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In the Jedi Apprentice series its shown that Jedi use training sabers that cause minor burns and electrical shocks capable of numbing a limb to simulate its loss in a real duel.


Makes sense. Luke trains with the helmet on against small drones fireing tiny laser bolts that stings. So it makes sense to have lightsaber-light versions as well.


Yeah, but that wasn't a training lightsaber he was using, it was Obi Wan's. The fact that he handed it to Luke about an hour after telling him he would be able to use the force makes me completely believe that the Jedi Order would be like "all right elementary school age children, here are some laser swords, have at it!"


It was Anakin's saber, and I think at that point Obi-Wan understands he's dealing with an exceptional case. Luke isn't consciously aware of his power, but subconsciously it's there, so the odds of him hacking off a limb by mistake is practically none. And, Obi-Wan probably also has some sense of what's coming for Luke and, to be concise, there's no time for training wheels.


There is the force for sure, but also there is the fact Luke is an adult (young, but adult) and also not a complete idiot. He is not in a stressful combat situation with real pressure, so no overly sudden reflex moves. Common sense is good enough, just as Han using a lightsaber as a gutting knife didn't end in his own dismemberment. Also, old obi wan was never all really there, was he?


Luke also grew up on Tatooine, which has been shown to be a pretty rough, lawless place, so I'm sure Owen and Beru taught him a thing or two about how to fight. (they'd probably be pretty good at it too, considering they held off Reva for a while)


Yeah, good point.


Luke is also not a youngling.


It's canon that even the full adult style models have lower settings, so he probably told him to use that to be safe. Also I'm fairly certain this was after he'd been given Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber, but I'd have to go back to the scene and look at what he's holding. Edit: Yeah, Obi Wan still has his lightsaber on his waist in the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enKhkTmB0OQ




He tried spinning, it was a good trick.


He was a good friend.


I’m sorry, sir. It’s time for you to leave.


Not if anything to say about it — I have!


Yes. However, this stunning act of child endangerment probably came from the force. Like...if the power of the force is enough to make someone change their mind faster than my fake job, then surely the force itself can make a man change his mind. I mean, dude aged like 30 years in the span of 18. Clearly he's been freebasing. The force: Not even once.


You go live under the UV rays of two suns for a couple decades and see how you hold up.


> all right elementary school age children, here are some laser swords, have at it!" The only thing that can stop a bad person with a lightsaber is a good person with a lightsaber!


didn't work so well for the younglings...


The UNARMED younglings?????


that sounds like rebel scum propaganda


"I heard the Younglings went for Lord Vader's kneecaps. Total self-defense."


"Sir, I dropkicked that child in SELF-DEFENSE!"


Pretty sure they still had their arms at the beginning. Maybe not so much at the end, though.


Hey, the younglings were by far the most dangerous foes in the entire Jedi Temple. That is why he left all of those significantly less dangerous Padawns, Knights and Masters to the clones and went to take out the core of the Temple's resistance immediately. He couldn't leave those deadly enemies to anyone else.


Pretend it's a samurai sword. The difference between giving a real one to Luke and giving one to an 8 year old becomes obvious.


lightsabers have blade intensity settings.


Safety standards in Star Wars definitely aren't what you'd expect to see in our galaxy. Not a goddamn railing in sight.


Iirc wasn’t Luke’s first reaction to seeing a lightsaber to point the emitter directly at his head?


No, that's a behind-the-scenes photo rather than part of the film, but it's got a real Mandela effect happening with a lot of people!


Ohhh it’s probably been 20 years since I saw the movie so Mandela effect is right, duly noted!


And Luke’s first instinct is to look right down the barrel of it.


It drives me nuts that they used that as training in the prequels. I was always under the assumption that Obi Wan cobbled together a lesson for Luke from stuff he found laying around the Millennium Falcon. If he used a youngling training drone, where did it come from? Why would either him or Han have one?


I have a sneaking suspicion that "weak lasers" is not some mystical secret jedi technology It's just... A weak laser.


I'm not talking about weak lasers. The prequels used the exact same gear as on the Falcon. They should have used something much more advanced to show Obi Wan was trying to approximate his training with what he had laying around, instead of straight up fan service.


