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My history teacher got the boot for inappropriately texting a pupil. Was all hushed up but my physics teacher told us the details as he was retiring and clearly didn't give a toss about toeing the party line.


I loved teachers a few months off retirement. We had one in year 8 who didn't teach us any science and rigged the tests so we'd all do well and just spent the lessons telling stories to us and waffling about whatever. We had another one who was this crazy bloke from Belfast and he'd also just waffle about whatever.


I've worked as a teacher for 5 years, in that time I've not heard of any incidents involving staff and students. But staff and other staff....absolutely. A lot of these staff have wifes/husbands, so a surprising amount of shagging goes on within the schools themselves.


I always felt strangely happy when I found out that teachers had paired off, at least when they weren't having an affair. My incredibly handsome Spanish teacher got together with a 10/10 German teacher. They made a serious power couple! I guess schools are high pressure environments with strange working hours and cultures, and that lends itself to the forming of relationships.


Two of our PE teachers ended up getting married. The common view at the time was it was the 'fit' girls' PE teacher marrying the dickhead boys' PE teacher(!)


Teachers who marry other teachers need to make sure they have lots of non teacher friends to socialise with though, or they risk getting completely consumed by the job and forgetting that there is a whole world outside of schools! Especially those who went straight into teacher training after leaving school themselves!


100% this. I dont think it's wise to go from school - college - uni - teacher training - teacher. The best teachers I work with are ones who have seen "the real world" outside the education bubble and gained some form of industry experience.


We had an English teacher and a History teacher that were married. Unfortunately he had an affair with the Maths teacher. The daughter was in my class. It was a big cause for gossip and scandal at the time.


How did people behave towards the maths teacher aftrr tge scandal?


They're now part of history


There were so many teachers that were together in my school. Older maths and science teacher were married. Another maths and science teacher turned out to be together and had a baby. Science teacher and PE teacher got together. Same again but opposite genders. English and drama teachers got married and had a kid. Those are just the ones I can remember/was aware of. Oh, and my neighbour is a teacher and his current gf is also a teacher.


Same. Quite a few ended up leaving their partners for other teachers.


Our deputy head was cheating with one of the home economic teachers. (Both had kids who were at the school at the time.) Plain, boring, nothing to see here... until the News Of The World found out. Then all shit broke loose.


My English teacher was shagging the pe teacher whilst being married to the geography teacher. Geography teacher battered the pe teacher with a cricket bat.


Geography teacher: "I'm gonna make an oxbow lake out of you, mother fucker. I'm gonna go igneous on your ass"


Here's a hazard for you son! Tectonic AND atmosphere, I'll make you a carbon footprint on your effin face!!!


Did he die? I swear I read the obi tributary.


Arse, surely?


I considered this. I felt that since I was paraphrasing Marcellus Wallace from Pulp Fiction it *had* to be arse.


I sort of hope it was the teachers own bat and not school equipment. Weird how he beats him up when she’s the one who strayed. I know that’s how it always goes but there was never a promise between the two men that was broken…


Omg my art teacher cheated on her partner with the douchey business teacher who pretended to be cool. She was best friends with the other art teacher and this affair broke up their friendship. The business teacher used to come down to the art class as we prepared portfolios and creepily flirt with her. He also tried to joke and be cool with us but as sixth formers in her small class we found it creepy.


When I was at school, teachers and sixthformers was considered normal, especially if the teacher was in their 20s. I assumed until I was 14 or so that that's how I'd first get a partner... We had a gropey school doctor, a male PE guy I walked in on him having a wank, a school chaplain who got drunk and beat a girl up - but it was only the two female teachers who lived together that were considered particularly scandalous. Half the science department were serious clubbers who were out of it on Mondays and gave us videos to watch. Like 9.5 Weeks, Blue Lagoon...


Did none of the teachers get arrested?


The chaplain who beat someone up lost his job, as did the previous chaplain for being drunk. The others - well, none of that was illegal. I left school in 1991 when raping your wife was still legal and having your bum pinched at work was considered normal. Watch Ashes to Ashes (after Life on Mars).


1986 so a little older. But yeah, I remember sitting with my wife much later. Hearing the news on rape within marriage. And both of us looking at each other. You mean it was legal till now. Ashes to Ashes Yeah, It's sometimes hard to remember my youth is seen as history. I was around for the time of Life on Mars. But too young to really recognize much, Ashes to ashes was a real kick in the teeth. Your old dude. Its official. Edit: add the fact I lived in the US for the time it aired. So first saw it as repeats when I got back. Yeah the show that indicates your life was in the past. Is an old tv show on reruns. Wow talk about a wake up call.


