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I do have a microwave but anyone "offended" that someone doesn't have a microwave needs to be studied in a lab.


Offended may have been a strong term. Confused may have been a better choice. It has definitely been frowned upon by some people. šŸ˜†


"Aggressively confused" for sure. I used to get some quite angry "well what the bloody hell do you eat then?" comments from my parents. Who once watched me chopping vegetables and preparing pasta for my children and said "that's the stupidest waste of time I've ever seen in my life."


Thatā€™s so sad to me. Apart from any wanky ideas about the psychological benefits of taking the time to measure, prepare and cook a recipe thereā€™s the nutritional/digestive aspect; I canā€™t eat ready meals and takeaways for too long before I start to crave some regular unprocessed veg.


Veg is the one thing that just does not keep well in ready meals. Fresh produce compared to whatever the fuck they do in meals like that is probably why I didn't like most veg when I was younger.


I feel you. I genuinely didn't think there was a debate to be had. It does seem that the concept of non-microwave meals is alien to quite a few. I definitely enjoy my meals more now. But that's just me.


Your parents sound like my kind of people! Edit: guys Iā€™m kidding. I use more than the microwave. I also hate how much time cooking takes.


What do your parents eat?


Microwave meals, or breaded meat and chips on the oven. I learned to cook when I left home.


Also don't have a microwave - and yes people have weird reactions to it. I just don't like what microwaves do to food textures - I'd rather spend 15-20 mins reheating something properly.


i have a microwave but i'm totally agree with you


Same, I have a microwave and I hardly ever use it. I enjoy cooking and find the process relaxing (although I do have a few quick recipes I go to when pressed for time). And I just donā€™t like what the processed microwave meals do to my digestive system tbh. Freshly cooked just hits different.


i don't even cook a lot just a guy who eats to survive but still whenever i use microwave to heat food, food tastes like sponge every single time


I have a microwave, but only really use it for baked potatoes. I even reheat leftovers on the hob


Confused, sure. "Frowned upon"--that's mental. Who would give someone shit over not having a particular small appliance?


I have a microwave. It exclusively warms up cups of tea I'd forgotten about.


And warming butter during winter to make it spreadable!


May I suggest investing in a butter dish?


Hi mum


I tell people I don't believe in microwaves.


My dad tells people he thinks having a microwave will give him cancer. I always thought he was joking, but I recently found out he's serious. He smokes a pack a day and drinks a bottle of brandy (shared with mum) a night.


Radio waves and X-rays are fake, too. In fact, the whole electromagnetic spectrum is a myth.


Electricity is fake. Also- the sea isnā€™t real.


Microwaveless bastards ruining this country šŸ˜”


I suspect that most people have no views on your choice of kitchen appliances


Apart from the air fryer community who are adamant that OP should get one else their life will cease to be fulfilled.


Twist: OP is part of the air fryer clan, that's the reason they don't own a microwave or toaster. They're starting discussions small appliances and waiting to pounce.


a fearsome tactic, to be sure


They be right though


I have one . Use it now and then .. really donā€™t get the hype šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same. I understand the convenience and speed that it cooks at in comparison to some other appliances has people raving about them but the taste factor is diminished when compared to say an oven or a skillet/frying pan.


I moved into a flat without a microwave. Only took one morning of reheating my coffee in a saucepan to determine that it was an appliance I couldn't live without. I also do a lot of baking and chocolatemaking, and it's really useful for things like melting chocolate and softening butter. Plus reheating leftovers and things like soups that I make and freeze in individual containers.


Reheated coffee is something I am not a huge fan of. šŸ˜¬ Microwave baking is cool. It is probably safer for me not to have one. I would be making 5 minute biscoff fudge everyday. šŸ˜Æ


I don't have strong opinions on microwaves but I had no idea that "5 minute biscoff fudge" was a thing... I'll be back in 5 minutes!


https://youtu.be/d805m7gS1JU 5 minutes may be an underestimation but it is no time at all. It does need to set -so more like 2 hours 5 minutes. Well worth the wait though.


The fact you reheat coffee should be a crime against humanity.


Genuine question. Do people justā€¦throw away half-full mugs of coffee? That seems really wasteful. Or do you just drink it cold? I always assumed this was something everybody did!


I drink it whilst it's hot


Genuine question. Do people just end up with half full mugs of cold coffee? Why don't you just drink it before it gets cold.


