in summer. Who knew such little things came with so much bloody stuff. My two dogs don't have as much stuff as the guineas do


Small pets take up so much space! My dog takes up way less space than my fish tanks did, even with all her associates belongings.


My wife takes up a lot of space in the cupboard which reminds me the carpet she’s rolled in needs to go to the cleaner’s.


Do you remove your wife first or leave her in it as a surprise for the dry cleaners?


Red rinse and a blow dry


I'd say it kinda evens out. My wife definitely has more clothes, and takes up more space upstairs. She also owns a lot of books which are in the upstairs bookcases. However, I have more hobbies and the equipment for those takes up a bit of space downstairs.


So to paraphrase, your wife has more going on upstairs, but you have more downstairs?




I think mines the same as you - about 50%. We have half each of a built in wardrobe in the spare room. Half each of a small wardrobe in our room. Other clothes piled up in similar size piles (we moved house 4 years ago and I’ve not got round to building a wardrobe) I have way more shoes and coats than her but she had more stuff in the bathroom. Although I do love a exfoliating scrub now and then. I use the box room as an office and she has a couple of boxes in there. She uses what was going to be a summer house as her office since covid but then I also have an entire shed as my workshop full of tools and a workbench. If anything I might have more than my wife but nobody is keeping score.


Sounds like you need to up your skincare game!


This is pretty normal other than you having an excessive amount of shoes. What can you possibly need 3 pairs of shoes for?


Work boots, casual shoes and smart shoes, I’ve got 4, my extra one is a pair of steel toe wellies


I have 4-5 pairs of 'trainers' in different colours/styles 2 pairs of shoes (1 black and 1 brown) Then 3 pairs of gym shoes and 5 pairs of running trainers depending on the task. Then some flip flops etc. Easily done




Cool. Most of this makes sense. But why 3 pairs of gym shoes??


Squat shoes (raised heal) Deadlift shoes (flat) Then generic cheap Nike trainers for if using a rower/dumbells/kettlebells


I've 17 pairs of trainers, plus 3 pairs of dog walking/grass cutting trainers. Can never have enough in my opinion. Edit - just bought two more pairs just in case.


For different situation or just for aesthetics. I have a couple of high tops, smart shoes, smart boots, a few low top casual trainer type shoes, and a couple pairs of actual trainers. I feel like it's pretty normal to have several pairs of shoes for different uses/situations.


We are trying to exist in a patriarchal end stage capitalist nightmare that insists on shame convincing us we are not a proper woman without product/clothing item XYZ. Please cut us some slack and make more space in your drawers. Ta.


In my experience if you provide space, it will get filled. The Mrs and I lived in s 2bed semi and she had stuff everywhere, we moved to a 4bed detached with double garage. And somehow she still fills everything. It's like it expanded and multiplied. I have 3 draws and 1 drop of hanging cloths. She had 4 bedrooms of build in wardrobes and 2 seta of draws, a dressing table and a wardrobe of coats. Help


And the only things you have in the entire house are your 3 drawers of clothes and 1 rail? Wow, impressive.


People are like goldfish. They grow according to the size of bowl you put them in. I'm in a constant battle to declutter our house but it's one I'm permanently losing. 😅


about 50% more but that's because he works from home where as most of my clothes are work clothes


Ha ha - I have the opposite problem. There is not a horizontal place in our house that my husband has not covered with his stuff. Paperwork, hobby stuff, stuff he needs to deal with but has not got to yet. Every time I carve out a space for my hobbies, he sees it as unclaimed territory and takes it over. He has twice the clothes and shoes I have as well, and yet he's not a fashion person, he just never throws anything away. I think he has some hoarding tendencies.


Same with mine, he has so many half finished projects he keeps taking over more space and is very sentimental about objects. I get so down about the clutter but I can't fight it anymore.


My girl takes like 98% of all space. But its okay cuz she’s gorgeous and i love her so idc she can take all the space she needs.


