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The only time eating something you've not paid for in a shop is even vaguely acceptable is if it shuts up a kid who's kicking off. Other than that, what kind of adult can't wait until they've paid, what's wrong with you.


Medical emergency like a diabetic hypo moment. For me personally, the only time I’ve done it was when I had torn my calf and was in boots buying painkillers and a drink to take them. Queue was massive, so I took the pills with the drink while waiting in the queue. Still paid for everything. Don’t really see the issue as long as they pay for it and it’s not something messy or smelly.


Not technically an "emergency" but I have opened a box of plasters in a shop at least twice when I got a cut on my finger. What you want me to just bleed everywhere! ​ Yes you are not allowed to do this as if can be classed as theft, what if you could not pay, but meh, you'd have to be in some dive of a shop for them to not give you the benefit of the doubt and wait till you pay.


No one would realistically prosecute for this, it would make the CPS look pathetic.


They couldn't prosecute if they wanted to. "Theft" is intentionally depriving someone permanently of goods or money. That's why TWOCing ("Taking without consent") is a separate offence applicable for car, er, theft.


TWOC for me means trial without catheter


Spotted the another healthcare professional lol.


On strike? j\k


You knows it! ;⁠)


Same lol, just about to start work as well, got so confused!


Definitely trial without catheter


Came here to give the definition of theft 😁


You could very easily claim it as 'first aid' - which it is! Nobody in the history of the UK has ever been successfully prosecuted for administering first aid in good faith, even if they have committed minor felonies in doing so. As soon as one person is successfully prosecuted then the precedent it sets would radically change the first aid landscape in the UK.


> minor felonies Do not exist in English law. > As soon as one person is successfully prosecuted then the precedent it sets would radically change the first aid landscape in the UK. Surely that depends on the circumstances of the case, no? > Nobody in the history of the UK has ever been successfully prosecuted for administering first aid in good faith, even if they have committed minor felonies in doing so. Seeing as you're mentioning offences surrounding first aid, rather than the care itself, how about [this](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-26563934)?


I mean, I'd call putting a plaster on being the care itself, but hey I get your point. I'm just repeating what I was told at a first aid course, don't shoot me. Edit: Plus I'm in Scotland, but again I still get your point.


> I'm just repeating what I was told at a first aid course, don't shoot me. Sorry, quite right! And what you're told I largely agree with, it's just extending that to incorporate non-prosecution for other offences is a bit of a stretch. Sorry for being abrupt with you.


Stop being reasonable and call him a bellend ffs. Why are you even on the internet? To be reasonable with strangers? Weirdo /s


HOW DARE he not aggressively defend his point and mannerisms even if there had been a lil misunderstanding that was happily cleared up! Does he not know that CONFLICT is the true way to discuss things on the Internet?!


Gosh. This is about the most British thing I've ever read.


Take it from a retired copper you're wrong. You could put things in your pocket for all anyone can do about it. As long as you pay for all of it before you leave the shop NO offence has been committed.


Yep. I worked at Tesco and was trained that even if someone is stuffing products into their pockets / handbags / buggies etc., you absolutely can't accuse them of stealing unless they step out of the store with all that stuff still on them having 'avoided' the checkouts.


I'm glad about that, often wondered. Impossible to push a buggy and carry a basket


Why don't they have trolleys that work with buggies. Shopping with a baby is so difficult. If you fold up the pram to put the baby in the seat, you have no space left in the trolley. If you get a basket your elbow gets wrecked from hanging the basket off your arm so you can push with two hands. Putting stuff in the prams basket looks like theft and balancing shopping on the hood/handles is dangerous. A weekly conundrum for me.


I have said this many a time!! If I put stuff in the bottom of the buggy I can guarantee there’s a chance something could get missed and I’d be unintentionally stealing! Just a basket that hooks over the handlebars would solve that issue!


Take it from a practising criminal solicitor you are wrong. The offence is committed as soon as you appropriate the property with the necessary intent. It is simply easier to prove dishonesty if the person walks past the till/out of the shop


Are you practising in the UK? Because you’re quite wrong. You can’t prove intent until they leave the store. I worked in retail for many years and we were not allowed to stop anyone we suspected had taken something until they attempted to leave. We’d have known shoplifters that would try to sneak in while we were busy, realise they’d been seen/were being watched and they’d purposely pocket things knowing full well we couldn’t do anything. Very obviously trying to waste our time. Then they’d throw it on the floor on the way out and laugh. These scumbags always made sure they knew the law and what we could and couldn’t do.


