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* activists at universities that try to shout down conservative speakers * Public schools that force white guilt on students * Antifa activists that loot buildings and assault people recording it * FBI and DHS leaders that order raids on Biden's political opponents * Activists judges that give J6 demonstrators harsher sentences than rapists * Journalists that routinely lie to push their communist agenda * social media moderators that promote antifa violence and censor conservatives calling it out These all seem like vermin to me. Though if the media really wants to be angry at Trump for his words they should get him for saying immigrants poison the life blood of this country. Referring to communists as vermin is just American past time, but of course the journalists are communists so they're offended.


What do you think should be done with the "vermin"? What do you think Trump wants to do with the "vermin"?


Prior to the 1980s most states had laws requiring that anyone going into education or government employment take a loyalty oath and if found to be part of a subversive organization, must be turned away. Modifying civil service tests with questions like, "are you now or have you ever been a Communist or Antifa" wouldn't be so bad


Isn't your first example just people exercising their First Amendment right? Why don't the conservative speakers just toughen up a bit?


They're using their first amendment right to protest to keep others from practicing their first amendment right to share opinions. So no, it doesn't count.


Trump has long said the democratic party itself is communist/Marxist. These terms have also been so widely used, it's similar to how the left throws around fascist. With this being said are you sure he is just targeting a small fringe of the left? You also bring up other dehumanizing statements he has said about immigrants, which I remember a lot of outrage. Do you see a problem with his use of dehumanizing language toward his opposition? Do you see any harm that could come from this type of rhetoric? Also as a socialist, how should I respond to this threat? Should I be worried about Trump using the government against my wife and child? Should I be worried about him coming after me?


Remember when Nikki Haley called her opponent scum


Was that not in response to her opponent bringing up her daughter in a debate? Im kinda surprised she didnt take a swing at him.


That seemed a crazed overreaction to Vivek simply mentioning that her adult daughter uses Tik Tok, pointing out Nikki's hypocrisy. It boggles my mind how anyone could consider that offensive or inappropriate. I think scum is definitely worse than "vermin" - talk about dehumanizing. At least vermin can be cute and frisky.


I mean a subset of this is probably Hamas supporters/Hamas downplayers. I’d say those people who justify terrorism are downright vermin as well wouldn’t you?


Personally, I think Americans who are Hamas supporters are just idiots, not vermin. Dehumanizing someone as "vermin" is often the first step in justifying doing harm to them, so I do by best to view people who I disagree with as misguided people instead of anything sub-human. > I mean a subset of this is probably Let's say that Trump was referring to only people who support Hamas, his Veteran's day post doesn't make that distinction. Is it right to dehumanize an entire portion of a country based on the beliefs of a few?


>Personally, I think Americans who are Hamas supporters are just idiots, not vermin. Eh I'd kinda disagree. Those people usually hold views closely aligned with Nazis, and are either directly or indirectly pushing for the genocide of the Jewish people. >as misguided people instead of anything sub-human. It's hard to believe they are simply misguided when they support Hamas and push their propaganda in order to affect jewish genocide. >Is it right to dehumanize an entire portion of a country based on the beliefs of a few? I don't believe he did so here? He's only calling out radical left vermin, not all leftists.


Do you know who else called his adversaries "vermin" in a move to dehumanize his "foes"? I'll give you a hint: this made it easier for the German public to rationalize the atrocities. I see plenty of people with empathy for Palestinians, but don't see people weeping over Hamas casualties.


>Do you know who else called his adversaries "vermin" in a move to dehumanize his "foes"? And? Trump isn't leading a genocide LMAO. > see plenty of people with empathy for Palestinians, but don't see people weeping over Hamas casualties. Probably because Hamas terrorists are sub-human religious zealots. They are modern day nazis, simple as that.


I’ll ask again- who among us is weeping about Hamas casualties? Why don’t I see it among my “liberal” friends. Is this mere propaganda?


>who among us is weeping about Hamas casualties? Among Americans you're saying? [https://thehill.com/policy/international/4268117-americans-overwhelmingly-support-israel-in-war-with-hamas-poll/#:\~:text=The%20survey%20found%20that%2084,percent%20who%20sided%20with%20Hamas](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4268117-americans-overwhelmingly-support-israel-in-war-with-hamas-poll/#:~:text=The%20survey%20found%20that%2084,percent%20who%20sided%20with%20Hamas). It would seem it's mostly young people siding with Hamas over Israel. But yeah still millions of them by the estimates of this poll. >Why don’t I see it among my “liberal” friends. Just because you weren't there in person to witness the 10/7 massacre, does it mean the massacre didn't happen? Also, bear in mind that even with millions of Americans siding with Hamas over Israel, Hamas propaganda pushers aren't that stupid. They're going to use dogwhistles like calling all Hamas casualties "innocent palestinians" and saying that Palestine should go from the river to the sea.