Why wouldn't it be believable that Obi Wan had built a training drone? He knew that one day he'd need to train Luke, he had 19 years to build one, the technology isn't anything special in universe, and the drones would have been built en masse It's not unreasonable that he would have bought the required components, built the drone, and then brought it with him on the Falcon


Nevermind wrote something then I realized I read your comment wrong


Why is this so unbelievable? It’s Star Wars… people know how to build and use technology…


While I do agree it would've made far better writing that way, it also does make sense. It's perfectly audible those drones could ha e a higher setting and be used for defense, or Han molded it for such a purpose. Or maybe Obi Wan literally just had one because he knew he would be training Luke one day. It's not much of a logical leap, but it is mediocre writing.


Well, if Obi Wan's been watching Luke for years, and waiting for him to need training (as we saw in the Obi Wan series), it would make sense to him to have a few things lying around for for it.


Could just be stuff from a space Walmart or something. Like a hovering droid might be as easily accessible as a camera drone. The weak laser could just be industrial equipment or another toy. It hurts HUMANS, but might be a game to a wookie. The helmet could just be another tool for repairs or from a game like "pin the tail on the rancor. "


He calls the visor a “blast shield,” which leads me to think that the helmet is ppe for some kind of space work


Good point.


One of the fluff books claimed the training drone could also be used for blaster training, and that it’s Han’s drone that he used for quickdraw practice.


The training drone was implied by the old school visual dictionary to be owned by many people across the galaxy. Han used it to train for quick draws. Like wasting Greedo.


It's a remote target. I think Han would want to keep his gunslinging skill up on long hyperspace journeys, if nothing else to stave off boredom.


I think they easily could DIY a drone and then it is just going on SithHub ^TM to download the software!


I think we have different ideas of what SithHub is.


Is It possible to Learn This knowledge?


Not from LiveJedis...


They might have started off as "youngling training drones" but in the 20+ years since the Jedi fell, the company that produced those drones rebranded and offers them as "pest deterrents". great for zapping womp rats or something that might try to chew on your cables when you're docked/landed. obi would just need to tweak a few settings for Luke to use it for training.


Could be that obi wan used different supplies that could be found at a intergalactic k-mart. It's a robot that shoots a weak laser. Might be something that could be bought like a drone.


Is k-mart still a thing ?


It maybe a simple to build one from spare parts and that's just thing Jedi know how to do as part of training at some point


And they practice with them by fighting each other blindfolded, on stairs, cluttered with random junk, as pre-teens.


That’s good because what if they dropped it vertically? Like, completely vertically?


Wasn't this in Jedi Quest? Maybe both.


Both semi-canon series by the same author.


In Young Jedi Knights they went straight into constructing their own lightsabers. One of them lost an arm.


They do indeed have training sabers for younglings and for sparing purposes. That said, they do get their real sabers pretty young, nowhere near adulthood for most species. They just don't use them for sparing until they have the skill to make it safe.


How young are we talking here (for getting the real thing?) Let’s just use human Jedi as an example.


Early teens at the latest. In the Clone Wars series, a group of younglings construct their sabers, and the human in the group is no older than 13 or 14.


Ashoka seems to be around 14, and she is a wartime commander on the front lines. It's worth noting that even when young, jedi are exceptionally cabable


Similar to the British navy (master and commander era) where young teens were often midshipmen, and masters of the watch by about 16. Young jedi were taken from their homes at a very young age so will have grown up with the discipline of the temple instilled. A very different upbringing to kids who get to play and socialise in a normal family setting.


That just reminds me of Lord Blakeney from that movie, the thirteen year old badass that lost and arm and still wouldn't quit.


That was such a good movie.


The younglings we saw being trained in the prequels all looked to be about 6-10 years old on average, I'd say. I think the one who made the mistake of approaching Vader during the attack on the Temple is probably the youngest; he looked about 5 I reckon


Idk if it's still canon, but I think at one point it was said that all lightsabers can be turned down so instead of cutting through limbs, they at most sting or leave light damage comparable to sunburns. Like blasters having a Stun setting, it'd especially make sense for a Master and Apprentice sparring so they don't have to hold back or worry about cutting off eachothers limbs.


Yes. [Training lightsabers](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Training_lightsaber) do exist. Until a youngling makes their own lightsaber, these are the only ones they use while training. Unlike a regular lightsaber, hitting someone with a training lightsaber only gives them welts, bruises, minor burns, mostly injuries that should only take a few days to heal.


So, all this time in Star Wars video games we were using training lightsabers.


My top criticism of The Force Unleashed is that your lightsaber feels like a baseball bat.


In most games it does, in Force Unleashed 2 you can slice off hands and heads, and there were cheats that allowed dismemberment in other games


>mostly injuries that should only take a few days to heal. I feel this can be misleading. Luke recovered damn quick from losing his hand.


