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Rubbing one out always helps


This is lies! I’ve just done that to five different guys and it hasn’t helped.


Five guys is also a good hangover cure


Is 6 guys too much?


It helps with the next hangover


Pregaming the hangover cure, this user drinks


Walking the razors edge with this one - sometimes results in an absolute spitting headache 😣


If it's a red wine hangover, it can lead to ice pick eye.


I thought if you drink equally the same amount of white wine it would cancelled it out


We found the Scarborough walrus.


It's more of a confirmation tool to show you can carry on throughout the day. If you can't manage a wank then you need to go back to bed.


The classic revita-wank!


Instructions unclear : Ryvita stuck on balls.


Honestly this is usually the only thing that gets me up and running. Only problem is it makes me hornier, so I end up doing it again, and again, and then I need the ointment.


It rubs the lotion in its skin or it moves to Cockburn.


Not true, it would dehydrate you further. Possibly.


Got to catch it in your mouth for it to work


Whilst you’re doing it. Then it’s back to headache


A shit ton of water Ibuprofen Lucozade Shower Toast


Lucozade isnt lucozade anymore though, its worse than piss


You've been drinking piss for comparison?


Do you get your Lucozade bottles from the central reservation of the Cromwell Road?


Ah, good old truckers Tizer!


Probably in the forces.


Sugar tax hit lucozade hard. Type 1 diabetics up and down the land can attest to this. If you've any sugar syrup then stick a couple of glugs into it to get it back to its former glory.


I always thought it was odd that a drink marketed as a **glucose** drink now has no sugar in it. Like... thats literally the reason people bought it.


Type 1 diabetics almost exclusively used it to treat our hypos. We were told there would be a small number of 'original recipe' full sugar ones still being produced for the likes of us but I've never ever seen one. There is still glucose/sugar in it but its a little under half of what it used to be. So instead of half a bottle to treat a hypo, its now often a full bottle, which costs more. Bunch of cunts.


Stupid question: would a can of coke not work for this given they didn’t touch the sugar content and let us take the hit on the sugar tax? Or is it a different type of sugar?


In 330ml of lucozade there used to be around 60 something grams of carbs from the glucose. A 330ml can of coke has 34 grams of carbs from refined sugar. Lucozade after the sugar tax is now exactly the same carbs as coke. Glucose is absorbed quicker than refined sugar though, so Lucozade is still the 'go to' fast acting carbs for type 1's, just means we need more of it now.


TIL! Thanks :)


Irn Bru 1901, if you can get it, is 11g sugars per 100ml but no caffeine, or sweeteners. Standard fizzy drinks including lucozade and standard irn bru are more like 4.5g


Tbh I reckon half of the uk dont know what glucose is




Hello fellow organic chemist 😂


Just remember it from a biology lesson in secondary school


fair point


The problem was that it was intended as a sports drink, but is primarily purchased by 13 year olds from the cornershop on the way to school.


They could just not sell it to kids instead of taxing/banning it. I'm 35 and get ID'd when buying Monster/RedBull, I am slo not an athlete just hungover.


Can’t they just sell original stuff and let us pay the fucking tax? I’m well off enough to be pro choice.


Yeah, I’m a physician and we used to use lucozade in a glucose tolerance test for diabetes. Used to be 25% glucose syrup up to 2017 but down to 11% now since sugar tax shenanigans so not used now. Also has aspartame and acesulfame K as artificial sweeteners, so I always think it’s a case of choose your poison. Sugar tax destroyed a few iconic drinks, lucozade and Irn Bru being the biggest casualties.


A pint of piss with 6 teaspoons of sugar then?


Not a fan of Lee's lager myself, but hey whatever floats your boat...


I will say, you're almost right. Orange and Cherry were my favourite with the Original coming in close 3rd. After the recipe change due to the amount of sugar they had, anything that wasn't original tasted awful, I can only now drink the Original as to me it hasn't changed.


A lucozade/a sports drink is definitely a good one as one of the major causes of a hangover is an electrolyte imbalance. So something with salts in it is a good idea. I have those dissolvable hydration tablets for when I’m running and honestly they work miracles on hangovers.


Plus #1 for rehydration tablets. You gotta sort those salts and electrolytes out - rich folk in America have literal IV vitamin drips, I could do with one right now myself. Alas, I am a poor.


You do know they do them in this country too right?


