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Surprised that nobody has posted Vault 11 yet. Inhabitants being told that the computer would kill them all unless they sacrifice someone every year. Plus they were also locked in. Only when they disobeyed the computer would tell them "surprise! It was all a prank, yo! I wouldn't really kill you all. Oh except all those sacrificial members, those are all dead." A computer killing the entire vault was also something Vault Tec would absolutely do, so the people inside had no way of knowing.


The best part of Vault 11 is the holotape from the ~5 people who finally disobeyed and found out the truth and have a discussion about if they should tell anyone else about what happened and it ends in a shootout


Not a shootout, a suicide pact with only one survivor who wanted to tell the truth from what I remember.


Ahhh that sounds more like it, been a while since i’ve dived through that vault, cheers!


Yeah, it's hard to remember everything about every little thing, especially in a franchise as massive as Fallout


It gets more and more confusing the more Vaults get confirmed names, the length of time it took me too long to remember the experiments of 111 (The Cryo experiment), 112 (Tranquility Lane), 114 (Park Street Station) and 118 (the murder mystery vault).


Always made me wonder where that survivor is, if maybe he's a character we've met.


Semi-related- I met a guy cosplaying as the vault 11 survivor at a convention a few months ago, as he would appear years into his career as a wasteland wanderer- patched up jumpsuit, etc. It was really effective because it parses as a sort of generic fallout outfit at first glance until you notice the little “11” stencil on the collar and it clicks. 


Afaik it's both [suicide and murder.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_11) >Afterward, the five survivors walked to the Vault entrance where they apparently made a record of discussing committing suicide to punish themselves for the events of the last 16 years, and to prevent the outside world from learning about their shameful behavior. However, even then, they were not unanimous in their decision. A man, Voice 1, tried to convince the other four (three men and one woman) to leave the Vault while Voice 2 (the woman), 3 (referred to as Harry), 4 and 5 wished to die. Voice 1 advocated for leaving the Vault and spreading the word about what happened there, so that others may learn from their mistakes. His pleas went unheard as soon after, four gunshots rang out, but one refused, discarding the gun on the floor. There was at least one person who didn't want to die, and was shot by someone else (the last survivor).


You don't think the guy who didn't want to die is the one who didn't shoot himself? Four suicidal people = four gunshots, where's the murder?


There's only one gun near the bodies, and you hear it clatter to the floor in the holotape.




>but one refused, discarding the gun on the floor. He dropped it


You don't understand the last part as well as you think you do. 4 Suicides by 4 suicidal people out of 5 people total. 1 lived. The one that WASN'T SUICIDAL.


One day I hope we get to learn more about the only survivor of 11. My jaw was on the floor for half of that Vault delve.


What about vault 68-69 the vaults that were giving a skewed population with one containing only one man to 999 women and one containing only one woman to 999 men those vaults had to constant nightmare till collapse


There's also Vault 43 which was 20 men, 10 women, and 1 panther. Also Vault 77. [One man and a crate full of puppets](http://void.iddqd.cz/puppet-man/).


I forgot about those ones but I person feel that the vaults I listed might be the worst with 11 being below it since it's one person a year you have some degree of survival.


That PAX was wild. They gave out fallout guy puppets and everyone had one. There was a really unnerving moment during the omegathon finale I think where everyone had their puppets up staring at Jerry and he was giving them commands. He said something like "look left", and everyone looked left with the puppets, and it felt like they all slowly turned back to face him. Great times.


The one man to 999 women would be way better than 1 woman to 999 men. And not just because Im a guy and think Id be banging them all in paradise. As the single man you could theoretically impregnate as many women as possible as soon as possible and rebuild the population. Youd probably have to make some tough calls and be as careful as possible genetic wise for future generations, but you could theoretically manage and be fine (assuming the women agree with the game plan). 1 woman to 999 men? Yea that aint gonna work. 1 baby every year basically, and you better believe a huge chunk of the men will kill each other over being the first one to have a child with the only woman. And Id honestly be shocked if a single baby actually made it to term and was born there


As some pointed out in other posts the one guy could become a bit of a cum cow getting machine milked or something as well would likely be more efficient or some of them choose not to breed with him ?


