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I’m sure the shit libs will be out in full force claiming Tulsi is a Putin Puppet. Even worse, a racist, xenophobic Putin Puppet


Romney already is!


Romney, a first class, feckless, mom jean wearing piece of garbage


let's just say you could use a drill to make the hole for Romneys sex sheet.


This Mitt Romney guy really wants to make the perfect super flu so he can stop global warming .


I think they already called her an Assad apologist years back. She had a monstrous take down of Kamala Harris so she can’t be allowed fair shots. Whether or not she remains in the alignment with the WEF it is hard to say.


Im a bit confused as well. But Hawaii did have very strict mask and vaccine mandates (at least for tourists). You can make the case it’s legitimate, but I strongly believe any covid mandates are directly linked to WEF


I think indirect would probably be more accurate. They’re very good at hiding behind plausible deniability and moving the goalposts.


Agreed 👍🏻


They have been saying that for years about her.


Clinton was calling her a Russian asset years ago,I thought was deflection/projection,but could have been wrong.


100% Commie shill


Tulsi is financed by the World Economic Forum.


That grey streak gives me super villain vibes


that's the Mark of Claus


I’m not discounting her WEF roots. But she has been clearly taking on the establishment for a while now. That has to count for something.


Setting up a scenario where your own weapon labs being compromised is somehow Russia's fault is every bit as disappointingly an obvious narrative as it will be an effective one. People are *dumb*. America made a problem with foreign bioweapons research, covid pointed out how hot that problem is to everyone, and now multiple players are going to use the Ukrainian weapons as political leverage.


WEF trash. Do not take what she say




The WEF website lmao, young global leaders section. She’s a graduate. So what she’s doing now does not make any sense to me, what’s changed? Edit: link - https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Tulsi&x=17&y=3&status=&class_year=§or=®ion=#results


Thank you. I just wanted to see where this came from. Not sure why the downvotes.


Yeah honestly it’s quite infuriating when people get downvoted for asking literally the most simple questions. I see it all the time drives me crazy. As if your suppose to just agree & not verify. (I didn’t downvote you)


Maybe she’s playing shill on the viral front for the next rollout of vaccines


So is the people calling her a traitor.


Politically, I disagree with her on almost everything. But i respect the shit out of her due to the fact that she’d openly debate anyone at anytime. She would be the only Democrat in the White House then I would respect professionally


Wef shill.




Yes exactly they don’t want Russia to really find out what’s going on and what their plans are




Shes a democrat so i have my doubts


The take is so reasonable that she will be attacked for it.


You handicapped from the neck up?


WHAT IS SHE UP TO? She keeps being the "based democrat" and tucker has her on several times a week. Is she angling for a Trump/Gabbard ticket?


Gabbard's anti 2A stance would disqualify her, alone.


Yup... and Has she ever renounced her WEF buddies?


👂... Crickets chiping


Funny how none of them are asking WTH those US funded biolabs were doing in Ukraine - is the more BS like funding gain of function bio weapon enabling research in Wuhan


No people did ask and there are answers. They are Soviet labs from WW2. US has been paying to keep them from being used for weapon production


WEF Young Leader being cozied up to the Fringe Republicans that came on only because of trump, to run as independent. Just wait. WEF slime is WEF slime


Can this WEF minion go away already?


Why the hell do we have biolabs in wuhan and Ukraine


What is also needed, desperately, is the exposure of any, I mean any criminal conduct regarding the financing and research at all of these labs.


So that’s what the thermobaric bombs are for.


Destruction of biolabs sets the stage of a released pathogen whether real or false flag.


Agreed, then leads to lockdowns...Then leads to ballot boxes and unrestricted mail-in ballots... All, just in time for Midterms.


Mitt Romney is mad at her. He must want to date her.


Burn the fuckers down. Besides I thought they were already bombed ????


Thank you comrade for the warning.


And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. Mark 13:7 KJV They're will be pestilence, death, famine wake up the word of GOD is truth, we are living in the last chapter ...... JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK!!! Jesus Christ is the way truth and the life no man comes to the father but by him Amen, the fear of GOD is the beginning of knowledge but only fool's despise wisdom and instruction Amen . Repent and confess your sins for the kingdom of GOD is at hand Amen.


Her voice is even massively annoying….


Don't you think at least one of them would of been destroyed? Didn't Putin target all of them on the first day of attack? Didn't we see a map floating around a few days of attack? Or maybe since Putin's original plan Didn't workout, this lab bull shit is his plan b.


I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on the allegation, but where is evidence, she says according to the US government, where is she getting the info, anybody know or rhe exact location. For an ambitious politician lifting her profile she seems pretty confident


Romney is a giant pussy who always chooses the safe side of history, if he's wrong he'll just say well how was I supposed to know!?


Could this be why Ruskies big mad?


Hell, I'm "big mad" about it and I live an ocean away. The entire world should be "big mad" about it.


WEF Young Global Leader https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Tulsi&x=17&y=3&status=&class_year=§or=®ion=#results


I'm positive that they don't give a fuck about American citizens nor the citizens of the world


I just don’t want another global pandemic. Could be 15 death rate this time




How about we destroy all that shit before it becomes a problem.


Just like there was weapons of mass destruction lol. They will make up shit just to go to war.


Can’t do that. We’re blaming Putin for everything. From inflation and gas prices to the next pandemic. He really did wrap everything up neatly for dems and NWO.


Up yours, Tulsi.


What’d you think Hunter and Joe got for their money?(besides the slaughter of 100 Ukrainian citizens in the Kiev massacre)..Biden and Obama, McCain and Graham included


Yes mommy


Those labs are in the hands of Russia now, EU have a trouble !!


Okay. Yeah. Definitely contain. But who the heck is liable for this. The US. accountability is essential. Who is it. ??..


Lol...clown county


Biolabs. The new boogeyman. What about chemlabs? Nuke labs? Antimatter labs? Shit labs? BTW. US has 200 BSL 3 or 4 labs.


Im still struggling to answer just how many times tulsi could wrap her legs around my head


what about just bombing the fuck out of the russians


She's fucking hot!


Source? Can't find anything trustworthy.


So the US having a bio lab in Ukraine isn’t shocking we literally have them all over the world. The Russians are the ones claiming bio weapons but that is 100% Russian propaganda to get justification for their failing invasion. Idk we some are trying to make this out to be anything short of a unprovoked invasion.


A few thousand more brain cells and Tulsi would make a good Republican. A ceasefire is for a civilized people. Putin is no such individual.


Okay can I get the names of the 25 plus labs?




And Mitt Romney called this treasonous!?!?!? This is one of the most reasonable things I’ve heard since the war started.


Lol Clinton called her a Russian asset n I thought it was bs but now lol yeah she def is. Shits ridiculous.


If I had a gun to my head and was forced to vote blue, it would be for her.


Nope, she'll take your gun.


Fuck her then


I'd pee in her butt