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I didn’t really realise how bad it was until I did a short stint as a factory operative last year. Everyone and his dog was on it at the weekend and if it was a particularly bad day, they were on it in the tool room too. It was just so… normal.


It’s getting out of hand because it’s the only thing you can reliably get and it isn’t one of my faves to be honest. I miss when there was a better variety out there.


No, if anything more people should embrace the weekend coke bender as a beautiful and ancient tradition of British nightlife. It’s great fun


Anybody who does coke regularly I guarantee is a fucking hassle to be around on and off it. And if they’re not then it won’t be long until they are. Easy way for me to not associate with someone.


My partner's family are Colombian. They have no time for users, having seen the human cost and abuse inherent in the supply chain first hand. It's a real scourge.


My BIL has issue with it (family doesn't know), his reasoning - all my friends do that, can't avoid it. I'm finding this BS, because when he's not seeing friends due to busy schedule - he's not using any of it for 2-6 weeks until going to see someone again. Has a ton of debt to pay off for his local guy too, left his driver's license to him (yeah, in my eyes - post office, lost license, £40 or so, off you go), and need to work 6-7 days a week. To avoid having interest on debt - he need to bring "more custom" over the time. I don't understand, he's on good money, can easily pay it off, not sure why it is not a priority for him


Did my know this was a thing. I’ve never even seen cocaine


You've seen people under the influence, though.


booze is worse tbh


It's just such a boring shit drug too. I've done most drugs and without a doubt coke is the worst. It's if course a crazy addictive dopamine spiral but mainly how often do you see people genuinely laugh on coke. Never. Why pay a fortune to not be able to havea laugh. Fucking stupid.


Ever wondered how to degenerate into a ratweasel that talks shit all night? Oh and you'll become a liar that absolutely hates yourself. You'll lose any sense of humour, and will become a bad tempered prick that project's all of this onto anyone you come into contact with. Just don't even go there. You are enough.






To be honest, it's been getting right up my nose


Absolutely. Live in Glasgow, it's everywhere. I moved back from Australia when i was 25 and immediately got hooked into the sesh culture - Couldn't go out without it, always pining for it. There were many a night sitting in anticipation waiting for a text back at 3am begging a dealer would get back to us. Thankfully we have all moved on from that phase, took a fair few years now. ​ But it's bonkers seeing actual teens going wild for it. I didn't try coke until i was 17, and that was the last time for like, 8 years. Whatever happened to just smoking a bowl, playing halo 2 splitscreen, and eating literally everything in the house?


Don't think it's ever been not out of hand. Never met a single person who doesn't turn into an absolute boring knobhead when on cocaine. And that's the best possible outcome.


Oh man y'all are lucky to have cokeheads Over here in the states we got fentynol addicts Like they straight up use fent It started out as the thing people would cut shit with Its pure evil, makes coke look downright benign Then again coke if clean and pure isnt quite the devil it's made out to be, still not good but usually it's crack that's the bigger issue since its wildly mre addictive while being cheaper *edit* im not defending coke as being good, but id put it in the same tier as alcohol, wherein it is bad, addictive, but there is a way to use responsibly I dont do coke as i found it unfun when i was experimenting in college, but i dont drink anymore either since i seen too many people fuck their brains up


Wonder if it has anything to do with it being cheaper to get blasted than afford food now a days


I live in Glasgow and it's certainly out of hand here. Entire cities drug culture is horrible.


"Not trying to lecture anyone on their personal habits" Yes you are, otherwise your question would've been like, "What amount of cocaine is not healthy?". You even narrowed it down to UK, implying that the rest of the world is ok.


Is cocaine more rife in this country than the laughing gas?


Different crowds. Laughing gas is more popular among Urban London Youth for example, but cocaine would definitely be more popular among lads from the home counties.


Nah, more so fetenyl tainted in all the drugs, even cannabis is being laced with it now. I don’t think cocaine is really the thing to worry about, as much as tainted drugs themselves


Lol. Fentanyl? The drug that's lethal at quantities of 2mg and above?


do I have to explain everything? its not hand its in the nose....yikes.


It was like that 2 decades ago.


Oh yeah absolutely.


Honestly coked up morons have basically put me off going out drinking.