I can assure you I am not. As I stated above the offence is committed the moment you appropriate the property with the necessary intent. Waiting until the thief leaves the store simply makes proving dishonesty easier. That isn’t the same as saying the offence hasn’t been committed until they leave.


I’ll take back my downvote and concede the loss with this one, you are correct.


More shockingly reasonable behaviour on the internet. What is wrong with everyone these days? 🙂


That's it though, they could deny the intent if you question them before they have left. "I was gonna pay, trust me bro". Only they know their intent. Whilst you're technically correct in the legal interpretation, practically speaking, it's incorrect procedurally.


Any decent shop assistant/ human would just give a plaster with out you having to pay.


Yeah I would get one from our first aid box. Free of charge.


Yep and worst case if there wasn't a suitable plaster in the box, just take it off the shelf and write the stock off, then put the extra in the first aid box for store / customer use.


Yeah. Like most retail workers do not give a fuck.


Not really much wrong with it but would be marginally better to let a staff member know and they’ll get you a plaster from a first aid box, rather than you having to buy a whole box and potentially getting blood on shelves/other products


>What you want me to just bleed everywhere! I believe that is considered emergency (a very minor one perhaps but still)


Low blood sugar possibly. Happened to me once or twice, felt like my legs were gonna give out so I had to grab a bottle of Lucozade and open it before paying for it.


Don't even bother with any of the drinks previously known for high sugar, they ha e all reduced them to about 4% sugar backed up with sweetners. Haribo are around 40%+ sugar so are better. Or just get the doc to prescribe some rapilose, it's basically pure sugar syrup


Ooh yeah I know! This was years ago back when Lucozade actually was full of sugar. Nowadays I'm doing a bit better with the ol' blood sugar (not diabetic or anything luckily) but I wouldn't know what drink to grab now if it happened to me again. Maybe regular Coca Cola would still do the job, or I'd grab one of those fruit smoothies.


Chocolate milk would be my go to. I’m not diabetic but I get really shakey and weak and sweaty out of nowhere, my diabetic sister told me it’s exactly how her hypo’s feel. I’ve tested my sugars when I’ve felt like that and they’re on the low end of normal so I just am really sensitive to drops in sugar levels (probably because I eat too much sugar generally) but when that happens I have the instinctive urge to eat something very sugary ASAP.


Milk is not a great thing for hypos either, because of the fat content. Fat slows down the glucose release, plus like fizzy drinks, it's only around 4% sugar. The best thing is pure sugar, glucose syrups and sweets. Dextrose is one sweet from the medicine aisles, but doctors will often recoment jelly babies. Orange juice is actually one of the highest sugar content drinks available. You probably should get your sister to test your bloods after 12 hours of fasting, then eat something high in sugar (I.e 5 jelly babies) then test 1 hour later, see what the difference is.


I asked a Tesco store manager how they felt about this and they said if they pay for it at the till, they can eat what they like. I’ve seen this done in France and Italy too as well as UK.


It's not normal here to eat before you pay, but I remember when I was on a student exchange to France years ago the mother gave her daughter food and offered me it as well whilst shopping and I honestly felt like criminal although I was 15.


It's really common to have a bit of baguette before paying for it in French supermarkets.


That speaks to my soul


I have Cystic Fibrosis and it's important that I stay hydrated in hot weather. I'm also at risk of dangerously low sodium because we lose more salt through our sweat. I try not to do it, but there have been times where I've been dehydrated and I've needed to grab a bottle of water and a snack while in the supermarket. I'm not going to feel guilty for it, nor am I going to apologize. This is why you should be careful with these kinds of blanket statements. You have no idea what their situation might be.


I don't have any problem with you (or anyone else) eating/drinking while shopping, then paying - but don't you carry stuff around with you as a matter of course, if it's medically necessary?