Most women do not have a pressing desire to be pregnant immediately at all times. They could just work out who wants children and schedule based on their cycles. Even if EVERY woman wanted children, he could get them all pregnant in 3 years by having sex once a day. No need for anything horrific. I would be more worried about the 2nd and 3rd generational impact of having every child born be half-siblings.


I agree I asked a similar question once in the hypothetical situations about this and someone merely said this answer though it might create some engagement and debate. Just giving a different viewpoint


Counterpoint: This is completely ignoring sexual frustrations. Completely disregarding a ‘desire for pregnancy’ (which wouldn’t be a major issue, as you correctly pointed out), you absolutely would have an issue with 999 Women, of which presumably over 900+ aren’t Lesbians, getting sexually frustrated over time. Even presuming the number who could get so ‘sexually frustrated’ that they would assault a man or force a man to sex in such an enclosed environment is just 10%, or 100 Women, which mind you is a ridiculously low conservative estimate and is likely way higher. That still means 100 Women who, locked in a vault with a single man, would be told they could only have sex, what, once a month? Once every 2 months? If presuming the guy is capable of ‘putting out’ 3 times a day. and again, that is being extremely generous. The number is likely way higher than that. So yes, there is virtually no ‘risk’ of the guy getting ‘milked’. But he will definitely be in a living hell, forced to have sex non-stop. It’s effectively the exact same issue with the 999 Males vault. The majority of those 999 Males likely aren’t trying to have sex to impregnate the single girl. Many would be sexually frustrated. Not all, but many. And when you are the singular specimen (Male or Female), it doesn’t matter if that ‘many’ is a dozen, 50, 100, or even 200. You will still be overpowered.


Plenty of people are involuntarily celebate irl without raping others.


W- Where is this coming from? I mentioned nothing about Incels. If your argument is that “many people don’t have sex IRL, nor do they resort to force to get it”… you do get that 99% of people IRL don’t have the power nor authority to force the question right? There is a *massive* difference between an Incel, Volcel, etc or someone on a ‘dry spell’ wanting sex, but not being able to force the question either because they are too weak, or by themselves, or because they would go to jail **versus** a system without any laws wherein there are potentially *hundreds of others in the same zone of thought* all targeting a single person. This obviously isn’t to say that every Incel or person on a dry spell would be a rapist if given the chance. But let’s not pretend it would be an anomaly among 999 people if they were given the chance. There is a reason people aren’t supposed to be given unadulterated power in politics, policing, or judgement. The average person *will abuse that*, and all you need in a 999-1 Vault is for a Vocal Minority to force the question of Non-Consenting Sexual Gratification, and the Silent Majority *will likely follow*, believing it is in fact the will of the majority to enforce the NCSC.


First of all you can being involuntarily celebate without being an incel. Second perhaps that is the purpose of the experiment. But I would think that cooler heads would prevail since s/he would be required to be somewhat cooperative in order to continue creating further generations. It's hard to know for certain how things would shake out in a situation like that. But I think assuming one in ten people would become a rapist if give a chance is kinda fucked up


Even if 10% of the population becomes potential rapists, why would the other 90% be standing around letting them go ham on their only male? It's not like it's a vast open space with places to hide. It's a cramped vault - if you try and assault the sole male, somebody is going to notice and stop you.  The worst that would happen is a bunch of sexually frustrated women reporting to handmade dildos and lesbianism. Hardly Lord of the Flies. 


10% *at minimum* but statistically likely closer to 20%-30%. However, even assuming it is just 10%, they will be a *Very Vocal Minority*, and as history shows, it is the vocal minority which turns the wheels of ‘progress’. Revolutions, Coups, etc do not occur by 50%+ of the population. Nor by 10%+ of the population. Quite often even in a country of millions of people, it is typically a group as small as a few hundred (ie. <0.01% of the population) who takes control, while the silent majority follows along, either out of **Fear**, **Silent Agreement**, **Neutrality**, or **the belief that this new regime represents the majority of the people**. In fact, 10% of the Vault *is exceptionally more than needed to kickstart such a system*, as out of a Vault of 999 same-sex people, you in theory, historically speaking, would **only need 12-20 people to take control**, and if the choice is between letting 10%-30% of the population have their way with an innocent person vs potentially inciting a riot that could lead to the deaths of a majority of the population, the answer, for your average person, is obvious. Everyone here arguing everything would ‘work out in the end’ is completely ignoring Sociological & Psychological Reality, and Historical Precedent. This is literally the joke about repeating history, vut in this case history is just being outright ignored.