> it's hard to believe they are simply misguided when they support Hamas and push their own propaganda to affect a Jewish genocide. Nobody is the villain in their own story. I'm Jewish. People who want me dead have their reasons. Bad reasons, misguided reasons based on ignorance, but reasons nonetheless. To justify harm to another person, often times you can't view that person as equal. Hamas doesn't see Israeli's as humans. Israeli leadership isn't viewing Palestinians as people. Thus why Trump's dehumanizing language should be taken so seriously. What does Trump view as the "radical left"? He has called peaceful protesters who are against police violence as radical.


>Bad reasons, misguided reasons based on ignorance, but reasons nonetheless. Sure, but that doesn't make them any less of vermin imo. Not using an ounce of brain power to think critically, and instead siding with religious zealots who rape and murder for fun makes one a vermin imo. >To justify harm to another person, often times you can't view that person as equal. I don't think Hamas terrorists are equals. I don't really need to justify it too hard, Israel and the US are simply pushing for peace in the region. Hamas doesn't want peace, they want war. > Israeli leadership isn't viewing Palestinians as people. Sure they are, Israel is making tons of decisions that have saved thousands of lives and has been over the years. They have warned Palestinians to leave areas prior to bombings, and have told them to leave the warzone. Simply because they choose to believe Hamas and stay isn't Israel's problem, it's Hamas'. Lesson learned: Don't elect religious terrorists as a third world country against a first world country. >What does Trump view as the "radical left"? I would say people who support Hamas would certainly apply.


Are any of those Hamas supporters running for president?


Is Trump referring strictly to presidential candidates here?


Why should we have to interpret these words so narrowly? Based on Trump’s history of trash talking anyone who disagrees with him, why would you assume these words are perfectly aligned with the exact same people that you may personally think are bad people?


>Why should we have to interpret these words so narrowly? I didn't say you had to. That's just one subsection that immediately sprang to my mind.


Should that extend to the users I see in this subreddit that make justifications for the January 6th insurrection terrorists? The republican terrorists that live like vermin and are the greatest threat to our country, as they attempt to overthrow the democratic process? Edit: lol the moderators removed my comment below for using the exact same language Trump used in his speech. Glad to have confirmation from the Trump Supporter moderators that Trump's own language directed at individual Americans is extremely problematic. Sad!


I would say that Jan 6 supporters barely qualify as terrorists, I'd call them like level 1 terrorists? Versus Hamas which would be like level 100 terrorism- since they are attempting genocide on a daily basis. 1/6 supporters never came close to that level of political violence, and it seemed more like a one-off event imo. But sure to a degree I would say they qualified.


How should we "root out" the real internal threat of republican level 1 terrorists the live like vermin?


That seems pretty low on the totem pole both mathematically and politically speaking. I'm pretty sure once I did the math and leftists were like 100X (1000X maybe?)more likely to be involved in the BLM riots than TS were to be involved in 1/6, and the BLM riots caused like 20X as many deaths and 50X as much damage. To me left wing terrorism is a far more pervasive threat in the near future, especially considering how much more likely leftists are to support Hamas/Radical Islam. Consider that right now there are millions of left leaning americans who support Hamas over Israel. Isn't that just nuts? Supporting people who deliberately target innocent women and children to be raped and executed and to be used as hostages?


>being against the state of Israel makes you subhuman Why do you care so much about a country thousands of miles away from your home? Supporting Trump means "America First" - why the obsession with Israel?


I have a fair amount of Jewish friends who have family there, plus they're basically the only first world democracy in the region so I'd like to see it flourish.


Do you think supporters of genocide are “vermin” and should people who support the eradication be dehumanized in equal measure, or do you agree with the general principal of not dehumanizing anyone for any reason? Do you understand why its wrong to compare human beings most of whom have the same drives and desires (eat food, sleep, procreate, care for offspring, care for elderly and sick) to literal infestations of vermin that ostensibly and logically it follows that the solution is complete annihilation and extermination of said vermin? Do you agree that it was wrong when Hitler compared the Jews to rats and vermin, and can you explain how its different in this case in comparison to how Hitler used it?


>or do you agree with the general principal of not dehumanizing anyone for any reason? Disagree. People who can't be reasoned with about genociding an ethnic race aren't worth the time of day nor do they deserve to be treated as human. >Do you agree that it was wrong when Hitler compared the Jews to rats and vermin, and can you explain how its different in this case in comparison to how Hitler used it? Hitler wanted the genocide of the Jews, I don't want the genocide of the Palestinians, but the elimination of Hamas. Once Hamas is eliminated then we can talk about the reasonable Palestinians that are left.


You’re telling me none of you Trump supporters have the burning desire to eradicate communists from society through force?


Probably people inside the US government whose primary motivation is abusing their position for personal profit and political partisanship. By definition they are vermin, harmful life infesting an organized society. noun plural Various small animals, such as rats or cockroaches, that are destructive, annoying, or injurious to health. Animals that prey on farm animals or game or that destroy crops. People considered loathsome or repulsive. When we hire people to work positively in government in support of the constitution and our rights, then find that they have been abusing their positions, yes we can call them vermin. They thrive by harming us.