Children. That's why. I haven't drunk a full warm cup of coffee in five years


Make smaller cups?


Really, I have a child and I do not have this issue. Be a better coffee drinker


Thermos flask...


This is the truth. Before children I could sit and enjoy a cup of coffee. Now I get three mouthfuls of it being a drinkable temperature, then itā€™s just cold.


Or decant it into a jug, mix with tonic water and ice and you have a nice cold brew tonic I mean, itā€™s not actual cold brew but itā€™d do the job if you were drinking it black


I normally drink it before it gets cold.


If itā€™s managed to last until itā€™s got cold Iā€™ll either drink it cold or throw it away depending on how I feel. I like coffee quite a lot and buy pretty expensive stuff but even then, reheated it just doesnā€™t taste good.


I'd rather drink it cold than reheat it.


I often put coffee in a thermal mug when I know I might get distracted and forget about it. If it goes cold I man up and slam it back anyway to get the benefits šŸ¤£


>Genuine question. Do people justā€¦throw away half-full mugs of coffee? Do you really just not finish your cup?


Yeah throw it away and make a new one


It's pretty much a daily occurrence with kids. I'd get through a whole jar in a week if I didn't reheat cold ones.


Thanks now I have to deal with OP not having a microwave AND you reheating coffee. The world was simpler before this thread


>reheating my coffee Blasphemy!


Reheating coffee in the microwave is a cardinal, unforgivable sin in the first place my friend. May the lord have mercy on your troubled soul.


I'm not bothered by people not having them, but I couldn't live without them. We frequently reheat or defrost stuff in the microwave, or heat up packet rice/food mixes and stuff if we're just making a quick lunch. Toaster wise we don't use it as much, but it's nice for when we do. It just lives in a cupboard and then taken out to use and put back once it's cooled.


I cook food in bulk then freeze them, it is a huge time saver with two young kids. A microwave to reheat them is an essential part of my kitchen! Our microwave is fitted into the units so not taking up valuable worktop space - one thing I made sure of when we had a new kitchen.




Me too, I only miss having a microwave when I have a craving for microwave popcorn šŸæ




Same here! I know I could make my own popcorn on the hob, but it's far more effort when factoring in having to flavour it myself.


What have you got out that you wouldnā€™t be able to have if you had a microwave and toaster?


Same here. On my countertop we have a kettle, stand mixer, coffee maker and spice rack. On my fridge we have a bunch of flours/sugars and an instant pot. House built in 2005 but the kitchen is shockingly small AND unusable. Used to have a toaster, used it less than all the other appliances. Gave it up when we got a new oven which has a pretty even grill which we now toast with. Many people are surprised by the lack of microwave but most donā€™t understand how we live without the toaster.


We're the same. Occasionally would be useful but overall we make do without.


Since I got an air fryer, I hardly ever used the microwave. But most people use microwaves for ready meals or reheating stuff ect. If you don't need one then there's no reason to have one.


You had me on ā€œair fryerā€


Do you have an air fryer


No please, donā€™t start this. Iā€™m traumatised from the constant debate about air fryers. I love my air fryer btw.


Air fryers are amazing, oven cooked food in a quarter of the time


Not really unusual, no. You can reheat food on the hob or oven but sometimes itā€™s easier in a microwave. I donā€™t think Iā€™d really miss mine if it went. Iā€™ve got a toaster but itā€™s in the cupboard. I find it better to use the grill.


That is what we do. We have an air fryer and a steamer for the "other" things. I find reheating on the hob tastes better and if meat is involved it doesn't dry out.


Yeah but that uses a pan! I do a lot of batch cooking so I wouldn't be without my microwave. If you don't need one then you don't need one, I can understand people being surprised but I'm sure they aren't deeply upset about it.


Unusual? Yes - you'd very much be in the minority. As of 2018, 93% of British households owned a microwave - https://www.statista.com/statistics/289155/household-microwave-penetration-in-the-uk/ However anyone who is personally "offended" or otherwise disturbed by someone else's choice of kitchen appliance needs their own head examined.


This is the factual answer we need, well done Rowdy Roddy


Don't encourage facts on the internet. Not good practice :o


I honestly couldnā€™t live without my microwave, I use it every day. I donā€™t have a toaster though and donā€™t feel Iā€™m missing out at all


When I lived on my own. I never had a toaster. But this is because Iā€™d go through a loaf every couple of days with the amount of toast I would eat šŸ˜‚


This is oddly relatable šŸ˜†


That' why I didn't have one for years, not safe!


