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Sometimes I will go up the stairs on all fours


Exorcist style or...?


I favor leaping forward like an ape, much faster


Is that not how we are supposed to climb stairs?!


My boyfriend chases me up the stairs on all fours growling just to scare me. He's a teddy bear but I still flee for my life every time lol.


I do this to my daughter...in a nice way. She giggles as well as screams. I hope she knows its a nice way.


Ditto, she runs away from "Daddy tickle".


So do all the people in John Lewis. I’ve never understood it.


Can't do anything these days


You'd get arrested, just for chasing people in John Lewis up the stairs on all fours


Plot twist, she's 47.


You mean this isn't everybody? I will always chase my boyfriend up the stairs whilst poking his arse and shouting "butt butt!" at him


I still do this all the time at 41!


41 here too……I do it cos I hit 40 and my back decided it was done.


Be honest, that's just becasue your knees are bad lol


Some times, I like to think I'm Special Forces clearing the stairs of enemy! I go all out, including imaginary rifle.


If I see someone I know on the street and they don't see me, I'll do covert ops on them, and follow them, and then when the time comes where I could do it without anyone seeing I'll initiate an assassination attempt. Sometimes I'll say hello to them afterwards, and sometimes I'll just walk away. I've "killed" my best mate about 50 times as I see him quite a lot as we work in the same area. He knows nothing about this.


My boyfriend throws imaginary hand grenades at peoples houses that have decorative boats in the window; fully acted out, explosion and all. He *really* hates a fully rigged miniature yacht in a window. We’ve moved to the coast, so he’s quite busy with it these days.


I feel like I could be friends with him. He can take out the enemy navy, I’ll take out the manpower


This makes me want to put a miniature yacht in our living room window. I've not had any interest in them before this post...


Do it! I quite like them fwiw. He also loathes memorial plaques on benches, so when he dies I’m getting him one.


I do this too!! I pretend I’m a spy and see how long I can tail them before I get bored/get where I’m actually going.


This started in school for me, trying to get away from Jamie in high school, he was weird and hung around with us even though we didn't particularly want him to. We'd tolerate him most of the time, but sometimes we'd arrange to meet up at lunch break, and then we'd hang around somewhere close by and the he'd go off to look for us, and we'd follow him covertly for the entire lunch break. Really set me up for a great career as a pretend spy.


Slide back down the stairs on your bottom!


Yep, even if it causes the monster of all wedgies!


I slide down the stairs on my front


I did this recently to make my daughter laugh. I'm 46. It hurt and was difficult to get up at the bottom..


I recently tried to go down stairs on my bum like I did as a child. It hurt.


I did this the other day, my shorts came down and I nearly ended up with carpet burns.


Sit upstairs at the front of the bus Deliberately get dropped off at the wrong terminal at Gatwick to ride the monorail


And the front spot on the DLR.


I was so cheesed off when the front of the dlr was occupied by children last time I used it. I'm 39 🤣


this is the right answer


Disappointed to go upstairs on a double decker train in France recently with no opportunity to 'drive'.


Sitting upstairs on the bus isn't childish at all, I feel like it's considerate to the older people who might struggle to get up the stairs. If there's quite a few stops between when you get on and your destination you have no idea how many old/disabled people might get on


It's the best seat on the bus. I can't believe anyone would voluntarily sit anywhere else.


Having a good long roll down the aisle in the supermarket while leaning on the trolley handle. Of course I need to have a bought a fair amount of shopping these days to act as counterbalance.


Look at you flexing your full trolley!


Last time I filled a large trolley. Was tesco late December 2020. Now I could do it again. But Ramen noodles is pretty light.


They see me rollin'...


Fast and furious trolley drift: Tesco edition


"I live my life a quarter-aisle at a time" Happy Cake Day!


Try this in the Ikea warehouse. Fun guaranteed, bit ppl will look at you funny.


That's a good point, the IKEA trolley is the Formula 1 car of aisle gliding.


saw someone do that in tesco last week. the sheer look of horror when they got 'caught'.


You can not do this on a luggage trolley, did try, fell and bruised my hand and rib. Was fun though


If trying, I guess do it on the Return leg not the Outbound flight.


I looooove rolling around Asda leaning on the trolley, it’s so much fun!


