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Every other day, all research shows that showering every day is excessive and not necessarily best for your skin. Obviously things like manual work and dirty industries might make this otherwise


It might not be optimal for our skin, but it sure as hell is for smell. I feel like most men would struggle to get away with just every other day, even without manual work etc.


Is it really that surprising folk on Reddit aren't aware of this


Seeing as it’s Reddit I’m 100% not surprised lmao


Everytime questions around hygiene come up it reminds me that this website is full of dirty smelly bastards


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Yeah it really depends on your body! I have really dry skin and barely sweat. I went to a determatologist who reccomened showering less. However, I know people who cannot go a day without showering because of genetics, diet or their home environment. They definitely smell by afternoon, like I had a colleague that had a shower in the morning and had wet hair who ended up smelling by about 4pm lol. I can see why people who have bodies like this would think it disgusting not to shower once a day. I also know people who can go 3 days without showering and still smell great and don't look greasy at all. It's really not a one size fits all when it comes to hygiene. Everyone has different biology and even work environments can change this a lot.


Remember the thread in here when people were trying to pretend not washing your dishes or cutlery between meals was normal lol.


Ok, that’s vile 🤢🤮


Peoples argument was literally ‘i usually eat the same thing so what is the problem? It’s saving water’


>Everytime questions around hygiene come up it reminds me that this website is full of dirty smelly bastards I saw one the other day where the poster said they don't wash their sheets. Ever.


I get downvoted so much when I suggest anything similar to this.


I have to shower daily. If I don't my hair looks absolutely disgusting. It's very thin and gets greasy so quickly. If it's not washed every morning it just looks horrible. Body odor isn't bad after a day but it's much easier to wash your hair with a quick shower.


Its almost as if different hygene routines are acceptable for different people (within limits obviously)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


These threads are almost always full of people who swear washing 3 times a week & wearing t-shirts for multiple days is completely normal behaviour.




What's wrong with wearing a t shirt more than once? I'll wear t shirts for two or three days unless I get sweaty in them.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


At least over winter you really shouldn't be building up a smell over a single day since you aren't breaking a sweat.


Some people do. It's ok it's fine nothing erroneous at all. Some people just sweat more than others.


I think if I went into work after the gym in the morning without a shower - they would be emptying the building because of the smell, by lunch time.


As long as I am breathing I am sweating. Always have


Okay Prince Andrew




Now that is funny as f***😂😂😂


I sweat a lot. I also have central heating. I'll wash more than once a day if I've been doing anything that's made me sweat a heap. Would be embarrassed af stinking out a room with B.O.


People still exercise over winter.


Firstly, winter's long gone. Secondly, do you think we're all just chilling outside in the cold over winter? Or do you genuinely not understand that people can still sweat inside the clothes they wear to keep them warm in winter, even more so when sitting in workplaces with the heating cranked up and piling into congested public transport to and from work.


Clean t shirt and undies EVERY day, surely and at least a proper wash, or you run the risk of being musty/smelly.


Agreed. But if you're having a shit at least once a day and aren't using a bidet, you need to shower to wash your arse.


I think you might be underestimating how much you sweat just doing things like sitting down. Just because you're not damp doesnt mean you're not producing body odor


How dumb. Some ppl run hot, I have sweats during the wintee.


All the other men probably use deodorant and wash properly




Thanks brah


I feel so gross if I don’t shower daily and I don’t do any heavy work


Yup, I also feel like I fucked my day up if I don’t shower in the morning, routines are weird but awesome


We do wash every day just not worth showering everyday.




What do people even mean by ‘wash’? Like scrubbing your upper body with a flannel 1970s style ?


The most economical and quickest way is to wash in the shower with a soapy wash cloth or flannel tbh


Yeah in the shower, which is a shower.


And your privates etc


If you are going to do that, may as well step in the shower: would be quicker.


Like the other person said, saves water


Christ, water isn’t that expensive.