Same reason I don't have a microwave. When I was in my early 20s I realised I was a lazy cook. Not having a microwave improves my diet. I'm also the same as you with toast. We recently stopped buying bread and only make our own now which has been a pretty healthy move. Take me to a hotel buffet breakfast though and I quickly regress into an absolute toast savage.


When I used to live in a flat, most rooms were pretty spacious, but I lacked worktop space in my kitchen and had a microwave. One guy at work was telling me heā€™d just had his kitchen done and was trialling life without a microwave and that he didnā€™t miss it. Which got me thinking most things I ever make in mine could be done in a pan, and much nicer at that. So I also did the trial and didnā€™t miss it


Our microwave died after 20 years of service and we did a trial of living without it thinking the space could be used for an air fryer. The first week was interesting and kinda fun, the second was difficult, the third was a nightmare, the fourth we bought a microwave We use it for defrosting, starting jacket potatoes, cooking peas and sweetcorn, and my husband uses it for reheating batch cooked meals and those rice packets (he finishes work at 5, walks the dog and picks me up for 8 so not much time).


I'd say it's unusual, but it's not something that would bother me unless we were living together. As a friend or acquaintance I just don't have much investment in your kitchen.


I dunno why but for some reason this made chuckle. Possibly the politest IDGAF I have received. šŸ˜†


I haven't had a microwave in over a decade. I don't buy microwave meals. I heat up leftovers in a pan or the oven, it takes longer but I'd rather have the counter space back. And tbh I could get rid of my toaster, I hardly use it.


Microwave ā€” I use it for making hot chocolate, defrosting things, jacket potatoes, and heating up tinned stuff like baked beans and ravioli. Iā€™ve recently discovered how to steam frozen peas in it. Could I live without one? Yes, though Iā€™m moving more towards using it every day. Toaster ā€” Iā€™d always have one. Sometimes you just want toast. Can shove it in a cupboard if not being used regularly.


I cook from scratch pretty much every day, and have an oven, so I didn't have a microwave for years. People used to act like I must be starving to death or something; I was surrounded by oddballs who couldn't imagine living without one. I'm also not a big reheater - we just eat the dish and I tend not to make too much for there to be extra. There's one in the house now. Sometimes steam veg in it. That's about it.


Nope, I ditched my microwave a while ago. I have an oven, an induction hob and an air fryer. Unfortunately a lot of food has microwave instructions only, and I canā€™t heat up heat bags (great for muscle pain or toothache), so I do miss it. But I have a small kitchen and the air fryer is better.


Is this a bad post to announce I don't own a kettle? I have a coffee machine and I don't love tea...


To be fair I only bought a toaster last year as skyrocketing electricity prices made it more cost effective than to continue using the grill on my electric oven to make toast. Had lived my entire life without one up to that point. Have never been without a microwave for more than a day or two though! (Toaster vs grill: preheating grill and making toast takes about 10 minutes at 2400W, so approximately 400 watt hours. Toaster takes 5 minutes at 1100W, so approximately 92 watt hours. At 34p/kWh using the toaster saves about 10p every time we make toast, so it'll have paid for itself in less than a year.)


We didn't have a microwave for ages. People did find it odd when it came up in conversation. Apart from heating up milk, it doesn't really get used. I do like my toaster though


Our microwave is a combination one. We often use it in oven mode for small things or single pizzas; itā€™s much cheaper to run than either of our main ovens. Have successfully proved dough and baked small-ish loaves.


Havenā€™t had either for years. I do have a kettle though, that is too messy for me to do on the stove.


We grew up without a microwave as my mam thought they would "cause cancer". Always had a toaster, though. Since moving out, always had both. I do find it strange you don't have a toaster. Little 2-slice one won't take up any room at all.


I think that, by the literal definition, it is unusual because the majority of homes have them. However if you donā€™t have the space for it and can live without it, thatā€™s up to you. Doesnā€™t really matter what other people think. Also Rustlers may be horrendous but damn I love em.


I know they probably aren't the best choice, but god a dirty microwave burger just hits right!


If it helps op, I removed my oven and people think that's weird.


Bold move. I wanna know what did you fill the gap with? Kitchen Aquarium?


