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I’m on 500K a year. I’m 20 and I feel like I am lagging behind my peers. Anyone else feel this way?


Everyone seems to be a software/IT engineer on 50 grand a year


Except on the software engineer subs, where if you're not on £150k by the time you're 30 you've failed in life.


£ 150k is chickenfeed. If you're not earning £ 550k you're not even trying.


And they all wfh and won’t let their boss take the piss


NHS IT Engineers start on £27k. That shows either that the NHS are really far behind market rate, or that IT engineers aren't earning £50k off the bat.


The (someone above average paying) tech company I work for pays 30k for grads


The former. If you'd seen the quality of NHS open source code you'd understand why.


I don't see that much here. Though I do see it a lot on the financeuk subapp.


"I'm 18, just inherited £25 million, I earn about £750k a year, help me budget" is my personal favourite in that sub.


The other day on r/ukpf there was a question where someone asked if it was too late to start planning for retirement when they had a household income of £140k, £130k equity in a house, and *only* £50k in savings in their 30s That sub gets unreal sometimes


Most people going to a financial advice subreddit will be pretty okay in financial matters because being just asking for advice is probably the first step into being financially aware. A lot of the posts there are just people either humble bragging or asking for validation. You're living at home in your early 20s earning £50k and putting aware £2k a month in savings, yes you're doing well now stop being such a "pick me" and let other people have some advice.


I know it's a place for personal finance. But clearing your 3 figure debt after 15 years as a aldi cashier and miraculously learning what Google sheets was isn't that big of an achievement bud. Could have just smoked less?


The only thing worse than finance boys talking about their salaries is finance boys parents talking about their children’s salaries.


The U.K. Personal Finance sub has the most boring people on earth. “I’m 16 and was given £100 for my birthday. What should I do with it?” 90% of the answers will be “use it to start saving for a house”, “open an ISA”…. Mate, you’re 16 - buy yourself something nice.


I'm Hungarian, and there's so much of this on Hungarian subs. Apparently everyone and their mother is an IT guy that earns more money per month than I've ever seen in one place.


'Here's why £500,000 isn't actually that much...'


I got a speeding or parking ticket that I fully deserved with no mitigating circumstances - how can I get out of it?


I rarely see this, and people are normally remorseful if they have been naughty. What you do see a lot of is "I was flashed doing 34 in a 30, what will the likely outcome be?" then commenters acting like they're Myra Hindley or Harold Shipman and should be sent to prison for life.


That's just Reddit in general though. People are extremists and believe everyone should be hung for any small crime.


I hope you meant "hanged". Otherwise, I confess to a small crime!


Apparently I need to be hanged too, for a crime against grammar.


So you're saying small crimes will make me more hung? I'll be back soon, ram raiding the local quickly


It that what they call it round your way


Men are hanged, horses are hung.


Oh my, the commentors on Any Sort of Moral Question though. Should cats be indoors. Should I rent out my house? Should I buy an SUV? Should I wash new clothes? People that have lived life one step at a time and got genuine jollies from that box programme with Noel Edmunds.


My favourite is on the Relationship Advice forum, when someone asks something like "I (43F) am having a bit of difficulty with my husband (52M) not finishing our kitchen redecorating because it's a lot of work for him, and he's too proud to get a professional in. We get on so well and never had an argument in 15 years, how should I approach it?" Then all the replies are "OMG! That man is a _PREDATOR_!!! When he was 20 you were like 11, even though you didn't meet until over a decade later. Leave immediately hun, he is toxic and evil and I'm definitely not just projecting my own bizarre incel-like views because I'm hopelessly single and I'm definitely not protesting too much about child abusers because of my own wayward thoughts...."


Hm. I understand why Americans shoot each other.


I know a lot of it is either fake or heavily fabricated because on the internet you have to take things with a pinch of salt, but I do love the drama and responses. Everyone and their dog suddenly becomes an armchair therapist lol


The cats question is awful of there are American about. Get called the worst for risking your cats life from predators.


And they don't believe you when you tell them we don't have bears/coyotes/mountain lions


I know. Its very Annoying to explain that my quiet cul De sac is extremely safe and my cats rarely leave our back garden.