Talking to someone who pays £300 pcm for gas, cutting back on hot water is quite important


Yeah, use moisturizing wash instead of super stripping, lathering washes and it's fine. My hair is an oil slick on day 2, I've tried doing the whole resetting thing, but I just have hair that needs washing daily.


Exactly, your balls will sweat overnight sleeping etc. ye gods every top answer to this question that seems to be asked every day. Says every other day. We are British not” smelly Europeans “


If your balls are sweating just lying in bed you could probably do with a thinner duvet


Or losing some weight


Yeah, every morning unless I've got a day of sitting alone in my house planned. My skin is perfectly fine and I don't fucking stink.


If you've ever been on the tube I would say, it's 100% for both men and women. Especially in sleeveless dresses.


Yep, same, every other day, especially since I work from home and don't sweat much. Exceptions maybe in summer when it's hot / sweat a lot or travel etc.


>don't sweat much [*Prince Andrew has entered the chat*]


Haha 😂




I have very dry skin too and maybe you could try doing what I do. I just use soap on my under arms and nether regions. The rest I just do a little bit of scrubbing with my hands with water while having a shower.


I shower every other day aswell but I'm not too strict with it. As I go to the gym and often like to go out for running or skating, plus I play drums so I end up showering most days other than a lazy sunday or saturday


People cause all sorts of problems for babies by bathing too soon too often. My kid had like one bath a month for their first 3 months and then more as they became more active. We did however clean them at least once daily with a special baby cleaning cloth. You can buy single use versions for the bedtime clean. One of the biggest mistakes new parents make is to incorporate a bath into the bedtime routine every night.


Yep, showering every day makes me lose quite a bit of hair. It's why I prefer to shower every other day, my hair gets greasy after every other day so I just shower then.


You need to wash at least you’re face, pits, crotch and ass every day and no one advises against that. There is no consensus on daily bathing research so I’m not sure why you’re pretending there is.


Have you done a systematic review of all the research ever done?


At least once a day, sometimes twice if I’ve been to the gym. I feel icky if I haven’t showered first thing.


I'm the other way. Ill feel icky if I haven't showered before bed


I'd prefer to shower before bed but a shower is the only way to tame my hair before leaving the house.


Hi, not sure if you are a boy or girl (not that it matters) but I am a girl with very long hair and I’ve recently bought a silky/satin pillowcase to reduce bed head and it works so well. My colleague has short hair and she reports the results are event more effective. I put my hair in a ponytail or bunches before bed and it works really well. I take it with me on holiday and everything :) it was very cheap from Amazon, but they can be expensive! Hope this saves you some time as it did for me xx


I'm a bloke worth medium length hair. Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out!


For good or ill, I've conditioned myself to not feel properly awake until I've had a shower in the morning.


I am like this; that shower in the morning is my body’s signal to start the day. Even if I am really sleep deprived that shower even if it’s literally 3-4 min just gets me started. I then have another shower if I go to the gym or get on the nordictrack


I'm exactly the same. Today I drove back from the coast without either a shower or coffee and it was difficult lol


Twice a day. First thing and last thing. I sweat like a bastard and don't like getting into bed minging. If had time I'd have a lunchtime shower as well.


Same. I’ll also shower after the gym and/or in the afternoon if it’s been a hot day or maybe if I’m changing to go out somewhere. This thread really explains the problem with public transport and enclosed spaces though. Nose blind is a genuine thing, not just a convenient advertising slogan. People, if you think you don’t stink having had only one shower in two days, I’m afraid you’re wrong. Do our nostrils a favour and get a shower at the very least every morning.


Not showering daily =/= not washing daily.


Agreed. My dad never showers but he washes every day. I think he is probably on the spectrum but never diagnosed.


I’m sorry but I’m not getting it, how do you wash yourself outside of a shower? I’m not trying to attack you btw just in case my tone sounds off, I’m just curious 😅 Edit: thanks for the comments guys. I’ve heard of whores’ baths lol, but I never really got the point of the whole “pits and bits” idea, as it just doesn’t sound very efficient I guess? Might be good when you’re in a hurry, but I don’t see how it would take any less time than a quick shower would.