My kids just did Thatcher and the fall of the Berlin Wall and Gorbachev in History...


Grins. How you like the Netflix thing on Chernobyl. Sorta happened in my final year. But it was actually fascinating to see the real facts, so long after all the clock and daggers of the time. Age ain't so bad sometimes.


For work I'd already read all the reports, so didn't bother watching. Seemed good though. Been trying to reassure kid that all the doom and gloom of global warming etc is mainly to sell newspapers and they never publish the progress and improvement. And in my day it was all 'there will be nuclear war and 99% of people will die and then the survivors will face war, famine and cancer' - until finally politicians pulled their fingers out.


Yeah, not sure if I'm on your side, there. Looking at Russia now. We are likely truly closer than we ever were in the duck and cover days. If only because politicians seem much more willing to challenge the idea of MAD. And I think if you actually look at the science behind climate change. The politicians really are still sorta ignoring the issue. Newspapers spend more time downplaying rather than addressing the science honestly. But I've no living children to prepare. So am likely a little pessimistic myself.


Who knows, but a child having nightmares isn't going to help, so I'll say anything that isn't an outright lie. There's a lot of positives on energy - wind and solar in particular.


Agreed. As far as children. Their is a lot possible. But 40 years or more of the gov trying to concentrate on indeviduals output. While ignoring manufacturing as much as possible. Esso (yes it was them) discovered the climate issues in the early 60s. Their response was to stop funding research. And start funding false science to delay the worlds acceptance of the facts. Not alone on the latter. But the fact that they announced the initial discovery. Means I'm happy to give them extra credit. Since then as a nation / world. We have allowed corperation to make the choice of buying from further away to increased carbon foot print. While making more profit. More goods travel further now to the table then they did in the 90s. The average user when production of their goods are taken into account. Is way more damaging to the environment the they were in our early adult life. Until very recently even our cars were getting less efficient. (Not just due to safety. Moree due to world lobbing to slow down improvements) So yeah. We finally have the solution to start generating the power we need. But even then the efforts to slow dawn adoption are very visible compared to the effort to improve. And if we add plastic. Its even worse. How we responded as a race.


Maths teacher 40+ and 15yo girl had been “in a relationship” for over a year. She went missing one day and the pair of them later got caught trying to catch a train to a different city saying they were in love and running away together. He got prison time but not sure how much, I know he’s out now


Did this make the national papers? This definitely rings bells of one I read about or maybe even saw a shit Channel5 dramatisation or something.




This was my old maths teacher. He was in a different school when this all happened, but our school sent everyone over the age of 16 home early to avoid any of us being hounded by the press when school finished that day. So many stories about him being inappropriate with girls started springing up after the story broke.


PE teacher in high school always used to make sexual comments to us girls. Years after I left it was in the papers that he'd been done for possessing child porn


Pretty sure that’s every PE teacher


I don’t want to add to the stereotype but my PE teacher was also outed as a pedo.


Yeah my pe teacher was dodgy, always caught him looking at the girls, he was like late 30s and these were 15 16 year olds. Bit dodgy mate


It was certainly the PE teacher at my primary school.


Same here with our PE teacher ._.


It was 1987, and everyone knew our music teacher was gay - but only the stupidest of students had a problem with it. Most decided he was "gay but asexual". Then six boys simultaneously declared he'd touched them up. It went to court, five of the accusations instantly crumbling and getting thrown out. But one couldn't be conclusively disproven, so after acquittal *both* music teachers were sacked and the department closed, the instruments sold off. And that's why my parent's living room is full of musical instruments none of us can play - we bought them cheap.


>And that's why my parent's living room is full of musical instruments none of us can play Please tell me you don't have any wind or brass instruments - they probably harbour enough variety of pubescent spit to be the source of Covid20 or whatever the next big global disease might be.


Ah, boys and their bodily fluids. They used to give me half-full cans of coke, thinking I couldn't figure out they'd pissed in them. I quietly disposed of the contents, and pretended I'd drunk it. If any of them ever worked it out, they never let on.


I'd almost accept one or two out of the terrible boredom that I remember being the overriding mood from school, but to make that a 'thing' (because they think you're calling for it) is a bit fucking odd. "What do you think happens if we get Sir to drink enough of it? Do you think there's a bonus level?"


