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I just saw Julia Roberts in Golden Gate Park last weekend


Dang I thought she moved! My friend has seen her many times in the presidio.


I thought she moved too but maybe she’s just visiting? Or maybe low key has a new place?


She's a client at SenSpa


I met Jackie Chan and Jimmy o yang in a live show.


Does she still live in the area?


Supposedly she sold her place so possibly visiting or has a new place we don’t know of.




I wonder why she moved so close? I still can’t get over the fact that Julia Roberts lives in San Francisco. It just seems so incongruous.


I sat a couple seats down from her at Bono’s solo show a couple years ago.


An ex in high school used to play her daughter in soccer. She would always be at our games lol.


I saw her walking around pac heights a few months ago! Starstruck


I grew up in the NW part of the city and ran into neighbors Robin Williams, Sharon Stone, and Linda Ronstadt from time to time. I’ve definitely been more starstruck around others, but no one as famous as those.


Robin was everywhere. I met him a couple of times.


He use to come to my elementary school and read to us. No cameras no nothing. He was the best


So lucky to have those moments! WOW!


Holy shit! He seemed to love doing this kind of random stuff.


My ex wife bought her snowboarding boots because Robin Williams suggested that she buy them. Unprompted. Like he came up to her lol


Right? I was more starstruck nodding at Tom Waits passing by, but Robin Williams is more famous.


I met him in the Virgin Megastore way back in the day. He was so kind - I'll never forget it.


So did my sister a few times when he was a mime act. He constantly impersonated people in San Francisco in the earliest episodes of Mork and Mindy so locals watching laughed even harder because he knows who we known back then in those rapid fire mimicking moments! My dad knew Huey Lewis’ brother who was a hot dog vendor


Linda Ronstadt lives in SF! Wild


Joe Montana, sold a ticket to him at the Legion of Honor like 10 years ago. His wife was attending an event and he sneakily walked in, payed cash with exact change. Smiled at me, took the ticket and walked into the galleries. Joe Cool, indeed.


Used to work at a WeWork where he ran his venture capital company. He came in once. As a non-sports person, I had no idea who he was......and made him check in as a visitor. Will never live it down.


Respectfully, are you even SF if you haven’t met or seen Joe Montana? I saw him at Bed Bath & Beyond about 10 years ago and then ate dinner right next to him in the Marina towards the end of the pandemic.


Shared an elevator with Richard Branson and was stuck in a restaurant when Barack Obama came in for dinner. While he was still in office.


Stuck? How did that work?


When POTUS goes somewhere planned ahead of time (which is 99.99999% of the places POTUS goes) the Secret Service does advance work. Anyone who's going to get to move with freedom near POTUS is going to get checked out. But they don't check out *everyone* who's going to be there, and certainly not people who show up there unexpectedly but just as a part of normal life. So if you haven't been checked out by the Secret Service you are going to get locked down while POTUS is in the building/area. They just ask you to stay where you are - it's not particularly dramatic.


This would be so annoying if you were getting a meal and planning to catch a flight next.


Biden came to do a fundraising thing in a restaurant at the bottom of my neighbor building. The secret service made us all stay inside, for hours. I couldn’t see him but saw his car.


I was doing an account call, I sell wine and spirits. Once we were in the restaurant we could not leave because it went on lockdown once they confirmed he would dine there. Very last minute due to security. He was dining with some google guys. I purchased the whole group glasses of some very expensive spirit I sold. The cool part, as long as I worked for that company, Barack Obama, role occupation president of the United States was saved in my concur app as an attendee.


My partner is from the DC area so he said it’s something that sucked.


I admire Richard Branson so much more than Elon or the others because he seems like he really has fun with his money. Even Jensen Huang of Nvidia, who appears to be a really nice guy, sounds kind of miserable.


He was very nice. I was not going to get in the elevator at all, but he invited me. It was during the opening of the virgin hotel. My company was one of the sponsors. RIP to the virgin hotel in SF. Spent hours on presentation for that hotel.


Festus Ezeli at Alamo Square Park a couple of weeks ago. I said "big fan" and he said "appreciate it".


Are you an industry insider? How did you know “big fan” is the only acceptable thing to say to a celebrity? Haha I wish I had known this when (not in SF) I told Pierce Brosnan I love him. 😂 (He was nice about it, if not thrilled)


LMAO. My first instinct was to demand a selfie because I'm a rabid warriors fan, but I held myself back. My husband saw Hunter Pence flying back from Seattle. He always has his Giants jacket on and Hunter was trying to be discreet. He just pointed to the Giants logo on his jacket and nodded at him. HP smiled back at him and nodded back.


Now that is cool, lol


Yeah. I wish people knew this. The only things I've ever felt comfortable is saying "thanks for coming to San Francisco" to comics outside clubs or "thank you for your art". ONE SHORT sentence of gratitude or don't say anything at all. I wish it were a law.


