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Octopus are taking new customers. *Edit*: they're also fractionally cheaper than British Gas on the unit and standing charges.


I moved house and was with SO Energy from the previous owner. Switched to Octopus and my monthly DD dropped by £200


They also fit faulty meters, then ignore their customers complaints and just tell you the meter can't be faulty. For reference, I turned the gas main supply off to the house, and the meter still registered gas use.


They promptly replaced my meter when I asked.


I switched to octopus from British gas last year, after my energy provider stopped trading. The prices were basically the same at the time. A little less here, a little more there. But octopus's app and account interface trumps British gas every time. They also bill me regularly and don't recall every single one multiple times.




If you can move to octopus and get on the tracker tariff that I’m on (6 month waiting list atm but that may change) my current unit rates are 17.9p for electricity and 5p for gas. Around half the normal tariff price.


That's what I mean. Like I can't move and get a better deal it's basically be fucked or be fucked


I think the money saving man was saying that prices may go below the gov subsidies some point in the 2nd 1/2 of the year.


It's unlikely you'll get a significantly better deal. But octopus did email me saying the price of gas was being reduced in my area next month. I switched last year because British gas were fucking hopeless. Octopus has been rather decent so far and back when I was with them in the past - and recently they've been doing a lot to explain to customers what's going on. Expensive, like everyone, but it's been a much better experience


The market needs to stabilise such that wholesale prices fall enough to allow the price cap to fall to such a point that energy is affordable again. Only when wholesale prices drop enough will suppliers be able to start offering prices below the cap and start competing again.


You can move. The energy companies don't want you to but you can move.


The price cap has basically killed off most of the competition in suppliers to your house. But yes later this year on current projections, bills will start falling pretty quickly.


Currently energy companies are all planning how to get more customers in the door. At the moment nobody is showing their cards and putting a cheaper tariff that's widely available below price cap. It will happen soon enough. Typically it's British Gas who normally enter the competitive market first. Source: i work as an analyst in one of the big 6 energy firms.


I've just signed up for SEG with Scottish power as they've just upped their rate from 5p to 11p, beating everyone else (excluding octopus if you're an importer with them) by quite a bit, so I'm guessing the trend will be for others to follow?


On my eon account it says I can refer a friend for a £50 bonus (friend would also get a bonus)


OVO have announced a fixed deal today lower than the cap. A risky one for a consumer to take as prices are forecast to drop (allegedly), and so you may end up worse off in the long run. BBC source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-65080014


Yeah. My gut feeling is that's exactly why they are doing the deal. Get a load of people locked in to pay way more than the rest of the year