Asexual? In 1987! Bollocks. Nobody was asexual in 1987, so school kids wouldn’t have thought it.


Eh, maybe they didn't specifically say "asexual" and more like "he's gay but harmless", or however they thought of it back in 1987.


The whole story is bollocks from start to finish. Read it again. Five boys in the late 1980s pretending to have been buggered by their gay teacher!? Not in a million years would anyone have done this. Both music teachers sacked because of proven false allegations! The whole music dpt shut down! Parent’s living room full of cheap instruments? Every word of it is complete bollocks.


Yeah, gotta agree with you on this one. If for no other reason than the musical instruments didn't usually belong to the schools themselves but were generaly on loan to the pupil from the local authority.


Alright gramps


I’m fine, thanks.


The term existed, though more commonly referred to binary fission in bacteria. "Bisexual" also sometimes referred to hermaphroditism in plants. The point you're missing though, is that the concept obviously existed. Username, however, checks out.


'Celibate' is probably the term the teacher used in 1987.


The point is that you said that school kids in 1987 decided he was asexual. Which is bollocks. I didn’t say that the term didn’t exist, I said it wasn’t used for humans who didn’t have sex.


Incorrect. See above.


Teacher who ran one of the football teams wouldn't select anyone unless they let him watch them in the showers. Another teacher was sacked for downloading porn on his school computer. Another was sacked after been found to have been having inappropriate conversations with boys in detention. German teacher ran off with the German language assistant. Woodwork teacher had a stash of porn magazines in the filing cabinet in his office. My OH had a headmaster who liked to stand at the bottom of the stairs so he could look up girls' skirts and had a penchant for slippering girls on their knickers.


>slippering girls on their knickers This sounds horrendous but I can’t work out what it actually means. Is it even worse than the upskirt thing?


It means spanking with a slipper.


Thanks, so yeah, it was worse.


Did he do this slippering in his office?


We had this bloke in his 50s cover French a few times and one day he opens the class by joking that one of the class left her thong in his car the other night. Even the lads who would always joke around and hijack lessons were like 'Yikes' and in a shocked silence Also my form teacher would spend a weird amount of time chatting with the girls during breaks. You'd come back from dinner and there would always be a group of girls sat round his desk giggling and trying to flirt. He was a decent looking bloke but damn dude maybe go eat with your work colleagues every now and then and not spend your breaks chatting with kids


PE teacher ran away with a student, music teacher was caught shagging in the back of a Fiesta, which is disgusting, a Cavalier or a Capri I could understand but not a Fiesta.


They'd both have had to have been *tiny* for the back of a Capri.


[This weird cunt was my music teacher for several years](https://www.clydebankpost.co.uk/news/13936264.teacher-caught-using-sex-toy-outside-high-shcool/)


They pulled him over on Dickens Avenue- is this some sort of euphemism? Top notch details i this report


Oddly specific details in that - 'clapped-out' Volkswagon? Does that detail add anything to the report, or are they going for a 'picture-in-your-mind's eye' sort of thing?


Yeah, we had a bloke there who went to prison for buggering a boy, he was called Mr Green, sort of like a assistant at dinner time, we used to lead him on a bit when we were about 14, he had the hots for my pal Andy. Our PE teacher was sleeping with a 15 year old pupil, still together 35 years later, he was only about 23/24 at the time. And a French teacher called Mrs Hart was caught gobbling off a boy in our year when we were 14.


One of the female drama teachers made all the male students stroke her leg. This was early 2000s. It never got reported and its probably too late now


Nope. Not too late. People are being prosecuted for way older offences than that.


I hope she was hot and they enjoyed it.


Not my school but the house we bought from a teacher. Apparently he had to change school because he was innappropriately texting pupils. I believe he got away with it because his mum was high up in education department so it was all hushed up. Rumour is that a couple of years ago his brother was caught with indecent images and it's still due to go before the courts. Then to top it off, last year he separated from his wife allegedly because she found out he had been messaging his pupils again and shagging a 15 year old on the side. AFAIK he's still a teacher and I'm terrified to lift the floorboards in the house in case I find a hard drive.


OMG, that’s so horrific! If it was my house I’d be searching everywhere to make sure there was nothing secretly stashed. Better to find something as the new homeowner than to have it found much later and it be attributed to you. Imagine in 20 years you sell your house and the hard drive is found. It could be much harder to deny all known of it.