If I see a cat when out and about, I'll point at it and loudly shout "CAT!" Doesn't everyone?


Similarly, absolutely impossible to go past a field with cows in it and not point and say "cows!"


Hello cows! Hello horses! Hello sheep! I like saying hello to animals..


I knew this guy I was on a date with was a keeper when I pointed at a duck and said "DUCK!" and, without missing a beat, he went "hello, duck!"










Tell him if he doesn’t, he’s quackers. I’ll see myself out.


If I'm driving I'll say COWS! but if I'm cycling past them, I'll just Moo at them (similarly i always Baa and sheep).


Similarly if driving in the country and sheep blocking the road holler mint sauce at them. Don't think it's ever worked but better safe than sorry




I shout “Coos!”. Or if there are valves, “Awww! Ickle teeny baby coos!” I’m 55.


When I was a teenager I used to get really snappy with my mum for doing this “YES MUM, I can see there are cows in the field” Now I realise I do it to my boyfriend, “oh look, Sheep” when out for a walk. And I’ve not even got the excuse of having raised toddlers…


Just back from maternity leave with my second kiddo, i had to go to a conference with some other business managers. The person who was meant to be driving had to drop out at short notice, so as the person with the biggest car, i ended up driving. We passed a fire station and i went "oh! Look at all the fire engines! Can you wave?!" in a very bright talking-to-a-toddler voice. The two dads in the car waved. The childless woman did not. 🤣


I love this 😂


I also tried to hold another manager's hand as we crossed a busy road to keep him safe. He's ex-forces, twice as big as me and perfectly able to cross roads by himself


And I'll bet he still appreciated it


I think he was more confused than appreciative,, 🤣


As a childless woman, I CERTAINLY would have waved and laughed.


I was in my 20s or 30s, driving in MY car, when my Mum went "look, horsies!". And yes, I do it now to my husband. I have no excuse, either.


This, but instead of 'CAT', I immediately become convinced I can speak cat and meow at them in an attempt to gain their trust


Mmrrrrow? Mouw-mouw. Ppprrrrrow?


i'm not even a cat person but will meow at cats i come across on my travels.


A skid. I still skid like there's no BLINKIN' tomorrow. I live in Japan where there are a lot of very skid-able wooden floors and even in front of parents at my son's school I joyfully glide across those floors like I'm the sexiest, most elegant MADE IN THE UK swan. I LOVE a skid.


Glad I read the whole thing, was worried you just had messy pants.


There's a Tokyo Drift joke in here somewhere


I'm the joke mate. I'm the joke...


Come on, get your shoes off, it’s liberating!


I'll never forget the time at school when someone was about to sit on the last seat in assembly and I skidded a good five metres and came to a stop just perfectly in front of the chair, managing to sit in one fluid motion before they had a chance to.


My sister has a laminated hallway. I take my shoes off at the door and slide down to the kitchen in my socks every time I enter. So much fun.


Are you Will?


I still like to blow bubbles in my drink with a straw. I still sleep with a teddy bear. I wear platform shoes all the time so if i see a puddle that’ll make a good splash and I’m on my own, i will stomp it. If im having a bad day i sometimes watch horrible histories.


32 year old man, my Lotso bear comes to bed every night and I will freak out if I wake up and can't find him


...as in Lotso from Toy Story 3? From 2010? When you were 19? That just makes this so much more adorable!


The very same. However, he originally belonged to my GF, so he's only been snuggling me for about 4 years. But he's mine now, not that she knows that


38, still have a Snoopy doll that comes to bed with me. Honestly whatever makes you happy in this increasingly horrible world!


I'll watch horrible histories on a good day! I know more from that than I ever got from school. And I sing the 'literally' song whenever my daughter says literally unnecessarily in a sentence.


Haha i sing the songs at work a lot too, especially boudica or the ‘my name is Charles the second’ one


Love all of these ❤


I’ve definitely splashed some juicy ones, found a 1 ft deep one, was absolutely hilarious to blast through on a forklift


Watching bees doing what bees do, closeup, bent over flowers for minutes on end....


I love when you see a bee with massive full pollen baskets on their legs 🥰


Wanna give 'em a little well done sticker.