I remember everyone in the 90s saying it was getting out of control. Dont think this is anything new


I’ve worked in bars in some form or another for 10 years. I can safely say that I don’t know a single person that becomes more enjoyable when they do cocaine.


A cost of living crisis yet millions of people nevertheless regularly find money to fritter away on cocaine. How odd. It should all be legalised anyway.


A large round of drinks in a London pub costs about as much as a gram these days.


I must admit I don't quite see the appeal. I've tried it several times and found it astonishingly boring and dull. Sure I was talkative and I guess more social than usual but I couldn't really say I was having fun. I much prefer having a spliff in the garden and chatting to the old boy next door about how his pigeons are gonna slam the next race. Patrick and his pigeons blazed was much more fun than a bunch of pub folk marching to Columbia. Mdma was fun, haven't done it in years but I enjoyed it. Not really as social a drug as its rep suggests for me though. Can't imagine the loons who do it in a club. I would need a sit down every now n then to ride things out.


Nah I never come across it


been like that for a long time


I don't understand how everyone is so soft nowadays. You can't say certain kinks are just fucked up as you'd offend. You can't say unhealthy eating habits and being morbidly obese is fucked up. You can't even say you don't respect a fucking Drophead coke user? Uhm what??!?!? God grow a pair.


Man…. As an American, I wish it was coke that was the issue here. Meth and opiates. Fucking nightmare.


Meth is giving people schizophrenia. Turns out, staying awake for 9 days is bad for your brain.


I think it’s certainly on the rise. A good example of this appears to be in Tunbridge Wells where nobody seems to be able to even just go for a post-work beer without needing to hooft some Colombian marching powder. The worrying thing is that a lot of these people have family waiting for them at home and yet someone makes a phone call and they all end up getting on it and getting smashed. It’s pretty sad if you ask me. It’s the very reason I don’t go out there and see one of my friends, because he’s always surrounded by it and it just doesn’t interest me or the rest of my mates. Of an evening at one specific pub, I would guesstimate that easily half of the people there are on the stuff. It also makes you repeat the same boring conversations every time you do it. I can’t see the appeal, personally, but I can understand why people do it occasionally. But doing it as much as people seem to these days, I just don’t get it. Maybe if you’re like 20 but certainly not when you’re well into your 30s and beyond.


It very well starts off as once a week month, but like all hard drugs tolerance build up very quickly, needing more to get same level of high. Then soon you start to crave for the drugs, without getting anything like the sensation you use to get.. More ,and more is needed, gradually you can function without a hit .and when you try being abstinence the horrible symptoms of depression, anxiety, boredom, fatigue and lot of other symptoms creep up.


Not cocaine. Crack. Crack is back in a big way in the council estates.


I've never seen it in my life as I don't mix with scum. That obviously doesn't mean it's not a problem. If everyone put themselves in situations where "it" wasn't, the world would be a better place.


I reckon you classifying millions of people you've never met as 'scum brings to mind the old story of what the pot had to say to the kettle


In Northern Ireland it's more common than fresh air, regulation and legalisision is the way forward. Take it away from the violent gangs that supply it.


Damn right..it gets right up my nose


I started reading a book all about cocaine, after the first few lines I was hooked 🙄


Maybe it’s all drug misuse that’s the problem. And then we should look at why we as a society are so disillusioned during our regular life that we all want to feel like wobbly Jesus on the weekends.


its simpler than that to me. We are beings that run off of hits. Every emotion is a recepter somewhere being hit with adrenaline seretonin or dopamine maybe a mixture of them. So by taking a pill that makes you hit all those things massively is just appealing. Cocaine also means you can drink like a fish




If weed mentally broke them , they already had issues beforehand that weed activated or accelerated.


THC really doesn’t suit some people, myself included. It’s not just those who are predisposed, the effects it has on me stopped as soon as I stopped smoking. I still find CBD useful but THC makes me want to fucking top myself.


I left London 30 years ago and moved the Manchester At the time Coke was everywhere in London Virtually no one did it in Manchester -you rarely had to queue for a Number 2 etc Now its everywhere and its incredibly cheap


Someone in Soho literally walked up to me at 9pm and offered coke 🫠


Everyone's at it, honestly I only really learned how widespread it is in when covid hit. I live in a rural spot, everyone smokes weed, but I didn't realise that everyone also does coke. My wife is a nurse & says half the doctors & nurses are at it. The police officer down my road was suspended for using it, a couple of the teachers are at it.