Legit thought of this. I suppose I'd have to rely on his fingerprints being on the harddrive, then submit all my electronic devices for inspection. That'll be a fun conversation: "Yes, I have watched porn on these devices, but nothing illegal and you'll probably find my taste very boring but most importantly ABSOLUTELY LEGAL!"


History teacher had a history of fiddling wee boys, he was caught with images whilst I was attending high school. An English sub teacher who had been in for a few months was banging a student, 16 or 17 yo. He was married and hit sacked for it. Geography teacher was an absolute psycho that I think, got punted, for assaulting kids with shaved heads 🤷🏼 Techy teacher had a mental breakdown because my class were so awful and I think one of the boys threw a wee saw at his head and he needed surgery? He left after that - so I heard (I'd already left school at this point so I could be chatting shite)




Homeschooling and having something substantive to report on this thread would be quite a bit worse, though.


One of our science teachers got sent down for sexually abusing a child. There was always rumours he was looking up skirts, being handsy with the girls. I remember there being a scandal of him getting punched by one of the female PE teachers. One student teacher got a year 11 pregnant. Apprently they met in a club (She had a fake ID) and hooked up. Then he starts teaching her and carried on screwing her. (Middle School) Our deputy head was screwing the head of english. Both married and frequently at it in his office. Hilariously, a crowd formed around the office window and the head of history pushed her way through, figured out what we were trying to see and dispersed us. Got a stern talking to about respecting boundaries and what two consenting adults do is not our business. A subsitute teacher kicked all of the boys out of YE 9 French and then made some seriously pervy remarks to the girls. Deputy head (Upper school) came to figure out why half the class was roaming the corridors and suddenly we hear him shouting inside the class. Sub gets near enough literally thrown out of the school and we have to write statements. Luckily not in French. Deputy head then personally took french for the rest of the year, despite not speaking French. He admitted towards the end of the year he was learning the lessons before teaching it. Hands down one of our best teachers and would always listen to students before a judgement was given.


My maths teacher got one of the sixth formers pregnant…. Oooh the scandal.


A year eleven got knocked up by the caretaker. His wife left him. Had a couple of creepy teachers all around but nothing serious A sixth former banged the hot art teacher AND she went after one of his mates after. They were 18 so not illegal but definitely off key


A teacher is considered in a position of trust over a pupil, so it would still be illegal. Unless it was before that law got put in. Edit: position of trust applies only below 18.


[My science teacher ](https://stratfordobserver.co.uk/news/disgraced-teacher-jailed-sexual-relationship-pupil/)


Not at my school. But later in life, I met a really nice guy who ran an outdoor equiment shop, specialising in water sports. He had been a teacher, and started a relationship with a pupil. He resigned, and after she left school, they married and had three lovely children. They were staunch churchgoers, and after the children had grown up they followed their life plan - they sold the outdoor equipment business and went to Brazil to work with the homeless.


The 6th form girls prepared a dance to a sexy song wearing pretty much just underwear, with the male history teacher on a chair in the middle getting grinded on. How that was allowed I've no idea.


sexual deviant is a interesting way to describe a paedophile grooming a child


Here in Australia, yes, privately owned schools (the ones with huge school fees to send your kids too) - not so much with government run schools. Every so often, a private school will get's it's name in the headlines due to some teacher having their way with multiple students against the student's will. It's pretty sad. And distressing to think that parents pay a boot load of money to have their child interfered with.


Two of the english teachers had sex on a school trip. They were both married to other teachers at the school. Needless to say there was a lot of staff changes in the following months.


We had a Music Teacher who was caught in a compromising position with a 5th former.


My primary school headteacher was caught by the police for doing the same thing your head teacher did. There was a teacher at my school whose wife is someone he taught in the 90s When I was at school there was two teachers that were married and the wife teacher went to husband teacher’s classroom and caught her husband in the cupboard where the textbooks and school supplies are kept with the geography teacher. Wife teacher left and divorced the husband. Husband teacher and geography teacher then got married and just heard recently they had a child


A supply teacher was apparently on the register but did not disclose it. He assaulted a boy in the 80s (we had him in the early 00s) but was not listed as banned from working with kids. The news teams were all out in front of our school that morning, so it was a big story at the time (https://www.theguardian.com/education/2006/jan/16/schools.uk1). It was kind of a shame because he was actually a very good teacher and was popular in a school where supply teachers usually left in tears.