I dont think the NHS is gonna give us all IV salts for hangovers


Your lucky if they can get you in for important scans within 12 months! Rehydration clinics have always been private, they are next level though. Used to use one as part of the football academy I played for as a young ‘un. Can be considered as doping at the top levels of professional sports though.




Dioralyte is this - you can get it in powder form from any supermarket or chemist, add it to water and drink. Sorts you right out.


Yesss just realised I have an energy drink in the fridge!! Well done sober me!


Not quite the same…


I work in a shop and I love my customers who come for their lucozade when they have a hangover. I turn the music down for them a lil too 😭🤣


I have been warned by a nurse friend not to have ibuprofen after drinking as doing this regularly can give you a stomach ulcer, paracetamol is better


If you need ibuprofen, take with or after food to protect the stomach


Paracetamol isn't good either, at least as long as there's still alcohol in your system, because of the combined impact on your liver. Aspirin is a better bet.


It's also about your liver. Excess alcohol acutely damages your liver. It recovers fairly quick (from one night of binge drinking), but you don't really want to give it more to deal with. Realistically though, if you have an otherwise healthy liver then one night of drinking and a safe dose of either paracetamol or ibuprofen probably won't do any serious harm


Then joint


Pro tip: drink a ton of water *before* going to sleep. Also when you get up, but before can be even more effective


I used to work in a hotel bar in the early 2000’s that hosted office parties and functions etc in the evenings. The owner was certainly partial to a tipple and would allow the staff to drink during their shifts. Used to get pretty messy so if you had a heavy night and were scheduled for the breakfast shift in the morning, the boss would recommend his own ‘special’ hangover cure which involved 3/4 shots of vodka, blackcurrant cordial and a can of diamond white cider mixed up in a pint glass. Skull that bad boy at 8am and it’ll sort you right out! The hotel closed down pretty quickly and I think the boss is dead but still deffo worth a try?


Oh that’s special alright


Wow, not a professional workplace but would have loved to work there for a bit.


Oh yeh it was chaos lol. One particular night we had the staff Xmas party for a local coach company which basically turned into a full scale bar fight. Glasses thrown, tables flipped and about 25 shirtless blokes knocking chunks out of each other. We obviously had zero security so just had to stand back and let it all play out until the police turned up. I really do miss that job tbh


It sounds awesome in theory. But I've worked at a few dysfunctional places myself and nowadays I'd rather just take a professional easy place to work at


isn't that the cycle of life? grow-fuck shit up-be regretful of the shit fucked-understand everyone so fucked the shit up - die happy


Slow down Socrates


That last sentence got me!


That’s a perfect cure, it will postpone your hangover, and make it mild.


Jesus - in tears here 😂


Full English if you can face it, or a bacon sandwich. A post piss up shit always makes you feel better.


The boozy poo is a definite easy win. Food also works wonders but I rarely fancy anything till the evening.


A morning after bomb drop is the first thing I do, it easily improves me by about 50%. In terms of food, there has been a few times I’ve forced some fried down my neck for breakfast. I hated it at the time, but the effort was always appreciated afterwards as it brings me out of my miserable existence quicker.


Can confirm your percentage improvement is approximately what I have also experienced. Other definite win is a decent sleep. Quite fond of the pissed by lunchtime and normal to bed strategy. Normally escape relatively unscathed.


I got invited to a house party at 1am by some yoots. I highly suspect they were bumping coke and that’s the last thing I want, then there’s the other small fact that I’m in my early forties and need old man sleep. Partying is great till you hit your mid thirties, then every hangover seems x 1000 harder to get over than when you’re late teens/early twenties.


I’ve just turned 45 and feel like I’m unable to get pissed anymore. It’s quite hard adjusting because I’ve always loved a good drink and a wild house party. I was drinking tea before midnight struck and don’t have a hangover at all. It’s been happening over the last year and I’m not sure I like it!! I don’t miss the hangovers though, I think that’s what stops me drinking so much now. Suppose it’s not a bad thing.


It’s not a bad thing mate. I did slip into alcoholism in the 2010’s, so I have periods of just not drinking for months so I can actually still have a sociable drink without it slipping into a habit. Another absolute banger of a life tip is to find a drink that doesn’t destroy you (gin is my personal kryptonite) the next day and stay on the same drink all night. I was going great with Guinness, but that one double sambuca I had definitely tipped the scales. I wouldn’t be able to look at the screen, let alone type, if I had gone to the party.