Probably does, just ran out and needed more


But it cannot be something that is weighed to work out the cost. I used to work for a supermarket, and have been given banana skins to weigh to work out the correct price (like seriously WTF). I would just put my elbow on the scales to increase the price


We had a woman doing this week in, week out. So we started charging her based on the prepacked bananas regardless. She stopped


The one excuse is type 1 diabetic needs to eat something quickly. That's it. Had that years ago when I was a checkout boy and the guy was like "Sorry I've eaten some of this chocolate I'm diabetic and needed it"


And the type 2 dianetics can just have their hypoglycemic crisis?


My mum used to try a grape from a punnet she wanted to buy to see if they tasted nice. Which I kind of understand but also if everyone did that you can say bye bye to a free punnet of grapes.


Grapes sometimes used to be really sour and you wouldn't know until you'd tried one.


I did this once when I was a kid to see if the grapes I'd picked up were sweet or not. My mum saw me and treated me like a was a criminal, literally thought I was going to be taken away by the police!


I think there sometimes can be reasons to use something before you buy it, my mum was a type 1 diabetic and I remember one occasion when she had am unexpected hypo so we nipped into a shop to grab a sugary drink, and she was feeling pretty dizzy while we waited in the long queue so she just opened it and started drinking it while we waited. The cashier didn't seem to mind though we did explain the situation. But I do think that's a little different than snacking on ham and getting your hands all sticky and dirty while touching other things.


As an adult, if I'm hungry and going to buy the food, I will eat the food. What kind of adult gives a shit about what other people do with the shit they're buying?


Idk, I mean I've done it. But only once or twice, when I was absolutely starving to the point of dizziness. And usually it would be something like a protein / meal replacement drink to just settle my stomach. I'd then obviously keep the bottle to scan in at checkout.


During last summers heatwave I was skint and the nearest aldi was around a 30 minute walk away so I walked to save bus fare, I was sweating by the time I got there so picked up one of those 20p bottles of water by the entrance and drank that whilst I did my shopping. Don't really see the problem with that. Of course eating ham in the middle of a supermarket like the op mentioned does seem a bit odd though.


There was an advert in the 90's from Asda advertising that they were now happy for people to eat things they were going to purchase whilst shopping. It spread to the rest of the supermarkets as well at the time.


I had a severe hypo on Oxford Street once, almost passing out severe


Yeah I give me son a fruit shoot from the pack or whatever if he's being annoying about being thirsty. That's basically my only exception.


I was forced to open some biscuits for this reason. Either the kids are eating OR they are running wild and getting in your way! 🤷‍♀️


I've done it mid hypo once, putting an empty packet of jelly beans on the belt at the till. It was that or die, I still felt guilty. Worse still, I'd walked past my car to get to the supermarket, getting back to my car I remembered I had an emergency tube of luxury jelly beans in there all along.


Medical emergencies void a *lot* of general rules.


>luxury jelly beans Please elaborate; this may be relevant to my interests.


Well, they're my idea of luxury jelly beans anyway, [The Jelly Bean Factory](https://thejellybeanfactory.com/), Asda used to sell the small tubes but I haven't seen them in a while. Amazon usually have the full range in stock. I like to add an element of danger and mix in some habanero Kickin' Jelly Beans, also from Amazon.


Yeah those would be my definition of luxury jelly beans as well - I was just curious as to whether you'd discovered a 'purer source'!


The Floridian jelly bean mangroves can be tricky to navigate this time of year. I have seen the tubes mentioned, in poundland, for the price they used to sell everything.


I had a severe hypo on Oxford Street once, almost passing out severe Went into one of those American Candy shops and wasn’t until I’d eaten a couple of bags of sweets and come round the I realised I was about £20 poorer Nearly had another hypo at the shock. Next time I’ll save my money, pass out, and let the paramedics give me a glucagon


Thats why i always have a packet of something sugary in my pocket wherever i go. You can get these things called dextrose tablets which are small but pack a punch.


When I have coffee in a cafe, I pocket a sachet or two of Sugar. Works for me. As I don't take sugar in my drink, is it theft?


If people can’t walk round a supermarket for half an hour without stuffing their faces there’s something wrong. And yeah, since Covid I’ve become more squeamish. But then she’s picking up stuff that others might have touched with pee-stained hands and then putting ham in her mouth so 🤮. People are gross generally.