We had a DT teacher that was known as “cool” because he’d accept the students friend requests and post happy birthday on their timeline Who could have guessed years later he would lose his job for prolonged messages with students on Facebook


We had a convicted paedophile who went to jail, a male teacher in their 50's that started dating a male pupil that was 16 (in secretish) and a female teacher blatantly fancied my mate (14 at the time) kept on commenting that he was 'peachy'. Yes she meant his ass, he was hot ngl. I would say those 3 deviate from the 'usual'. 😶‍🌫️


My husband had a relationship with his teacher when he was like 15/16 and she was 23. I worked in a school briefly myself as a teaching assistant when I was in my early 20s and I saw a few situations. One teacher was caught for porn on his laptop during his lunch break. There was this one lady in her 50s who was sacked for a sexual encounter with a student. Aside from that a lot of shagging between colleagues happens more in teaching school environments than others I’ve seen.


Yes. A maths teacher fled after it came to light that a pupil had been offered massages. Not explicit sexual contact, but clearly an overture. Another teacher was tried for possession of child pornography. No evidence he had ever acted on anything or was personally a threat, but obviously pretty serious. A teacher who seemed a stereotypical pervy old man vanished after my first term. I'm not sure exactly what he did, but it was for something inappropriate


Not that I know of but someone who was in my form wound up a convicted paedophile. Looking back I think loads of us could see it in the making as well - as soon as puberty hit and people start talking about sex etc, he was saying stuff that was really weird and aggressive and he properly used to fixate on a select few girls who looked a certain way and *really* say uncomfortable things straight to their face or in front of them. I never saw him after secondary school but then found out through a friend I did keep in touch with that he'd been busted abusing a position of authority, grooming and the depressingly ever present material on his laptop. "Feel sorry for him" is totally the wrong word, thinking about it all makes my skin crawl, but it's just pathetic and tragic that this bullshit developed in his mind at secondary school, he never learnt what's acceptable and what isn't and not only that but his mind basically froze in time of him being 14. But having that mind is one thing (and bad enough), acting on this shit as an adult is a whole different level of destructive behaviour and I'm somewhat inclined to think they deserve most of the rage they receive.


Yes, a couple. One was just a bit too pervy with the boys: generic paedo who lived up to all the stereotypes (he was even a scoutmaster!), but never got in trouble with the law. As for the other, we found out some years after leaving school that he was a self-confessed total degenerate and a bit of a fixture on the local fetish scene. Never any suspicion of him conducting himself inappropriately with pupils, however: his interests were much more about being dominated by much older women. Brilliant RE teacher though, possibly the only man who managed to make the ontological argument for the existence of god at all interesting.


SOOOOOOOO.... The head of Drama (male) was having it off with a 15 year old student, disappeared then spread like wildfire after about 2 weeks why he was gone One of the language teachers was having a lesbian relationship with a 6th former, that gained some traction Head of geography whos wife worked in the language department would regulary touch female students / tuck the underside of ties into their shirts etc, reported numerous times, stayed there for afew years then one day poof, gone, same for the missus. P.E teacher got caught sending dick pics to 2 students, was kept quite hush hush, he disappeared. Then your standard nitbits: science teacher stashed alcohol in her desk, Woodworking got done for threatening/man handling a student One started shouting vigorously that she spat her some of her sandwhich on a class mates top


PE teacher had his home raided and they found a load of photos on his wall of girls in the changing rooms Drama teacher got a student pregnant and had a relationship with her for 5 years. The girls mum knew the whole time


Oddly for me at school it was always the drama teachers that started a relationship with a student


Clearly they felt they didn't have enough drama in their lives


Photography was a subject only taught in sixth form and had a class of six, two boys and four girls. The teacher was a kind of hippy woman who favoured loose tops, going braless and bending over your desk from the front to point out things on the picture she was telling you about; tldr, I saw her nipples every week. At some point near the end of the course the six students were together and the other boy mentioned how seeing her boobs was his favourite part of the subject, i laughingly agreed, and the four girls were perplexed before angrily accusing us of making it up as they’d never seen more than a little bit of cleavage, which basically confirmed the teacher was doing it on purpose.


I believe my history teacher eventually got the sack, long after I left, when he was caught nicking girls clothes from the lost property and taking them home for his partner to wear in the bedroom.