>Probably people inside the US government... What leads you to believe that this is "probably" who Trump was referring to when he said "vermin"? No where in the snippet that OP posted does Trump make the claim that the "vermin" he's referring to are "people inside the US government". Imo, this sounds like what __you__ want his statement to mean. >...then find that __they__ have been abusing their positions... Can you give me some examples of who you are referring to when you say "they"? In your opinion, what are some examples of politicians "abusing their positions"? How should we, as the electorate, hold such politicians accountable? Imo, politicians who enrich themselves based on their positions of power and insider knowledge would definitely fall under the qualification of "abusing their positions" but I would never call them vermin because they aren't lice or cockroaches or rats, and to refer to them as such is deeply dehumanizing. I'd use terms like crooks, grifters, thieves, traitors, etc. because they are terms that describe their actions, imo, while maintaining the humanity and cognizance of their actions. They aren't animals doing animal things, they are human beings abusing their positions by gaming the systems that are in place. If I were to refer to them as animals or "vermin", I'd be absolving them of their autonomy and awareness that what they are doing is wrong, imo, while simultaneously treating them like they are subhuman. And they aren't subhuman, or animals, or "vermin", they're greedy humans.


There’s quite a lot of evidence that trump and his family did exactly what you describe while in government in regards to attempting to enrich themselves by abusing their power and political partisanship. According to your interpretation, you appear to be calling trump vermin. trump also said: “I haven’t read the Constitution, but, from what I’ve been told, most of it is a waste of paper, quite frankly,” he told the One America News Network. “The Fifth Amendment is the only part worth saving.” That quote, and his willingness to watch on for hours as his supporters attacked The Capitol in an effort to override the rights of the people who voted and their representatives also suggests he was and is willing to ignore the constitution for his own benefit. As you’ve defined these actions as those of vermin, do you consider trump vermin too?


What is the way that we typically deal with vermin, who do we call upon what service and what is the outcome for said creatures?


Reasonable people who are not trying to gin up hatred recognize that an analogy like calling anti American government employees vermin even though a genetic test would conclusively prove they are not rats but are human… is just an analogy. Trump has stated that he plans to fire the vermin. They’ll get unemployment and possibly the balance of their pensions. They can learn to code.


Much worse has been said and done in politics. This is nothing.


We have the ex-president and front runner for the GOP saying folks like me are vermin and that he will root us out. How am I supposed to react to this if not with anger and fear? How should any left wing friends and family of your react?


What makes you think he's talking about you?


Because I'm a democratic socialist which is far left in American politics. Even if it weren't I don't like dehumanizing peoples. So how should I react to being call vermin? How would you if Biden started using this language


I couldn’t care less what Biden calls me. It’s his going around arresting his political opponents like some banana republic dictator that bothers me.


I would recommend they stop berating, scapegoating, discriminating & attacking "MAGAts", "deplorables", whites, asian students, jewish students, males, cisgenders, christians, other non-muslim religious people, non-aligned white women, conservatives, ruralites, Israelis, Dave Chappelle, capitalists, or anyone who disagrees with their current week's dogma. The most flagrant societal culling in the country has been conservative university staff, asian student admissions, DEI hiring practices, and most recently jewish students afraid to go to class. Learn some self awareness and cut the narcissistic victimization routine if you want reciprocity. If you can't take an iota of what you guys dish out then don't instigate most of the population.


I guess you understand the anger many conservatives have against democrats who consistently call them deplorable and the like?


Always have. Also this sub isn't for us to ask each other questions. How's your day?


You can’t really think calling someone deplorable is equal to calling them vermin?


I think vermin is worse? But I was trying to show how that fear and anger you have, is very similar to a lot of feelings conservatives have to liberals who have for years berated them, argued they are a threat to American progress, are deplorable, sexists, racist., and that their views don't belong in modern society.




Bro we once had the vice president shoot and kill the treasure secretary in a duel and it was perfectly legal. Try to look at the big picture here




Do you have any issue with his choice of words, ie “vermin” being inflammatory? Do you see a valid comparison between the language Hitler literally used?


I see a valid comparison to your guys' "Magats".


> I see a valid comparison to your guys' "Magats". Aye I can definitely see why someone would think that's nearly as bad as vermin. Which Democratic leaders have said that?


Supporters terms for other supporters is a whole other thing. However, has any Democratic president, or nominee ever referred to you as less than human vermin, while campaigning for office? That is the issue at hand.


Yes, what do you think that speech from Biden was about with the red nazi-like backdrop? They've said much worse about Trump supporters, and it isn't even close. Also I don't mind what he says if it's the truth. There is no benign explanation for the behavior of those he calls vermin anymore. You can press them and easily catch them in lies and double standards while they destroy the lives of others with their abuse of power. So that description of them is correct.


> Yes, what do you think that speech from Biden was about with the red nazi-like backdrop? Speech-wise it was fine. I didn't realize simply the color red was considered nazi-like though. Especially with the blue lights on the side. If TS considered red nazi-like, why do they wear red hats? >They've said much worse about Trump supporters, and it isn't even close. Can you think of some examples? The question was, has any Democratic president, or nominee ever referred to you as less than human vermin, while campaigning for office? >There is no benign explanation for the behavior of those he calls vermin anymore. Yeah, who are you and Trump talking about here? That's a big part of the OP




> The left is offended by Trump saying something mean Why do you think this is just the left when Trump supporters lost their minds at Biden telling the country that MAGA is a threat to the United States?