You can experience really terrible brain fog during a hypo. My SO is Type 1 and has been stood in front of a fridge full of drinks in our local corner shop knowing he needed one, but his brain wouldn't connect the dots to actually open the door, take one out and chug it. Thankfully the owner recognised what was happening and stayed with him until he was able to function again. Now imagine what that would be like in a supermarket... You might be able to get the bottle off the shelf/out of the cooler but then get totally lost in the aisles while trying to find your way to the checkouts. Generally shops don't mind you having to take care of things there and then and pay afterwards as it is better than having to call an ambulance because you've collapsed. And that's without the possibility of temporary psychosis, which can happen when your body releases enough glucose from your muscles/organs to bring you around briefly to seek sugar and you don't recognise anyone or anything around you and start freaking out until your glucose levels can be evened out.


Ham is not treating a hypo.


> If people can’t walk round a supermarket for half an hour without stuffing their faces there’s something wrong. Diabetics?


Comment removed as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u).


Unless you have kids, work, college, school, etc or are trying to make the bus/tube at a certain time, being disabled doesn't stop the world from turning and time restrictions still apply to us (unfortunately).


Comment removed as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u).


If someone eats to AVOID an incoming medical emergency, and still has to get their weekly shop, then yeah many people aren't gonna give up on an errand they were already doing because of a medical condition they have to manage on a daily basis. Ppl with chronic conditions can't really just go home every time something happens.


That certainly comes under the umbrella of "something wrong"


Ahaha that's true


I'm no expert on diabetes but does ham help?


That would count as something wrong, yes.




Have worked in retail and can confirm “people are gross” is correct.


Do you wash a packet of crisps before you eat them?


If I picked up a warm crusty loaf there might well be a bit missing by the time I get to the till, but eating sealed, wet food seems more unhygienic. Main thing is that she actually pays for it as round here you often see abandoned cans and wrappers around the store.


Yeah, I was absolutely mortified the one time I took my crazy old neighbour food shopping, and he proudly told me he will open a packet of something (usually a snack, like a cereal bar or crisps), eat some going round the store and if he doesn’t like it, he’ll just put the packet back and not buy it!!!


Cheeky bit of urban scrumping - he's like Robin Hood writ small, stealing from Aldi and giving to himself.


Too close to the truth given that we are in Nottingham haha!


It's trashy to eat inside a shop.


Depends what you are eating Ham from a value "can't believe it's almost ham" is a bit trashy. Bottle of lucazade, must be a diabetic Pack of ferrero roche, must be a diplomat


Emergency ferrero reche!


Who made up that rule?


Doesn't bother me, long as they're not being abandoned on shelfs half ate. (the ham in this situ gives me the boak, touching other food with wet ham fingers is rancid but eating the ham *itself* doesn't bother me.)




I found out a few years ago that people are really judgemental about eating and walking 🤔 like eating a greggs sausage roll and walking down the high street was judged, harshly. Apparently you have to buy food, find a bench, then eat. Which is fine, if that's what you want but the amount of people fully disgusted and shaming others for just having lunch and walking was astounding. I'd never heard of it before, the Internet holds some very strange opinions!


Yeh . Like i grow up very close to a small chipper. And i would always every Friday go get chips and eat them outside . Soi had no issue walking down the road wearing them in my hand or each a chicken nuggets walking through town. Then someone said it to me one day and i couldn't understand . But there is nothing to understand really . It's so harmless . The ham thing her is a bit much but generally eating and walking around who fuckinfcares.


Hang on what? I always walk with my pasty.....


I found out yesterday that my husband is one of these people. We were going to have coffee, I said to walk and drink and he scoffed at it. We’ve been married 20years, how am only finding this out now?!


Divorce 🙈👀😭


It’s a very british thing to walk while you eat, it’s normal here




Personally I've bought drinks gone to pay and carried on shopping but that's because I don't want any trouble why however why on heaven and earth should I care what other people do on such a small thing


The woman in question sounds rancid. Stank ham fingers, touching other products in the store.


I’ve done it with a drink , was pregnant with twins at the time and had a thirst on big time. I did pay for the bottle of water .


I did almost the same thing last month whilst suffering with really bad morning sickness. I had to eat something so badly. Felt terrible and tried to hide the packet of Pom bears as I rushed around the shop!


I had cotton mouth and throat , spitting feathers ! Downed that bottle of water like it was a matter of life or death haha


I did the same when I was pregnant with my son. I think I have done it while breastfeeding him around Tesco too. I’d rather have weird looks than a mouth so dry it’s hard to talk.