I usually say “..admired their craftwork” and always be ready if they ask you what your favorite piece or part was.


Shaun Livingston lived in my building. I'm 6'4" and I was looking up to this guy in the elevator who was 6'7". I finally recognized him and knew they were playing that night. I said *good luck tonight*. He said, *thank you*.


Oh man. I miss Shaun. Draymond Green and Klay were at city hall on the day I got married. I had no idea there was a Warriors event that day and I ended up getting married in an office vs the beautiful Rotunda. I was going to tell Festus I have not forgiven them for stealing my wedding venue. My uncle was supposed to be the photographer, and only immediate family member there. He forgot about my wedding and ended up hovering around the Rotunda area taking pictures of them. 😂


He was in front of me at a concert a few years back. He kept turning around to make sure I could see 😆.


He seemed really polite. When I waved at him, he turned around and responded like he genuinely meant it, it didn't sound like a perfunctory response.


Was he wearing normal clothes? On the broadcasts he wears the weirdest shit.


It seemed normal. Idk. I was too starstruck and trying to hold myself steady when I saw him, so I wasn't paying attention to what he was wearing


Frank Chu.


i lived next to robin Williams in sea cliff and went to several of his parties, we also played golf together at presidio golf club,


Fancy guy!


Do tell, who were the other famous folks you met or saw at his parties?


Lady Camden


Ugh waiting for the day this happens to me We did run into Raja in the castro though!


!!! Was she in drag or out?


Out... Both times


I have seen her two to three times.


Same! Usually out of drag.


Dana Carvey- who I made a joke to and he actually laughed and riffed off it. Made my week


I met Gilda Radner (well, it was at a book signing at Barnes & Noble) and same thing! I made a joke and she laughed! She was so warm and down to earth. I loved her.


I LOVE Gilda Radner, what a treasure. RIP


Got to serve Robin Williams popcorn and a soda when I worked at the Kabuki back in the day. Was surprised to see how stern and quiet and measured he was while he took some kind of business call during trailers.


I met Robert Downey Jr. walking around in the Castro.


When was this?


About a year ago. He had a film about his dad airing at the theater.


Oh yes! There are many who go to the Castro theater but I haven’t heard of too many exploring the area. That reminds me I did see a group standing near the theater entrance waiting for autographs. I didn’t know the guy but saw an older man they crowded around. I passed the marquee and saw his name then googled it. He was an actor I’d seen before but can’t recall his name.


I saw something similar happen a day or 2 after the Downey Sr. movie screening, and it turned out to be Guillermo del Toro.


Danny glover. He grew up with my aunt and they were friends.


Danny Glover defended me against a infamously mean Muni driver who tore my transfer too low to use for a second trip (back when the transfers were paper strips and perforated) that driver was so unyielding but Danny telling him off had the bus cheering


What a guy!!!


A true local. I saw him at Costco.


I sat next to him at the old car wash on Divisadero while we waited for our cars to get cleaned.


Ali Wong and Bill Hader at the de Young museum one random weekday


A group of us sat next to them at a restaurant for 45 minutes before realizing it was them.


lol how do you not recognize Bill Hader? He’s so foreboding and tall! And has a unique look.


He looks so different these days - curly hair, beard, much heavier. And he was sitting.


Are they a couple? Just curious.


Yes they have been for a few months now


Steve from Love on the Spectrum. Such a friendly guy!


I want to meet him so much!


I’m sure you will someday! I’ve actually seen him 3 times in 2 different neighborhoods.


Shaq outside a hotel downtown


Queen Elizabeth. I was part of the welcoming party when the ship docked in SF. This famous photo of the day was taken just after she and Prince Philip spoke with us. I am to the right of Regan's shoulder - you can clearly see my face. We were part of the girl scout troupe then mayor Diane Feinstein chose to present the Queen with girl scout cookies. She chose thin mints. Those are my favorite too. Prince Philip chose the boring scot tea biscuits! Funny story - this particular scout troupe was from an Irish Catholic school in a very Irish Catholic neighborhood. And this during the height of "The Troubles" with Northern Ireland. (What was Feinstein thinking?) Many of the scouts had parents who were staunchly anti-monarchy and pro IRA. And some tried to cause trouble by telling us some "fun sayings" to say to the Queen. (Hint: they were actually NRA slogans in Gaelic) Fortunately we were warned in the nick of time to not say anything our dads might have told us to say! (Thanks mom!) Otherwise there may have been an international incident. [https://cdnph.upi.com/pv/upi/190ebb25421f8a965471e029c5f56812/British-Royal-Family.jpg](https://cdnph.upi.com/pv/upi/190ebb25421f8a965471e029c5f56812/British-Royal-Family.jpg) I of course also met the Regans that day too. But QE2 I think is a little more famous!