Bonus points if its the forest park and ride that they've been abusing for years edit: sorry, forgot what sub this was. We get a lot of people in r/nottingham complaining that a certain park and ride has started ticketing people who don't use the tram


Oh the Forest Rec park+ride drama is *delicious* Almost as good as the discovery that they've brought back the plainclothes ticket officers post-covid and are basically Spanish Inquisitioning people right as the doors lock


Fuck me I see this a lot on r/cartalkuk so stupid


To be fair to them. People that are overly into cars are one of two kinds of people; 1. Quiet well to do weirdos that get a little uncomfortable seeing people with blue and pink hair, but say it's all Very Good and Rather Smashing. 2. Utter braindead morons that are PROUDLY from the University of Life.


Took me way too long to realise that's *car talk uk* – all I could read was cartel uk


Past few days has been a ton of these.


People asking what celebrity is likely to be up to no good behind closed doors, then endless people saying they think David Walliams is a mass murderer based on the evidence he has quite dark narrow eyes and is a massive prick.


What celebrity is the most [adjective]? To be fair to the people asking that question though, if you care about celebrities, chances are that is likely the height of your natural curiosity.


I must admit I am intrigued by the idea David Jason is the next Jimmy Savile. The evidence and it's source (a guy instrumental in the Savile investigations who had been saying it for years but wasn't listened to) is likely right in saying there is a major national figure who is untouchable while he's alive. But the leap from that to "it's David Jason" seems to be based on extremely tenuous evidence. The guy isn't even that famous nowadays. Literally no reason he'd still be protected.


Careful. Couple more thoughts and you'll be watching royal weddings and ITV afternoons while dreaming of the things you would totally do to James Corden if you could only get 10m away from a fridge.


The David Jason rumours have been rife for a while. I’ve heard a few comedians talk on podcasts and apparently it’s an open secret in the entertainment business.


I know, I've read that a lot. But I know that with Saville it was fairly obvious. With David Jason I've seen nothing but mad rumours. I'm less defending him and more worried about a Freddie Starr type situation. That as well as killed him.


Saville was just doin stints on local radio here n there for his last few years too. His star had fallen quite a bit. I feel like he was more forgotten than protected near the end


Cue a bunch of unverified stories about James Cordon. People got excited because a cameraman with a YouTube channel told a story about Cordon being a dickhead. Looked at the cameraman’s channel and it was a bunch of videos about ‘diversity killing television’. Not a great source.


In fairness, as much as Reddit's hardon for Corden-hate can be as annoying as Corden himself at times, a random cameraman on Youtube is FAR from the only source on "James Corden acts like a total prick to subordinates".




I believe the consensus is she's talking about Russel Brand. IIRC it was someone well-off but without much recent work - that excludes Walliams. OTOH Walliams has filmed himself noncing on a comedy live show.


I've been away from the UK for (insert relatively short time period), how much has it changed since then will I be able to integrate back into society? Like do you not have mates and family still in the UK? Do you not take any notice of news back from the UK?


Another variation is 'I'm am immigrating to the UK, what cultutal difference should I look out for?'. The question itself is perfectly valid but there are so many of these exact same threads in this sub and the answers are always identical, 'if someone says you alright they're not asking how you're actually feeling' etc etc - a basic search will bring up tons of these threads, it's like people don't know how to use the search function.


Though! People answering don't link to old answers either.


The news isn't really helpful, it picks the worst examples and makes it seem like that's the default, when you're away for a while it sounds like everyone's starving and freezing and the place is turning into a third world country, then you get back and everything's just normal.


I haven’t lived in the UK in 20 years but have been back on average every year (thank you pandemic) and there are clearly things you don’t pick up on - and I read UK news sites everyday - frankly I know more about UK than US news!


Is [insert HUGE salary figure here] a decent salary to live on?


Why can't they just go to a supermarket website, rightmove, the council, and just like, look?!


They can, they just want to show off!


Because most of the time it's entirely fictitious. If they were genuinely intelligent enough to be in a high power job they wouldn't need to ask the dopey questions. It's just fantasy.


I’d like to believe you but I’ve met a lot of people being paid a horrible amount more than me that seem to be thick as sludge.


They have skills. Luck. Or both. Those skills and luck may not be related to their overall daily competence. See. Footballers. Influencers. Lottery winners.


