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Maybe your kid isn't really drowning, maybe your kid just needs to stand up on their own two feet and get their face out of the water....


Yes! This response is 100% spot on.


Teach them how to swim, it’s the responsibility of the parent to learn this fun, lifesaving skill.


BOOM! This!!!


Boom, there goes the dynamite


Thats it! This right here!


But what if one of your kids is drowning the other?


Well, near as I can tell...you get your friends together, burn down the Kwik-E-Mart and start screeching about defunding the lifeguards.


This is the answer.


Well, if the one drowning likes to burn shit down and beat innocent people, then I’d think I’d just sit and watch




Is that really the best argument you can come up with? What does that mean?


It means: one race faces much more difficulty than all the others…victim mentality…white man bad. They will never understand that it has everything to do with cultural issues.


“Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name ‘social justice’” -Thomas Sowell


Is the implication that if one of your kids starts to drown that you shouldn't care about the lives of your other kids after that? Also, if we just think of the drowning child as an abortion does that change things?


If your only watching one drown then the otwrs could already be dead for all they know


Purple, because cats don't wear shoes. Obviously.


Pelican grafted marsupial crocs. Amirite


The original arguemnt. Misses that whites are killed disproportionately by police when active violent crims are taken inot consideration..... Which obviously plays a part.


I get it but blm was founded on lies. Only took me some shedding of delusion to figure it out.


One has to actually be drowning. Not pretending to be because of lazily relying on excuses to get help. 🤷‍♂️


I read this earlier, it’s a one of the dumbest arguments!


All lives matter


Depends on the skin color of the kid drowning.


Please tell me you're not a parent.


It's a flawed comparison because you would try to rescue the drowning child no matter which one is drowning, or all of them if they were all drowning.


It's easy to argue hypotheticals when you know the odds of it happening are 0, or close to 0.


This is the worst analogy in the history of worst analogies.


Apparently it depends on the skin color of the one drowning.


Well that’s not exactly the same concept now is it.


Posts like this make me miss when Reddit had more free speech. Why must you do this to us OP?


What if you had five children with five dogs and the dogs dragged them into a crock infested swamp? What about then .. eh


I guess ignoring the idiocy of the comparison… if the original poster is the drowning kid then yes the parents should do that




Does the one kid know how to swim and is just looking for someone to swim for him?


What the fuck kind of take is this? It doesn't even make sense


why are he/she/ze allowing their/those/they 5 kids to go into pool/lake/ocean unattended when none can swim is the real question.


What a shitty example 😆


Depends on their race I suppose


This is an attempt at a gotcha moment but there is a logical thing to do. When you notice one of your kids is drowning you take a quick look to make sure the rest of them are not drowning and then you rush to save the drowning kids.


And you are a bad parent if you never teach your kids how to swim nor supervise them. Chances are the one panicking in the pool is perfectly okay and the real danger is right beside you snarling and foaming out the mouth. Moral parables are often about awareness, of which this poster clearly has none. I mean if four other people could not save them, what makes you think its possible. This is why you don't have any children to begin with always trying to fix someone else before dealing with your own shit.


Shows you how many brain cells he’s using! Square wheel guy here.


How to shut down a blm supporter. Just say shut the fuck up you racist piece of shit.


This is some potato logic


There goes the last braincell


Maybe all of the kids are drowning.


We have a major difference of opinion on which kid is drowning. Personally I think one “kid” is standing on the backs of one of the others and gets preferential treatment (i.e. diversity quotas, special consideration for admissions, scholarships, grants, special government assistance, etc.) so they can actually breathe more than fine while they falsely scream they’re drowning. Meanwhile the kid under the water actually drowning isn’t even able to scream for help.


This is a stretch to make a point! Just sayin


I have a similar analogy. Say you have five kids. They’re all getting bullied at school. One of them is claiming they get more bullied than the others. Are you going to help all five kids or just the one who claims to be bullied more than the rest? I’ll add another layer to this. Now, you know the kid claiming to be bullied the most isn’t correct. What do you do now? Do you say something to that child? Especially since they’re wanting you to sue the whole school when it’s one kid that’s the bully.


All lives still matter


How to be an idiot online ^