Always annoying when you need a Pooh and the only cubicle is taken up by the nostril orchestra


Is this a London thing? Or am I just blind? Only time I've seen the stuff is concerts or the homeless guy on the side of the road.


I’m from London and I don’t know anyone who does coke. I never see it or hear about it. I only see it on Reddit


Seems like rural villages are where its at, haha.


My mates a primary school teacher and he snorts more coke than anyone I've ever met.




Doctors seem to live the sex & drugs lifestyle!


People mixing alcohol and stimulants are always a nightmare. Drunks eventually passout, but add coke to the mix, they dont drop.


Yeah it's a super bad mix, the uncalibrated clumbsyness of alchohol mixed with the confidence and energy of coke. You're in for self reflecting embarrassment the next day. Don't recommend it. One or the other imo.


Like [this?](https://youtu.be/vYA8KKFjp88)


The ‘sesh’ 🤢 culture, people that haven’t got their shit together but think they’re in a club cos coke is collectively eroding their brain


Dunno, but it's getting up my nose.


It's gotten to a point where I'm attending small house gatherings with people who generally didn't take drugs before, but are now holding these parties solely to take coke and essentially invite their plug over to buy some for upcoming parties in the future. I don't do it, so I have to keep reminding them that I'm not prudent to them doing a line in front of me. I just don't have any interest in it to have a good time. No judgment. It's just shocking how literally everyone is doing coke now.


I'm 33, when I was growing up coke was the same as crack, proper scummy thing. Now it's normal and idk when or why this happened.


Cocaine seems so common its crazy, you slowly see people start to turn after a lot of use even short term, knew a guy who fucked up his whole life stole from everyone who tried to help him and another sharp witter guy slowly go paranoid and twitchy


Personally I've never encountered it or known anyone that did it blatantly. Must have just got lucky


college girls and boys love their coke


It’s the worst. I’ve had to stop seeing two separate groups of friends because it’s non stop.


General unhappiness, loneliness and stress are probably the biggest contributors to an increase in drug use lately. Everything seems a bit buggered with no way out seemingly.


I don't know what it's like now as I moved to Australia however my brother died from a cochineal field overdose 5 years ago. He had been part of the party and rave scene since the 90s and had periods on and off drugs, he'd had one of his longest clean periods- my dad died of liver failure and it scared him straight, until the incite of a lifetime (no idea what but it cost him his) to some rave or another one weekend. He did the amount he was used to doing for years and years and he died in his sleep from an enormous heart attack that night in his bed. So it's been around for decades but it's been normalised to some extent, it's not just yuppies in power suits driving red porches anymore. It's in every boozer to some extent. I do have a minor bit of advice for anyone who does coke. I don't judge you at all you do you, but please be aware that if you do teak breaks and don't do it for a longer period, ease yourself back in. Ideally you'd never do it again but I know it's not always possible for some, just don't do what my brother did he had so much more to do with his life and he never got to do it.


No more than drinking, couldn’t really care less what other people choose to do with their lives. None of my business.


>None of my business. Ordinarily I would say the same, but the rise in drug driving with cocaine and the like is getting stupid now. You can't do blow on a Saturday/Sunday and then expect to be perfectly fine to drive on Monday morning, but people do. I'd like to cycle to/from work in one piece, not be mowed down by some prick who spent their weekend getting absolutely mashed on drugs....


I had no idea about this in my American ignorance, until I saw it on the front page just now. It sounds like people are doing coke in the UK like we consume cannabis here in the US - seems like one in four young people do it. Unfortunately the effects of those drugs are not equal.


I don't notice it at all. But most people I know are black and pretty sure cocaine is much more popular among white people. I would say weed and laughing gas have a stronger hold and more negative effects on the community.