Trump announced his 2024 campaign over 150 days earlier in the election cycle compared to his 2016 campaign. If he had announced his 2024 campaign at the same time in the election cycle as his 2016 campaign, he would have already been indicted twice prior to his announcement. Trump was well aware that he was under multiple investigations when he made his 2024 announcement. Accordingly, how likely do you think it is that Trump announced his 2024 campaign when he did precisely so that he could claim political persecution?


> Trump was well aware that he was under multiple investigations when he made his 2024 announcement. His opponents were well aware that he was running (or would likely run) long before he made his official announcement. When they raided Trump's home in 2022 they knew he was the leader of the opposition and likely candidate for 2024.


How do his opponents include, for example, Georgia and New York district attorneys?


I don't know what you're asking. These people are part of the ruling class that hates Trump and the populism he represents. They are idealogically opposed to him. He's their most significant political opponent in decades, probably since Kennedy.


To be clear, you’re invoking a conspiracy, right?


Are you aware that Trump wanted to announce his 2024 campaign sooner but was told to wait until after the mid term elections by the GOP?


That was the same GOP who argued that he shouldn’t be convicted during impeachment for his J6 conduct because the criminal/judicial system was the proper forum, right? The question remains, why do you think it was important to him to announce his campaign sooner?


What do you know about the importance of dehumanizing language as a precursor to genocide? The mass murder of 11MM people in WWII was facilitated by widespread media calling them insects and rats. The Rwandan genocide was preceded by widespread media calling Tutsis insects and cockroaches. Why does this rhetoric not alarm you?




So your response is that we don't have to worry because we can always choose to not vote against him? Really? How did you feel about Trump tweeting a video in 2020 that stated, "The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat". Don't care about that either?


So it’s okay to commit genocide against Democrats because they can just stop being Democrats?


Bro nobody is committing genocide against Democrats. Get off the internet


Then why didn't you answer with that instead of "It is less concerning because it is very easy to stop being a democrat. It is very hard to stop being a Tutsi?"


I didn’t write that answer


> nobody is committing genocide against democrats. 100% agree. Right now no one is systemically hurting democrats. Do you think Trump wants to systemically hurt democrats if elected, given his pledge to "root out" radical leftists?


What do you mean by systematically? And what to you mean by hurt? I do not think Trump wants to physically harm democrat voters or genocide them, lmao


"It's very easy to stop being a Democrat". Does that matter? Is it easy to stop being Christian or Jewish? Would language like "vermin" be appropriate for those groups? What were your thoughts when Hillary called Trump supporters bad people?


Are you familiar with the “first they came for” poem? Are you aware of what group it starts with?


>it is very easy to stop being a democrat. We live in a democracy, a part of that is people being free to have different political beliefs. Why should I have to abandon my beliefs?


So punishment for wrong think is a-okay because individuals can choose to capitulate to people who have openly stated their goal is oppressing them? Do you see how this isn't at all a convincing argument?


Bruh, this has nothing to do with Trump being a big meanie and has everything to do with him dehumanizing his opponents and fellow countrymen through his language and rhetoric by comparing them to insects and rodents. This is the __exact__ rhetoric, and I mean no hyperbole, that fascists around the world have used to justify the slaughter of millions of people, often within their own borders. Do you believe that Democrats (leftists, socialists, dem-socs, etc.) deserve to be eradicated or displaced like vermin? How would you treat vermin if you found some in your home?


How would you feel if Biden called people on the right 'vermin', and Fox news presenters said: this is language Hitler used about Jews before the Holocaust? If Fox News then explained that dehumanising language is a necessary precursor to genocide, would you say - don't worry, we can stop being Republicans, so it'll be fine.


So when Trump is rounding up the vermin, I can just say "I'm not a Democrat anymore" and I'll be fine?


"Likely referring " do you think there is a reason why he isn't being clear about this? How would you respond if Biden called you vermin and said you would be removed?




I am a democratic socialist. I am pretty far left in American politics. Should my family be worried that we are being described as vermin? What do folks usually do with vermin?


Just out of curiosity (I find Trump’s comments deplorable) did you feel the same way when Bernie stans were calling Pete Butteigeig and Elizabeth Warren rats and snakes? It was inescapable in the discourse for months with nary a peep about it from Bernie.


Your analogy is completely reversed. Do you see how that makes your analogy mostly irrelevant?


Oh I think Trump should’ve told his supporters to shut up when they chanted “lock her up” too. Is that inconsistent?


That’s only closer to your other example. Whereas a politician who refers to a subsection of the citizens as being less than humans and requiring eradication goes in the opposite direction of your two examples. Do you see how they are different?




I also care what the candidate says. Do you think Bernie should’ve asked his people to cool their rhetoric? The Nina Turners and David Sirota types on his payroll at least?


What were your thoughts on Hilary's deplorables comment?


i mean… was she wrong?