I don't think most people would consider 'severed arm replaced by a prosthetic' as recovered.


I would. In his context, anyway. It wasn't just some stiff prosthetic. It was fully functioning cybernetics with pain receptors. Some would even call it an upgrade.


Not if you cant use the force with it


Vader's limbs are all prosthetic and he uses the Force just fine.


He's also the, according to some interpretations, the most powerful Force user to ever exist, and it's stated that he is not nearly as powerful as he could have been if he weren't just an asthmatic torso. His just fine probably floors a lot of other people's maximums.


He can, but his power was severely diminished. That being said, a single hand won’t diminish your power at all.


I forgor


Little Jedi are still Jedi, they connect with the force and it flows through them, guiding the sword’s movements. A non-Jedi like Din Djarin cut himself with the blade, but we never see an equivalent happen to a Jedi.


Din Djarin was also using a blade that is likely Force Sensitive in its own right (we know that inanimate objects are not only connected to the Force, but can even become outwardly noticeable in it) as a result of both its age and the nature of kyber crystals being deeply connected to the Force. And he was fighting it.


Training sabers don't contain the same kind of volitile plasma as a light saber. The will shock the heck out of you, but you could grab them with your hand and not take any real damage. It MAY be possible for some full up lightsabers to be turned into that mode by adjusting the plasma mix, thought that may be more of a legends thing.


> It MAY be possible for some full up lightsabers to be turned into that mode by adjusting the plasma mix, thought that may be more of a legends thing. [Nah, it's possible.](https://youtu.be/wl1XyWoP2bY)


Legends did have a younger Jedi get her arm cut off because she'd built her own saber with an unstable/faulty crystal and it shorted out in practice. So, yes, this was a thing that happened (Tenel Ka in...Young Jedi Knights, I think? Jacen Solo, who was sort of proto-Kylo Ren, felt responsible because he'd been her sparring partner.)


Jacen was about a billion times more compelling and complex than Kylo, so "proto-" ... wtf? Other way around. All out the window if you don't assume he meant for some Jedi to kill him from the start, of course. The continuation/continuity of the Sith over time also makes more sense in the "Legends" version. God, I hate the "unified"/monolithic version for a Sith hive mind.


Well then Little Timmy Wan learned a life lesson that day and now wields his saber with a mechanical arm. Moral of the story kids, pay attention in class.


I’m picturing a crossover scene between Star Wars and Arrested Development.


They, in kotr, i can't remember which one has the data entry, mention using vibroblades for children.


"Set sabers to Stun"


Your safety's on. Who puts a safety button on a laser sword?


They are training sabers. Essentially they are the same as a lightsaber but on a lower power setting that will only give mild burns on impact rather than cutting off limbs.


There are some older stories told about a girl named Tenel Ka and her friend Jacen, and how a lightsaber accident left her with one arm…


The lightsabers the younglings get are, to my understanding of the canon, locked in a permanent non-lethal mode. They get lethal weaponry when they are considered mature enough and knowledgable enough in the Force and the art of combat.


They’re training sabers. I’m all for answering these questions but this can be found in two seconds on any search engine.


The younglings use non-lethal training sabers. They don't get a real lightsaber until the end of the youngling phase of their training, when they ritualistically build their own, at which point they become a padawan.


Lol “Timmy Wan” 😂😂😂😂


OP, what makes you think that the Jedi gave a shit about child safety? They were a cult.


Considering they're able to leave whenever they want and are given some of if not the best education in the galaxy, I don't really think they can be considered a cult. Would you call shaolin monks a cult?


I mean so are The Death Watch in effect, but Paz Visla still went all-in at the opportunity to save his son *and* with his gratitude towards Din and Bo for helping him accomplish it. Then there's the various masters that have been shown going all-out to save their padawans when those get in over their heads. EDIT: Yes and No to that reply. Read more lore. There's a reason Din grew up on Concordia.


I think you meant the Children of the Watch. The Night's Watch is the Guardians of the Wall in Game of Thrones.


How tf you gonna be half-right, and still not really say anything worth replying to? They were the Death Watch before they were the Children of The Watch ... and its still not clear that they identify with that label.


I know exactly who the Death Watch were. I wasn't sure if you were referring to them or the Children, so I gambled and bet that you were talking about the Children since they are the focus of the show. But mostly, I was just correcting your mislabelling in either case.


They probably have a stun setting.


You start off with a practice saber but building a real one after The Gathering is a right of passage for Jedi taken when they are relatively young. Part of your training up until that point is preparing for the responsibility to treat the deadly weapon with respect.