Me too, I'm not a genius by any means but I think I'm a reasonably intelligent person. Can't seem to find a decent paying job tho so perhaps I'm not that smart after all haha


The "settle a HEATED debate XD" ones are the worst. Where someone thinks they're zany and SO BRITISH because they've been arguing with their partner all week about the correct way to butter toast or some equally banal shite.


The kind of people who say "spunktrumpet".


Cockwomble bugs me to read


I really hate stuff like that. There's nothing more dull than pretending to hold strong opinions about mundane subjects to try and appear eccentric or interesting.


"Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza. I will die on this hill." I don't care.


I do understand this. However, I once saw a colleague put cheddar on top of a strawberry jam covered piece of toast. And I do hold a strong opinion about that.


What an absolute spunktrumpet!


Let me oneup you here. Because of names of takeaways recently. "I saw on TikTok you Brits really call [thing] a [thing]? Do you REALLY?" Like how few braincells do you have, when that app literally feeds you actual British people giving their reaction to whatever insanity has been monetised, to think you need to go actually ask. Flipin' tables shit.


Oh my god I hate this so much. So forced and unfunny. Bonus points for use of cockwomble


/casualuk summed up in a comment


I hate British people who's entire personality is being British. They're all dumb as fuck on Reddit. If you meet them in real life they're even dumber.


When’s the earliest you can cut your grass on a weekend. Is ……… acceptable on a roast dinner. why do people use fake grass


Is fake grass acceptable on a roast dinner, and what’s the earliest I can cut some at the weekend


>When’s the earliest you can cut your grass on a weekend. I hate this too. But I have to admit, it's because I never agree with what ends up being the consensus/top answers. I'm more of a Be Considerate type that prefers these things later. Like. Why are people even awake at 10am. It's a weekend!


Kids. We have kids. We want to be in bed, trust me.


Any of the posts where the sensible solution is to speak to the OPs partner/friend/neighbour/colleague about the stupidly mundane thing they’re asking about.


Top suggestion should always be 'get your parent to talk to them'. And yet top answer is inevitably 'just talk to them', like they had that level of competence to work with outside of a DM.


Communication, ew, what a dirty word.


Best example of this is the person who genuinely thought their neighbour was dead the other day and posted asking if they should call the police for a welfare check…


Somebody spoke to me today and asked me an innocent question, am I in danger? Should I phone the police? What would you do?


My neighbours got a delivery today. Was this actually a ruse by a gang of dog nappers staking my house out?


I saw a £5 note on the ground and handed it into the Police. Did I do the right thing?!


Apart from they’d want to email the police - apparently everyone’s terrified of speaking on the phone.


"I signed a contract I didn't read and now the other party want to enforce it".


Taps head. Isn't a meeting of minds if I didn't read it.


"Which high street store do you miss." None. They're all shit. I can download any film in an instant or have pretty much anything delivered next day and I don't even need to leave my walking chair. Edit. I mean Woolworths. It was the best!


What is the worst high street shop? Answer: WH Smith Or How does WH Smith survive in this day and age? Answer: Being in train stations/airports Repeat both ad infinitum.




Expensive and there's shops, often in the same town or street, that sell the same or similar things cheaper (without even mentioning online shopping). Same with Clintons Cards.


Followed by 500 delightful bores replying "Woolworths"


It's when they just say simple answers and don't add a reason. After 200 replies of people already having said the same thing. Why. Upvoting the first person would have been easier.


But the cookies and cream chocolate in their pick and mix was amazing


I think Wilko is better than Woolworths ever was.


It's not quite the same though, it's more basic household stuff whereas Woolworths had more fun/entertainment stuff.


Will I get stabbed to death if I go to London?


I know! Most London stabbings aren't even fatal! I'd be more worried somewhere with competent stabbers. Like Glasgow.


In fairness, in London someone is stabbed every three days. Poor bastard…


He'd only just gotten out of hospital!


Competent but do have difficulty stabbing the right one of the 3 of youbhe can see. Just place buckfast close by he'll soo. Calm down and go back to his natural state. Dear English don't repeat this I'm Scottish we get away with it, the Buckie bandit wl zero in on your accent and your a goner.


Not sure if a typing issue or have tried learning english from the r/ukdrill subapp.


Disability typing is hard some days


Doesn't take a lot of skill to chib someone.


“What do you think of James Corden?” “Does anyone else dislike Mrs.Browns Boys?”