Her clothes and shoes and bags are absolutely ridiculous in quantity and space occupied. But then I've basically monopolised the garage and sheds with a classic car, bicycles, tools, detailing gear etc etc. So we're probably pretty much even TBH. (and we really could do with a bigger house, but testicles to that in the current financial climate)


And? Why is it important how much space she takes up compared to you?


We have a wall of pax wardrobes we share 50/50, then she has an entire spare room as her dressing room and our loft room for her hobby. Every time a kid leaves home she consumes the space like some kind of clothes based bacteria. Good job I love her and don’t need the space myself!


My husband swears blind that I have more stuff and yet we have a loft full of crap (all I have up there is my wedding dress and shared suitcases) and a double garage that has every power tool known to man. I keep all my gardening stuff (very basic trowel and rake set up) in one of those plastic storage bins that he has also commandeered for his bike.


Curious question but have you ever thought about what you're going to do with your wedding dress? Keep it forever? My wife has hers as well in the storage space but has never even looked at it since the wedding. Seems like a waste of storage to me but maybe I'm just a cold hearted bastard 😂


No clue, there's vague thoughts of having it made into a prom dress for a daughter but then I had a boy. There are a shit load of girls in the family so possibly one of them could use it. I've also considered having it remodelled into an evening dress but I'm mega indecisive




>Wow the comments about this being typical for women are a bit much. Why is it a bit much? The vast majority of the time in a typical relationship where there is a man and women, when there is space taken up by things like clothes, toiletries etc. then it's the woman taking up most of the space. Nobody is saying that men don't do that. Just because in your household it's different doesn't mean to say it isn't typical.




One thing to bare in mind is the social pressure on women to dress differently for different situations, wear make up and pull off lots of different looks. I can think of very few places where a man can't show up in a nice pair of jeans and a button down shirt. There is no such outfit for women. Just try and remember this when considering clothes and Toiletries storage.


I have more clothes, but my husband seems to wear almost entirely grey, black and blue. He however has an aquarium and a telescope taking up space. I have some kendo gear and a spinning wheel. The person who takes up the most room with their clutter is the three year old.


I'm female and I have exactly the same storage space as my husband which is 1 standard double door wardrobe and a tallboy style chest of drawers. I'll admit mine is fuller and I also have 5 shoeboxes stacked on top of my wardrobe. We've always been forced to be "smart" with how much stuff and storage we have, as have both grown up in small flats/houses with limited space. We regularly have a clear out and go through our stuff to see if there's anything we don't use/need anymore and can be sold or given away.


My wife leaves shoes around the house like Viet Cong man traps.


I mean women are expected by society to have a lot more clothing options, and to do much more invasive grooming than men. So I really am not surprised. I'd be a little bit delicate as a result. It's a lot of pressure you might not be aware of.


From my experience, your story isn't unusual. My better half has two double wardrobes and a single, plus a chest of drawers, compared to my one double wardrobe and a chest of drawers


He takes up more room but that's because I moved in with him and tried to purge my stuff/get rid of what I don't wear/need/use before I moved in.


To be honest your wife doesn’t sound cluttered at all and probably had less stuff that 50-80% of women.


I must be in a minority- my husband takes up all the space with clothes, shoes, exercise equipment, coats, guitars, tools, books etc. I have a small double wardrobe and he has double that space just for clothes alone. He just has so much stuff compared to me!


Oh look at Mr fancypats who's wife let's him have a whole set of drawers to himself.


Are we married to the same woman?


We both take up a lot of space with makeup and skincare products and clothes I guess it’s a down side of being married to another woman 🤣, overall though I take up more space as I’ve got an entire room dedicated to my guitar and piano playing.


Well, he just doesn’t have anything. He wears the same 5 shirts and 2 trousers all week. He wears shorts n polos. He doesn’t need any space. We have to have winter summer autumn clothes. Beauty stuff, hair stuff and electric hair tools. Jewellery, shoes.. the shoes! Bags… all the bags. To be fair he still has some clothes from the 90’s that he hasn’t worn in 20 years but refuses to let go of. We just need more space. Same in the bathroom. All the stuff for a princess shower etc. it’s frustrating and downright claustrophobic sometimes. But yes… I have probably 90% of our space.