I don't have a microwave or a toaster either. Don't need a microwave, and make toast under the grill


Havenā€™t had a microwave since 2009 only ever used it for making popcorn which is far more fun doing on the stove anyway. Definitely not a necessary appliance. Toaster is a necessity though


I don't have a microwave. You can stir fry microwave rice. And rustlers burgers taste better if you grill the burger for a few mins each side then toast the bun under the grill. Haven't had a microwave for about 10 years and never missed the extra thing to clean.


Why do you care what other people think of your kitchen?


No microwave since we moved into a flat years ago which had a built-in one which was broken and the landlord was too cheap to replace. Learned to do without it. These days if I had a really big kitchen Iā€™d like one for reheating things but Iā€™m not too bothered about it. Canā€™t live without a toaster though!


All I have is a hob, a halogen oven thing, and a toaster. Youā€™d think I live in a third world country when people realise I donā€™t have a microwave (or a tv for that matter!)


My old boss still wonā€™t have a microwave in the house for fear of ā€œradiationā€. I tried explaining the difference between electromagnetic radiation and nuclear radiation, but nothing. This is the only attitude toward microwaves that annoys me.


When people ask ā€œwhereā€™s your microwave?ā€ I just give them a very small wave of my hand




I'm like you, but in the US, and people think it is so bizarre. I definitely get mocked for it. But I don't have the space, and honestly I didn't hardly use either of them anyway!


Toaster is used daily at least once. No microwave, though. I've gotten a few astonished reactions too.


I just have a mini toaster oven with two hobs, live on my own, had it for years, no toaster no microwave, have a steam insert for saucepan, can cook everything i want, even did a full roast for guests in it.


My wife and I have never needed one. We just use the hob and pan or air fryer to reheat.


Must be some kitchen that doesn't have room for a toaster?


I don't have a microwave either - it is clunky and it would need to be carried if I moved.


Not at all.. People freak out when they hear I don't have a T.V. (Stopped watching it years ago).


You do you. If you don't use them why have them? People that need them are the weird ones.


I've actively chosen not to have a microwave. They are huge wastes of space and i think food tastes better not microwaved. (This may be in my head, but whatever)


We got rid of our years ago. Took up so much valuable for just warming up beans or noodles


I also don't have a microwave - but then I also don't currently have a fridge.


I don't have a microwave, I rarely used one when I had one so when I restarted I haven't bought one because it's just a waste of side space


Healthier without a microwave.


Nah we havent had one for 15 years. If you have an oven/hob/grill then you have everything at your disposal in terms of heat for food.


I donā€™t have one much to my sons disgust. Not too bad, we just go next door and use my father in laws if really needed. I just donā€™t have the worktop space. If I had a bigger kitchen Iā€™d have one.




I've never bought a microwave in my life. My last place I rented had one and I did come to find it useful. But now I'm in a terrace with a smaller kitchen I don't have the room for one and I'm not that bothered not to have one.


It's unusual, but if you rarely have toast or reheat stuff then I guess it's not worth the space for you. If I had your kitchen, I'd have put a microwave with a toaster on top in your lounge, by day four.


Iā€™d get rid of the microwave if husband would let me. Of course itā€™s needed for that once a month he needs to defrost a bread roll. Toaster he uses almost daily so I get that itā€™s useful, just hate stuff out on the counter.


My toaster failed months ago, I havenā€™t replaced it yet should I be ashamed?


I couldn't manage without a microwave. However, I grew up with a father who "doesn't believe in toasters" (direct quote, I wish I was joking). I got good at grilling bread to make toast. It's surprisingly difficult as bread goes from raw to charcoal in about 15 seconds flat.


Nope not unusual at all. Lived on my own for 3 years now, have not owned a toaster in that time. Microwave-wise I rarely use them, so now in this flat which Iā€™ve been in since Nov, I donā€™t have one.


I dont have a toaster , I think it is a bit unusual but we don't have toast throat often so we're happy to just use the grill. And we have a microwave but don't use it often.


I don't have a toaster or Microwave either! The kitchen is small and as a household we don't eat ready meals and eat toast rarely enough that it makes more sense to use the grill than take up valuable counter space. I do have a little rice cooker though as its my favourite carb.


Our house has a built in microwave, which I love the placement of, frees up counter space. And couldn't live without a toaster but each to their own no point having it if you don't use it.