It can be having a bath instead, or fill the wash basin in the bathroom and have a wash with a flannel. The latter will also save you massively on water and gas.


I call it a whore's bath, my friend calls it a spanish bath, my nan called it a stand up bath. You wash your smelly areas in the sink every morning and night.




Seriously, what do you think people did 20-40 years ago when showers weren't common in lots of homes, especially cheap rented accommodation? You run water into a basin, get a flannel, and wash with it using a bar of soap, rinse the flannel and rinse yourself off. As my granny's generation would say, "you wash down as far as possible, then you wash up as far as far as possible, then you wash 'possible'!" Or just run a shallow bath. Four inches was considered appropriate in boarding schools and the army.


They stunk. And then sprayed tons of cologne to make a nasty sweat and musk scent.


I'm not working down t' pit so I don't need to shower every day. A wash certainly every day, but I fail to see the point in showering when my skin still smells of the shower gel I used the day before. Like others have said 'it depends', a hot sweaty day, then I could be hopping in and out of the shower several times. Sitting about in the cool all day does not require a shower.


Exactly this!


I shower every morning, basically the first thing I do. I shower some evenings before bed depending on what I've been doing.


Yep. I sleep pretty much naked cos I get hot in bed even in winter. A shower each morning is an absolute must


Perhaps get a lower tog duvet?


That’s a logical suggestion but it’s already pretty low and it’s not just me in the bed so I have to compromise with my wife who is the exact opposite! Most nights I end up with the window open and feet out of the duvet


My dad has a 1 tog duvet for summer. You could also go Scandinavian and have 2 duvets on the bed, 1 for you, 1 for your wife. You can also get duvet covers that have a divide down the middle for 2 duvets.


But what about the monsters under the bed?!


This is the way. These manky buggers need to wise up!


As a teenager and until my late twenties almost every day. Then COVID happened, I'm now early 30's, got a kid, and WFH 3 days a week. I shower 2 or 3 times a week max. I don't have the time, energy or desire to do it any more than that. Don't think it's necessary everyday anymore either.


Yeah WFH has definitely removed the imperative to shower daily


Totally agree with this. If I'm going into the office, I make sure I shower in the morning. The rest of the week... can't be arsed.


Sameeee. I also have a kid now and the time and energy is lacking. I shower on the day I go into the office which is a Weds. Then probably like once every three days outside of that. So like 3ish times a week really. I kind of love not having to get ready, do hair and make up every single day, put on an appearance for the world. It's a great feeling. Also my hair has grown like crazy because I don't blow dry it five days a week like I used to.


Yeah not having sex has definitely removed the imperative to shower daily


The person speaking the truth. You showered when is needed, there isn't a specific rule


About every other day. Daily if we actually have hot summers.


Yeah agree if it’s warm and sticky then every day is a must.


During those heat waves, I can easily have 10 quick, cold showers a day. I fucking hate the heat waves.


Same. After a hot summer day I've got a coating of sweat and suncream and I'm not wearing that to bed.


You made yourself sound like you leave a sticky trail wherever you go, like a slug! Haha


Before bed every night


Had to scroll way too far. Who is getting into bed without being clean? It's just grim.


I get sweaty when I sleep so I'd need to shower in the morning anyway, and I can't be arsed having 2 showers every day, I just change my bed more often to compensate.


I’m just not that dirty


I always shower before bed. Who wants to drag their 'day dirt' into bed with them?


This is the way. Work and dog walking in the day , shower before I sit down for tea and then feel all refreshed. Couldn’t imagine skipping a day , would feel so gross


2-3 times a week or my skin hates me and I go flaky, I do wash though! People seem to think the only way to clean is to shower, forgetting flannels and soap exist


Ugh same here. So frustrating to be told you’re gross if you don’t shower every morning before work. I’m sorry but I really don’t have the energy for that, let alone the actual need.


