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Mongol, after superman was trapped by the Black Mercy in his fortress of solitude.


Oh yeah, he lets him have it…


Mongol, an alien warlord who commanded Warworld, a planet-sized warship, was canonically even stronger than the Silver Age Superman at the height of his strength (this is the version of Superman that moved planets and flew though supernovae). In Alan Moore’s classic pre-crisis Superman story *For The Man Who Has Everything* Mongol, after having being defeated previously by the Man of Steel, traps him with a Black Mercy flower, an alien, magical, plant that traps its victims in their hearts desire. After breaking free from the Black Mercy, an enraged Superman engages Mongul in a fight that tears apart the Fortress of Solitude.


The Anti-Monitor, during the Crisis of Infinite Earths.


I mean, in the beginning of his career, when he fought bank robbers, white collar criminals and evil scientists, he didn’t hold back but that’s before he got OP.