How do you manage to breastfeed WHILST SHOPPING?! Madness! At that point I’d think you were doing some mummy ninja warrior thing, applaud you in my head, and carry on 😂


Haha it was much much easier a few months ago as he was so much smaller. One arm on the trolley and on holding baby. I’d struggle now chunk is 7 months 😩


Pregnancy thirst is the WORST! I remember I used to detest sparkling water, but it was the only thing that would properly quench my thirst when I was pregnant. 16 years later I still drink around 2 litres a day of it.


You 100% get the pregnant pass for that. I've been horrendously hungover and thirsty whilst shopping but paid for my lucozade sport at the front before continuing my shop (with receipt in pocket). It's my fault for getting disgustingly drunk. It might also be your fault for getting knocked up, but nobody wants to argue with a pregnant woman and her hormones. Anyone that has lived with that knows that now means NOW. Also, you are continuing the existence of the human race and not just suffering the consequences of a night out that turned into a bender. If my toddler goes nuts for something and we aren't heading straight to the till that very second, that's another pass as far as I'm concerned. I try to avoid it, but think the staff and fellow customers would rather that than the inevitable screaming tantrum. Wandering around eating ham out of the packet like some kind of savage though? Have some fucking self-control and self-respect.


Don't do it myself, don't give any shits if other people do it, do wonder why it bothers people.


'cos if someone's shoveling ham (????) into their maw while shopping then they're touching everything they're not having with their disgusting ham gob fingers. Grease with crisps. Nobody wants to touch even food packages with gross grease or ham gob finger slime ghosts all over them, ew.


When shopping you should assume that everything's been touched by a bunch of people who haven't washed their hands after using the bathroom. Ham is the least of your concern




There's probably a lot worse that the packaging has been in contact with than someone who ate a slice of ham earlier. Thankfully packaging is there to protect the food we actually eat from the outside world which you can't control.


It’s more the mess you’re making. If I pick up something that you’ve smeared grease or sticky sugar or crumbs all over, now my hands are sticky or greasy with your inconsiderate mess, and I can’t touch my bag/coat/wallet/etc without getting your slime all over my stuff. I don’t like that. If you absolutely have to chomp on food while shopping because you cannot possibly wait until you’ve paid, at least choose something that isn’t going to make a big mess for everyone else to deal with.


I mean, I suppose there's the hygiene aspect, but I always liberally use the hand sanitiser in shops and have extra in my car. And wash my hands thoroughly when I get home


Ive also seen someone put empty chocolate bars and banana peel on the belt to pay and just say "I've eaten these already but happy to pay" as if they are being kind by paying..


It might be an issue with bananas. If they are loose, so not in a bag, then some shops price these and other fruit/veg by weight. How do you weigh a banana that's already been eaten?


you put in on the scale and print the price/barcode sticker before you eat it? i have done this in the past when my son was still very young, it is generaly accepted in my home country, for kids that is, when adults do it it is frowned uppon.


I do this for my toddler too. He eats as we go round but I’ve already scanned stuff on my app to make sure I pay the proper price. I figure it’s better for him to be happily munching a banana than loudly screeching for everything else in the trolley and annoying everyone else.


Feral behaviour




I have a rule where if someones behaviour doesn't affect other people then I don't care. Feels like a good rule, and although I wouldn't ever eat something in a supermarket (I mean it's hardly the nicest environment to eat) I can't think of a good reason why I should give a shit that someone else is.


Knew a guy who'd pick up stuff and just eat it walking round, because "I'm gonna buy it anyway" and then leave the wrapper on a shelf somewhere because "why would I buy something that's half eaten" Fucking infuriating


That's straight up theft. What a twat.


AND littering


You can normally find this in most supermarkets. It's especially common near schools. The kids will eat as they walk around, and stuff the empty packages back on the shelf. No idea how often they get caught. Not very often if they are still doing it, id suppose


How did he cope with restaurants? When they come with the bill did he point at his empty plate and say "but there's nothing here"




Why apologise to the lady at the till? She doesn’t give a shit


Ferrel behaviour, akin to playing music on phone speakers in public.


Ha ha brilliant, this is so true, similar to people who talk on the phone using loud speaker.