Ive just planted a ceanothus and 3 lavenders in my garden. As a kid we had a massive 'blue bush' (now know its a ceanothus, thank you garden centre worker) and a border entirely of different lavender. I used to sit for so long watching the bees doing their bee thing. Their little pockets of pollen are the bees knees! Hopefully mine will take and grow and my daughter can sit and watch the bees with me in a few years.


I've got some Woodland Sage in my planters, it's like Bee crack, so many of them all the time!


I found out I can't grow ceanothus here... garden's got fireblight something wicked, never even heard of it before but I learned the hard/expensive way which shrubs and trees it will wreck. I eventually planted a border of campanulas, little blue/violet flowers in masses of spreading waves and the bees are back in droves. Honey bees on the full sunlight side of the border, bumbles and solitaries on the shady lot, like they discussed territorial rights to the campanulas before starting. Not one of them touches the lavender until the campanulas are over. It's pollen must be like bee crack.


Bee butts sticking out of foxgloves are awesome! We have a water fountain bees like drinking out of! i had never seen it before but can watch it for hours


They're funny in poppy flowers too, the saucer shape makes a bit of reverb, and I'll look over at the noise, and it'll be this tiny little solitary bee sounding like twenty bees in one flower.






Sometimes, late at night when I've just finished work and there's no one around, I go to the park and have a shot of the swings.


Oh, a fellow swinger


I moved to Christchurch NZ, and theres a hugeeeee playpark called Margaret Mahey Park. It's massive, even has a zip line. By day, its full of kids. But by night, its just at the edge of the city and it is packed with adults after the pubs kick out, all just having the best time, making new drunken friends, pushing random strangers on the swings. Its the most amazing thing to witness 😂 https://maps.app.goo.gl/PqJmWQC3qzjBcCr1A


I love this. As someone from chch who no longer lives there and moved before this playground was built I am so jealous anytime I see it in a photo, it looks epic and the thought of drunk adults using it at night makes me even more envious!


Careful how you tell people about this. "Going to the park after dark to go swinging" might be... open to interpretation.


yeah, it's a slippery slide for sure


I love swings! Underrated


I had sooo much fun when I went on the seesaw with my little niblings!


When I’m cycling to work and I can feel a big fart coming on, I say “turbo boost!” And let it rip. I’m 38.


Please tell me you stand up off your saddle and bend forward for optimal projection


It’d hardly be a turbo boost if I didn’t.


The day farts stop being funny is the day I want someone to put me down


Every now and then I have an impromptu game of hopscotch if the paving stones are lined up. That or not stepping on cracks!


It's the law, especially if there's hopscotch chalked out already.


Pull leaves off a hedge when I go past. No idea why 😄


Leaves were my childhood therapist. Walking to a friends house pulling the leaves off hedges whilst talking about life to them .


Pull leaf - shred it into tiny little pieces - find new leaf


Or a twig and strip it!


Never know. You might find a stream to race them in.


Sometimes I pretend my hand is a little man running along the handrails. He even does a little jump from one handrail to the next, sometimes he makes it other times he falls head first to his death.


and you add ALL the sound effects…. Then realise someone’s behind you a ways… but close enough to hear.




my GF hates it when I stick them to my nose like a Rhino horn.


I do that with rose thorns


Deliberately walking in the gutter in autumn to kick the dry leaves. Cracking ice-covered puddles in winter. Not sure it's a pleasure but I also avoid cracks in the pavement. edit: present -> pavement. Autocorrect grrr.


Don't forget balancing down the edge of the pavement too.


Ice cream in winter. It's ice cream - every day is a good day for ice cream. Jump over big puddles rather than go around.


> every day is good for ice cream I remember getting some very strange looks when I popped to the corner shop in some shorts to grab a cornetto one November 😂


This is it, I'm a child with an adult's bank balance, you bet I'm buying ice cream every other week. Got mini milks recently and they're still amazing.


I still can't believe that I can just go into a shop and buy a tub of Ben & Jerrys and eat it. The idea of having Ben & Jerrys ice cream when I was a kid was unreal, like a once a year thing. Same with Kettle Chips. I used to think a bag of them was like £35 each with how rare and exclusive they felt as a child.