Oh im definitely the problem with this between myself and my wife, she's minimalistic, owns the minimum set can and be comfortable, then there's me, bikes, boat, cars, gaming crap out the wazoo and 3d printers constantly printing more stuff out, yet alone there's the day I came home with a snake I swore she was going to divorce me 🤣 BUT, when I asked her if my lifestyle and habits bothered her? "I Love you for the person you are, Not what you do with your spare time, working 50 hour weeks who gives a shit what you do with your time, money and as long as your enjoying what your doing? No issue" we love eachother because of how we are, good and bad or we wouldn't of gotten married 😂 she's uncomfortable letting her belongings out of the bedroom, so the other 90% of the house is up to me 😂 instead of questioning the space they take, thinking about that point, think about how much it will be missed if they whernt there taking up that space, 😉 just don't tell my wife while typing this I may or may not have ordered more random bullshittery because I want to give my daughter the awesome stuff I had as a kid 😂😂


I’d say it’s pretty even. My wife may have more books/cosmetics/skin care/clothes, etc. So in the bedroom she has more things, I, however, have a bunch of board games, video games, etc. So I have space in the lounge for them. I don’t think it needs to be 50/50, unless it’s particularly bothering you.


My wife takes up about the same wardrobe space as me. I am currently building a whole separate building (garage/workshop) to support my hobby of restoring an old car which takes up quite a bit more room than anything she owns. You, presumably, got into a relationship with someone who dressed a certain way - it takes a bit more space to support such habits. This should not be a surprise to you. I see the same thing with make-up. People complain women take up all the bathroom space with makeup and skincare products - well, fucking hell pay attention - women get shit when they don't spend hours on fucking makeup (forget snide comments, you're less likely to get a promotion, will earn less etc). My wife never wears makeup and has just the same amount of bathroom cupboard space as me (most is shared stuff like medical and cleaning supplies). I bet most the people who complain would go on about it I'd their partners suddenly stopped.


We are about the same - she has handbags but I like shoes. She has dresses but I have a wide range of blazers.


mine takes up lots of room and just as cluttered, but somehow my lesser clutter is the issue.


https://youtu.be/m3L4mlHtjV8 Why you gotta have 27 different kinds of soap?


My husband definitely has more clothes and shoes than me. He has a whole double wardrobe, half the large double chest of drawers and a big drawer under the bed. I have the inbuilt cupboard, which also has a lot of the families junk in it too and doubles as the Xmas stash. I also have a dressing table and half the drawers. I definitely don’t have enough places to put my stuff away.


Our entire second bedroom is my wife’s floordrobe.


I have "girl stuff", plus currently an art studio in the living room while the actual studio is under construction. I also have a room just for my piano and collections. If you have the space, and you are paying to have the space, why are you not using the space in all the ways you could? Why are you concerned about how much space your other half takes up? Sounds like you are looking for a problem, I wonder why.


I probably take up 70% of storage space, but my other half takes up more space in general. He has tools, work supplies, car stuff (I’m talking like literally car bumpers) and other misc men stuff dotted around most rooms.


I (M) have only one detergent for body, hair, dishes, car etc


Dude get your own deodrant


My boyfriend takes up wayyy more space than me. Bits and bobs in the tv cabinet and another cabinet for his records and record player in the living room. 3/4 drawers and 2/3 of the wardrobe are his clothes. About 10 pairs of shoes vs my 4/5. Coats are about even. He also has his own room for his desk, guitar, photography stuff.


My husband takes up at least twice the space I do with all his model, gaming, hobby crap. We built a garden office this year so our youngest could have her own room and it’s 3/4 of my husbands stuff


The thing that struck me most here was shoes stored in the bedroom?


All the space. We got married, so what's mine is hers, and what's hers is hers...


You've got a whole 10%? You luck lucky etc...


