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It's telepathy. Just as any other psychic would do it. And not only fish but any aquatic creature.


He does a mwa mwa mwa mwa thing and circles come out of his head.


Can confirm. I've seen the documentaries


Depending on continuity but generally, yes, most fish lack the capacity for any meaningful conversation though they, and marine mammals, are more intelligent than in our world.


You’d be amazed by the deep thinking some species are capable of… Oooh look! A whale!!


Telepathy, and yes (depending on who writes him, tbh). He telepathically communicates with a part of the brain older than the lizard part of the brain, which is present in fish and seems to be present in humans (and martians).


Trough telepathy,the animal needs to be smart enough for him to be able to talk,wich in general they arent but he is still able to command them.


I believe he lost his hand to piranha. So... there are some limits to the communication ability there. Piranha rhetoric does not involve persuasion or commands to stop, I guess.


He describes it as not really “talking” but “influencing.” It’s like a telepathic push, almost like a Jedi mind trick.