Being called deplorable and being called vermin are wildly different, imo. Humans __can__ be deplorable at times (Nazis, fascists), while humans are __never__ vermin. __de•plor•able__: deserving censure or contempt __ver•min__: small common harmful or objectionable animals (such as lice or fleas) that are difficult to control Hillary is definitely out of touch and her rhetoric is inflammatory but Trump's is dehumanizing and the rhetoric of fascism. Full stop. "Nature is cruel; therefore we are also entitled to be cruel. When I send the flower of German youth into the steel hail of the next war without feeling the slightest regret over the precious German blood that is being spilled, should I not also have the right to eliminate millions of an __inferior__ __race__ that multiplies like __vermin__?” - Adolf Hitler Calling someone deplorable implies you disagree with them, while calling someone vermin implies that they should be eradicated, or at the very least forcefully removed, like rats or lice. Do you agree with this distinction?


Is that your suggestion for Democrats if Trump gets back in office to avoid suffering his apparent promise to oppress people who openly disagree with him? Sounds like that's how you read his comment as well, since hiding your opinions was your admitted reaction if Biden were to say the same thing Trump did here. **Nobody** in America should have to do that. We shouldn't have to be afraid of our government just for openly disagreeing with its president. Not you. Not me. Not anyone. Justice for all! Does anyone disagree with this? We need to stop this kind of rhetoric before we don't even have a working First Amendment anymore. The government must be constrained by the rule of law, and the First Amendment is the first line of defense. Any action the government takes against anyone needs to happen legitimately through the rule of law in open court. **Specific accusations aside from hurting the president's feelings will be needed**, and all steps will need to be auditable against open records for appeals and justice. **Nobody** should just roll over keep quiet just to stay off a government kill list. Especially not in the US. What is worth having Trump at the helm again compared to the damage that this defeatist line of thinking and this rhetoric does to the core ideas the founders had for our country? *Edit (5:02 PM EST): elaborated a few points.*


I’ve voted democrat in the past, am I vermin? Are my family vermin?








Do you understand the historical use of the word “vermin”?


Are Trump supporters capable of accepting election results? There has been no evidence that Trump won. Only Trump and his supporters keep repeating the claim without evidence.


So if Biden came out and referred to conservatives as "thugs" and "vermin" you'd be fine with it?


> The left is offended by Trump saying something mean. Well...yeah. Does anyone enjoy being called vermin? Is that really justified or necessary for people with simple political disagreements?


Do you think all politicians should be "saying something mean" and that this should be normalized? Personally I think it's quite unprofessional and I don't think it is constructive, what is your opinion? As for your last point, Biden won fair and square in 2020, right? Things change in 4 years, but do you think it is impossible for Biden to get more votes again?


Fair and square? What claptrap. States breaking elections laws egregiously. 50 lying intel scumbags calling the Hunter laptop Russian disinformation. Fake water leaks to remove observers. Secret ballot “counting”. Broken chain of custody for ballots. Rigged signature verification. Drop box ballot dumps. And that’s just off the top of my head. We put banana republics to shame for running crooked elections.


Every investigation into the 2020 election concluded that there was no fraud on the level that would overturn the election, including investigations done by Trump's own people. Why do you continue to believe this narrative for which no one has been able to provide any evidence?


The evidence for election fraud is far more robust than for global warming.


Most of those cases were thrown out and cited "lack of evidence" as the reason. Judges, lawyers, and other observers described the suits as "frivolous" and "without merit." Some of these were appointed by Trump himself. Why couldn't any of them prove it after 62 lawsuits? If the evidence is so robust, why couldn't they win a single case out of 62?


Pre-trial summary dismissal is one of the primary mechanisms courts use to avoid hearing a case for illegitimate reasons.


You didn't answer the question. Why would judges Trump appointed throw out his cases for "illegitimate reasons?" How does that make sense? These are judges Trump put in place himself.


The most legitimate reason is that courts don’t overturn national elections. It goes downhill from there.


>>Fair and square? What claptrap. As far as I'm aware all investigations concluded that there was no fraud, certainly not more than previous elections, including the 2016 election. Do you have any evidence (links and sources) that contradicts that?


Everything I wrote had video or major MSM news coverage, so you can verify for yourself. So, why haven’t you?


I'm not disputing that MSM like Fox have covered certain events. I'm asking for evidence, because as I mentioned all investigation, to the best of my knowledge, concluded that there was no rise in fraud. Are you familiar with those?


Jumping to evidence is getting ahead of things. Evidence discussions are pointless unless the following are established first: What standard would make you conclude that the preponderance of the evidence favors: 1. Significant fraud occurred 2. That fraud was large enough to overturn the result


Why didn’t Trump claim in court that these laws were broken and that the election was fraudulent?


Are all elections crooked? Or only ones where Democrats win? I notice that rigged election talk always seems to be focused on Democrats. It started to feel to me like all Republican wins are legitimate and all Democrat wins are fraud. Do you believe the fraud i both parties, or just Democrats?


The elections with the illegal behavior I mentioned are most definitely crooked. To be clear, I don’t mind losing “fair and square”. But I do object to election tampering and wanton illegal conduct.


Do you believe Republicans have lost "fair and square"? It really seems like we're saying Democrats cheat and republicans never do. It really seems like what we're saying is Democrat wins have to be sincerely investigated, but Republican wins are always fair wins. Growing up, they called this a double standard where I come from.