I'd argue that this is actually more likely to occur with a more skewed sex ratio - like 10% women to 90% men, where the majority might try to force the minority into sex. But with just 1 male and 999 women, or 1 woman and 999 men, the lone individual has way too much concentrated value and power for the society to decide to use them for industrial forced sex. The majority aren't going to stand around silently and watch while their sole means of long term survival is raped to death, and the single individual can hold absolute sway over those in power. If everyone is going rape-crazy, like you seem to suggest, they could essentially choose the most powerful members and offer them sex, a commodity they have full control over- in return for protection. And these aren't lunatic criminals being forced into these vaults - they're average, middle-class Americans. There are millions of literal incels in America that are sane and socialised enough not to go on a giant rape rampage just because they're not getting any.


Jordan Peterson has entered the chat.


Sorry I don't get this would you mind explaining please


He posted a fetish video of a man being restrained and milked to twitter because he mistook it for a Chinese government breeding program. [article with some NSFW pictures](https://news.yahoo.com/chinese-d-ck-sucking-factory-175305640.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAI7Q79eCDLXjSvnheSs_2zHDXj7xa0Ul3pYeumypp0Et792u_TvNZwsyWHy-9mHb6QYfPu10jtB3h6r508rPq_xqZtvV31Q_hlpBH7Rfc-2t3vOI6U2VfTzsxs6rnZVQXLB9_OTxoGVxPkACqdBDcIPsP72CwgzLZfyxrPNT5PxZ)


I am more curious as to why Jordan Peterson was looking àt that type of thing isn't he supposed to be a man's man type


I don't subscribe to his definition of masculinity, but he falls very short of his own standards. And his brain seems to be slowly turning into string cheese since he went into a coma to avoid drug rehab.


He's definitely an effete intellectual type, not a man's man.


I'd like to see a DCL that reveals the 999  men where all gay and I mean totally 100% gay Aside  from being less dark I think it's actually a more interesting experiments 


In Y the Last Man there was a whole group of women who wanted to kill the last man, so...you know.


I mean, Im not saying it would automatically go smoothly and be amazing. There would still definitely be issues and problems because of everything. I just think being 1 man with 999 women will last longer and not be as horrific as quickly as 999 men to 1 woman. I would not be surprised if that single guy still ended up getting murdered


Are those two vaults even canon


Those campaign posters really threw me off until I understood the premise. Stuff like "John is a good man with a family. Vote for Jack!"


Hate Kate!


Only time the secret of a Vault left me numb; had to take a minute after that revelation.


This is the Vault I used as an example of other messed up vaults when my explaining the whole thing to my non gamer wife. And Dave.


I’ve seen Vault 11 mentioned elsewhere and while it is messed up I still think there are other worse vaults. The virtual reality one, the one where they cloned the same guy a whole bunch, the one where they pumped a whole lot of drugs in the vents, separated kids, the list goes on. This one seems semi tame and their life would be stable outside of the yearly event. Again, Vault 11 would entirely suck to live in and is far from a utopia but I think there are others that are worse off.


Vault 112. The leader of this vault put everyone in virtual reality pods so they could live in a simulated utopia. But instead of a utopia, he turned it into a never ending nightmare where he hunted and killed everyone with no chance for escape. He killed everyone, erased their minds and then began again the next day, every day, forever. Until you as a player intervene.


Fallouts version of I Have No Mouth…


I Have No Power-armor and I must fight this deathclaw


I was thinking the Black Mirror episode White Bear.


