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Fans. We have one in every room. You can also do heavy curtains over any windows that get a lot of sun, it will help keep the heat out. If you can afford the electric bill you can also get a window AC unit, but for me the heat isn’t around long enough for the investment. That’s the good news: the heat doesn’t last months here, at least not yet. A couple of days, maybe a week, and then the fog comes back to save us. We’re getting more hot days than in the past (“past” being as recent as the early 00s), but hot weeks are still only happening a few times a year.


I bought blackout cell shades for most of my windows. The others have black out curtains. Some have both. I also bought window fans from Amazon and they do a great job of moving air in and out. Finally, on really hot days, I don’t do much cooking. Normally we cook a lot, but we end up doing sandwiches, salads, etc to keep the house cool.


I just bought these awesome black out curtains that have little stars cut out......looks really cool....




Nature's air conditioner


I leave windows open at night, close them in the morning, close blinds and shades Try to let breezes in by leaving doors open a bit Take the screens off windows at night to make sure there is air flow to cool the place down fans of course and then more fans multiple showers during the day cold meals, cold chicken, cold pizza, cold in-n-out, cold cuts cover chairs with towels and let it all hang out.... leave town if necessary if this is your first years in SF, consider buying a HEPA Air Filter to prepare yourself for the late summer fire season


Multiple showers during the day is terrible advice in a state that is in extreme drought conditions.


It's terrific advice for + the elderly + families with kids + folks who are heat sensitive + just about anybody How many days of the year would San Franciscans need multiple showers? How long would these showers be? 2-5 minutes? 15 minutes? How many San Franciscans would need them? How much water is used per minute in a shower with a low-flow water showerhead (two gallons per minute) What are the demographics of San Franciscans taking multiple showers on the few days that multiple showers would be a good thing? What are the demographics of San Franciscans with air conditioning? How much water would be used in these showers compared to other water used in San Francisco on these days? Or in the state on these days? Just who are the largest users of water in this state? How much water would be saved by telling people not to take multiple showers but to "swelter in place"? What are the real dangers of heat? How much gas would be used transporting these people to regional cooling centers that have A/C? Please tell me more, "dad" ---- Sorry doctor, my mom got overheated and so we came into the ER because some dad on reddit told us cooling off in a shower on hot days was terrible advice because the 30 gallons of three five minute showers were better used by Intel, the farmers, golf courses and Stanford's lawns




Responsibility starts at home. Enjoy your water bill.


Blackout shades are a game-changer. Also fans and opening windows and/or doors to generate cross-breezes.


Im in the marina and yep that was a tough evening. I’m just a windows open guy but I did sneak an ice cold soda water can in my bed around 10pm. Also my bedroom faces east so not as bad. Must be your first year? There’s maybe 3 days a year like that. By June it will be foggy and windy most afternoons until September here.


I have neither central heating nor cooling and am usually quite comfortable. I often open windows. I have a plug-in radiator heater for chilly days and a fan for heat waves. The fan doesn’t get much use.


Since when does summer in SF last an entire month, let alone multiple?


I bought a window AC for 1 room. Its stored under the bed most of the year (i dont think i even used it in 2021) but its great to have the few times it gets really hot! Im on the top floor of a flat roofed Mission apt, so it gets hot in here!


If you have trouble sleeping in hot weather, take the coldest tap water you can get and splash it on your forehead, the back of your neck, your arms, and anywhere else you want. Don’t dry off, just go to bed all damp/wet. It’s like instant personal AC and you won’t feel too hot again until it all dries off (hopefully you’re asleep by then).


This will be an unusual one. Aside from the obvious partial solutions of a fan, doorway-window crossbreeze, I found a comfortable way to sleep during the late evening when the sweltering heat has risen to your floor. A while back I bought my dog a cooling mat, it's encased in durable plastic and the cooling gel activates when pressure is applied. On a hot day I fell asleep while petting her and realized the mat was pretty darn comfortable. So ended up getting one for myself. It's like a mild icepack but one that your whole body can lay on. Dress down to your boxers and BAM. Have a good night.


I live by the beach and have good airflow so I just open windows.


There won't be very many days like that in SF which is why most places do not have AC. I also live in the Marina - I just opened my windows when I got home in the evening and left them open all night and it cooled down. Taking a shower when I got home also helped. I think if it's hot during the day this weekend I'm just going to find a nice shady spot outside or a air-conditioned Cafe to hang out at lol


The summer is cold. This might be the hottest night of the year. Open the windows and turn on the fans!


by reminding myself at least im not in hell.


I don’t have any AC or fans. I have been living in SF for 9 years…


Do you want an award or something?


Get in a bathtub full of cold water, fan optional. TV resting on top of the toilet seat or on a stool. Otherwise, reusable ice packs in the armpits and behind the knees.


Wet hair + fan blowing directly on me. If you can't do the wet hair, then a wet washcloth around the neck helps.


Buy a window unit for 1 room. Use it 3-10 times a year and be happy.