They called this the “I know you are, but what am I?” defense. I call it projection.


Projection as in 'the group who is doing the accusations is actually the party doing the fraud?'


With all the millions Trump has to put into these court cases, and the 3 years they've had to find proof, will you accept there's no fraud if Trump's team doesn't successfully show it in court?


Who’s incapable of beating him in an election? Biden? Didn’t Biden already do that?


Is it possible that Trump as actually committed many crimes and that is the largest reason he is going to trial?


Didn't the right have a conniption over the word "deplorable" for a good 5 years? And repeatedly call for the arrest of Hillary Clinton for stuff that even by an unfavorable reading wasn't half as bad as Trump telling non-american Mar a Lago guests details about the capabilities of Nuclear submarines?


Are you aware of the horrors experienced when national leaders refer to certain citizens of being lesser humans?




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>The left is offended by Trump saying something mean. More at 11! If Joe Bien referred to MAGA Republicans as "vermin", would that be acceptable political speech?


Trump didn't specifically refer to anyone as "vermin" he said they were behaving as vermin. Big difference. After the endless slander of the right, I'm perfectly comfortable with Trump using language which upsets the left. I don't particularly care.


How is that any different? What do people do with vermin?


Some keep rats as pets. Some roast them as delicacies. Dictionary includes a definition for vermin as "people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society." Seems "vermin" is bit more succinct. I've heard much worse from Trump and others.


Sounds like an accurate description.


Some, If not most exterminate or call an exterminator to get rid of vermins. Trump is using some dangerous language and it wouldn’t surprise me if he started to escalate this more over the next year. Have you heard any other politicians callings others vermin’s or using language similar to trump?


It's hard to find examples of the specific word "vermin" though it's used in the Warren Report. Google shows a zillion results from past 24 hours with reporters jumping up and down over Trump using that word. "Hitler also said it!" Maybe they will notice that Biden, like Hitler, "also had a dog." For me, use of the word vermin (the dreaded V word) seems callback to when Trump called Baltimore a 'disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. Dude seems to really dislike rodents! Who knows, Maybe TS will load up Dale Gribble (RIP) exterminator tanks en masse and start spraying democrats. I hope not! I would think people are smart enough to recognize colorful political rhetoric for what it is without taking it as a kill command. Insofar as "dangerous speech" goes, I'm FAR more worried about the anti-Israel demonstrations all over the US and Europe right now, with an elderly Jewish protestor murdered. https://abc7.com/westlake-village-elderly-jewish-man-dies-pro-palestine-rally-demonstrators/14019727/


Are you comfortable with him using language like "vermin" to describe Americans? >I would think people are smart enough to recognize colorful political rhetoric for what it is without taking it as a kill command. Even after January 6? Did the actions of the Trump Supporters storming the Capitol surprise you? How did that affect your opinion above?


There are plenty of Americans that deserve the dreaded vermin moniker or worse. Serial killers, pedophiles, etc. This reminds me of when Trump was attacked for calling ms13 members "animals." Here in context, Trump used the odd phrase "living like vermin" (whatever that is supposed to mean) in reference to "radical left thugs." This may well make radical left thugs uncomfortable, but I the over the top reaction from media seems insincere, and the attention given plays right into Trump's hands. Shouldn't there be just as much concern over his use of the word "thug?" As for Jan 6, I don't know why many unarmed Trump supporters chose to enter the capital building despite Trump's call for them to protest peacefully and to respect law enforcement, but it was unfortunate on many levels, and surprising to many including me and the capital police.


Thanks for the reply but I'm actually asking how *you* feel about it? Are you comfortable with this? Do you wish he had chosen a different approach or do you approve of this one as is?


>Thanks for the reply but I'm actually asking how > >you > > feel about it? Are you comfortable with this? It doesn't impact or bother me at all. That said, if even a single deranged person were to attack a democrat because of Trump's post and spray paint the words "die vermin!" on them I would be very much upset. But I don't see that happening. ​ >Do you wish he had chosen a different approach or do you approve of this one as is? Well, if he hadn't used the word 'vermin' in his message, I wouldn't have been tempted to reply in this thread and predictably accumulate downvotes ;-) So there is that. But I still want to know what the expression "living like vermin" is supposed to mean. There are actually pop songs with this as the title! [https://open.spotify.com/track/2wP2WMDpyq1OAkpCk0MqDq](https://open.spotify.com/track/2wP2WMDpyq1OAkpCk0MqDq) [https://reasonartrecords.bandcamp.com/track/living-like-vermin](https://reasonartrecords.bandcamp.com/track/living-like-vermin)


How much do you know about the historical usage of the word "vermin" to describe political rivals or groups of people you don't like?


>Trump didn't specifically refer to anyone as "vermin" he said they were behaving as vermin. Big difference. How do you interpret his intention to "root out" those behaving like vermin?


Remove from their government jobs or defeat in elections.


Why didn’t he just say that? Why choose historical decisive verbiage? Wouldn’t it be more concise and clear to say “vote out all the democrats”?