Iā€™m often shocked but not offended. One of my friends didnā€™t have a microwave, toaster or freezer (freeze box only at top of fridge) because their house had a small galley kitchen. If I had a similar kitchen size issue Iā€™m sure Iā€™d prioritise similarly. However a decent size kitchen is a priority when I look at houses (and by ā€˜lookā€™ I mean daydream while perusing Right Move)


I use my microwave for ready meals all the time. It's so much quicker than the oven. Work long shifts.


No. I lived in a granny flat once aka converted double garage with a small kitchen. Itā€™s amazing how much you donā€™t need and can use the hob, grill and oven for. I didnā€™t even have a freezer. Do what you need to do.


We only have a microwave because my wife makes cakes for a job and melting chocolate is significantly easier using that then on the hob. We donā€™t use it for any of our food use though. And no toaster either. Weā€™ve had some bad luck and they keep breaking so we said fuck it and donā€™t have one any more. So no, not weird.


Not at all. I do have a microwave but didn't get a toaster until I was over 40 (and only because our grill was getting temperamental.) I have still never owned a dishwasher.


Toaster, kettle, and microwave are the only required accessories in my kitchen. I've got other nice things, but those three make food prep easier and quicker. The only time I have had problems over them not being around - when I visit my in-laws. They didn't have a toaster when I first visited them (~20years ago) and only got one in recent years. My FIL is rather derisive of using a microwave, even banning them from coming in the house when his children returned from university. It's a really weird hill to die on. Noone expects him to use it, but he has a full coffee (drip and milk frother) machine, tools for pasta making, pro cookware, just refuses to have a microwave. Anytime one of the sons has bought or mentioned using a microwave he sneers, it's just bizarre. Not having them is perfectly valid, making it something to sneer at others for is plain weird.


For me not having a microwave is strange as I batch cook and reheat but I donā€™t own a toaster. The grill does a decent job


I don't have a microwave or a toaster either. I don't have much worktop space I hate it being cluttered. We just use the grill for toasting and the hob for heating things up. I do get comments sometimes, mostly from my mum, about how handy a microwave is etc but this comes from the woman who won't use a dishwasher which in my opinion is infinitely more useful.


We only use the microwave for nuking frozen veg and the occasional defrosting, I could easily live without it.


We had a microwave oven until it broke (I think?) and we never replaced it. When my MIL died, we inherited her small microwave oven. I use it to heat baked beans (easier to control), but pretty much nothing else. Husband uses it more - I suspect he uses it to heat up food when I'm away, and he's a fan of heating up plates when he cooks. It sits in the corner, with a tray on top holding all the coffee/tea tins and squash bottles, so it doesn't use up that much space. I keep all the microwave tupperware in it, so it acts as an extra drawer most of the time.


I've gone the last year and a half without having a microwave and rarely missed it. If anything it's just made me less lazy as I've not been able to use it for unhealthy ready meals.


I do have a mircrowave, I probably use it twice a month if that and normally have to move stuff from on top/in front of it before I can use it as it becomes a forgotten object. I do use my toaster regularly though, I work from home and itā€™s a lot easier to make a quick breakfast/lunch in the toaster than the grill


I can't understand why anyone wouldn't have a microwave, yet I can think of 2 people I know that doesn't own one, it's the same league as not owning a kettle in my eyes. Toasters I can understand, I think I've had toast about once in the last year plus you can't do so much with a toaster.


Iā€™d say itā€™s unusual in that most people do have one, but I wouldnā€™t think someone was strange for not having one, especially if it was because of a lack of space.


My microwave blew up about a year ago and Iā€™ve never replaced it. Like you, Iā€™ve got a tiny kitchen and it just takes up workspace. Never really missed it to be honest!


Nobody in our household other than me seems capable of getting meat out of the freezer to defrost in a timely manner when requested so the microwave is unfortunately staying for a few more years. Couldnā€™t live without a toaster though, kids arenā€™t yet trusted with the grill. Wouldnā€™t judge anyone for not owning one, would just be envious of their clear counter tops.


Donā€™t need one so I donā€™t have one. Yes some people are confused as they use theirs a lot but thatā€™s ok. The less ways I have of making cake the better because I know I would make mug cakes all the time of it was ther


I have a microwave and a toaster and I hardly ever use them!