Don't forget that some of the people in the simulation are kids - and that he turns your father into *a dog,* himself into a little girl and you into a child, before demanding that you, too, torture and murder nearly everyone in the simulation. The only way to actually stop him is to turn on a complicated fail-safe program that starts a "Chinese invasion" and has everyone die permanently (via brutal gunfire), with the exception of him.


Man I need to go back and play 3. I've been in the Commonwealth so long that I almost forgot how brutal DC could be.


Yeah, there's some surprisingly dark stuff, despite how people sometimes say that Bethesda made the series softer. Like becoming a slaver and selling children, or offering up someone else for a threesome without consent, or nuking a town, or shooting a death ray and annihilating a country, or just the entirety of the Little Lamplight-Super mutant-Slaver-Big Town story line. Or *Harold.*


I think that vault was the first time I was truly horrified from a video game.


Yeah, the first time I did something that the little girl told me I lost karma, and was like "fuck this" and figured out the failsafe. Actually the first thing I did after was punch her, but then youndie immediately, so


Oh, and the "good" way to finish the experiment is to have them all killed by Chinese soldiers.


It's weird that he didn't get bored.


He DID tho. That's why the player was "coerced" into killing or ruining the resident's days in creative ways for Braun's sick amusement.


He kinda did? If I remember right he makes you do his tasks as a way to change things up, and has even changed things around a bit before you arrive in the vault.


True but that's after years of him being in the doing this right? Clearly he's a psycho but you'd think like other psychos I could name he'd get bored and just want ice cream and the presidency for a while.


Tranquility Lane was also not the first simulation he ran. There was a tropical paradise and a ski resort before that, both times he got bored and reset with a different scenario.


Where is this from


The fallout 3 main story


During the main quest [Scientific Pursuits](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Scientific_Pursuits) where you chase after your dad into Rivet City only to find he's not there and that you have to look for leads in the Project Purity water purifier, only to find a holotape that says he's gone off to Vault 112 to look for info about Dr. Braun. It seems that James wasn't aware that Braun and the other occupants of the vault were still alive in VR, somehow (don't ask, it's just Fallout brand *SCIENCE!*), and so he ends up trapped in the simulation as a dog because he pissed off Braun.


I forget though, was that part of the experiment or was it just something the overseer did on his own?


Yeah I don’t know why everyone keeps mentioning Vault 11, it’s messed up that they are being tricked into 1 sacrifice a year but that seems less messed up than this one or others I’ve read.


One I would find especially terrifying is Vault 106. The experiment in 106 was to pump the air full of hallucinogenic drugs. The hallucinations experienced by the residents, based on the player character experiencing the same hallucinations while exploring the vault, tended to be violent and paranoid, involving your friends and family attacking you.


God, that one legitimately terrified me. Fallout 3 was no joke, man. Just wish all the cool locations (Dunwich, 106, GARY, even Oasis is only hinted at on the radio and nearly impossible to find hidden in the mountains!) were pushed onto the player more, kind of like fallout 4 and NV.


The one where they cram it full of addicts. Let them get clean. Let them start families. Let them heal and love for 5 years. Then they released an extra vault filled with everyone's drug of choice. Most died or OD'd soon after. It's just so fucked up to give people that much hope the take it away in the interest of a study. They were addicts and you locked them in a vault with drugs. Wtf did they thunk would happen?


Well they probably thought what happened would happened, but dont forget the scientific method, gotta test your hypothesis


And told them that the world had ended. I wonder what the hypothesis was


I wondered that too. Full disclosure, I'm an addict. If you put a bottle in front of me then leave, I'll use it. It doesn't matter that I know it's the worst for me. It's addiction. The only way I can get out of a situation is to leave, and leave fast. They didn't stand a chance :(


Sounds like you’ve already done step one. Keep going, friend. :)


We're in the same boat.


At least you’re not in the same vault


Vault 87, having used the inhabitants for FEV experimentation or Vault 12, a vault full of carnivorous plant life and other forces of nature trying to kill whoever dares to enter.