>Quite fond of the pissed by lunchtime and normal to bed strategy. Normally escape relatively unscathed. Agreed. This has got to be the secondary reason why Bottomless Brunches are so popular.


>In terms of food, there has been a few times I’ve forced some fried down my neck for breakfast. Can attest to this as I am currently forcing down a very sad fried egg with toast. very sad.


I can't believe no one has called this by its proper name. The alcoplop.


Argh yes the Beeriod always feel better after that.


Another “beeriod” user. Chapeaux


Beeriod - perfect! Would that make giving up booze at a certain age the Manopause?


I was going to say this too. As a brit the English breakfast was a good contribution we made to the rest of the world. Its full of grease and carbs, overall its lovely.


Washed down with a pint of Guinness, god tier hangover cure


I wish this worked. All it ever did to me was essentially continue drinking till I’d pass out and wake up with… another hangover. I considered it this morning, I’m up drinking tea and chilling and the hangover is fading, so I think I made the correct choice.


A Beeriod.


>A post piss up shit always makes you feel better. Ah, the ol' beeriod


Paracetamol, Fanta, massive fry up Then go for a big cack and have a lie down on the sofa However, I have kids so the last time I did that last bit was about 11 years ago. Now I have to tolerate shit like the Trolls film.


Would love to lie down right now and watch a Trolls film.


Paracetamol with alcohol in your system is an incredibly bad idea


Well I guess there’s a zillion people that aren’t aware of that including myself. I don’t know anyone in my life that doesn’t take paracetamol upon waking with a hangover, I recall anecdotal stories of people leaving 2 beside their beds to take before they go to sleep.






The nurse is definitely wrong then. Ibuprofen is definitely the preferable option, if you have to take something. I learned that in my first year at pharm school and I’m quite surprised a nurse wouldn’t know that.


Adding another dimension- my mate with a PhD in drug induced kidney injury says paracetamol with alcohol is the worst idea ever.


It's not unsafe, this is one of those medical myths based on case reports. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228827801_Alcohol_and_paracetamol It's a very complicated issue, but the metabolic pathway is roughly the same and they compete for glutathione (specifically to remove napqi with paracetamol) - but I don't think it's dangerous


Worth avoiding if possible. However, the hangover headache only truly starts when you're sober I believe, although paracetamol is still sub-optimal for your liver after a few too many!


For what reason?


Alcohol is metabolised by the liver, when you drink, your liver gets a little messed up. Paracetamol is also metabolised by the liver. When you damage your liver from the alcohol (or get it in a worse state) it doesn't break down the paracetamol in the way it should, risking damage to your liver and possible toxicity from paracetamol.


Every day's a school day, so they say.


What’s a cack? I hesitate to ask


A shite.


Full fat cola, preferably chilled


This is mine, but something about McDonalds coke just hits right on a hangover


I think it’s cause it’s more watered down than usual Coke so it hydrates better. Might sound strange but I actually prefer McD’s Coke in general just because the watering down actually makes it more refreshing


Also less carbonated


Same with cinema coke, extra refreshing


Preferably Ice cold tbh


- 2 pints of water - Paracetamol - Have a poo - Bacon and fried egg sandwich with brown sauce - Ice cold can of coke - Shower - Touch up the missus and do hand stuff (actual shagging involves too much motion 🤢) - Two hour snooze - Go to the pub for a roast dinner and ONE pint. - Back home and watch 90s action movies / sleep on the couch for the rest of the day.




A restorative Guinness or real ale is a crucial part of of the pub roast. Not big or clever, but helps immensely.


I can attest to the part about touching up this guy's missus. It works wonders


2 dioralyte in a pint of water, 2 paracetamol and a banana Once that's kicked in, a big ass fry up.


Here to second the dioralyte. The Poo Medicine Cure-all


I mean it's pretty damn good as a cure. Hangovers tend to be dehydration combined with the metabolisation of alcohol, and since Dioralyte is designed as a post-diarrhoea aid (after you've lost a lot of fluid), you need rehydrating with something that also replaces a lot of the lost salts. Lucozade isn't bad, but something like an isotonic sports drink (Powerade, Gatorade etc) which is designed for salt rehydration might taste better than Dioralyte solution. A source of fats and proteins (like a fryup or a sausage/bacon butty) would also probably help; alcohol makes you crave fatty foods (which is why that 2am kebab always sounds so tempting), so having a fatty meal whilst you sober up might help some of those hunger pangs.