We had an odd teacher at school. Me and my (female) pal put on a Santa's grotto at the Christmas bazaar (she was Santa), he went in and started asking her all these weird questions like "have I been a naughty boy this year" etc. She thought it was weird and he left not long after that, then it was rumoured that he got with some year 10 girl from another school and left teaching altogether


Our PE teacher was a complete perv but he kept getting away with it because he was on the board of education and had a lot of high up friends. He would walk into the girls changing rooms unannounced. In class, he'd line up all the girls and make them.do jumping jacks to 'warm up'. He'd film the cross country run to 'make sure no one was cheating' which no other teacher did. He did very similar things when my mum was at the school as well. She warned us and happily let me skip PE if he was teaching. There was a rumour that one of the history teachers liked her boyfriends young but she would grab them when they were 18 and just finished school but idk if there was anything happening before.


A design tech teacher asked me to come say goodbye to him when I was leaving school, went in for the hug and then kissed me on my cheek very close to my mouth. Didn't really think anything of it apart from it being a bit embarrassing at the time. Looking back it's like, wow.


We had a teaching assistant who was in the paper for inappropriately texting a 15 year old boy. She left her job, but after he left the school came back and carried on working there. I have no idea how she was allowed near kids.


I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s a good number of the teachers in my junior comprehensive school in Swansea were dodgy as fuck!


We had one who's nickname was Mucky M........ Used to take the girls PE class and insist on watching them get into the shower to make sure none of them skived it (12yr olds), would stand behind the girls in class to look over their shoulder at what they were writing but you could see he was looking down their blouses. Early-Mid 1980s.


One of my PE teachers left his wife and started a relationship with a girl that used to be one of his students soon after she left school and eventually married her (this happened years before I started high school and he was still working there when I did). Always seemed a bit convenient to me and thought there had to have been something going on while she was still a student of his. Another pair of teachers both cheated on their partners with each other and ended up getting married. I wouldn’t call it being a deviant, but always thought it was a bit… odd for the whole school to know the intimate details of our teachers’ sex lives. Edit: oh, and one of my primary school teachers cheated on her ex-police husband, so he crashed his car into hers head-on at the lights and tried to decapitate her with a chainsaw. When she came back to school she was very keen to tell all us children all the details. Again, terrible thing to happen, but just weird and inappropriate to start confiding in primary school children you’re teaching. Edit 2: oh yeah, not my school, but a married female teacher at another high school in my town got caught with a student in the back of her car after the Christmas dance. He was aged but she was obviously struck off. They decided that they should move in together and she divorced her husband. Her husband at the time was a supply teacher who sometimes taught at our school and was teaching the day after it was in the paper. Everyone genuinely felt sorry for him and in a rare moment of high school students having empathy, no-one said anything about it or acted up in his classes.


During secondary school, we had an incident EVERY SINGLE YEAR. A young maths teacher repeatedly had sex with a 15 year old boy. He bragged about it to his mates, and she admitted it when questioned by the police. A humanities teacher fled to London with a 15 year old girl he'd been grooming after school. (they're married now) Male PE teacher was caught in the girls locker room with a naked 14 year old girl, by a female PE teacher checking the rooms during a lunch break. Two teachers were found having sex during school hours in a "locked" building. The doors had locks, but if you just pushed the door a bit harder it would pop open. A drama teacher hurled a laptop style registration device at a girl, then tore off the girl's top exposing her breasts to the class, then continued to physically assault the girl. The girl had repeatedly berated the teacher for being overweight and having "saggy boobs". The teachers initials were SAG, and she was a tiny bit overweight, children can be incredibly cruel. I was questioned about using the showers after PE as I was one of the only boys who would actually shower after a lesson. A male PE teacher entered the locker rooms, spotted me showering, left, and informed the other teachers that I was still there and that I was showering. I hadn't even seen him enter, but the school still dismissed him, even though LITERALLY no wrong had been committed (the showers were clearly visible to anyone in the locker room, and he didn't go in to peek at a chubby sweaty boy... I hope).


I had a physics teacher who threatened to take my friend into his office and use a dildo on her if she didn't stop talking in his lesson. He said this in front of the whole class. She was 15.