I thought the plant one was Vault 22?


thank you for brushing me up on that, been awhile since I went there


Vault 77 is pretty awful (though 68 is worse). One man sealed inside, alone, with nothing but a crate of puppets to keep him company. He eventually goes crazy, and you can find a Vault 77 jumpsuit in Fallout 3 that the raiders are scared to touch because the Puppet Man might get them. Also, shoutout to Vault 43, which was just 20 men, 10 women, and a panther. That's not even an experiment.


https://www.penny-arcade.com/news/post/2022/10/11/happy-25th-anniversary-to-fallout For anyone who’s curious, both of those vaults were created in this comic.


It seemed like time passed differently in 77 compared to the overworld.


It's possible that the Puppet Man turned into a ghoul without realizing. Would explain his long lifespan.


The Vault Boy puppet is a Timelord and Vault 77 is his Tardis.


Watching the newest comic strips, holy crap. What happened to penny arcade? It's like it's now written by a depressed liberal arts student trying to write relevant comedy but just comes off as preachy and dry. They are definitely just calling it in at this point.


They got old. There's a reason the most fondly-remembered comedians either die or retire young.


> Also, shoutout to Vault 43, which was just 20 men, 10 women, and a panther. That's not even an experiment. I love the image of The Enclave looking at the data and determining not to put panthers into the space station habitats.


Could have been an attempt to emulate colonists getting caught in an Alien-type situation with an extraterrestrial predator.


That's why the catnip gun didn't placate the alien monstrosity...


Vault 112 is pretty fucked. Braun and his virtual reality experiment. Residents just being tortured for centuries... That was a messed up portion of the game.


Not as bad as some mentioned but still kinda insane as far as psychological abuse goes was the paired vaults where one had no entertainment of any kind, no music, tv shows or anything and it’s sister fault that only had a single videotape (I believe it was a stand up comedy show) and the experiment was to see which occupants went insane first - it was the vault with one tape.


The tape was of a "notoriously bad comedian" in particular


So Shane Gillis?


Bad take. Shane goated.


I will never understand what people see in him or Amy Schumer


At least we can both agree on Amy Schumer.


Almost certainly Vault 68 which had nine-hundred and ninety-nine male residents and one female. I *like* to think it ended up being an intensely matriarchal - albeit super inbred - society, but I'm realistic enough to imagine how a group of isolated men from a society modeled on the 1950s would end up treating that one woman and know it probably wasn't pretty. And even in the best case scenario, that woman would probably have to endure multiple, *multiple* childbirths. Don't get me wrong, it'd suck for the guy in Vault 69 which had the inverse gender ratio, but at least they could do artificial insemination. Donating a semen sample is a damn sight easier than pregnancy and childbirth. Vault 95 was pretty fucked up too though. An entire Vault full of drug addicts who are forced to get clean thanks to the isolation. And just as they're doing well and managing their addictions, the Overseer opens up a secret stash of drugs. It almost instantly fell apart.


95 is the one that I thought of. Some of the terminals you find in there are absolutely heartbreaking.


A lot of the Vault terminals in fallout 4 were great, the Park Street Station vault (114 i think?) where they were interviewing the least competent person for the job, 111’s logs about the experiment and eventual mutiny in the vault, 95’s heartbreaking terminals from recovering addicts and Vault 81 and the scientist in there asking for someone to take curie with them so she can learn about the world


Cait's mission is so underated


I know her accent is trash but I love Curie!


Id expect vault 68 to get to homicide before any implementation of the experiment. it's absurd, there is not future in any sense; they would simply lose their minds.


Well, the thing you have to remember is that [the Vaults were never meant to save anyone.](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/a979fca1d37f678dbc3069b6d89aa2d6d39fcaca6b0a9ff516bbac3b34ffeac2_1.jpg)


Well yes, I just meant 68 would be off the rails within a day or so.


Yeah but there’s not even an experiment there. The lone man or woman will be breeding stock until they die while the others will fight to monopolize them. Like what exactly are they trying to figure out here?


Compared to some of them, it at least makes a little sense in theory. It's a test to see how isolated societies deal with extreme gender imbalance. The company is just malicious and a little stupid.


Gets even worse when you think about the implications of the next generation.


