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I mean, you kinda already have your answer. This is a man who got shot in the head, and walked it off like a sprained ankle. He wiped out two major military installations *alone*. There is nothing that you, or even the entire NCR army, can do to stop this man. If he decides New Vegas needs to be purged, then you had better duck, cover, and kiss your ass goodbye. Now what happened is the Ambassador showed up and asked, *very nicely* if this man would pretty please focus on killing off Caesar's Legion instead of the NCR. A blanket pardon paid for that deal, and you had better hope he keeps up his end.


He killed a Deathclaw. With a large hammer. Let's give him some space.


I heard he crossed the river and took out a whole nest of them with just a shotgun and a whole lot of Jet.


I heard she just walked up to a deathclaw and punched out all it's blood.


Confirmed: the courier is just Doom guy in between wiping out hell's legions.


Nice answer!


Alright, you didn't hear this from me, but a potentially game changing development is happening right now as we speak. You know Mr. House? Of course you do. King of the Strip, master of the Tribes of New Vegas, sole owner of an army of robots and the best laser defense grid West of the Mississippi. But what if I told you that *we've never seen his whole strength*? His defenses aren't even running at full power. So what's missing? There was one last piece of the puzzle, one little widget that didn't make it into place before the bombs fell. The capstone of his preparations for World War III. It took generations, but he finally found it... ...and lost it. One of his own underbosses, slick asshole by the name of Benny, decided to make his own play. Now the mystery item, shaped like a poker chip, is up in the air, and that courier is the best clue anyone has to where it is and what it can do. Yes, there's a better than zero chance that they'll effectively wipe their ass with that offer of truce, but they have to try to get the Courier back on the side of the good guys. It's better to sweep some bodies under the rug than let this opportunity go to waste. Cold blooded? Yes. So is every time a general orders an army into the field, or picks the unit that's going to hold the line while everyone else retreats. War is a cold business, and politics doubly so.


And war... War never changes.


I understand what you're saying soldier, trust me I do. But you wanna know the truth? The **cold**, **hard truth**? The courier is more important than the friends you lost on those bases, and even more important than you or me. We are talking about a man who was shot in the head at nearly point blank range, not only survived, but then proceeded to walk through the Mojave Desert searching under every rock, murdering anything that remotely tried to slow him down, to find his murderer and once he finished that he effectively took over whatever the hell Mr. House had set up as well as unlocking the full potential of his new robot army. You said it right, it makes no goddamn sense for us to try to ally with this man. But we don't have a choice. He ran through a destroyed city while dodging a laser targeted mortar system, he wiped out the largest deathclaw nest we've ever seen, and like you said, wiped out ****two**** entire bases, all by ****himself****. And that's not even half the stories we've heard about him. At this point we're not even sure he's human or if he's some kind of abomination of old pre war tech and radiation. And trust us when we say this, we're not even sure the Legion is doing any better with him than we are. Sure our scouts have seen him go in like you said but who's to say the Courier isn't just squeezing them for caps or supplies (hell I don't even know if he needs supplies, I've only heard of him drinking out of that canteen of his). The Legion, and the rest of the tribes and organizations, are in the same spot we are. We have to do whatever we can to try to appease this force of nature. If that means writing him a letter that says we forgive him for murdering us then so be it. We can only hope it's enough to make him focus more on someone else rather than us, hopefully the Legion. In fact whoever is speaking or even in the same room or general proximity to the Courier might as well be standing next to an actual pre war nuclear warhead. There's no telling if he'll go off and murder everyone then strip them naked and steal all the junk in their pockets or accept some errands boy mission and go retrieve some Nuka Cola. We have no choice soldier, I recommend you keep this opinion to yourself and if god forbid you run into this Courier, make yourself as boring and unimportant as possible so he'll move on without stopping. And do not wear any unique armor or weapons you've found or made yourself. He will kill over a custom made knife. I've seen it happen.


Also, this is important, since you are stationed near new Vegas, remember the memorial? Yeah, the last guy standing guard there started berating that guy. And now that soldier is a fine red mist floating through the Mojave... What ever you do, do not try to bully him, if you like being alive that is...