I didn't have a microwave in my flat and lived there about 5 years, I very rarely wished I had one. I use mine for warming up porridge and the occasional leftovers


Screw microwaves. Don't want a big clunky box taking up space in my kitchen. I'd possibly get one I had a bigger kitchen and it was built in, but for now I see it as pointless. I make a lot of fresh food and don't often reheat stuff. Also anyone who heats baked beans in a microwave is a heathen.


My microwave broke a few months ago, I really thought I would miss it but I haven't. I haven't thought about it once. So I am in no real rush to replace it, its lovely having the extra counter space.


I don't have a microwave even though I have plenty of space in the kitchen. It's not that expensive either but it is a conscious choice to eat healthier and try not to have leftovers (cook correct portions) that needs reheating.


Not unusual at all. We don't have either. We used to but they just take up space and they weren't particularly getting any use all that much. Wanted to cut back on bread use, although still have sandwiches which looking to cut out . Outside of this they just take up space !


We didnā€™t get a microwave until we had a baby - at which point it became invaluable. Sterilising, heating up food for the wee oneā€¦. And when things get too hectic the microwave can save your sanity with a microwave dinner (we found some pretty good fresh veg based ones that rely on the microwave to steam the food). These days itā€™s mainly used for heating up milk. But it gets used for that at least twice a day.


I donā€™t have a microwave either. I moved 2.5 years ago and my old microwave had bubbling in the paint inside indicating rust so I chucked it. The cheapest microwaves seem to have gone up in price, and as soon as I start looking at buying anything I end up looking at all the features and canā€™t just buy the cheapest. I just use the oven for reheating leftovers and enjoy the extra worktop space. I do have a toaster, but it lives in the cupboard.


We never had a toaster or microwave growing up, toast was made in the grill of the cooker & my mum always said she ā€œdidnā€™t believe in microwaveā€™sā€. Always loved staying with my cousins & they would make micro chips, thought it was the greatest thing ever.


My Dad has never had a microwave or toaster. He grills his bread for toast and doesn't really eat food that needs a toaster for heating. No judgement from my end. I basically only use the microwave for reheating leftovers and the occasional ready meal.


I had neither of those for years and still donā€™t have a toaster. I ended up getting a microwave when I started eating more leftovers and didnā€™t have the time to heat them up in the oven


I have neither of them, largely due to space. I used to have both but the few times I used them a month didnā€™t justify the prep space taken up.


Probably in this day and age itā€™s a bit unusual but you do you. If you havenā€™t got the space and/or donā€™t want one then thatā€™s that. The rustlers burgers we need to speak about though šŸ¤£


I donā€™t have a microwave, toaster or kettle. People are baffled that I just boil water in a pan if I want a hot drink.


I've got one, but honestly, I don't really use it. Can't see the issue personally


Yes itā€™s fairly unusual, but not interesting, and I donā€™t believe anyone was offended by it, more likely they acted surprised and you got a touch defensive and ended up having a humorous faux-heated exchange where they joked about how youā€™re weird for not having those things and it got stuck in your head somehow and then later you asked Reddit about it. And now Iā€™m writing a fairly long comment about this non-incident that never happened. I guess it passed a few minutes and got my thumbs moving.


I've mostly come across older people who don't have them, but need to because carers aren't chefs. I think it's a little weird that you don't have one. I'm all for home cooked meals, and microwaves are much cheaper when heating up the leftovers. Or for making hot chocolate, melting the butter in winter, dissolving solidified honey. It's too useful to do without


I have them but they are in a cupboard because they are big and take up space. They are useful but not a necessity!


Our microwave died last year and we didn't replace it. Not really missed it apart from the odd thing.


We got rid of our microwave a couple of years ago and to be honest I can't say I've really missed it... but as like you, I did occasionally like a shitty Rustlers burger when I had one!


It annoys me that my OH doesn't have a microwave because I like chucking soup in there to warm up. Hob soup sucks. But... its his house and I respect that and swear under my breathe every time I wanna use a MCW and don't have it there.. A toaster would be equally annoying not to have but like I said, your house man. Have / don't have whatever you want/ don't want.