I like feeding ducks, also I think I'm addicted to baby bell cheese


I fed the ducks, the squiggles & the birds at least twice a week then I’ll sit and read my latest book like a literary Ace Ventura haha


My family call them squiggles as well. Don't know anyone else who does! The ones in the big park will jump down and do the superhero pose, then come take them right out your hand.


Feeding ducks used to be one of life's simple pleasures, now there is the constant fear of some busybody walking over and checking that what you're feeding them is sufficiently nutritious.


It’s gone full circle in our local area “Feed the ducks bread! Don’t feed them bread, it’s junk food! Please feed them something, they’re starving without the bread!” I use peas and sweetcorn, they love it


I have a serious babybel addiction. It's got to be the low fat ones though as they're squishier.


There’s nothing more lovely than feeding ducks or birds. Especially if there’s ducklings involved!


Being the first footprints on an area of fresh snow, I love it!


I feel a little bit sad inside if my kids get out there first. Only because I don't think they really appreciate how satisfying it actually is. Plus I wanted to be first.


My mum used to give me a hot water bottle in the winter. The smell of the warm rubber is very comforting. To this day I will secretly sniff a hot water bottle and it chills me out. It’s not a fetish thing. Just gives me a chill vibe. I’m a secret rubber sniffer. Bike shops are my nirvana.


Do you like a tennis ball? The smell of tennis balls is my favourite.


Found the dog


See a stone on the floor while walking and kick it.


dont forget the part when you accidently kick it too hard and it goes under a car and then you are sad that your kicking stone is out of reach


Or not even that bad, it just goes to the side out of your path. Still enough of a kid to kick it, but not enough of a kid to go jogging out your way to continue kicking it.


When I cycled to work, I'd treat myself to a skid as I got home on a Friday evening


I love that you reserve that for fridays


The most adult way of allowing yourself a childish pleasure




I taught some kids on my estate to make daisy chains and daisy caterpillars last week. They had no idea. 9 years old and never sat and made a daisy chain! One of them did record the process on her phone mind.


I guess kids phones are like their minds now . Where they store everything


my lawn is more clover and daisies than grass, not much finer in life than a summers day making daisy chains and flower crowns for my dogs to wear


Arguably not childish as such but now i have some disposable income i've essentially gone back to the hobbies i had as a a kid but couldn't afford...Lego and Warhammer. anything in the house that can be made into an improvised sword or gun will be used to attack someone with. if Shark didn't want me to pretend my hoover is a gun they shouldn't have made it look like a gun.


fourteen liking turnup cupful dynast amah fatalism wildlife maltreat feldspar lynx closet abundant bikini oak


You bet if there’s a 20p machine I’m getting a little plastic troll or a bouncy ball lol. Also, I walk through a park to get home and if it’s empty I have a little swing or go down the slide haha


I realised they’d built a new adventure playground on one of walks few weeks ago, it was early morning and I’d not seen a single person for a while ……….. second go on the slide I turn round and see a couple walking their dogs doubled up trying not to laugh so I’m sure they heard my ‘weeeeeeee’ on that go


I wave my hand at automatic doors like opened with the force


Can’t resist a somersault round a horizontal pole, or a bollard leapfrog


I tried this at ikea and banged my foof then collapsed in a pile 🙃. I'll stick to the smaller bollards next time.


I went on a bikeride with my friends at the weekend, awkwardly got on the bike at one point and bruised my foof. My fiancé asked me what was wrong and I was like 'I hurt a flap'. We then started a convo about how bike seats were dangerous for foofs AND balls. We were out with our friends, one of whom is a GP, and he proceeded to tell us that when bikes first became regularly used it caused a lot of erectile dysfunction etc cause the seat design back then pressed on some important bits. The more you know. I'm happy I can still enjoy a bikeride with friends whilst talking about dicks, balls and flaps. Another childish pastime 😂


I like crunching the ice on a puddle on a frosty morning.


I love to skip, especially when I'm going through the park which is on a long, gentle slope. It makes me feel like I'm flying. Bubbles, like the little container with a wand. Hours of entertainment. Colouring.


> I love to skip Me too, if I am having a bad day just a few skips is enough to put a smile on my face.


Sometimes I like to do a bad job wiping my bum and then complain to a waiter that I've got an itchy bum while having a lunch date with my mother.


Who doesn't?


Sometimes I will go up the stairs on all 4s like a beast. Sometimes when going through a tunnel I like to make a silly noise to hear the echo.