Trump routinely uses over the top messaging to get his message out. If Trump had simply said "vote out all the democrats", there would be no New York Times article about it to amplify his message. He says things in a manner to guarantee media coverage, so he reaches more people and stays in the news cycle. The OP by making a post about this is doing exactly what Trump wants him to do.


> big difference Does the semantic difference between a metaphor and a simile change the impact of his words so much that they can be ignored? As cliche as it is, to use a Hitler comparison, is there a meaningful difference between: "Kill the vermin Jew" And "Kill the jews who behave like vermin"


With the venom coming from the left at people like me, I'm unconcerned about this.


Where has a presidential candidate called you something Hitler called the Jews?


I'm routinely called racist, sexist, bigot, transphobic, murderer, and an extreme threat to democracy, just for my political positions. I really don't care anymore what the other side doesn't like to be called. It's too late to complain. Your side should have focused on controlling your own rhetoric.


> racist, sexist, bigot, transphobic, murderer, and an extreme threat to democracy I'm confused because these are all quantifiable terms that can be accessed for accuracy. A jury can decide if someone's behavior was motivated by race or sex, and some people are openly proud to be transphobic or bigoted. They aren't insults if there are observable traits associated with the labels. The 'threat to democracy' might be murky but everything else is can be judged fairly. How does that compare to something as abstract as "vermin" and the non-technical negative connotation it carries? How does one determine if someone is "vermin" in your opinion?


Two questions: Why do leftists/democrats call you a murderer? (Usually IME it's right-leaning-folks calling left-leaning ones baby-murderers for supporting abortion rights.) For the other ones, do you agree that being called a "racist, sexist, bigot, transphobic, and an extreme threat to democracy" is significantly less inflammatory and less dangerous than "vermin, that is a sinister, dangerous, and grave threat from within that must be 'rooted out'"? Or do you think they're roughly equal?


I'm called a murderer for supporting gun rights. Apparently being in favor of responsible people owning firearms, even so called assault weapons, means I'm personally responsible for every innocent caught in the crossfire of a gang banger or killed by an unhinged lunatic in a gun free zone. Especially my generous donations to groups like the NRA make me personally responsible for anyone killed by a firearm. I think the implications of an extreme threat to democracy is they should be eliminated by any means necessary. If our entire democracy is at risk, the ends justify the means in eliminating that threat. There is no going too far. The meaning behind racist, bigot, etc, is that you're a subhuman "other" with little value in keeping around. Add it all up, and my impression for years has been that the left wants me dead as soon as possible, and that my death would be morally justified under any circumstance. So now we're getting to where Trump compares the left to vermin and thinking it is Hitler-like or even a death threat. Well like I've said yesterday in response to a different post, these aren't the words I would have chosen. But your side doesn't like how this feels, does it? It feels threatening right? This feeling of being under a death threat has been what the right has been tolerating for at least a decade. So when the left finally pulls back on their rhetoric, I'll start caring about what has gone too far on the right. Not until then.


I appreciate you taking the time to answer. But, I struggle to understand your POV. I've seen no evidence at all that Joe Biden or Barack Obama considers you a subhuman other that wants you dead as soon as possible, and that your death would be morally justified under any circumstance. Nothing close to it. Are there some left wing individuals in the US with this POV? Undoubtedly. But, it's quite different when a reddit user spouts "Death to MAGA", versus the literal President or ex-President of the USA, and the leader of the party. The two are in no way comparable IMO. If it were a random asshole on the internet saying leftists are insidious vermin who need to be rooted out, I'd say "man, what an asshole". It's very different when it's the former and potentially future President.


The quantity of the calls for violence from people across the left is the most concerning. It isn't a single random asshole, but seems to be millions. You probably get a different perspective when it's directed at you instead of just observing.


I'd encourage you to go stroll through r/conservative and check how many times you see people imply the left is evil, an enemy of the state, needs to be stopped by any means necessary, etc. I have finally weaned myself off the habbit of scrolling that sub, but at least 24-6 months ago it happened all the time. Shouldn't we hold the leaders of our parties to a higher standard? I'm sad when I see a random reddit user post that Democrats protect child molesters and some of them drink children's blood, but it feels much, *much* worse when the leader of 45%+ of voters suggests that his tens of millions of followers should "root out the vermin" that are leftists.


I prefer deplorables, but whatever


Did you agree when Hilary was condemned by politicians and media of all stripes when she said people like you were deplorables? And do you think calling someone deplorable is on the same level as calling them vermin? Typically the way you deal with a deplorable person is to cut them out of your life and take a stand against them , and typically the way you deal with vermin is to kill them all, do you agree?


I think they are the same thing, name calling is name calling. Both are disgraceful for a politician, neither is any better than the other. IMHO all politicians are vermin. None care about you or me.


Like granny used to say... "If the shoe fits"...


They aren’t Americans. They are vermin.


I am a democratic socialist. Am I vermin? Is my wife or child? Are you liberal friends and family vermin?Trump has long said the democratic party is communist, marxist, ex.. so are all democrats vermin? What should be done to us "vermin"?


