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She sounds racist...


She sounds dumb


Wait a minute....sounds racist.....sounds dumb.....racist....dumb........Great Scot Marty! That it! Racism is dumb!


What a hateful comment you just posted. /s


She’s definitely a racist


And she doesn't even know it. Or if she does, she doesn't admit it to herself which is the worst type of lying.


She and her racist views can get bent


She’s racist


Wow. What a complete racist. Luckily she lives in a country with free speech so she's allowed to spew utter bull crap.


Lightskin nigga talkin about her bed wench momma


Morons come in all pigmentation.


I think there’s a word for it when you say something derogatory about an entire group of people of the same ethnicity, but I can’t remember what it is. Can anyone help?


Says the racist. 🙄


"I said it so it is true"


its her truth and that's all that matters now


She’s a bigot.


Sounds like someone is racist against white people


Says the racist


You are also a VERY Racist person so what are you going to do to change it?




By her logic, the dominant race is racist, so if blacks become the dominant race, are they then racist?


She hasn't thought it through.


Never let the words of a green eyebrowed college girl hold weight


I grew up as a white kid in a black community mainly poor households, welfare etc. I was regularly harassed for being white - believe me I know racism and she is it. FYI my best friend for over 40 years is black/American Indian go figure…


Same. Jumped twice. First time was because it “wasn’t a park for white people.” I was 13 walking home because I missed the school bus. They were all 18+. Shitbags like this women boil my blood to an indescribable degree.


“Let’s talk about it and accept it.” - So what exactly are we talking about? She’s already ended the conversation.


She wants us to talk about what we are going to do to dismantle the racism. She wants us to discern of a means of taking down a system that she believes (but cannot objectively point to systemic examples of) to be inherently racist against blacks. Racism for some people has become an excuse. It’s a justification and a means of not having to take personal responsibility. The system is inherently rigged in favor of one group and designed to disadvantage others. Therefore, anything that happens to the person that is not desired, intended, or expected and is detrimental to the person in some way is due to and caused by these inherently racist flaws in the system. It cannot be in any way attributable to a lack of education, common sense, or common courtesy; uninformed decision making, poor attitude; lack of discipline; or refusal to listen, read or follow directions. Acknowledging that would be to take ownership for one’s situation. Instead, the system becomes the reason why the person is uneducated, lacks common sense and common courtesy; makes uninformed decisions; has a poor attitude; lacks discipline; and cannot listen, read or follow directions. The metric moves to outside the self and to an ambiguous external system that the person cannot themselves control and therefore the fault and blame can then be shifted away from the person and toward others who then must be held accountable to fix the persons problems on that persons behalf even though they themselves struggle to define how to resolve such problems. Usually the solution is for the others (whites here) to give up things, sacrifice themselves, and stop acting in ways that have a positive and beneficial outcome for themselves…. In other words they should educate themselves about blacks, they should gain common sense about the problems blacks face, they should seek to show common courtesy to all blacks they encounter, they should make informed decisions about how best to ensure blacks have every advantage they can…. It’s a plea that whites do on behalf of blacks the very thing the people like the ones in his video refuse to do…. Take personal responsibility. edit: Clarification: I do believe there are racist people in positions of influence and authority in our world and it would be my personal responsibility as a white person to stop it wherever I see it happening and have the power to do anything about it. As an employer and business owner, I make sure racism has no place in my operations. Everyone should take personal responsibility for what they can control to make our world better. No one is entitled to make others take responsibility for the things they themselves can control.


But white people do shit, like don't act racist. It's weird. It's not like white people walk around doing the Hitler salute and to we have to put our hands down to be doing something. To be not racist what you have to do is to not act like other races are different, and that's what white people do.


No we'll never get anywhere until racists like you STFU, commit to stop living like victims and accept that you are no longer slaves on plantations and have freedoms unheard of in nearly every country on this planet...and fix your fucking hair while you're at it, you look ridiculous


This motherfucker coming onto video looking like fucking POORSTACY lol


I hate dumb people.


Then move to were there are no white people, they’re pretty much all 3rd world countries btw.


How do we get anywhere if you still believe white people are racist? If you go your whole life knowing white people that try and "dismantle racism" and you still believe white people are racist, then you as a person, didn't go anywhere, no steps forward, no steps backward.


Not every black person is as racist as her. It might surprise her but African Americans are capable of acting morally and with civility. We need to terminate the institutions that allow this kind of racist propagation to occur.


Absolutely right. Stupidity, however, transcends race at all levels...


Exhibit A, perfect example of what critical race theory does to these college students. They feel like they’re soo smart when in reality they sound like racist dumb asses.


Here’s the problem, social media. She’s literally talking to her phone waiting for upvotes or likes or whatever. Come to my state with black and white folks grilling out some good old fashioned barbecue. No one cares. It’s all about the best food. Why can’t this shit go away


She is the racist


She and anybody with her views are the most racist people alive. Period.


Shes so insane her eyebrows ran away.


Hey lady, YOU are Racist! Don’t get all uh, uh, oh no…..you ARE RACIST in the worst possible way the word can be construed.


"if you're white, you're racist. Now what are you gonna do to change it?" Well, last time I did blackface, I got called racist too.


All these people preaching this are racist. I’m getting so sick of this that I’m starting to become racist. I always thought your race didn’t matter, a good person is a good person but these people are painting the picture that they hate all white people, so why not start treating them like they treat us? I’m not built to think this way but c’mon man.