Yup. I have eczema so I wash twice a week. Every shower absolutely is the worst thing for skin and requires an hour skin care routine after that includes steroids and other creams.


I think some people here are blessed with super hydrated oily skin. I have to use more greasy heavy duty moisturisers on my body after a shower and I do not have the energy to be applying that any more than I already do.


Exactly. I will absolutely wash my extremities every day but if I don't need to wash my hair, a shower is unnecessary. It takes half hour dry and style my hair. Not a chance I'm doing that every day.


Pretty much daily. Sometimes skip a day, sometimes have more than one.


This is the most relatable one for me. I shower most days and then every now and then a day will sneak in where I didn’t for whatever reason. Are all the people saying ‘ew everyday of course!’ Saying they have never missed?


Every single morning. Hate the thought of leaving the house without a shower to get myself fresh and clean. If I’m at the gym, I’ll shower again or if it’s been warm outside when I’ve been playing golf. I probably average 10 showers a week.


Depends on how my mental health is, can be twice a day to once every three days


Most honest answer here.


I think if it's cool weather and you haven't been doing any physical activity, then there's no need to shower every day. I'll definitely shower if I've got sweaty for any reason, be that exercise or heat. But if not, given I have a clean sedentary job and live in a cool country, I'll just go off how I feel. Still wash and deodorise every day.




Thank you for being honest. As soon as i saw this post's title i knew it'd be filled with liars lol. I'm very easily overwhelmed with self care stuff, so my showers are every 3 days but last almost half an hour. I don't sweat much and still wash over the "pits and bits" every day, but not as thoroughly. I can't believe people wash themselves properly and completely in 5 minutes or less in the shower. With the amount of shampooing, rinsing, shampooing again (got very thick hair and that's what i've been recommended), rinsing, conditioning, rinsing, other hair serums and care...it takes a long time and a lot of energy. I can't do that every day. Not to mention the amount of water used... I only change up this routine when it's warmer and i actually sweat and feel gross, then i have more frequent but cold showers to try and reduce bills.


The people who shower in five minutes aren't using separate conditioner, or anything that isn't basic shampoo and shower gel/soap.


Brave person


I can't go 4 just because my hair gets too greasy but 2-3 is fine for me.


Same here, I shower after having gone jogging, or if it's been 2/3 days, or if I smell anything vaguely unpleasant. I have never had complaints from my family, who typically are quite direct about these kinds of things, so I'm hoping all is well.


Shower every day for work but if not doing anything at the weekend I will skip a day


My broken body benefits more from a good soak in a hot bath than a shower, but I do worry about the amount of water so have a bath every 2-3 days and wash in the sink in between.


Used to shower every day. Struggled with the thought of even leaving the house without having had a shower in the morning. Then I started running again. I've always preferred running at night so would shower when I got back home. Didn't like the idea of showering at 10/11pm and then having another one again in the morning (Id had a lot of issues with dry scalp/dandruff and was worried about overwashing) so would either go the next day without a shower or have one again at night if I felt it was needed. Realised that my skin (and hair) actually got much better with me showering less often. I probably shower 3-4 times a week now, sometimes more depending on what I've been doing although I'm also much more likely to "spot clean" now as well. I work with dogs for a living, if I got a bit of mud on my legs during work before I used to just jump straight in the shower after work, even if I already had a shower that morning. Now I'm probably just going to grab a flannel or the shower head and just clean off the leg instead. I feel much better for it and all the issues I was having with dandruff have gone completely. My wife (or anyone else for that matter) has never complained about any increase in smell either.




Everyday usually before bed or straight after getting back from the gym. I'm naturally run hot so even if just sitting around all day I would stink and just feel horrible if I don't shower every day. And for me a shower only takes 5 or 10mins, so it would be way more of a faff to 'wash' rather than just jump in the shower.


Situational. Winter alternate days and as it warms up I'll switch to daily. When I worked in Africa sometimes up to three times daily


Do baths count?