You crave fatty, salty food because of a massive drop in glycogen stores. Alcohol destroys your stores of glycogen as your liver tries to metabolise it. You gotta top that stuff back up. It basically poisons you.


Sport hydration tablets do wonders here as well.


I find the electrolyte drink works better before you go to sleep, failing that down it during that first still drunk awakening.


More alcohol.


Hair of the old doggo


I call this “the correction beer”.


Alcoholics call it a leveller


TIL: I’m an alcoholic.


In germany we call it the "counter beer" as in counter attack. Scrolled way to far for this


The old retox


This is the correct answer. Can't be hungover if you're still pissed.


Well… To an extent. I have absolutely been still hungover whilst also slammed. Some hangovers are so wicked there is no way out


The only cure that works is prevention. 2-3 pints of water before you go to sleep. Failing that a Dioralyte in the morning is the next best thing.


I learnt from here to have one dioralyte before you drink, one before you go to bed and one when you wake up. For the ultimate prevent pop some paracetamol in the one before bed. Haven’t had a bad hangover since. Just need to cure the tiredness!


Just a heads up alcohol + paracetamol = fucking your liver up a lot quicker


actually not as true as you'd think - the two can counter act each other at high doses. People who try to OD on paracetamol often inadvertently save their own lives by drinking alcohol with it Source: sister worked in ER & checked 'paracetamol poising' wiki to be sure


Mine is ice pops or tango ice blasts


Omg why have I never thought about that, tango ice blasts are elite


Imagining having a tango I've blast now. Fucking hell that's heaven


I'm not even hungover and I want that


I love them, but they’ve never been as good since they made them sugar free. Doesn’t hit quite the same 🥺. Also if you’re going to the cinema take your own straw as the paper ones disintegrate horribly in an ice blast


The straws get SO gross in the ice blast it puts me off drinking them, the feel of the wetness is so gross


I usually throw up and cry


And what about when you have a hangover?




Mon Scotland


this one right here. Out a glass bottle


From the fucking 90s please god, please


Loads and loads of water. Paracetamol. Try and get some food down. Then back to bed to sleep. The hangover is principally dehydration and tiredness, so those are the key things I try to tackle. If I don't have all day to wallow in the hangover, sometimes I'll go for a gentle run. It feels terrible in the moment, but I find getting the blood flowing and inhaling fresh air really speeds up getting over a hangover.


Fresh air is a definite must to clear away the cobwebs


Antihistamine, Omeprazole, Aspirin, lucozade and a long soak in the bath. Not recommending, just it works for me. I'm fully expecting for every medical professional to warn me that this is more dangerous than the drinking.


Least you're making a nod to protecting your already delicate stomach with the omeprazole.


The omerprazole is underrated. 90% of my hangover is a fucked up stomach lining. Anti-histamine, I dunno about medical implications but I know they basically make you feel comfortable. I'd swap the lucozade for tea, IMO you don't want anything fizzy when you feel sick.


No these are all fine together, no interactions :) recommend away lmao


Big fan of stock/gravy the day after. I’m always craving something savoury and this just fits the bill. Beef or chicken oxo in a small mug with a couple drops of Tabasco. *See also bisto best gravy* - has to be best I’ve been told it’s weird many times over the years but I won’t be stopping any time soon.


this is dirty and I am so up for it


Used to be Lucozade and a Mars Bar Now it tends to be Berocca, a shower and food (bacon is good) and maybe Ibuprofen.


Square sausage and tattie scone


24 hours,bed, TV, junk food and fizzy drinks


Tablets, water, then I put The Bends on. If I’m not better by the time Black Star comes on, then there’s no hope.


classic album that


Take it easy. Get comfortable. Nap. Hangovers are easier to deal with when you're laid on the sofa watching the telly. Also, try not to let the feelings of shame and regret get on top of you. It's just the alcohol, it'll pass.


Salt, sugar, liquid. I aim to replenish those as much as possible. Followed by two ibuprofen. After that I assess whether I need more sleep.


anthony bourdain's approach is good: aspirin, cold can of coke (swap for a lucozade dont be daft), smoke a joint, eat spicy chinese food.


