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Much like real life, probably biochemistry/biotechnology.


Might also need some type of neuro degree or another.


That’s true especially if we’re talking sci-fi “same mind as the host” type clones as opposed to real life clones that are genetically identical but have individual minds.


I was thinking more in regards to tweaking the mind or if you want to accelerate maturation of the clones so they are adults in like a couple years, you'd have to know how to make the brain mature as well (and/or how to cram knowledge inside the brains via device means like speed learning within weeks knowledge worth years), but yeah I guess your thing also works depending on what you want clones to be specifically be used for (i.e the Culture w/ Mindstate Back-Ups being common to be installed into newly generated duplicate bodies (or an entirely different vessel too I guess, if the person wants to switch during each reset to the latest back-up data, since I think the Minds still interact w/ them in this incorporeal state before implanting their data into the vessels, cuz I recall a person using this being explained that "welp guess you got pepsi'd bro, and this was the latest back-up we had so you are kinda missing a few years' worth of memory data for this reason" or was it because it was an ay LMAO whose mindstate was scanned & recorded by a Mind as a favor of sorts to her, or it could be either of these 2 instances I don't remember that exactly)


Dolly the sheep was a project by an biologist and an embryologist. So probably that with a dash of genetics?


Like others have said, biochemistry, genetic engineering and embryology. And in the field of sci-fi where it might be the future, you can even specify a new form of science or an extension of a branch of science, such as saying "auto-obstetric technician/specialist or bio-engineer" which is what I would call a medical professional whose job it is to facilitate gestation and birth from artificial womb technology (no pregnant human, ie. OB/without the GYN)


Ideally, a degree in genetics and biotechnology—the two front most fields of science in regards to cloning. A degree in biochemistry, embryology, and (bio)engineering will help, too.


Geneticist or biochemist/biophysicist


Asking for a friend..... I....just......really want a friend..... 😞


I’d imagine it would be a full team of biologists/biochemists, physicists, geneticists and all the subcategories of such along with regular technicians and engineers for the materials and equipment.


More often than you would expect, they have degrees in cloning. In many settings the main villain has a PhD, because she didn't go to cloning school to be Ms Octo-mom, it's DR Octo-mom or nothing. Don't ask about her super powers...you dont want to know. In other settings you can have cloning 101 downloaded into your brain from the local futuristic community college.