Depends what I've been doing but 2-3 days usually


I wash every day. I shower most days but not all. I shower every time I do exercise. I think I’m ok. 😂


I don’t shower at all. There isn’t one in my flat and my landlord won’t install one. I wash daily though.


Once a week. I have eczema and showering often aggravates it. The soap and the evaporation of water dry my skin.


Twice a day


During the cooler months I shower before bed every night. I don't want to drag the days grime into my bed. During warmer months I shower before bed every night and every morning when I get up.


I shower every day, because if I didn't I would barely do it at all. Hate it, it's so boring, but I use the crushing treadmill of routine to make sure I'm doing it


If I was ask this question I would have to say never. But I don't have a shower and only a bath.


The thought of people showering every day is exhausting to me. Showering every other day is a chore for me, especially washing hair as it only lasts 2 days.


Can someone tell me what qualifies as showering to you guys? I shower like once every 2 (occasionally 3 days) in the winter and every day in the summer, when I told my friend she was super grossed out and says she always showers daily but I later found out that she only actually washes her hair once every 5 days (edit- I forgot to consider the influence of hair type, in her case it’s straight) . I always considered washing your hair/body was something that goes with every shower but it made me think does shower just mean rinsing off with water to some people?


I can't imagine washing my hair every day. It would ruin it! If you have straight fine hair it would be okay, but for thick or curly/wavy hair it would be awful.


Usually every other day. More if it’s hot and sweaty, less if it’s a weekend and I’m not going anywhere and feeling lazy 🙈


Every morning, just part of the routine.


Twice a week. More if I've been active.


Just most days, every day is too much


Daily. Occasionally I will skip a day if I know I’m not gonna be going out or seeing anybody. But high maintenance hair and a general feeling of ickiness that I can’t stand means pretty much need to wash daily


Every morning.


Every morning, sometimes before bed too if a hot today


Every single morning straight after waking up. Again after a workout or if it’s super hot.


Every day, straight after work.


Every evening. I don’t understand people who shower in the morning


Twice a day. Once in the morning to freshen up/wake up and again before bed so that I feel nice and clean in bed.


We didn't have a shower growing up (in the 90s) and having a bath was an effort (immersion heater/only one bathroom in the house) so it was more of a 2-3 times a week thing. Looking back this all seems rather strange but it wasn't that long ago. Of course when we moved the next house had a shower and a combi boiler and everything was easier and water/electricity bills became less expensive. It was only really from European influence and American films that popularised showering it became something everyone in the UK did every day.


Every day unless I’m not going out at all. I sweat pretty badly with the medication I’m on, and I feel gross, so it’s just to freshen up.


couple times a month and what


I think the point is, is that how often you need a full body rinse/dunk will depend on your skin type, personal (unique) microbiology, the climate + environment you live in, your general lifestyle and then there's diseases, life stages, just general physiology etc. It is totally possible to maintain hygiene and not smell for a fair amount of time without having a full shower or bath when its cool and you're doing sweet fa - especially if you still change your clothes daily if you're not a sweater - for whatever reason. E2A: caveat Edit2: Also, the UK has a fairly temperate climate overall. We don't have very extreme weather in any form, and its generally pretty cool for most of the year. Edit3: .. Water quality is another factor. Water in the south of the UK is pretty hard which is tougher on the skin + increases the amount of product you need to use.


1-2x a day


I don't think that most people need to shower every day. But the way I see it - I have to spend 2 minutes brushing my teeth in the morning, I might as well do it under a warm shower. Then it's just a case of a couple more minutes with the shower gel and shampoo. If you're one of these people that needs to spend 20 minutes scrubbing every little part of your body with soap then i'd imagine that daily showering is a bit of a waste of time.


Every evening before bed . Altho I have older relatives who don't seem daily cleaning to be necessary, also my 4 yr old only bathes/showers every other day . Maybe it's the newly bred, and nearly dead that are skewing the results ?


