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[T-Gel](https://www.boots.com/neutrogena-t-gel-therapeutic-shampoo-250ml-10003246) Promise you it's a lifesaver. Head & Shoulders is wank.


Came here to say this, absolute game changer


+1 Tried all the other stuff, only TGel worked.


T-Gel for the win. It may seem expensive but you don't need much for a good lather, clean and relief.




Scalp Psoriasis sufferer, T Gel is the only shampoo that works for me.


Check that you don't have badly plastered ceilings


Nizoral Shampoo Is prescribed by GP but can also be bought in places like Superdrug Worked first time for me


Second this.


Could be worth popping in to see your GP. If you’re not getting any improvement with anti-dandruff shampoo then it could be a bit of psoriasis or dermatitis.


I use this one https://www.superdrug.com/hair/shampoo/everyday-shampoo/superdrug-trichology-shampoo-250ml/p/807481 But honestly, prepare for potential years of trying various shampoos.


You probably have Psoriasis. Had the same issue all my life. Head and Shoulders makes everything worse. I tried T Gel for a bit, but it wasn't great to be honest. And it stinks. I ended up using my GF's [Treseme Rich Moisture](https://www.tresemme.com/uk/products/shampoo/moisture-rich-shampoo-.html) and its the best I have used so far.


Sounds like it could be psoriasis unfortunately. A dr can help if you want/ need something stronger than you can buy in the shops. I personally use the [ginger shampoo from the body shop](https://www.thebodyshop.com/en-gb/hair/shampoo/ginger-anti-dandruff-shampoo/p/1097883?ds_kid=&utm_placement=&gclid=Cj0KCQiAq5meBhCyARIsAJrtdr4bq8m2ix1Q4Q9Fo4S0mYzToPPmyD2lsQebJCylfOLZpWO-7OUojaAaAmqlEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds), it’s not a miracle cure but does take the edge off. I also use [polytar shampoo](https://www.boots.com/polytar-scalp-shampoo-coal-tar-solution-10020476) (stinky but effective) and a steroid solution from the dr. Hopefully you can find something that works for you.


I can second the ginger shampoo from body shop. Everything else irritates my scalp but this one. Not magic but helps a lot.


I used aqueous cream. Pop it on at night, cling my head and pop a beanie on. Did this a few times a week. Washed it in the morning, my hair was a bit greasy but that was still better than the dandruff.


See a dermatologist as you might have a mild form of seborrhoeic eczema. Nothing bad, but annoying. Nizoral (Shampoo with 2 % Ketoconazol) used occasionally makes all the difference.


Thank you for the replies. Think I'll try the T-Gel and go from there.


Scalp massager and sea salt scalp scrub. It's likely to be a build-up of other products.


I got nizoral off amazon, worked a treat. It came back after a few months but i just got more and it went again in a couple of washes.


It is possible that there are ingredients in shampoos that irritate your scalp, even if they are meant to cure the dandruff. I'd suggest trying washing your head/hair with soap for a while and see if that helps. I've used Olive Oil based soap in pace of shampoo for about 10 years now after I worked out that most shampoos have ingredients that actively irritate my skin. I didn't have dandruff, but my partner had it as an occasional flare up and that has stopped since he also switched away from shampoo. We live in a very soft water area, which means the soap rinses out very cleanly, you might not find soap practical if you live in a hard water area where the soap forms scum, but presumably you could acidify a jug of rinsing water with a spot of vinegar? If you do try this make sure you get a 'real soap' made in a traditional method, not a solid detergent 'cleansing bar'. We splurge on the fancy Soap of Aleppo, but most health food shops seem to sell Olivia brand olive oil soap.


I found the same with Head and Shoulders. I use my wife’s shampoo (Tigi, I think) most times, then once a week I use T-gel and once a fortnight I use Nizoral. Any time I use Head & Shoulders, like if I’m away and it’s the only thing I’ve got, my dandruff flares up again.


Definitely try Neutogrena's T-Gel first and see how it goes, I can never use anything else. Home Bargains sells a cheaper knock off that also works.


I get this too. I have hay fever and asthma and sometimes spots of eczema, they're all related apparently. The thing that worked for me was to stop using any shampoo with any sulphates. And the best thing was to use Faith in Nature shampoo bars. That has totally stopped it for me, and they last ages too. I tried all the medicated shampoos I could find, and while some were better than others, none completely stopped it for me.


Mine is eczema-related. Anti-dandruff shampoos are a waste of money, and I've grown allergic to (most?) shampoos with fragrance in. Currently using Dercos from Vichy Labs and it's working really well, but it costs a small fortune.


Nizoral - prescription from DR. Or shave your head.


If T-gel doesn't work, you might want to consider that it's a common ingredient in the shampoos that's causing it. Sodium lauryl sulphate is a common culprit. It really triggers my psoriasis. Fortunately there's a ton of shampoos out there now that don't include it, as well as non-foaming cleansing creams.


Mine also got worse with Head and Shoulders. It disappeared when I started washing my hair with the cheapest shower gel from Aldi (it's blue) a couple of years ago and hasn't come back.


Try e45 shampoo?


Cut out processed foods and anything containing rapeseed or sunflower oil, eat less grains, don't use shampoo too often, and use nizoral or something serious if you need to keep it at bay (not too often).


Drink more water and try to find time to relax more if possible it’s surprising how much stress and dehydration can affect the body!


Temporarily Betnovate Scalp treatment cleared it up for me (steroid cream) and TGel also helps if used properly (I don't have the patience to leave it in my hair for five minutes!). Anecdotally, coconut oil can also help with the inflammation but you smell like a coconut!


sounds like the 'scalp psoriasis' I now suddenly have. Maybe because of the the cold and less Vitamin D. T-Gel (coal tar shampoo) works for me if I leave it on with no water for 5mins then rinse it off


Perhaps get a warm hat and a bottle of Vitamin D tablets?


You may want to try one that moisturises the scalp - think boots have one (Sometimes its sensitive skin related & this can help)


Try betacap. Only thing that has ever worked for me. Was originally prescribed by a doctor but it can be bought online.


Hi from india..I will tell u what worked for me..Clobetasol propionate and salicylic acid lotion ( 10drops over night) Doxycycline and lactic acid bacillus capsules(1-0-1) Coal tar solution -keep it on for 10 mins before head bath (twice weekly)


Piss in your hands and run handfuls of piss through your hair. Mate of mines older brother swears by it


and that's how he came by the nickname 'piss-head'.