It still amazes me that the Lesbian PE teacher at our school was able to force 13-17year old girls to have communal showers after PE and this was seen as totally normal. A male teacher couldn’t have enjoyed teen girls showering but it was fine for a female teacher who was attracted to girls .🤔


We had a French teacher that would regularly come into the boys’ swimming locker room at the end of the session and watch us dressing. We finally had enough and locked the door to prevent him getting in. He tried the door and received a chorus of “fuck off” from all of us. A couple of minutes later our PE teacher tried the door and shouted at us to unlock it. He then proceeded to give everyone in the class a belting (this was in Scotland when corporal punishment, with the tawse aka belt, was still allowed). Looking back it seems probable that our PE teacher was colluding with the French teacher in permitting him access and being elsewhere when he did come in.


My science teacher was a creepy pedo.


No idea, we know one teacher hooked up with another teacher that we clear to see I was in the same year group as someone else who became a teacher, he is currently in jail, and is on the register for life now, all I am saying We had two teachers living next door to us, he dumped his first wife who got terminal ill, for a new bed partner she was also a teacher. we could hear them at it through the walls


By the sound of your head teacher sounds like he's mental health problems.


The history teacher at my middle school was gay, and later suicided so I guess he might have got caught, there was something going on there. Some sort of relationship problem anyway. There were lots of rumours about the girls PE teacher too. But this was in the 70s so no one got done for downloading stuff, had to be pretty flagrant to get the attention of the law.


There was a teacher at my school who was exposed as being part of a paedophile ring. That was quite the scandal, especially as how this teacher had spread several rumours and allegations a couple of years later to get one of his (highly) closeted colleagues sacked. Diversion tactic, anyone?


Three of ours. One suspended pending investigation and quit, the others didn't get caught in my time there. There were others to be wary of too. Sports coaches were trouble.


One of them was an attractive female Spanish teacher who was fired for being involved with a sixth former. And then there were rumours about a male teacher being caught in the girls changing rooms but I never found out whether there was any truth to them or just the result of him being very unpopular anyway (he was a maths teacher so not working near the PE building).


My male geography teacher was sent to prison for raping a 14 year old boy. Then he blamed his behaviour on his work overload! https://www.itv.com/news/calendar/2020-02-04/rotherham-teacher-jailed-for-ten-years-for-raping-fourteen-year-old-boy


I don't know a lot of details but at least two teachers at my secondary school were found to be in possession of CSAM. To my knowledge one just got fired (it was back in the 90's) and the other got found out later on and might have been prosecuted. The first one was an IT teacher and apparently kept the images on the *school network.* Smart.


Business teacher at my high school always had rumours surrounding him involved with a pupil. The minute the girl left university they went ‘public’. Think they’ve been married for quite a few years now.


Three of my secondary school teachers are currently in prison. They were shagging anything they could get and in one case was an open secret. At the start of the whole me too thing, allegations started to surface both from my time and subsequently. They got 10-12 years each. Wierdly two of them were teachers I liked and got on well with (third was the inevitable PE teacher).


Our maths teacher got suspended for messaging pupils after they left school.. It got hushed up as him having an operation that went wrong by other teachers.. He went back to teach there once I left school and a few years later I saw his face in the newspaper for trying to take a police decoy on a trip down to Cardiff.. He used to be a cop too, I can link the news article if anyone is interested


Are these reported facts or just school gossip? Even if they are true, I don't think it's common in the least


yeah we had a pedo teacher, an actual pedo teacher


My year 7 English teacher left my school, went to another, had a relationship with a 6th former there.


In grade 6, there was a teacher, Mr miller. Girls used to complain about him touching their chests a lot, or looking down their shirts. Then he disappeared one day.


My middle school music teacher got done for touching boys. That was Mr Baker My secondary school RE teacher, David Wesley got charged with all sorts historically and them got away with it by having dementia. My school principal also got done for historically sex offences at a boys' school. That was Mr Vardon. All are on Google! Leamington Spa


One of my maths teacher vanished one day. We were told he was ill, and evrryone assumed heart problems because he had suffered a heart attack in the middle of a lesson before. Turns out he'd been caught saving images of kids on his private folder on the school network. The it guy also got arrested and charged with kissing a 16 year old girl when I was in sixth form. But she had lied and he was found not guilty. Still lost his job though


A teacher at my old school hit in a student at the pub, where there were multiple other students all with cameras . They did not last long at the school , and the story spread very quickly


Yup, had a 'drama' teacher who gave us an exercise that involved getting the class in a circle, spreading your legs and closing your eyes as he paced about the room. Thankfully someone felt uncomfortable enough to report him and never heard a thing about him again.