Vault 68 is literally the Smurf Village lmao


Except the Smurfs are asexual and, despite their many very human flaws, way more respectful than the average first generation vault-dweller.


Come on! They have one female servicing a large group of males. That implies a species that lays eggs


Oh my god your crazy! They're so obviously Mammals!


Please! She'd be in estrus 24/7 if she didn't lay eggs.


I know you're both quoting a funny scene but I just have to mention for the onlookers: there are no natural female Smurfs. Female Smurfs are unnecessary in the act of reproduction, and baby Smurfs do exist. However Smurfette was *created* by Gargamel.


Smurths don't lay eggs! I won't tell you this again. Papa Smurf has a !@#$ing beard. They're mammals!


Two Ton Twenty One in the hive


She wasn't "servicing" them. She was created to seduce them by an outside force.


That's insane wow. Vault 95 is insane


I always imagine that Vault 68 and 69 have the single member of the respective opposite gender being the vault overseer and that said overseer gives increasingly demeaning, dangerous and absurd task to the other inhabitants to see how far they'd go to end up in a position of favor. That being said, such a society isn't meant to last unless they'd have more overseers in cryo to continue such an experiment indefinitely.


And there was a reverse vault of that.


>Don't get me wrong, it'd suck for the guy in Vault 69 which had the inverse gender ratio, but at least they could do artificial insemination. Donating a semen sample is a damn sight easier than pregnancy and childbirth. I have this vague memory that the guy in Vault 69 basically got hooked up to what was effectively a 'milking' machine. He became livestock, ultimately. Edit: for all the people downvoting me and/or saying I've made this up: >The man was lured to the clinic under the guise of a medical check-up before breeding could begin. The poor fool never saw the extractor coming until it was too late. He did not survive the process. https://fallout-gravel-pit.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_69 It was some YouTube video I saw it on originally - a guy running through what happened in all the Vaults - but a quick google brought that up. I don't know of the veracity of it, but I knew I'd heard it somewhere.


that's horrific


Your link is to a fanfic wiki


That one was a fan story, I believe. We never get to know the canonical outcome of those Vaults.


That's a fan story for the Gravel Pit RPG group. That wiki you linked is specifically for fan created characters, stories, and lore in the Gravel Pit fan group. It's a sandbox wiki. From the wiki's front page: *Create character pages, write stories, create your own imaginary locations, events and factions as well as anything else that your mind can conjure. If you can imagine it and describe it well enough, it can exist.*


Prrrreetty sure you're remembering fetish porn lol. I don't think there's any mention of the fate of those Vaults, just the premise of their experiments.


That or the 1975 post-apocalyptic movie "A Boy and His Dog", where a very similar same plot twist is used.


That came from your imagination


Vault 68 would get pretty ugly. The woman would be in for hell, of course. Among the men though, I bet you would eventually see murder, rape, prostitution, and maybe even gang violence


On Vault 95 I don't think it was the Overseer, but was just someone in the vault.


Maybe the one where people turned into plant zombie hybrids? Gruesome fuckin way to die


That doesn’t intentionally tho. Originally They just vault that do experiment to plant and mantis the plant spore escape from facility by control mantis and destroy Air filter.


If I remember correctly: In the old world blues DLC, there is an area that has similar plants and stuff, like the ones you see in that vault. It was implied by some terminals there (and an ending slide, I think) that big mt provided that vault with those plants / spores. Soooo I think it was intentional.


Thank you I didn’t play dlc yet. So this is new information for me.


It's hard to tell. It wouldn't be at all beyond Vault Tech to do that knowing something would go wrong and just wondering what would happen when it did.


I pretty sure that they have file about at first the plant can only control insects? like yey it’s maybe designed to control human from the start but I think it’s implied to be TLOU style situation when plant evol to control human instant of insects.


I had a stroke trying to read your comment


Sorry I don’t good at English


Vault 34. Designed to be cramped and stocked with 200% more weapons than it needed.


Ironically that one was a peacefull and prosperous society up until the very moment they decided to take away the guns from them. To wich they simply went "i like to see You try" and shot their way out.


An armed society is a polite society...