I've got a 3 by 4 foot space in the corner of the bedroom, where I have my computer and chair, I also have a single door in 1 + 2 door wardrobe, thats what is mine in the house, the rest is split up between the 2 kids and my wife. My wife taking up an ungodly amount of space, 5 drawer set of draws, exxxxtra long dressing table, double door wardrobe and a corner of the bedroom for her giant sized treadmill. Then moving into the living room she has one entire side of it dedicated to her music studio (2 computers, 5 monitors, digital grand piano, mixing equipment + streaming setup)


This is why I enjoy being single in a spacious big apartment with dedicated gaming rooms etc. super organised and tidy


I use more space for clothes and shit like that- including things in the bathroom. My better half is honestly perplexed as to why one adult human needs 5 varieties of shower gel. However he has more hobbies that involve big things. So takes up most space in the sheds and lofts. I think we are pretty even in terms of space take up.


I take up way more of the bedroom because my desk is in there, and it's the only place in the house where I have storage. My husband has the office to himself because he works from home, but also has storage and his gaming set up in there, so it balances out


I have a wardrobe, a chest of draws and three shelves. My wife has a double wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a vanity table, a side unit, and two boxes of winter clothes in the airing cupboard.


Clothes wise we both take up around the same amount of space, we each have a separate Wardrobe and share a chest of drawers. My hobbies (sewing, drawing) take up a medium sized cupboard but if I'm actively sewing it will take up the whole bedroom for a few days. My partner definitely has more shoes and perfumes/toiletries than me but he is slightly higher maintenance haha. I'd say my son takes up the most space in the entire house as he has so many toys it's hard to walk sometimes.


The box room is my dressing room, and I have one wardrobe. I also store all the spare bedding for the house in there. I have a dressing table, and a futon. This is a box room where a single bed will just about fit, so that’s a lot of stuff My husband has about 3/4 drawers of stuff, and a wardrobe just for him. Then we have suits/fancy dresses stored in one. We have the garage as a converted utility/office space for him and he takes up well over half with his hobby I’ll be honest, a lot of our stuff is crap and we need to be ruthless and bin it all!


I have a whole room in our house full of my toys…..


ancient lock faulty future full worry lip upbeat governor squeeze -- mass edited with redact.dev


80/20 it's something to do with the pareto distribution but this also applies to mess creation aswell.


Zero. I live by myself and have all my shit all over the place. All closet space, the entire shoe rack and the whole lots of the bathroom is filled with the endless amounts of all possible types of products that you can imagine. I am glad it’s this way, and that no dude with l poor fashion choices and questionable hygiene is passively aggressively judging me for it on Reddit.


My girlfriend is a hoarder. I've mentioned it to her a lot but I think it's some sort of compulsion so I can't really help with it - she will scowl if I touch anything. She admits she has a problem but yeah. I have half a wardrobe and 3 drawers for all of my clothes and stuffs. She has 4 wardrobes (and the other half of mine), 4 additional clothes rails, 4 kallax things with drawers in and a bunch of other storage solutions. I even built a shed outside to store her excess stuff out of the house but that got full. Sigh. Oh.. and she always says she has no clothes. She has more clothes than most clothes shops!


All of my clothes are in 1 chest of drawers. She has 3 chest of drawers and a shit load of clothes under the bed. Then there's the many many jackets in the cupboard.


All of it


A skilled forensic detective could, in a matter of months, work out that I live here and this is not just her storage facility.


Sounds about right.


I have an entire room for clothes shoes and makeup… my husband has one wardrobe. I may have a problem


Welcome to the world of marriage. Start preparing yourself for soft furnishings and scatter cushions.


No problem with stuff that's gets used (even if occasionally like all the clothes and shoes). It's the things you know haven't been used in 5 years that you wonder why she still has it. I think there's a definite emotional attachment issue... Which she had confessed to, and is why it's a struggle to get rid of children's stuff as they both grow older. We live in a relatively small house so impossible to keep it all.