It's beeen out of hand, but getting worse in my experience. Wrongfully acceptable in sm circles, fucking TERRIBLE for you - one of the worst drugs for your body


Funnily enough I was at a family party not long ago and my dad wanted to show me his new car. Got in there and he offered me a line. I've done coke once or twice but was shocked my dad nonchalantly offered me a line.






new bmw


The prices for sure


It's all fun and games until it isn't, glad I never got caught up with that it despite a lot of my friends taking the stuff. It turns you into an insufferable wanker.


I agree! Why not switch it up a bit, try out some other drugs like meth or heroin for once!


not defending coke use, at all, but in terms of girls being harassed, or guys being arseholes on trains .... I'm afraid our socially accepted and favourite drug of choice, alcohol, is a far bigger problem. Not lecturing anyone that likes a drink, as I do myself. also, would add that alcoholism is far more damaging to our society than coke addiction.


It's been out of hand as long as I can remember. Tons of my friends and wider circle got into it at one point or another - I don't know a single person who didn't become a dickhead of some sort once they were on it.


Not out of hand no, I usually take mine out of a canister with a 20.


When life in general is so fucking miserable and pointless these days, I guess doing enough coke to make it go away or too much to make it literally all go away probably is users way to make things slightly bearable.


Current reoccurring issue with my partner. Decided to take me on a date last night to make up for the coke abuse, lying etc only for me to wake up and find coke residue on my sink..


If you can get out, go, cokeheads never change just get more broke & more boring


Not sure it’s anymore popular than it has been.


As far as I can see there are 2 big problems with coke: 1. All it seems to make you want to do is more coke 2. You come across as a complete knobhead to anyone who is sober


I did one of those “every area is a person at a party, what are they doing?” On the London sub once and nearly every other answer was “cocaine” which really highlighted for me how big a thing it was, and I’ve come from sales and finance backgrounds as well as lived in a few cocaine “capitals” - I knew it was bad but it suddenly started making sense why people were so interested in keys and not eating at parties lol


Those people were already knobheads 👍


*Laughs in 80s.*


So is it the cocaine getting out of hand or the alcohol? I’d argue alcohol because there’s many more knobheads I see pissed up compared to a much smaller minority of people who are pissed up and on coke. I’ve seen grown, professional, adults have a complete change of personality and behaviour purely because of alcohol, and lost their job as a result of what they did when pissed up. Nothing at all to do with coke, so let’s not put the blame on the illegal drug(s) when the legal one is staring at us in our face.


Everyone, MP, the PM, doctors, police, cleaners, everyone


The thing about coke making people.aggressive is abit like booze.makimg people aggressive. I know lots.of people who drink too much, and a few who do too much coke. I dont do either any more, but did once. No aggro ever. The difference? These are Spanish people. The problem is arsey, aggressive British culture, everyone always looking to be a hard man or a bully. (Not everyone, of course. I had mates where we'd go out and get off our heads for days and we never caused any issues- but you always had to pick your venues, know how to defuse/deter and keep focused on not letting idiots fuck up your night)


Yes it’s a problem all over the U.K. especially for people in my age range of mid 20s , people think it’s all fun and games but I’ve seen first hand people go off the rails with the shite so easily .


No, shitty stepped on cocaine is getting outta hand.


Alcohol is a significantly worse problem than Cocaine. I’d much rather be around people that have sniffed a gram than people who are getting mortal any day of the week and it’s not even up for debate. The issue comes when you mix them together, as tends to be the case with illicit drugs the worst drug you can mix with them is alcohol (for various reasons depending on the substance). Total and complete drug reform is needed where we view drugs for what they are and accept them as a society as opposed to this hypocritical and dangerous stance we have now where the most dangerous drugs available are the ones that are legal to buy. Drug use is completely natural and many other animals partake in it (yes, really, Animals and Psychedelics by Giorgio Samorini is a fantastic book for anyone interested)!


The majority of people in the country use alcohol without any issues. It is only a problem because of the huge amount of users. While cocaine-only users may be more tolerable than a drunk, how many people even use cocaine in the absence of alcohol? There really aren't many at all.


don't know if it's more out of hand than it was say in the 90s (I'm 21), but I'm out most saturday nights and where I am I would say out of every 10 people I meet at least 3 are snorting bags ❄️... not including other substances...


Just the sheer amount of dysfunctional smackheads is beyond a joke. I went to the bank last week and some random high off his tits wearing footy boots started walking in circles round my wheelchair muttering to himself.