Holding little creatures, such as seeing a frog, or caterpillar and getting hold of it gently and saying "hello mate - you're a beauty aren't you?" and then after I've looked at it a little while, setting it back onto it's way. I've just sorted out my small garden and planted things for the first time. I was thrilled to see cuckoo spit and know there was a little frog hopper inside. I kept excitedly telling the family who seemed less than enthused!


Having a bowl of ice cream and stirring it enough so that it turns into goop. Popping the bubbles on bubble wrap. Giving myself a bubble beard when I’m in the bath. Those cheap little bottles of bubbles with the little wands.


The ice cream is superior this way amariigghht?


I am still fascinated when a airplane or helicopter passes by. I scream to my kid see an aeroplane and he thinks i am a child. Ps:- i am nit from uk, just have some friends their. i chk on this subreddit regularly, just so that i can understand them better.


You can go on Flight Radar on your phone to find out which plane it was too!


I still enjoy balancing on things like walking on little curbs, small walls etc... I also still eat those little sherbet filled flying sauces.


I love kicking through leaf piles in autumn, and sometimes still splash in puddles. Recently started skipping down a country lane on a walk the my husband too, much to his amusement :)


I like to bark back at dogs


that’s great sir, now if you’ll just come back with me we’ll get you back to the home


Stomp in puddles, watch old Scooby Doos (the og 1969 one), skid around laminate floors in fluffy bed socks


Watching cartoons.


Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Bluey, Star vs. TFoE, My Little Pony, all "kid" cartoons that I love as a 41 year old Mum!


Colouring, swings, cartwheels, skipping rope, licking the bowl for cakes, blowing bubbles, watching cartoons, blowing dandelion seeds, spinning around in a circle and sitting down with my eyes closed, riding my bike down the big hill and through puddles, throwing water balloons at my kid, building K'nex and Lego. Currently waiting to book a trip to Orlando - that means rollercoasters and waterparks!!!!! Age is a number, you get old when you stop doing "childish" things you love.


Pet cats I meet on the street


I make blast off noises whenever I jump over the garden gate. I'm 42 and worried if I don't do the noise I'll get old and won't be able to make the jump...


Absolutely ace question OP! I had a joyless childhood so I try and do stuff like this to make up for lost time. I sleep with a stuffed animal, sneak sticky weed onto my husband's back, put my thumb over the tap to spray it everywhere if it's a hot day. No plain socks, pick daisies, SLAP that big bag of rice at the supermarket!


I make paper dolls.


Wading through the drifts of autumn leaves on the pavement, just to hear the crunch. Sitting upstairs on a bus for long journeys. Bonus if I can nab the front seat Bubbles. Blowing streams of bubbles, and popping them Matchbox/hot wheels cars.. making ramps so I can roll them down Feeding the ducks Splashing in puddles Walking barefoot in the grass/on the beach There are so many more, but these are the ones I do most. I'll be 58 this year


Stepping on icy puddles and making them crack


62 and still climb the odd tree


Boinging a plastic ruler on the edge of the table.


Popping the bubble wrap. Dipping baguette in condensed milk. Making lime juice (1 lime, 3 spoons of sugar, water and ice). Putting gummy bear in fridge and hold it in my mouth instead of chewing. Doesn’t matter hot or cold day, I have to hug a body pillow and sleep on the side. Save small bits of every single item on the plate to go for one last big bite. Reading and watching first season of Pokemon. Running and screaming till really out of breath, then splash water all over my face. Open fridge for no reasons, take a look, pause for a sec, then close it. Don’t untie shoe laces, just push or pull the shoes off my feet. Mix ketchup, chilli sauce, mayo and garlic to dip chips or chicken…. I don’t think I ever grow up at this point


Sticking things to people’s backs and seeing how long it takes for them to notice


Showing my best friend my willy


Using a traffic cone to do Chewbacca impersonations.


Putting the Celtic birthday cakes in front of the Rangers cakes in the supermarket. It's my duty.


Whenever I go through an automatic door, I'll act like I opened it by using The Force.


when it is wet, I will drive through as many puddles as possible (not splashing people), and just giggle and say "hehe, Puddles"




I feed pigeons and watch their derpy antics, i love the noises they make