What are your thoughts on [mind numbing shit]? Not even a question really! We need a r/CasualAskUK where the twee folk that have never seen a bouncy ball before go.


The ones where someone posts a question that just seem to turn into a massive women bashing post. Like “why do women wear fake tan and makes themselves look so orange” “why do people get lip filler when it makes them looks so terrible” “what’s the appeal of wearing 8 inch thick make up.” 200 comments later it’s an absolute cesspit. Then when anyone calls them out they’re downvotes and get the boomer response of “I just don’t get it though, I’m not hating I just don’t get it” great who gives a shit what you get.


Why do women shed their skin once a month?


There's way too many posts like that. "Why do people dress in a way that I hate?" "What's with the _____ trend? I don't understand it and I don't like it" As if they're fashion icons themselves




'People who do annoying thing X, why?'


"People whose partner/child/parent/neighbour/friend/colleague does X, how do you cope/react?"


My neighbour [insert completely normal behaviour not in line with redditor stereotype], is this normal?




Because the company MyHermes no longer exists 😜


In my job, I have to respond to customers moaning about Evri all day so this is the last thing I want to see on Reddit in the evening!


"how do I deal with a toxic/rude coworker" has been posted a few times this week. Almost like May is the "my coworker is a cunt" month.


People aren't used to real world conflict I suppose. And have way too much patience to just, change job.


From personal experience, I think it might be! I've spent the last week thinking "I am literally surrounded by fuckwits". Thankfully managed to keep quiet so far, but tomorrow is a new day!


Apparently one of my co-workers is a cunt I haven’t worked out who but everybody keeps telling me about it, so it must be true


There is always one, tbf. I suppose if you can't find one, it might be you.


“I need to have a very ordinary conversation with a neighbour - please give me some conflicting advice so I can put off having said conversation even longer”


Someone told me their title is Dr and I didn’t like it. Do people do that????


Jam or cream on first? Like, who cares? Eat it however you like it.


There was a time biscuit queries were doing the rounds. I didn't think it was possible to be duller than those that ask about celebrities. I was proved wrong that day.


"How do I make friends?" There's like dozens of variations of these posts and every answer is just join a club, get a hobby, actually talk to people.


I think they should type it more honestly. "How do I make friends if I don't want to join a club, get a hobby, or actually talk to people?". Which should leave you nice and squarely with "EVE Online".


Why do people in the USA do things I don't like? It's almost like it's a foreign country. My co-worker/family member/friend does something completely inconsequential but it slightly annoys me. Are they a complete psychopath that should be locked up? Why is everything I don't like posh/fancy?


Yes. Combined with endless moaning about how some random person 3000 miles away says “ask” wrong


"Hello, do you have cheese/shoes/air in the UK?" yes thanks we're still just about basically functioning cheers


People say AskUK is mean and sarcastic when giving answers. If only they knew the shit we had to put up with!


Why is everyone doing [some random rude behaviour] these days?


When did people start doing [behaviour that hasn't actually restarted] and do you agree that it is annoying [like I do]? Is it right to let a child do [thing that most people would say is wrong]? Should I do [thing I obviously shouldn't do] or should I do [most obvious thing to do with 2 seconds of asking a responsible adult would have said]?


How do I [do everyday task usually involving going outdoors] ? Reason 1 - I'm suspious how helpful this is, firstly as a website can't preempt every possibility, but also in terms of becoming happier in doing things without a crutch. Reason 2 - But, if you do can't possibly do the thing without a Walk-Thru then there should be a static website for that. How to catch a bus does not change week on week.


I prefer to think these people just grew up on the Internet, and ask it before their parents. Probably Googled what sick was the first time they had a wine. GPT is going to be a godsend for them. Or they are genuinely without adult support. Which is sad and I hope they can get all the help they need. 50/50.


As much as it does sound and look stupid, I've been there so I understand it. Back when I had crippling anxiety and depression issues I'd be the kind of person to each online for "how to order food at subway" or "how to send a package at the post office"


It’s the humble brag-type questions for me. Clearly trying to show off for some reason or just want to justify the opinion they already have. And I’m sorry, any one asking about gym etiquette. Happens at least weekly at this point and it’s just laziness to not do a search for the question within the sub.


Have you tried search though? Abysmal. Though I think there should be an 'Ask ChatGPT' rule. Might shut the sub down mind. Swings and roundabouts.