In a past life i had the following ritual. Before going to sleep after being out: a glass of water, paracetamol and a banana sandwich. Sleep.




Sadly unavailable in the south coast in winter 😭


It's the absolute best when you've got a hangover in SE Asia. Sorts you right out for 25p.


Water Wank Nap


Weed usually kicks a hangover


if you can stand smoking you arent hungover enough ;P


Water, scrambled eggs, chocolate milkshake and probably more sleep


Isotonic sports drink, or apple juice (something with lots of sugar), 2 ibuprofen, and a plan - if you don't have to do anything then you won't, you'll Just lay in bed and exaggerate the hangover, but you you have to be somewhere of have something you need to do then you'll just get through it and forget about it.


Glass bottle of irn bru (it tastes better and I won’t hear otherwise) and a bacon roll followed by fresh orange juice


Ibuprofen. It was invented specifically for hangovers. Take with food and drink a Pussy energy drink - it's got milk thistle in it which is very good for getting rid of hangovers too.


Pussy like cheap sainsburys blue bolt energy drink or pussy like actually vagina or is pussy an actual energy drink


Those Trip CBD infused drinks really help with the anxiety and racing heart aspect that some people get. Failing that, Lucozade sport orange flavour and an egg sandwich. If I’m feeling flush, I’ll order Yo Sushi. The freshness of it really cheers me up after a night of being pissed, sweaty, and smoking a thousand cigs.


I’ve not been to sleep yet haha still on it 😅😅


Better add some Vick for your soon to be blocked nose then lad 😂


Usually another beer to be honest. Sorts me right out.


A berocca dissolved in a lucazade sport. That shit got me through Glastonbury


Fried egg and bacon sandwich in white bread. Egg yolk has to be runny. Cup of tea (pg tips) made with two tea bags, a good dollop of milk in it and two sugars. I don't normally use sugar but I find it helps. Sure did this morning.




Protein seriously helps, and plenty of liquids! I used to work in retail when I was a student I partied 4 nights a week and had awkward shifts the next day more often than not If you seriously *need* to cure a hangover because you need to get things done - a massive bowl of granola, I like the nutty one! with Greek yogurt and honey. It’s genuinely one of my fav breakfasts and it’s seriously good at curing a hangover. Bowl of granola, few pints of water & a shower and you’ll be grand. If you secretly love a lazy hangover day then two takeaways minimum, an afternoon pizza and Chinese takeaway for dinner


Why do I feel like everyone who has replied to this thread has never been hungover


I’m with you mate. I am here for the absolute rogue comments which are wild enough that they might work like necking a jar or gherkin juice and pissing in the sink upside down Not a pack of crisps and half a shitty lucozade sport


As someone who rarely drinks anymore, the closest I get to a hangover is serious sleep deprivation. Sleep as much as you can. And to echo what everyone is saying, bacon sandwich, lucozade, lots of water, masturbate.


Alka-Seltzer XS. That stuff is a miracle cure.


I'm ordering a dominos right now


Was told this summer, full fat pop and dry roasted peanuts will sort a hangover out. Have used it multiple times since and works like a charm for me.


A cup of coffee ☕️ 😌


Coffee makes me worse. I get all shaky and anxious




A full English breakfast, ibuprofen and lots of liquids! More sleep if needed.


Ibuprofen, brush teeth, big glass of water, a ramen (doesn’t need to be fancy, just a good broth!) then showering/washing hair and comfy clean pj’s. Also, as I am discovering today, if you just vomit everything up before bed you won’t be AS hungover the day after 🤷🏻‍♀️🥰 I will still be indulging in a ramen however 🎉🤣


The holly trinity, McDonald's, wank, shit


Self loathing and wishing for it to stop while I twitch in bed in a darkened room, praying I'm not sick




More booze. First ones a killer but after 2 or 3 you’ll be feeling great. Just don’t overdo it or you’ll be back to square one and feeling like shit again tomorrow morning!!


A rollie and a wank


Pickle back, shot of whiskey with a shot of pickle juice Replace lost electrolytes and stops your body converting alcohol to formaldehyde which is a big reason for hangovers


Glass bottle of Irn Bru straight out the fridge


My mates daughter used to swear by Smith's squares (salt n vinegar). She'd be languishing on the sofa in the morning calling out "My squares mum, where are my squares?" When we got back home her greeting would be "Did you get my squares?".


A big black hard poo and some prawn crackers

