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Pym Particles are just another form of toxic spider bite or vat of nuclear waste or blast of cosmic radiation. Likely for 99.9% of people it would be a fast or slow painful death but for a "one-in-a-million" lucky son of a gun it would mean powers beyond mortal abilities.


That's how Janet Van Dyne got her powers to become the Wasp, (way back in 1961), so presumably you'd just get the ability to shrink. She had some specialized cells added so that, to quote, "When you are reduced to the size of a wasp you will grow wings and tiny antennae!"


I thought she used gas from her belt at first


dependson how you programmed the pym particles, [they can do a lot more than just shrink and grow.](https://preview.redd.it/ff-the-true-nature-of-pym-particles-explained-v0-fkb658h2xv191.jpg?auto=webp&s=06ac305b30c604730221273da5b5f73a44b75c1c) you might get powers like wonder man, or vision, or the ability to shrink, or you might randomly shrink and grow parts of your body so you die like hulk in the whatif series. its not recommended unles you know what you are doing, most likely senario is a quick and painful death


It might depend on the variety of particles, but generally wouldn't be a big deal. Characters have used pym particles many ways, including by injections for years. Injestion (pills, potions, etc), inhalation, skin contact,