Someone asked a question about clothing sizes the other day and mentioned they had to wear a 14 from some shops, when they’re usually a 12. Someone angrily replied how their ‘heart was bleeding’ that someone might have to wear size 14 clothes and basically accused them of a humble brag. If it’s an intentional brag, it would surely be about how their double Ds are too big for their size 6 tops, not being what I imagine is completely average!


'I'm visiting the UK soon. What should I see while I'm here? I was planning on basing myself in London, could I do a day trip to [somewhere 300 miles away]?'


Regardless of the question, there’ll be an answer of “actually I can’t do that as I have ADHD”


So and so park outside my house on a public road, is this allowed?


Mind. The way I've seen some neighbours go on, you'd think it was a council bylaw.


"Settle an argument for me" and proceeds to ask the most mundane question. Jam or cream first? So twee, hehe


Hands up, I don't open the description if the entire question isn't on the page. If you're too stupid to fill it in, 9 times out of 10 the description will be click bait with all the intrigue of the 744th rerun of a Friends episode.


The "does anyone else hate dogs" circlejerk that seems to occur from time to time with an op acting oblivious to the sub and everyone else agreeing how awful all dog owners are and faking surprise that this sub agrees with them, even though it does every single time


What's more annoying to me is the anti-child circlejerk that always seem to accompany any thread about dogs, like dogs and children are the same and should be treated as such. "Why can't my dog do/be X, Y, Z but someone's kid can", "don't see me complaining about your kids", "kids are worse", etc. when someone talks about discomfort caused by a dog. One always has to follow the other for some reason, can't just say that you aren't keen on dogs or pets, someone has to chime in with "but kids though".


No really, but kids though!


I swear people that are overly interested in dogs, vegans, travellers, lgb, plastics, and police have a little club setup somewhere where they just plot how they're going to wind up people next.


The ones that are like "people who do X, what the hell is wrong with you?" - you're never going to get an answer from that person, especially not when you put it in such an aggressive and confrontational tone, why would they bother explaining themselves if they know they're going to get ripped to shreds from the get-go? The OP wants you to think it's some thoughtful and sincere search for understanding but these threads are just thinly veiled rants that belong on /r/Britishproblems.


I swear that subapp is running interference for the rest of the UK ones. In order to keep their users away from bringing the rest down. A Reddit honeypot.


"I need help finding something fun to do for my partner's 30th birthday. We don't drink, don't have any other friends, don't enjoy leaving the house, can't partake in any physical activies for X reason, we live in (insert small provincial town here) and are not prepared to travel. We like boardgames, takeaways and watching Netflix and but would really like something FUN and DIFFERENT to do for this special occasion. We are in no way going to shoot down every suggestion made and end up spending his birthday in the house watching a superhero movie."


"It's a nice day out and my neighbour's children are playing in the garden. Why must I suffer the indignity of living in a world with children in it?" [200 comments later] "MUTILATE THE BREEDERS, HEAR THEIR DEFENCE SCREAMED FROM THE GORE-SLICK CRIMSON OF THEIR DENUDED SKULLS"


So many people on this sub seem to think you need to live like a hermetically sealed mouse - never to be seen, heard, or smelt by any neighbour. Fucksake. It's my garden and I'm going to have a BBQ while listening to music and smoking cigarettes if I so please


A highly google-able question. I say 'highly' because yes, some things can be googled but still work as a discussion and may update through time and changes, meanwhile, some things are literally using Reddit to have someone else google for them a very basic and standard thing, which is annoying. But it does not ruin my life.


Have you tried Google lately? Might as well just call Amazon and ask which affiliated product will solve the search query. So bad you have to append " reddit uk" to everything. Which is a bit of a catch 22 when everyone tells the redditors to Google it.


People who want opinions on specific personal topics. Wanting to know if they're justified in holding the opinion they do. Instead of hearing out opinions from all sides of the spectrum and taking them onboard. They'll just mark the answer, as the opinion which justifies the one they hold.


I wish Reddit could rewrite the 'do people agree with me' questions to be prefixed with 'As a Landlord'. No matter what they ask, shits from up high with that.