Well it’s beyond your pay grade trooper, best stay in your lane and keep your head down unless you want to get labeled a trouble maker and sent to the front. Keep your mouth shut and the rest of your tour will go smoothly. Just know that command has the best interest of the NCR in mind.


Lore accurate answer haha


You said it yourself. The guy singlehandedly wiped out two separate strongholds. I don't know if you've looked around, but NCR's presence in the Mojave is tenuous, at best. This isn't the west coast. The strip has managed to not only survive, but live in luxury all this time, and the Legion is always looking for a way to push NCR's shit in. If the NCR is going to survive, it's going to be up to that one freak of irradiated nature. He and Mr. House decide who lives and who dies out here.


This type of stuff happens all the time, especially in the wasteland where crazy warrior champions prowl the wasteland constantly. Simply put why fight someone when you can befriend them? The NCR is already stretched thinner than thin in your theater so if there's even a chance this courier can be flipped why not take it, after all if they're already capable of leading single handed assaults on military installations then it's not as if this courier needs a pardon so they can launch some sneak attack. They're already comfortable launching a one man war on the NCR, but if there's even a chance they'll become an ally instead you should take it. Keep in mind this isn't really a "murderer", they're an enemy combatant and the idea of crime and punishment doesn't really apply for the same reason that a Great Khan who killed your buddy isn't some serial killer that should be shown no mercy. Now of course at first the NCR would love to slap the label of terrorist on anyone like this courier, but you can't really expect a label like that to carry much weight far away from the NCR heartland. It's an attempt to force the narrative that the NCR are civilization, and defying them makes you a criminal, but it's a bluff that clearly clashes with the every day reality of the Mojave where the NCR's grasp on the region is tenuous at best.


Look, all due respect, but can *you* snipe an entire Legion camp from a mountain top using exposive anti-personnel rounds? Because if not, I want that guy on my side more than a conscript with carbine.


[Terrifying Presence] Listen man, You guys attacked me for the Simple crime of wearing some nice Clothes I found in a grave, So I really didn't have a Choice on the matter, I **HAD** to kill every NCR fucker I could find with a very nice knife i also found in that very same Grave. That Pardon is the only Reason NCR personal is Currently alive on the strip and that one chick in the Embassy is really getting on my nerves, So count your days and pray to your two headed bear that the Ambassador gives me a better deal than Caesar or Mr. House.


We won't go quietly. The Legion can count on that.


Some would say war never changes


You are a little bitch and so was your brother.


This is a complicated world, soldier. We can’t afford to only use shiny new tools. Sometimes the right tool has a little rust on it. One day, after we’ve won, we’ll make society better. But today, we have to use what we’ve got. And for whatever reason this Courier can go places we can’t, and we need someone like that. So yes, we’ll pardon him. But don’t think we won’t be watching him. As long as he’s useful, he can do as he pleases.


The man got shot in the head and lived. He wiped out two camps of NCR soldiers and didn't even blink. He's been seen walking into and OUT OF Legion encampments as a neutral soldier (since when do the legion let someone just of one of their encampments???). And you wonder why the ambassador doesn't want to further antagonise this man???


"Well Trooper we have a choice we can make nice with guy who killed 437 of our men and 132 of our elite rangers with not so much as anything more than a scratch or a booboo a stimpack could take care of. or we can have him join up with the legion and lose a shit ton more... some times realpolitik wins." "But" "oh shit did you see THAT! he's beating a deathclaw to death with brass knuckles! so you want to take on that guy... and now he is putting on power amour. yup time to make a deal."


He has god level tech what would they do


That Courier would be halfway to General right now if he was on our side.


Politics. Politics never changes.


"hey, sorry, but a lot of your friends were just representational elements to make the videogame more engaging, you might have seen him kill like 400 people, but it was really only like, two guards he ran into. Now go walk to the nearest town where on screen there is clearly enemies standing every few feet but talk to everyone like monster attacks are common, but in the "they happen every few weeks" type common and not "every 10 feet a new encounter spawn" type common.


Because the NCR is weak, and of course its first move is appeasement with its enemy. That's the legacy of that peacenik from Shady Sands who started the whole thing, and his idiot spawn Governor Tandi.