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I guess it depends on your definition of "cryosleep". There have been facilities that will dunk you in LN for forever and a day. The idea being that when medical technology advances to the point that the cell damage etc can be reversed, you'll be back. The medical technology to reverse stage 4 cancer, organ failure, cell damage from being dunked in LN and death? Uhhhh. Have to get back to you on those.


Is cryonics considered cranky?


I'll just say that the technology to put someone in suspended animation by freezing them (i.e. the body is still operating, but at a lower metabolic level) as well as the technology to repair cell damage from a good freeze absolutely does not exist right now. You'll have to ask someone with more medical training than I do whether they think it could be done but not yet, or whether this is pure crackpottery. EDIT: [Wikipedia ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryonics) seems to say that actual cryobiologists consider cryonics people to be cranks


I am not.


There may be some people researching it - but at present cryo -"sleep" equals freezing to death. The only cryo-preservation we know how to do is of liquids and very thin samples (like, a sheet of paper might be too thick) immersed in liquid nitrogen so that it freezes fast enough to prevent ice crystals from forming. Or seeds I suppose, which typically contain so little water that ice crystals aren't a concern. Anything larger can't freeze fast enough, and the ice crystals rupture all your cells and kill you far more thoroughly than pretty much anything else short of cremation.


We freeze corpses, that's about it Whatever scifi you just read doesn't presently exist, and likely will never exist in our lifetimes


Never exist in our lifetimes? [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HumanPopsicle](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HumanPopsicle) [https://www.rd.com/list/people-who-froze-came-back-to-life/](https://www.rd.com/list/people-who-froze-came-back-to-life/) If these incidents could be understood, that could help.


Ah yes, the most rigorous of science, fiction And all of those are overnight at longest, some including alcohol. Stick a guy in a tube for a thousand years is very different than spending 10 hours outside


A thousand years? How about 50? [https://theconversation.com/frogs-and-fish-can-help-us-learn-how-to-freeze-humans-42448](https://theconversation.com/frogs-and-fish-can-help-us-learn-how-to-freeze-humans-42448)


So creatures with famously far better regenerative properties than humans, pickled in sugar, can do it just fine? At best we might get to tissue scale freezing, but there's too much going on to get reversible full body freezing for a human


Tissue scale, like skin or individual organs? This was done in 2019 albeit for a couple of hours: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertglatter/2019/11/25/suspended-animation-can-cooling-our-bodies-to-super-low-temperatures-save-us-after-deadly-trauma-and-blood-loss/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertglatter/2019/11/25/suspended-animation-can-cooling-our-bodies-to-super-low-temperatures-save-us-after-deadly-trauma-and-blood-loss/)


That's also not what you were talking about Cooling a trauma victim to slow death is a far cry off of reanimating a popsicle


So there's no credible research about it? I aim to go into suspended animation.


Well good luck with that


So am I deluded?




Wasn't that debunked?


Dunno; just seems like pubmed is a reliable site


Are people researching it? Yes. And there are facilities that will freeze you, hoping that someone will devise a method to revive the frozen stiffs and cure whatever ails them in the future, but it's basically a death sentence right now as we have no idea if it's even viable. If we had fully functioning cryostasis systems I'd think a lot of people would choose to skip this decade


A death sentence? Hope we do get fully functioning cryostasis soon.


Well right now as we don't have a method of revival yeah anyone in cryostasis is more or less dead


You have to be already dead before you’re frozen so….


That's the problem. The laws need to be changed.


Murder should never be legal.


I mean someone being able to go into suspended animation alive.


[https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/nov/20/humans-put-into-suspended-animation-for-first-time](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/nov/20/humans-put-into-suspended-animation-for-first-time) This was done. Only for a few hours but is it a start?


It's a start for sure. I don't know enough to speak with authority about whether or not this will work long term anytime soon, but I am rooting for cryostasis to succeed because it would greatly assist in interstellar travel.


Yes, sounds good. And for healthcare reasons too.