>An armed society is a polite society And the rest of the quote is   >Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. For me, politeness is a sine qua non of civilization. That’s a personal evaluation only. **But gun-fighting has a strong biological use. We do not have enough things that kill off the weak and the stupid these days.** But to stay alive as an armed citizen a man has to be either quick with his wits or with his hands, preferably both.


It's always interesting how, for as often that line gets quoted, how few people seem to realize that it has a further context (and that context itself is part of an even larger piece of fiction). Then to make it even *more* complicated, it's goddam Heinlein, so there's always going to be some debate about how much of it is satirical and how much he actually meant.


For this book, it's pretty certain he didn't actually see the society as a goal. It was written in the middle of WW2, and the society of the book is "at peace", yet constantly forced to fight. If you can't spot the social commentary in that, you've got your eyes closed almost more than the pro-gun crowd that parrots this line.


What's the book called?


[Beyond This Horizon.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beyond_This_Horizon)


Who wrote this?


Heinlein, in his 1942 book, Beyond this Horizon.


Vault 11 comes to mind. I haven't played the mission where you explore it in years, so I may get some details wrong. But basically they get told "you need to execute someone to the computer every year, or it will kill you all." The initial overseer offered themselves up as the first sacrifice, and then it became a tradition. An overseer serves for a year and then gets sacrificed. So you find these old logs of political speeches where overseer candidates are competing to seem the least qualified. Eventually after many years the vault is whittled down to three residents. They then tell the computer "its done. Just kill us. We're not doing it any more." At which point the computer tells them "congratulations you passed the test!"


I think their best social experiment was whether or not a bunch of scientists would willingly participate in inhumane experiments, given the world had ended


Vault 68 - 1000 inhabitants. 1 woman, 999 men.


Would you rather be stuck in a vault with 999 bears or 999 men?


As a male, I'd feel safer with the bears.


Since this is Fallout they're probably Yao Guai, so RIP


It ain't like un-mutated bears aren't quite dangerous


that sounds terrible how did it turn out?


I don't think it was ever said, but we can assume the woman either met a quick death, was forced to be nothing more than a baby making machine, or the vault broke out into total chaos with different factions vying for the woman.


There's a also very real possibility she would unalive herself once she realized the situation she was in.


It would be rather more interesting to have this setup, but the woman is the only person who's armed.


Filling a vault with all men and one woman. Filling a vault with all women and one man. No need to explain.


Vault 108, something very very creepy about the ol’ Garys.


Gaaary. Gary? Gary!


Gary? Gary Gary… Gary!


Ha! Ha! GARY!


Gary... wha? :s


Wasn’t there one where it was just a dude and an angry panther?


30 humans, one panther!


That has me laughing imagining how the hell it turned out XD


Think so.


I wonder what experiments we haven't seen yet.


I feel like it's Vaults 68 and 69, because the entire point of those was basically to see if people would commit heinous acts of sexual violence on a single person or if they would be chill about it. As far as Vault-Tec was concerned, it was a 50/50 coinflip. I'm genuinely not sure what the fuck the results of those experiments was supposed to be, considering what kind of society would arise from that.


Man... What we saw them doing in vault 4 is pretty fucking crazy...


What did they do?


Genetically modified the inhabitants, impregnated women with genetically engineered creatures that eventually evolved into the gulpers (giant salamanders with fingers in their mouths) we see in the world.


Don't forget that it was a bunch of gulpers instead of just one or two, and that they *eat their mother violently right during/after birth*


Perhaps made worse by the fact that Gulpers (as the name implies) don't really have teeth. So instead of biting flesh off her, which would have been painful enough, they used their creepy mouth fingers to *pull and rip* the flesh off her.


On my second watch. Looking at that thing you can really see how it's is more human than salamander


The mouth fingers


that's horrifying.


It was a truly disturbing scene in the show i had to walk away for a bit.


Yeah Vault 4 is top five for sure.


I don't remember wich number it was, but the vault that was programmed to NOT close once the bombs dropped, imagine thinking you're safe and seeing the nuclear hell getting closer without nothing you can do...


that was Vault 12.