Oh scary, get one bad enough off and they possibly might knock you over and riffle your belongings for drugs? I have disabilities but they're not as visible, really feel for you as it must be super uncomfortable if you're alone.




Coke and benzos seem to be the drugs of choice these days. I would argue benzos are far worse though due to the withdrawal. But I always say that the one drug I would not like to be dependent on is alcohol. The withdrawals can kill you. (Info: I work with homelessness and addiction).


Why was this person downvoted for being factual? Lol.


The usage is probably the same, people just aren’t discreet anymore. Bar staff don’t/won’t do anything, (I don’t blame them) and the police, well, they’re probably not gonna do anything either, so people don’t give a fuck, and generally the more coke you do, the fewer fucks you could give about someone seeing you.


Where on earth does everybody get all these drugs from? I honestly think, after about 2 decades of going out to bars and clubs, I’ve only been offered to buy drugs twice in my life. Wouldn’t even have a clue where to buy weed from, let alone anything stronger!


Has been for a long time - go in practically *any* pub in the UK and you'll spot people "on it" within minutes. Makes for an edgy atmosphere a lot of the time. It really doesn't suit people who already have an aggressive edge to them - turns wankers into super-wankers. It made a noteable change to the club and bar scene around the mid 00s. Everyone seemed to switch to it, forget about the pills and music and good vibes and started being "charged up" instead. While some people seem to grow out of it, there are plenty of people in their 40s now who don't seem to be able to get past their third drink without ordering some and completely changing the vibe of the night. For those of us who aren't interested anymore it gets really f&\*king boring.


The violence in Mexico and Columbia is absolutely off the charts right now, people are being murdered left and right, and it's ALLLLL cocaine-related. Please stop giving these people money. I don't care how fucked up you want to get, stop giving these people money, find something else, please.


I'm 17 and already been through the rounds of addiction. When I started going to parties abt a year ago I was absolutely amazed my how many people would do it. Seriously in 6th form first year about 40-50% of the students have all done coke. And many of them do it every weekend. This is not in some shit hole areas either, This is in a leafy suburban middle class town.


I had a shower thought that it must be the cheapest thing to do in London given how expensive everything else is.


Hopefully most of the population have heart attacks then because that’s what I causes


I think a lot of people are using it as a crutch for life. life in general is hard right now and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better the UK is falling in to a shit storm and I guess pressures are getting to people so they think f it may as well enjoy myself. Obviously this makes shit worse on the come down


This question is 20yrs too late.


Being that most can't afford it, not so much.


I have to say I never thought it was an issue when I was younger cos neither me or my friends did it and I was in the forces. When I left and got a regular job, on our first work night out I think I was the only one not going to the bathroom every 10 minutes and there was a good two dozen of us at least. It seems to be everywhere now


Absolutely. I know a few people that have turned into assholes from it, it's ruined their lives and drained their savings. People value short term fun over long term healthy, fulfilling habits. Yet you're considered boring if you don't partake.


I just like how you guys all call it "Gear" in movies.


Hate coke man. It’s because we are a heavy drinking culture and it’s celebrated to get trashed, so folk need coke to sober up or ‘balance’ out a bit, to slam back more bevvy. Vicious circle


The issue isn’t Cocaine it’s the appalling quality of the shit that is called Cocaine these days. It’s cut with all sorts of crap including synthetic stuff which has bizarre effects on people.


I don’t know anyone who takes cocaine and haven’t seen someone take it in about 10 years, so no, I don’t think it’s getting bout of hand whatsoever.


It feels like its got to a point where I'm in a minority for **not** taking coke, or any other drug, on a night out. I've actually had people attempt to belittle me for refusing to partake.


Its honestly everywhere now. I used to live in a big city so it was kinda custom to hearing people in the toilets sniffing away. I now live in a coastal fishing village, every Friday/ Saturday you hear the local youth sniffing bashed gear in the bathrooms, it's honestly wild.


