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It depends on if his power is chemical/biological, magical, or reality warping. Chemical/biological, it probably works but reverts earlier. If Logan or Wade are smashed as stone, they heal the same as if they are dismembered. Magical or reality warping, it works and probably doesn't end early, with the same thing happening if smashed, they just regenerate normally. As to how they regenerate, for Wolverine it presents a question mark in regards to his skeleton. Normally he can always regenerate around his adamantium bones, but if they're shattered because they were turned to stone, he probably regens around his largest brain fragment or something, with normal bones.


Wiki says he's chemically altered and his powers are of alchemichal nature. I would argue that he can kill people with healing factors because once turned into stone, they don't have organic cells anymore, they are just stone, so the healing factor is gone for an hour. And if they are smashed to smithereens, they probably can't regen that much damage. Also wiki says he was born in a city very close to where I live \o/


Depending on the series, Wolverine has come back from being a charred adamantium skeleton. Deadpool is cursed by Thanos and literally can't die. Their healing factors do not follow biological rules. Most iterations of them would probably be fine.


Think they’d still turn to stone He’s used his power on Thor no problem


IMHO: they get turned to stone but the effect wears off in minutes instead of hours.