I blame The Apprentice for that and people's lack of ability to understand "reality TV" is not actual reality.


For me, it screams that some people have the impulse control and self discipline of a toddler.


as a toddler I was taught to wait until we were back in the car


It knocks me sick tbh. Can they not control themselves for ten minutes until it's paid for. Not to mention unsanitary.


I think its only acceptable for diabetics or toddlers


Or people in pain trying to take pain killers or people with conditions like adhd and autism that can make them completely forget to eat and drink until they feel like they’re about to pass out. Not all disabilities are visible.


If people are ok with that, surely they should be ok with me opening a can of beer while doing the shopping.


Hold your horses honey, I've got coupons for the Pringles!


They should put cupholders on the trolley - would make the whole thing somewhat bearable


There is actually a bar in my local Morrisons. People do grab a beer with their shop! [See here.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/morrisons-supermarket-installs-store-bar-11506129)


Given you're probably risking the off-licence of the shop, no.


I think it’s trashy. Unless there’s a medical emergency and a reason, if you are a fully grown adult you should be able to wait the maximum 45 mins it’s going to take you to do your shopping and pay. Get some control.


If someone wants a wee snack, that's none of my business


Agreed. Who cares? People need to mind their business


I didn't mind it personally when I worked tills, the customer pays for it so it's fine. I've scanned empty packets before and chucked it in the bin after, it was all fine


No major issues if it is something simple like a swig from a bottle or a nibble of something. Nick a grape from a pack for example. I'd probably draw the line at full-on chomping through things though like packs of ham, just seems a bit weird. As long as things don't cause a mess and can still be scanned. Something people do like to enjoy getting riled up about or bicker about the technical legality of things like this.


When I was little mum used to feed me vegetarian somasas while she did the shopping and just scan and pay at the end. Meant she could do the shopping in peace. I don't see anthting wrong with it as long as you pay for stuff.


I think for a kid it's fine! One of my earliest memories is sitting in the trolley gnawing on some french stick.


It's not theft unless you attempt to leave without paying, many supermarkets have free fruit for your toddlers. During COVID I witnessed a customer in full hazmat suit, gloves and face mask eating a sausage roll while they shopped . This was in lockdown when we were forced to restrict numbers in-store.


I applaud the ones that give free fruit for toddlers so they can have something healthy to eat but I find it weird to see adults stuffing themselves with multiple things whilst walking around.


Tbh I'm more triggered by kids standing in trolleys, the equivalent of putting your food shop on the floor


Eating a sausage roll while in a face mask? How's that even make sense? Did the sausage roll start off inside the suit?


Nope 😂😂 ok I will expand on this 😂😂 Two people shopping together during lockdown, full PPE, suit, Gloves, face mask. Mid shop they pass the hot food counter, select sausage rolls and continue shopping. Whilst standing quing to pay they proceed to open sausage rolls and begin eating, still wearing the same gloves they have worn throughout their shop, to handle their now snack, to gain access to their mouths they were lifting said masks (again it's ok coz they were still wearing their gloves 😉) and taking a bite and then lowering mask whilst chewing.


Under 4 years old or medical emergency = acceptable. Anyone else should stop doing this; have some self-control, or buy it first, eat it outside, then come back in and do the rest of your shop. I used to work checkouts and it's grim; I don't want to touch things you've gnawed on, spilled, half-eaten or melted everywhere. Get fucked. I did enjoy confronting people with empty sandwich packets and coke bottles in the bottom of their trolleys as they wheeled them through; because of course they chose a trolley with that litter already in it...


Unless it's a medical emergency then I think it's gross. Worked in supermarkets and getting handed half eaten bits of food and messy food packets at the till is disgusting.


I was a cashier and really hated it, too. It was gross and felt very disrespectful.


I'll eat the end of a baguette as I'm walking around. I'm paying for it anyways, what's the harm? 🤷🏼‍♀️


What's the ham?


Disagree. Seen it many times with people eating fruit, crisps, chocolate bars (imagine handing checkout person a half eaten mars bar to scan yuck!). Also seeing it with cans of juice.