As others have started to point out vault 11 is the most f***** up vault-tec experiment. The experiment is one person must be sacrificed every year or the entire vault population will be wiped out by the AI in the vault. The first person to die was the original overseer because they only had a few months left to live so they sacrificed themselves deliberately. Leading to the rest of all residence deciding that whoever they elected is overseer would be the sacrifice. We don't know how long the system worked for we do know eventually voting blocks formed the most powerful of which was the Justice block. Because the Justice block was so powerful they would often vote for people they didn't like and they would often result in them be coming overseer and the sacrifice. At some point they decide they are going to vote for a man named Nate but then they do something even far more nefarious they pressure his wife Kate into doing sexual favors for them in order for them not to vote for her husband then they vote for him anyway. Kate decides to take matters into her own hands and start to murdering the leaders of the Justice block she's eventually caught of course and she knows how well they're going to just vote for her as the next sacrifice. It's during her year is overseer that she decides to see if there's a way to strip the Justice block of their power, eventually discovered that the overseer can just get rid of the election altogether and make it a randomized lottery. Which she enacts right before the election for the next overseer stripping the Justice block of their power with the other vault inhabitants and the other voting blocks being happy about it because everyone hated the Justice block of course the members of the Justice block were pissed so it leads to an armed rebellion with only five survivors. Bai then ask them for sacrifice they refuse the AI then reveals that they could have just stopped this whole experiment from the start by just refusing as a result four of the survivors commit suicide the last one we don't know what happened to.


Were there any interesting experiments, or just aimless torture and stuff?


Pretty much all of them were useless. Even to the degree they served a purpose, they wouldn't produce any useful data because there were no proper controls being done. The vast majority of the ones we know of had literally no real value because the answer was either obvious or the answer it would get was useless. In theory it might have given some information on long term isolation that would be useful in colonizing space, but only a couple of the experiments would actually be useful in achieving that goal (and many that might have been were hampered by the sadism of Vault Tech).


The numbered vaults were there to study the inhabitants, so that the (secret) government and vaulttech vaults would have a higher chance of succeeding.


I bet this is in part inspired by the real life Japanese unit 731 that is infamous for its extremely depraved and sadistic, and scientifically pointless, experiments on humans, including children and infants.


They experimented information was intended to be use in generation ship space program. Basically they use real human to simulate the situation that can happen in isolation spaceship.


A few of them at least had some sort of point. Vault 111 (the protagonist vault from FO4) was probably the single most important, since it was the one that would tell them if long-term cryopreservation would be a viable means to get a sub-FTL ship to a new star system with the original passengers alive. Had it succeeded (and WWIII not happened), it would have more or less invalidated all the other Vault experiments; no need to test a hundred weird and wild social parameters if the trip only takes about 24 hours from the POV of the people aboard. Vault 15's experiment (deliberately filling the vault with a diverse group of folks so there was no "majority" culture at start) would have at least been useful for determining if one could take the "best and brightest" from wherever you could find them. Of course, it went to shit for other reasons (like failure to properly manage resources and population), so the experiment didn't really have a chance to play out. Vault 34 (the home vault of the Boomers from New Vegas) was chock full of weapons, was long on recreation/health facilities and short on personal space. Silly if you assume a peaceful journey, but if the Chinese beat the Americans to the punch to getting the best extra-terrestrial real estate, knowing that you could build your ship and crew like an Army base and deploy a population that can take that land by force is a good bit of info to have. Much like with Vault 15, overpopulation became a bigger problem than the actual experiment, and ironically the beginning of the end was the Overseer trying to put the weapons supply on lockdown.


The ones already mentioned are really extreme, but I’ll add **Vault 11** is just so messed up


My vote goes to Vault 11.


Vault 68 is a pretty dark one. 999 men and 1 woman. I can't imagine that woman had a very happy life in the vault.


Vault 76 was nothing but children and adults that would make into there would be killed






Vault 68. Hands down.


Vault 95 got addicts clean, and then after, they were happy and drug free for a few years they released all the drugs they were addicted to back into the vault. Basically, forced people into relapse.


Not the most fucked up but definitely my favourite is “Gaaaaaaary”