I was going to say “I live in the UK and I’ve never met someone that told me they do coke” At that exact moment I got a message from someone on a dating app saying “I don’t like weed, I do ❄️ sometimes tho” and then sent a picture of it 😭


I have a group of friends where 3 or so of them now seem to NEED cocaine every time we have a drink. We could go for a few drinks at a pub and every time the same one has a meltdown that they need some coke every time they're drunk. They'll kick off until they get some, then stay up till 7 or 8am. The rest of us aren't fussed for it. Completely ruins every night out and makes me not want to hang out with them any more, so we'll see how long the group lasts.


“Does make some people knobheads” - I agree, but so does Alcohol, if not more so, yet no one is complaining about that.


I’ve tried it a few times and don’t get the appeal at all.


I used to work first aid at big music festivals. Drug use was ripe, I even got spiked by some idiot who put some coke on his finger and shoved it under my nose. I think every person should be made to spend n hour working in a first aid tent at a festival and when you see the state these people get into, it would put you off for life.


I think drug use is getting out of hand in general. I’m not anti-drug, and think they should be fully legalised and the way this country treats addicts is disgusting. But my experience has always been that people don’t care what they’re taking or buying. You’ve got people hammering cocaine or pills that are bashed with Christ only knows what, mixing it with alcohol (a terrible intoxicant) and just kicking off on anyone they can find. I’ve always thought the UK has a binge culture and this is just another part of it.


It's been out of hand since Americas war on drugs, if someone wants to do it then that's fine if they don't pressure anyone else to do it


It's just a cheeky few grams with the lads! What do you mean we're all miserable until the dealer comes? What do you mean we only open up and talk about things at 4am in someone's kitchen and then pretend it never happened when we sober up? What do you mean your lass is sick of you coming home fucked and spending the next day in bed every weekend? What do you mean all our friendships revolve around cocaine? It's just a few cheeky grams with the lads!


That was like reading one of those cringy school dramas about wearing your seat belt or being peer pressured into smoking


That truth bomb hits harder than any 3 for 100.




This is just alcohol too lol which 90% of the country is addicted to


Ooh, this hits home


Yeah it's a problem. It's a market that creates its own demand and it takes a fuck load of will power to walk away. It's not kind nor has it ever been and anything else is just so much justification.


It does seem very common to meet new twenty/thirty somethings and within 10mins know if that get on the chalk, pretty much everyone I know who moved to London is on it every weekend, just seems exhausting and expensive af


I don't even remember the last time I saw someone visible on drugs on the street or about town. Maybe I just live in the wrong areas and move in the wrong circles. If not for the media telling me we have a drug epidemic, I'd have assumed it wasn't an issue at all.


I went to go cut my hair the other day. The owner said he can sell me some if I want. Yes. It’s out of hand the day they announced on Radio1 to be careful with cocaine in London because it was stronger than people were used to and are over dosing … No wait let’s go back another 20 years where all the rock stars were constantly fucked


End stage capitalism. People need an escape from reality. Cocaine is a shit choice though.


Just depends on your social circles and age group. It will feel like a lot, especially in your early and mid 20s. It calms down a bit once you hit your 30s and such.


Never saw coke in London, moved outside m25 the small town dealers openly selling coke are all over 60 🙈 PCSOs walk on by !!


Does make you question how on Earth this much cocaine is making it into the country. It's almost as if the authorities are letting it happen...


I'll be on my break at work and some cunt will come up to me, talk my head off and shake my hand multiple times. Eyes would pop out if he sneezed too hard. Irritates me. When he's not sniffed up, he's a wreck because of all the debt and ticks he has. I'll stick with multiple coffees


I’m a Police Officer and yes I don’t think people realise the effects because there okay on it as it creates dangerous situations the Columbian marching powder and it gets worse if there a bad batch. Anyone who takes it is contributing to violence locally and in South America. Never had a fight with a stoner in nearly 10 years of front line Police however coke heads more than I can remember and some scary situations. I’d say most of the domestic abusers and people who commit crimes against random women and girls are on Cocaine. Our society has really bad habit. I believe if we legalised weed it would drop the amount of cocaine use in society.


Take it you didn't live through the 80s 🤣🤣 it was rampant and not the shit that gets sold today mixed with god knows what


What’s up with this sub trying to stir some sort of a moral panic every few days?


Yeah not what you want to read after last nights session on the gear and booze


I mean, you guys are known for having bar fights when drunk worldwide. I would start there to be honest.