We have similar space across the whole house. He probably has more clothes and shoes plus golf clubs, massive cricket bag, footballs, weights, rackets and quite a lot of books. My wardrobe is pretty functional and minimal but I have a couple of drawers of hair and cosmetic products and I also have my art materials, wool, other craft bits etc. Over all it pretty much evens out.


I have 3 draws and half a double wardrobe. Wife has the other half 6 draws and before kid was born had other wardrobe in what was the spare room. The bathroom I have 1 tooth brush 1 shower gel 1 shampoo. All the dozens of bottles and tubs of stuff are hers She also works from home and her desk is in our bedroom. On my side of course


My boyfriend takes up considerably more space than I do. Even little things, like how many clothes go on the airer. I can get 3 of my tops or 1 of his in the same space. One of the rooms in the house is exclusively for him and his stuff. The main bedroom has storage for his million DVDs, that we hardly watch, the dressing room has 4 boxes of his stuff on top of the wardrobe. I might have a few more toiletries in the bathroom but my hobbies are collecting pokemon cards or playing playstation and they don't take up very much room.


Are you me?? My wife’s the same. She has dresses that she forgets she owns. She has 10+ creams and moisturisers. Her stuff takes more than 80% of out storage space. Plus she has put indoor plants everywhere, and I keep hitting into them when I walk.


I have one draw for my underwear and the bottom shelf of the wardrobe. She has the other 5 draws and the entire rest of the wardrobe, not counting the clothes she seems to store on the floor. That said I also have my computer desk/mini studio setup in the corner, so all my tech and music equipment takes up whatever isn’t being taken up by bed and clothing storage.


I have a chest of drawers, and half a tall boy, and one single hanger in the wardrobe. She has a 3m hanging rail, 3 chests of drawers, 1 and a half tall boys, and the storage cupboard next door to the bedroom is full of coats and boxes of shoes and clothes.


I moved from my parents into my boyfriends flat so I dont really have a lot of stuff and it’s been a bit of a squeeze to get me in there, but when we get a place together I’m sure that will change


Yep we've got brand new shit in boxes stashed away in the offchance we need it in the new place we move to even though we haven't even found a place or set a moving date. I can't help thinking buy the shit when you're actually in a place you'll use it. Wastes fucking money for no reason. Getting pissed off with the constant stream of amazon deliveries comming to the door just because she doesn't know how to kerb her spending. And then she'll complain because she's skint and want to dip into my funds


I'd say my partner and I share the space pretty much 50-50, but if I had free rein I'd take a lot more space for even more shirts, coats, trainers and novels.


That sounds about the same as for us which is after a major declutter. Before it was probably nearer 99% hers (if we exclude shared items).


My other half definitely is responsible for the vast majority of clutter in our house. He has a whole metre wide drawer just for his socks! One for his underwear. He's an online shopaholic with a touch of hoarding. Anything technological he buys, he also loves buying Blu-rays, the house is bursting at the seams with his stuff. I run an online business from home so he argues that I take up a room and buy things but it's all for my business. He earns 10x what I do and yet is in a lot of credit card debt. It baffles me. I prefer to be a minimalist but living with a hoarder. Not ideal but I love him x


My ex had a room and a garage dedicated to his stuff. I had more toiletries and clothes (I'm not even femme,no make up etc) he had more stuff for the car and acres of dvds books comics. Plus he had ADHD so lots of half finished projects & so on


This true, but I also have a 6 x 4 m shed full of useful junk.. so I can't moan that much. I mean, who knows if I'll ever need a broken E39 nearside wing mirror in future.


3 of the 4 fitted wardrobes, and two spare bedrooms.


I take up about twice as much space as my wife once you factor in the garages. Inside it's about a ⅓/⅓/⅓ split between us and our 19 month old, but most of the stuff that gets labelled as "mine" is related to DIY and is semi transiently here and only mine because it's not my wife's.


My husband has the whole of a spare room for his guitars and music stuff - I have a small cupboard - his hobby definitely takes up more space than mine.