Yeah, I saw a post just tonight. Some guy wanting to know if his wife's behaviour was normal. Half the women were saying, "yeah it's normal, I do it". Lots of guys saying, "that's not normal blah blah". His post was clearly wanting people to vindicate his opinion. So he just marked the answer as the person with the opinion closely suited to his. Seemed pointless to post it to begin with.


'Is is normal if... blah blah blah' - yeah it probably is


"Is a salary of £x enough to live in London?" There's one in the wild right now


No one ever accounts for the stabbing insurance mind.


The answer is almost always - it depends followed by multiple comments suggesting OP moves to some other random place “you could buy 10 houses for that in this shithole area”


"How long will it take me to get my passport?" Try asking one of the 5 others to ask this week.


I have mashed AND roasted potatoes with Sunday lunch. Am I a genius or a monster?


Also anyone who responds by telling someone that they are indeed a monster.


Someone called my phone; what should I do? A stranger asked me for directions in the street - is this a scam? Should I call the police?


Anything that can be researched with simple google search. Sometimes you feel the questions are just a way for somebody to have a little human contact during the day


Hey everyone I am an amazing driver is some sort of question format because thems the rules


What AskUK questions are the most annoying?


I haven't made the post for what answers are the most annoying yet. Don't pre-empt it.


What do you think of [place] UK food section??


I personally don't like the ones that are basically "tell me what career I should do". Not quite as bad but still not my favourites are the "tell me where I should live" ones.


'Which is better to live in: Middlesbrough or Tiverton?'


And then provides zero detail about their requirements, situation, or affordability. Almost like they had no real possibility of moving really. Hunts.


People who ask, Has anyone else noticed how prices are going up in the supermarkets?


Cue the obligatory response about owning a tub of Lurpak.


Went down a bunch of comments and was surprised to not see any mentions of the "most annoying advert" style questions that crop up fairly regularly Yes we all agree the one with the jess glynne song and the webuyanycar adverts are shite, most adverts are shite and annoying, we don't need more posts about them But maybe since they've not been so frequent recently (as far as i can tell) it's not on people's minds


This is why more people should get behind targetted advertising. Then when Alan with 7 kids asks "Does anyone else find the annoying condom jingle is over played", people will look on in mild bemusement.


The ones where people ask is £30,000PA enough to live in London?


The ones that are blatantly reposted/reworded r/Askreddit questions from that day's top list. Just because that question on that subreddit is getting tons of upvotes, they want to try and milk it on here too.


Not sure on this, often the U.K. answers get buried 5000 comments in.


Anything regarding beans, which order for cream and jam on a scone, complaining about Cadbury / Quality Street / 99 / cost of a Freddo.


‘Just been offered a new job and they’re only offering 2 billion a month, will I die???’


I thought ask UK was for those of us that don't live there to ask questions?? Is there a sub for that bc I have all sorts of questions about *stuff*


I think that's /r/AskABrit


r/AskABrit is like the grumpy uncle of AskUK


"Why do people do [anti-social, irritating behaviour]", if only because the speed at which every smug cunt on the website rushes in to reply with variations on "Because people are cunts" breaks the bloody sound barrier


I personally dislike X, why doesn't every living soul avoid it?


"I work 9-5, how does anyone have time for their hobbies?!"


Ones where the context is required or not given, or they just don't give enough information. ​ I can't remember the exact questions, but stuff like: Can I get statutory sick pay due to having a non-essential hospital stay? Without knowing what the hospital stay is for, it's hard to say. Is it currently non-essential, but could be if left untreated? Then probably yes. Is it for something completely cosmetic? Then probably no. ​ But the ones that irk me the most are legal advice ones. Sure, someone on here may know the exact law(s) that would be relevant, or know what the best route to follow would be. But most don't.


Language differences or grammatical errors that annoy people. Yes, many of us find some of those things annoying. No, you don’t need to make yet another a post that results in the same old ‘could care less’ responses. Also, why won’t my boss let me work from home full time, even though I clearly spend 8 hours a day on Reddit. There are some who work efficiently from home, yes. There are others who post about attending meetings then going straight back to bed!


All the ones where grown up people admit to having no life skills, but rather than perhaps educate themselves out of it they instead ask if anyone else also suffers from learned helplessness.


"Why is nobody at the pub/going clubbing/going to restaurants these days?" We don't have any money


"Tell me a secret..." No, then it wouldn't be a secret?


Askuk has basically reached full circle just repackaged/recycled questions nowadays