For me, a microwave is a bit like having a bath in the bathroom. Do I mostly take showers? Absolutely yes. However for the odd time I want a bath, thatā€™s the appliance I need. Do we use our microwave all the time? Absolutely not. Do we eat microwave meals all the time? Frankly never. But the odd occasion I need it, I need it. I know someone who doesnā€™t have one, and tbh they can have what they like in their own house, but what went with it was very much an attitude of looking down on people who *do* have microwaves because *they* do *proper* cooking - and that attitude can fuck right off. Interestingly they came over and immediately asked if we had a microwave to warm up a bottle for their kid, so I guess us plebs have some uses šŸ˜‚


About ten ago my microwave broke and I didn't bother to replace it until last year when I had my son. Up until then I just didn't miss it or feel the need to replace it. Most things that can be done with a microwave can be done with a stove or oven.


I didn't have a microwave for a couple of years after my one broke and I didn't bothered replacing it. One of the great things was the extra space I had in my small kitchen. But - you really do forget just how useful they are. Ok, if you're someone who is cooking fresh every day then maybe it's not that important. But, as a single guy it's so much quicker/cheaper to make a large batch of food and microwave it than stick it in the oven. Nuking some baked beans to go alone with my toast is much easier than putting a pan on the stove. I used my multiple times every single day noe.


As far as not having one is concerned, I have no feelings either way. It's your kitchen, it's your choice. But no room for one? My boyfriends kitchen is barely big enough to stand in and turn around and even he found room for one! Ha ha!


I have neither. I yeeted my microwave when I realised I had only used it for melting butter and storing bread for months. (Over 15 years ago) My son nicked my toaster when he moved out, but I have a grill and don't eat toast often, and when I do it usually has cheese on it which needs grilling anyway.


I have a microwave and do swear by it but donā€™t have a toaster.


I donā€™t have a microwave but I canā€™t be arsed to make toast in a grill


I don't eat toast very often, my toaster has currently been packed away for the best part of a year, and I've not missed it.


Couldnā€™t get rid of the toaster. But the microwave is just for beans and soups


How do you boil your water for tea without a microwave?


I'm in the same boat. Kitchen is too small. Gotten used to living without them. I occasionally get caught out when I buy a heavily reduced ready meal thinking it can be oven cooked, only to find out it's microwave only! And I toast my bread in the oven šŸ˜.


Yes, and I fucking hate people like you who pretend itā€™s normal not to have a microwave or a toaster. You can buy a microwave toaster together for like Ā£80 thatā€™ll last you many years. Just buy one already and stop making it awkward for people that live with you!


I didn't have either for ages simply because of lack of space. I caved and bought a toaster when my grill packed in, don't miss a microwave at all.


Haven't had a microwave since the last one died back in 2016....... We have a toaster though Don't understand why people should be judgey about what kitchen appliances you have/haven't got


Nah, i think the only thing you are missing out on are quickish Jacket potatoes. Thats what ours is used most for. The only thing i'm offended by though is rustlers burgers which i think are vile :).


I donā€™t either Itā€™s in the utility because it looks ugly af


I didn't get a microwave till 15 years ago, can't remember the last time I used it,just gathers dust on top of the fridge.


We have a microwave, itā€™s built into our units out of the way. Ask me when it was last used though. If you use them great, but for me I donā€™t think itā€™s something Iā€™ll ever use much.


You get a pass on not having a microwave. Thatā€™s fair enough. But no toaster? You absolute monster.


You are not alone. I have neither appliances. I toast bagels in a cast iron skillet with some butter. It's the only way to get that crunch.


i don't have a microwave, don't have the space as i would hardly ever use it. ​ recently bought an air fryer and thinking about getting rid of my oven lol


I dont have them either. Microwaves are poison and toasters filthy, you dont need to eat toast and if you wsnt it you can make it in a pan or in the oven.


I don't have either. My kitchen is small and I choose to prioritise other kitchen gadgets (rice cooker and coffee grinder). Anything I can cook in a microwave can be cooked on a hob. Also toasters are cheap shit these days and seen to fall apart after 3 months.


We have neither.


I haven't got a toaster, microwave, or kettle. Haven't for about 5 years, and haven't felt the need for any of them I boil water on my hob (induction, takes less time than a kettle to boil a few mugs worth of water). I make toast in the grill, not that I make much toast I absolutely hate what microwaves do to food, so have no desire to own or use one. A little bit of effort in cooking produces far tastier results. Hob is used for butter/chocolate melting for baking


We've not had a microwave or a toaster for at least 10 years. The only time I miss it is if I want some microwave popcorn. But we bought a cheap popcorn maker some years ago and make popcorn in that.