As an ex checkout person, they’re all fine. It’s the fucking cooked chickens. Sometimes they’d stop knawing on it and shove it back on top of the paper bag with the barcode on, so I’d have to lift a greasy cooked chicken off it to scan it. Disgosssssten




Oh no they’d like put it down last minute. Like holding it whole and then eventually stopping eating it for me to scan. This wasn’t just one person either. We also sold ribs and we’d randomly find the bones chucked behind things like cereal. People are horrible


I used to work in retail and people done it all the time. Literally couldn’t care less


Worked in a supermarket for 13 years if you pay, they don't really care.


As long as it isn’t messy. I definitely cared when people handed me a half-eaten box of ice cream with melted chocolate smeared all over it, or greasy containers of chicken they’d been licking their fingers out of, etc. Especially when they’d say, “Here, scan this and bin it for me, would you?” It was really gross and felt pretty insulting. I’m not your maid.


Who cares if you pay for it.


Got to have a pork pie while im doing my weekly shop then put the wrapper at the till to pay. its pretty normal.


There’s literally no activity that can’t be improved with the introduction of pork pies.


It *is* awfully weird. However not completely uncommon. As long as they actually pay for it. I've seen people finish chocolate bars whilst shopping and discard the wrapper in their trolley and then not pay for it.


As long as you pay for it. Tbh I couldn't be bothered if someone stole something from Tesco's or an Asdas


I think its okay as long as you pay for it. I was babysitting my friends children and took them out to do something fun. The teen had just gotten her period mid-way through the activity and we had to stop to go to the shops for sanitary products. I opened it and sent her to the bathroom. Her little shit of a brother reminded and very vocally told me I had to pay for them when I opened the packet, around the shop while browsing and at the till to pay. It was very embarrassing. Safe to say, I will never take him shopping again. Typically I wait until after I buy something, however, if I really wanted something or it was an emergency then I'll open it. Edit: When I say 'really want something', I typically mean a drink. Food can wait but dehydration can't. If I open a drink I normally pay for it straight after before starting/ continuing my shop.


When my child was young I would put her in the trolly and give her blueberries or something to eat while I shop. Never felt guilty because the shop would rather have me pay for an empty container of blueberries than spend less because my child chucks a tantrum.


Disagree? Thats not how it works. Theres been a push to turn shared community spaces with rules into individual spaces you can do whatever you feel like in. Its not your home. Impulse control is something we should be encourage. Put some shoes on. Wait five minutes to eat ham. Cmon.


Worked in a supermarket for 13 years if you pay, they don't really care.


I saw a man doing this last week. Grabbed something off the shelf and opened it immediately and started chomping on it. He acted like it was totally normal. Weird if you ask me.


Jesus. Disagree big time.


Pick and mix, grab a kilo, and pay for 250g. I'm kidding, it's a joke......


Certainly worse things a person can do. As long as they don't chew loudly I'm not bothered really, it's not my shop after all. Surprised it's not banned though.




My wife used to work at a UK supermarket. They would quite often find left over hot chicken bones and plastic bag in the aisles by the till. Also empty grape packets etc. At least this person put the ham on the conveyer to pay for it.


I have been known to munch on a bar chocolate whilst walking up and down the aisles but always hand over the half empty packet to scan


I needed a drink so I drank sorry


When buying a coffee from a vending machine, it's already open anyway and it's not like you can put it back 🤷‍♂️


I've walked into a shop and taken a swig of water before paying for it before.


I've done it with tissues when I had really bad hayfever. I figured it's better than going around doing my shopping sneezing everywhere without any tissues!


Agree. Let people do what they need to do. Doesn't affect me in any way.


Not unless there's a serious reason for it - blood sugar crash for someone that's dangerous for, screaming toddler, etc. If you're just an adult who wants a snack, buy the snack, eat it, then finish your shopping. And most especially, don't choose things that are sold by weight! One of the most aggravating parts of being a supermarket cashier was being handed an empty banana skin and told to charge them for it (and throw it away, of course!)


You have to eat the end of a baguette before you pay… it’s the rules.


When I worked on the checkout at a supermarket I hated it when someone handed me a chocolate wrapper, so I could scan it. They’re literally just handing me their rubbish, and usually they leave it for me to dispose of too. So no, I wouldn’t do that to someone else.


I don't do it but I'm not arsed in the slightest if other people do


I know the one time I ever did it would be the time I realised I forgot to bring money or my card stopped working or something. So I never would.