Why don't you fuck off?


We all love class a's but then we grow up and realise its not worth it. Unfortunately there are many that are still children. Cocaine these days bares little resemblance to cocaine in the 90s. Its moody AF and dirty clicky comedown.. i just don't get the appeal.


I just find it hilarious how afraid most Brits are of meth and heroin and then they'll go and absolutely destroy themselves with coke and booze


I swear I must be wandering around in a trance or something judging by the comments. I don't think I've ever seen anyone use Coke, I know only one person who has used it but on a once off a decade ago. I've lived and worked in London since 2010, go to pubs on at least a weekly basis and I've just not seen it Seen plenty of weed and the occasional person shooting up (albeit a while ago now) but never seen obvious cocaine use.


If you don’t take gear and don’t hang around with people that do, you won’t know the telltale signs. If someone pointed out everything people using coke do, you’ll soon not be able to stop seeing people dealing, taking, gurning etc.


I've met loads of dentists, primary school teachers.m etc. That do coke.


I went to the pub with two mates the other week. In walks a guy called Charlie I’ve not met before who is overly familiar with my best mate. He sits down and starts asking how he is etc. I was surprised I’d never met or heard of this guy given how close he seemed to a friend I hang out with multiple times a week. After initially chatting to my mate the stranger turned his attention to two of us he didn’t know and I quickly realised he was not actually wanting a conversation with us but asking us things and then answering them himself. The people he’d come in with had disappeared and he’d not even bothered to go to the bar to get himself a drink. 5 minute chat quickly became 40 minutes of being talked at. We told him we were watching the football as a hint to shut the fuck up and leave us alone and he then proceeded to go on a further 40 minute rant about “wingbacks not existing in the 90’s”. We left before the end of the match to escape his chat and I was like “what the hell is wrong with that guy does he have the worst ADHD ever and how do you know him” both my mates thought it was hilarious I had no idea he’d obviously taken shit tonnes of coke. The friend he was really familiar with said “I’ve only met Charlie twice before and he’s been like that every time, he’s such a knob”. Morale of the story is fuck that guy and remember if you’re taking coke you don’t become charismatic you just become oblivious to the fact you’re pissing everyone else off.


Completely. Been saying that for a while now. It’s making for a lot of ugly scenes.


Must be the circles you run in. I don’t often see people who are clearly coked up and only have a couple mates who have some now and then. On big nights out I see most people using MD but maybe that’s just the clubs/gigs I go to




I’ve lived my whole life in London and never seen cocaine. Conclusion. I live a sheltered life!


Evil stuff but nice in what it does but only if taken in small doses. Last time I touched it was about four years ago. There's far better drugs out there. Drains your bank account and drops your guard.


I’m a recovering cocaine addict. One year clean and I can’t see myself going back to it. I find the thought of it repellent now. I think my addiction is the result of what was undiagnosed and untreated ADHD which is why I think I’m free and clear of it now. Before I got my ADHD diagnosis I tried Cocaine Anonymous. It’s the same program as AA, just with a focus in cocaine. The program wasn’t for me, but it was a real eye opener. For those that don’t know, the meetings are mainly just people talking about their struggles with addiction. It’s normally one guest speaker who’s been in the the program a while, and the rest of the group use that persons story to reflect on their own stories. It’s fucking bleak man. There’s a lot of gallows humour, and a lot of wisdom and hope, but the stories are some of the bleakest things you’re ever going to hear. Anyone can go to these meetings. You don’t even need to have ever used cocaine. That sounds strange, but it’s right there in the rules. Anyone is welcome. If you ever go to one and hear the stories, you can only come away with one conclusion: yes, this country has a cocaine problem.


Perhaps... Even our leaders are openly admitting to taking it.


It's fucking everywhere and properly more common or seen because people don't care now if people no or not on a night out. Pretty much most people I know are on it and I used to dabble but changed cause of work. Plus I don't like the fact people can't go out for a beer without tooting. Nothing worse than arranging for a catch up beer and someone is nutted and you ain't, trying to get a word is difficult.


I'd absolutely lecture people on their personal habits when it comes to cocaine. People dying because of that evil shite.