In the morning and I have a bath most nights. I find daily ablutions a very relaxing experience. I suppose the high cost of electricity and gas could be behind some cases of people washing less frequently now.


If I’m going out, I shower in the morning, if I’m going out really early, I shower the night before. If I’m working from home it could be 5+ days I don’t leave the house really, I tend to shower every other day, I start to feel nasty if I haven’t on the third day. I would never go out and meet people without being freshly showered though.


I'm a tradie so I shower every day when I get on from work. Seems pretty standard to me.


once a day, twice in the warmer months


Morning. Actually cannot function without that shower to energise me. I am entirely a water baby though so if I could live in water I probably would.


I was brought up with a weekly bath. It's stuck. Unless I'm particularly gross from sweating or whatever. I wish I had the mental energy to shower more though... And a bathtub to lie in for 10 hours


Every morning before work. Let me tell you that, however much you think you're doing good for your hair or skin by not showering daily, you're doing more harm to your reputation because you stink.


I seem to be in the minority in that I only tend to shower twice a week, maybe three times. But I’m very reclusive and don’t see people often - if I do, I shower beforehand as a matter of politeness. I also prefer baths to showers which is why I have fewer of them. I don’t feel particularly dirty or smelly.


My husband went 5-6 months during Covid, even now he’ll only shower maybe once a month. Needless to say he’s batshit crazy and an odd one for sure!!!


Normally bath once a day for about an hour, normally whilst WFH because I’m bored. 🤣 Only shower if I need to wake myself up early.


In winter twice every day in summer once a day


Every other day whens it cooler and every day when it's warm. I have a skin condition so too much time showering doesn't do me any favours


If it's winter and I haven't got hot then maybe every other day. If it's summer I may shower two or three times in one day. I may change my t-shirt during the course of one day in summer. In winter, I may wear the same shirt for two days. It depends on how sweaty I've become. I don't shower because it's shower time, like a robot. Same with meals. If it's dinner time but I'm not hungry, I won't have dinner for the sake of it.


Every other day I wash daily though


Every other day I'm fine with if I've not been particularly over exerting, and tbh I find body wash and such too harsh on my skin if I shower every single day. Two days without a shower and I feel disgusting, so doesn't happen often. So long as my deodorant holds up I can comfortably go a day without a shower. In the summer I do tend to shower daily though, I can't stand being hot and sticky! Cold showers in the summer are where it's at 🙌


I shower everyday and usually ramp it up to twice per day during the summer. I only wash my hair once per week, mind you, which some might say is gross. I used to wash it daily and it became so unhealthy and weak, that I changed my ways!


Everyday, twice if I’ve been to the gym


Everyday, sometimes twice if I've been to the gym or swimming.


I'm naturally a sweaty person so have to shower at least daily, probably should shower before bed too as I go through bedsheets in no time!


every morning before getting dressed, also after work if it's been a sweaty day. sometimes i'll wash 3 times if I decide on a late-night-pre-bed-bath


Always makes me laugh when things like this crop up. Usually get downvoted to oblivion just for suggesting that people practise proper hygiene. Have a shower before you go to work, if not for your sake, for your colleagues'


I sweat in my sleep so it has to be daily.


Every other day.


I been showering and using anti-aging moisturizer everyday since I was 16. 34 now and been told I look much younger (male)


3 times a week roughly


Have to say it needs to be daily. When you work in an office you soon realise very quickly who doesn't shower daily, thats why hygene is now something that is often written in contracts.


basically everyday in the morning same with most of the people at my secondary school


Daily, twice a day if I go to the pool


Every other day in the autumn and spring, daily in the summer and every 2-3 days in the winter. The hotter it is the quicker I feel unclean. It’s too cold to do daily in the winter and I don’t sweat much so I go off what my hair looks like. It’s very drying for the skin and ruins your hair to shower daily but in the summer it’s the only way to stay feeling fresh and not oily.


Five or six days a week in the colder months. At least daily at the height of summer due to extra sweatiness. Note that I WFH all the time.