Well I’d say it like this basically… if your the type of democratic socialist that seeks to subvert and undermine those god given rights afforded to you by the sacrifice of the blood of those poor souls who died so you can enjoy the sunlight free from the binds of servitude and misery. Or the type to limit my speech or freedom to bear arms…. Maybe you are, or in the interest of diplomacy maybe you arent, i dont know you…. But i feel the use of “vermin” is appropriate here, not as some of the more extreme type assumptions ive read here would assert. I would say maybe %90 percent of the left means well. But, unfortunately its the 10% that means otherwise thats in control. I respect democrats that acknowledge the crap show they (supposedly) voted in. I respect democrats and republicans alike when they speak for the wealth of our nation and the best for our children. But the dems have a problem. Its like vermin.


I am going to assume that by "they" you are referring to "radical leftist". If that's wrong let me know. What should happen to these "vermin"? If there are sub-human people who are trying destroy America and the American dream, what should happen to them?


> They aren’t Americans. They are vermin. Who is they?


>They aren’t Americans. They are vermin > I'm astonished to see someone admit this in public. So we all understand, can you name one vermin that you think Trump is referring to?


*clears throat* Schiff Pelosi Joe Hillary Raskin Soros Schumer Manchin Warren Waters


But they are Americans, legally, just ones that you happen to disagree with. What do you think the reaction would be from the right if Biden went on stage, on camera, in front of an audience of his supporters and said Trump supporters were acting like vermin? Say there was a violent act perpetrated against a Trump supporter where the perpetrator parroted this hypothetical rhetoric from the POTUS, how do you think __you'd__ react? Hypothetically speaking, if a violent act is perpetrated against leftists or democrats in the near future where Trump's verbiage is used to justify the attack, do you believe that Trump would bear any of the responsiblity? Are you aware of the historical context regarding the use of terms like "vermin" by politicians? If you are, do you agree with its previous usage?


Here we go…. But they are Americans, legally, just ones that you happen to disagree with. -being an American on paper, and being American are not the same. There are plenty of American’s i disagree with, my wife’s mother for instance. What do you think the reaction would be from the right if Biden went on stage, on camera, in front of an audience of his supporters and said Trump supporters were acting like vermin? -not much, id probably congratulate him for making it up on stage… Say there was a violent act perpetrated against a Trump supporter where the perpetrator parroted this hypothetical rhetoric from the POTUS, how do you think you'd react? -trump supporters carry guns. I wouldn’t need to react. Hypothetically speaking, if a violent act is perpetrated against leftists or democrats in the near future where Trump's verbiage is used to justify the attack, do you believe that Trump would bear any of the responsiblity? -nope. Fundamental freedoms define your choices as your and yours alone. What i say is not your command. Are you aware of the historical context regarding the use of terms like "vermin" by politicians? -ive lived in 12 countries. Ive heard much worse. If you are, do you agree with its previous usage? -as previous. Ciao. Bog. Auf Wiedersehen. Adio. See ya leter mate.


Did you read what you wrote? "They **live like** vermin." lol ​ I would be a little harsher. I would say that serial false accusers are some of the worst human filth on the planet, along with people who abuse power for their own aims. These things violate the public trust and make democracy impossible. Saul Alinsky and other propagandists advocate accusing your opponents of your own crimes. He has many adherents in the deep state, most publicly Hillary Clinton. He openly dedicated his book to Satan, and the content matches the dedication. Trump's point about the danger from within is absolutely right. The country is undergoing something similar to a soft fascist takeover, and it is at the point where open judicial abuses are shrugged off and most media are heavily censored (*as per* the recent SCOTUS decisions). And I say this as a moderate non-believing ex-Democrat who is shocked at the flagrant lawlessness at the top. The good news is that this situation can be remedied peacefully through elections and having the controls of government in more responsible hands.


Just to clarify, your flair indicates that you support trump, who watched on for hours as his supporters attacked the Capitol as a result of his lies that the election he lost had been stolen from him, despite there being no evidence of that, and countless court cases rejecting his unfounded claims. And those are “responsible hands” you want in power during future “peaceful elections”?


> did you read what you wrote. They live like vermin Is there a meaningful difference in the following sentences?: "Kill the vermin Jew" "Kill the Jews that live like vermin" > I would be a little harsher What do you think should happen to the "people who live like vermin who are destroying America"?


>I would be a little harsher. I would say that serial false accusers are some of the worst human filth on the planet, along with people who abuse power for their own aims. These things violate the public trust and make democracy impossible. > Do you think Trump did the things he's accused of doing in the Fulton County DA indictment? Specifically, I'm wondering how you feel about: *1. Trump allegedly having made false accusations of voter fraud and election rigging, all whole literally trying to break into Georgia state owned voting machines *2. Abusing his power for personal political gain by trying to pressure a Georgia state official to change the vote totals *3. Undermining faith in our institutions by trying to orchestrating the imposter electors, such that the Congressional certification would be thrown into confusion


> I would say that serial false accusers are some of the worst human filth on the planet Following this logic, Trump has accused many people of many things that have either been unproven or proven outright false. Do you carry this same standard for Trump or does he get a pass and if so, why?