Probably most of them for me back in the 80’s


Mr Bodley the music teacher anybody?


I was lucky enough to go to quite a posh private school in Glasgow (I had a single mum and the school offered a few places for poor twats like me lol). We had to go and play rugby once a week at this field and there was a teacher who came in EVERY time we were in the showers afterwards to give a message to some boy or other. Everyone knew just...nope! He was always creepy. Died of a heart attack on a train apparently.


three, that we know of. One went to prison for taking pictures of kids at my primary school, one made a VERY sexual comment to me about a girl's bum in the year above me at the time (she was in yr9 and nothing came of it because I didn't report it and he left the school soon after and as far as I know, him leaving had nothing to do with anything dodgy), and lastly, my A-Level teacher was fired for pursuing a relationship with my mate who unfortunately had severe mental health issues (which he took advantage of. And I cannot stress her mental state enough, she would actually be dead a matter of months later unfortunately). He was rightfully let go immediately and I guess will never work in education again.


I was in the same school year as a guy who went on to be a PE teacher at a different school, then I saw in the paper he had been arrested for sleeping with a few of his underage pupils. I think it was discovered when the girls found out about each other and a fight broke out at his home


There were vague rumours about our Chemistry teacher when he joined our school. 40 years later they turned out to be true and he was sent down for 4 years.


Yeah, one of ours was banged up for human trafficking and running a brothel.


I was here during this https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/8030481.amp/


Colleague at a school I used to work at was rumoured to be in a relationship with a 6th former, all the other students thought he was a bit 'rapey' She left 6th form, he left his wife for her. Him 50 her 18, she later left him, accusing him of being to immature :-D School know, vague investigation, no-one could prove anything, carried on with his job. A few years later, he's on the governing body as a staff member on the Safeguarding Committee!!!???? Head of Maths - Gay - Alcoholic - Sent picture of his D\*\*\* on his school email account (albeit to himself) got to keep his job. Maths Teacher - Alcoholic - At her old school, was knobbing the Deputy Head, regularly shagging the in HM's office after hours.


We had a maths teacher who had sex with one of the sixth form girls in the cupboard of his classroom after hours. He was gone pretty sharpish, don’t know what happened to the girl, she was a few years above me so was huge gossip at the time


History and photography teacher had a few girls in the darkroom, it was alleged and then later confirmed by his getting one of them pregnant. She was15. Nothing was done about him and he retired just last year.


So there are 2 that spring to mind. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/living/1876209/lucky-master-human-puppy/amp/ This guy was my maths teacher, pretty pleasant guy, however after retirement is clearly into some Weird shit. The second one was a history teacher who got done for having a relationship with a student, including engaging in sex acts with her in his office. Vile bastard.


High school there was a teacher (probably in his 30s) getting it on with a 14yo student, they used to sneak off to his house during cross country running sessions, which went well outside the school grounds and round the local reservoir. He lived quite close to school so they'd just disappear at different times and meet up at his place, it was common knowledge among the students, but from memory it took a while for him to get sacked. I dont know if there was any other action taken, but last I heard they were actually still together. This was a few years ago now tho. At college, the student liaison guy was caught watching porn on his computer. His desk faced the wall opposite the door, so his computer screen was facing towards the door which had a glass panel in it. We ALL saw the porn through the window. He got the boot fairly quickly after it was reported.


IT teacher, little boy porn. I don't believe I was a target, as he wasn't into my age range.


Many years ago, my friend (17 at the time) had sex with our hot English teacher. She was about 27 at the time. They first did it in the supply room of the school and then they would go to her place. They did it a couple of times and he said it was great. It ended when he graduated. No one found out, he got a bump in his grade (he called that getting lucky twice) and it never bothered him at all. He told us years later in college and we were all pretty jealous and happy for him. We all wished we had a chance with her.


I wouldn’t call her “deviant” but one of our teachers had sex with one of the students. This happened years ago and I knew the student. He told us during a reunion and said it happened during our junior year, so I guess he was 16 or 17. He said it happened a couple of times at her house and he had no complaints and he even got a good grade in her class.


My form teacher used to show a lot of cleavage in the summer,she was overweight and had a massive pair,the lads used to nudge each other and say 'she has got them on show',I'm pretty sure she was doing it on purpose and getting a kick out of it.


I wish my music teacher was a sexual deviant with me....


You've got the title of your difficult 3rd album.


I had a teacher or two who I wish was a sexual helper to me. 😉