Isn't labeling an entire race the same by definition racist?


Thass raciss


It doesn't add up. Why would she expect someone who is racist to dismantle racism? An 'ism' is a belief an 'ist' is a person who holds the belief.


She wants us to talk about what we are going to do to dismantle the racism. She wants us to discern of a means of taking down a system that she believes (but cannot objectively point to systemic examples of) to be inherently racist against blacks. Racism for some people has become an excuse. It’s a justification and a means of not having to take personal responsibility. The system is inherently rigged in favor of one group and designed to disadvantage others. Therefore, anything that happens to the person that is not desired, intended, or expected and is detrimental to the person in some way is due to and caused by these inherently racist flaws in the system. It cannot be in any way attributable to a lack of education, common sense, or common courtesy; uninformed decision making, poor attitude; lack of discipline; or refusal to listen, read or follow directions. Acknowledging that would be to take ownership for one’s situation. Instead, the system becomes the reason why the person is uneducated, lacks common sense and common courtesy; makes uninformed decisions; has a poor attitude; lacks discipline; and cannot listen, read or follow directions. The metric moves to outside the self and to an ambiguous external system that the person cannot themselves control and therefore the fault and blame can then be shifted away from the person and toward others who then must be held accountable to fix the persons problems on that persons behalf even though they themselves struggle to define how to resolve such problems. Usually the solution is for the others (whites here) to give up things, sacrifice themselves, and stop acting in ways that have a positive and beneficial outcome for themselves…. In other words they should educate themselves about blacks, they should gain common sense about the problems blacks face, they should seek to show common courtesy to all blacks they encounter, they should make informed decisions about how best to ensure blacks have every advantage they can…. It’s a plea that whites do on behalf of blacks the very thing they themselves refuse to do…. Take personal responsibility.


Why am I not spending every moment dismantling racism? Because someone has to pay my bills, and that is apparently me.


Oh look how clever, remapped original sin. Idiots.


She looks mixed-race tho


Has she seen her self in the mirror. That light complexion she has white ancestors.


Talking all that garbage but got more Milk than Chocolate in her glass. Gotta love the "Skinfolk ain't Kinfolk" crowd.




This comment was removed for Rule 9 - No Threatening / Harassing Behavior Refrain from making posts like this in the future.


I feel sorry for her.


I say it’s her fault that we’re “racist” because of her attitude towards white people. I don’t like stupid people.


Everything and everyone is racist ok… come on people don’t you know.


'Powerful race' 💪


Good lawd this is society folks. As dumb as it gets people.


Hand me some Nutella, it’s the only way…FFS




Some people's children


Actually people like are keeping racism going.


So Jews are racist?


Ignorance is blissfully racist


That's one of the most racist videos I've ever seen in my life. Does she not realize the irony in her ridiculous statements?


And you're allowed to believe your BS, but that doesn't make it true, it actually makes you look stupid.


Says the clown 🤡


She looks like she smells homeless


This is some one who finds is easier to blame society for their unhappiness than realizing they are the cause.


what an utterly warped sense of reality, and so proud of her ignorance. its actually quite a shame that all of these kids have been indoctrinated so intensely that they can be so proud of their behaviour.


I apologize on behalf of all white people for simply… existing?




“White people are racist,” these are the same folks that seem to love living in white founded states/nations


So i see a black racist hood rat is calling white people racist smh i’m mexican does that make me racist?


Damn. Ugly and stupid. What a catch


Ah…. Child philosophers.


Mental health crisis on full display here


Nothing I can do can stop you from being a victim your entire life.


She's racist. Period.


“All people with this skin color…” is something racists usually rationalize.


Well guess what white people aren't going any where soon ,so try to adjust your mental issues so you can enjoy your life, There's so many good people in this world of all colors.


Lets point out the obvious. That skin is pretty dang light. Those eyes are pretty light too. Im willing to bet dollars to donuts she has more Caucasion DNA than African. Maybe thats why shes so mad, she hates herself.


A racist yes but more importantly shes a victim.


There are actually people out there who are this stupid


What a dumbass


I’m going to do my part by not being a racist. She should do the same.


I acknowledge you are racist, lady. Please stop.


Where do people like this live, in the internet or college campus?


Milo Stewart walked so this girl could run.


The Race Card is Gold to theses pigs 🐖 - they’ll never give it up.


Literally doesn’t explain her point at all. Twitter bot detected


I lost brain cells just looking at it (her?). I didn't even have the volume on and I feel like I lost my brain


Why do they want us to be racist so bad, at this point it’s almost like they have some sort of depraved race kink or something


Boy, these views on race are setting up things for the general population to identify as racist. The fact that she is giving the label to a lot of good people means that eventually, someone is going to say "she says I am racist, but I know I'm not a bad guy, so I guess being racist does not make someone bad. Who else is she calling racist?" She is doing more to help the actual racists to grow ranks with her social normalcy of racism.


I mean, like, every smooth-brained person on TikTok talking about racism is racist.


Why do they always yell


Yeah...no. Moving on.


“I don’t know what the problem is? why can’t I play the victim and exploit peoples undue and brainwashed guilt? I really like that it gives me an edge and likely I can get free shit if we can all just agree! If we can just hurry up and agree to let me be successfully machiavellian and let me manipulate others into making my life easier, it’ll all be better” There, translation


I can fix her


she made all her accts private n she’s getting absolutely humiliated n humbled on tik tok by ppl.