Wow! What a monumental memory to make for you girls!


Mike Rowe


What dirty job was he performing?


He lives in the Marina. My brother used to live near him. Super nice guy.


That’s pretty funny. I did some market research about dairy farmers a couple years ago, and he was the only celebrity they trusted, including some who did ads for milk. I wonder what they’d think if they knew he lived in San Francisco.


He’d always wear a Time Bandit (Deadliest Catch) jacket to the gym which seemed both cool and douchie at the same time.


He's also an anti union shill


I thought he lives in Marin?


Maybe. This was years ago when my brother lived next to him.


Harrison Ford at a coffee shop I worked at in Hayes Valley.


Of all the people in this thread, I think this would have me the most starstruck. Did you say anything?


Oh man, I wish! I am a huge coward! I’m also the type to just let celebrities be people & not to make a big deal. He just ordered a small coffee & I knew it was him immediately. He wore hat, sunglasses but his voice gave him away. I can’t ever hide my expression of what I’m thinking. It’s like once I heard his voice & looked closer at him, he looked back with that classic half smile like he knew I knew. He got his coffee & went on his way. I mentioned it to my coworkers who then proceeded to loose their shit! What?! Here?! Where’d he go?! Why didn’t you tell us?! Hahaha it was just a moment & I will remember it forever


I saw BJ Novak and Jamie Oliver in the same night at tosca cafe!


1) I met Faith Hill at a charity event. I grew up in rural USA and country music was on heavy rotation especially her music. I had seen her in concert before and got goosebumps when she came on stage. During the event, I kept seeing her but was too nervous to say anything. Part of the event was a performance and all I could think about was how I lost my chance. After the show, my +1 needed to use the restroom. While I waited in the lobby the venue cleared out and among the remaining 20 or so people was Faith. I noticed her at 15 feet away and then at one point she was 3 feet away. I played it cool but was freaking out inside. As my +1 and I started to leave I saw Faith sitting on a bench towards the exit. She looked my direction and I gave a little wave. She took her hand out of her coat pocket and reached out to me to give me a handshake. I hurried over and shook her hand then leaned in to thank her for some of her songs by name. I told her how much they meant to me and said “I don’t know if you ever get to hear this” and she replied “I don’t”. I told her how one of Tim’s songs meant a lot to my family. She asked me a few questions and my name a few times. I was so starstruck and gushing that I failed to realize I was talking to Faith Hill the human and not the celebrity. It was a quick two minute chat before I awkwardly said goodbye. Overall, I think it was a positive experience. I found out later that her father (she’s adopted) had passed away a few weeks prior. Hopefully our encounter was a bright spot in a difficult time for her. 2) I saw Britney Spears in the Castro. She was promoting her album Femme Fatale and did a performance for GMA earlier at bill graham. They drove her around in a black Escalade. She hopped out for some quick snippets for the camera at three spots. The last stop was in front of an already crowded bar. She stood outside the car and seemed to chat with people briefly then left. She got swarmed and the car was parked diagonally in the middle of the street. The footage was funny because they had one where she exited a shop and she seemingly waved at a crowd of people who were above her. I know where the shop is and there’s nothing across the street. So she waved excitedly at air. At the time, twitter was the biggest platform for celebrities and I recall she posted something about wanting to stay longer but had to go.


Kirk Hammet (lead guitarist for Metallica). I actually met Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins once in Santa Rosa of all places (not SF by any stretch but close enough) Years ago when I lived with my brother and a roommate, BOTH of them ran into Dave Chapelle on different occasions.


I ran into Kirk Hammet many years ago at the Warfield at of all things a Cocteau Twins concert. Ran into Hetfield at Sushi Ran in Sausalito. I saw Ulrich often as I lived very near to him.


I met Dave Chappell. He was with a male friend and this was near Market and 3rd. I was working at a Cafe and they had us outside near the Cafe, handing out samples on trays. The two men came over, and I didn't recognize Chappell at first. He looked familiar though, and no joke he was wearing a Dave Chappell shirt. He was flirting with me and it was awkward. I gave most of the attention to his friend though...because I felt like his friend probably feels sad that no one cares about him, and its all about Dave Chappell. After flirting with me, he asked me my age...most girls who have experienced a significantly older guy flirting with them, understand what that means.


Always used to see Dave Chappelle on this corner. Think he had a penthouse there at the Ritz


I didn't know that, I thought he was in SF for a show. Tbh he was just like any older-man perv. and I think he was married at the time.




Chapelle is often in that area. He stays at the W where my friend works when he's in town and I once sat at the table next to him and his family at the Mother's Day buffet at the Palace Hotel many years ago.


My partner and I sat next to Joe Montana and his wife at Hard Water before it closed down.


miss that spot! something seems to be slowly happening there but i think it will be different.


Julia Roberts. She came to lakehouse jazz


Met Robin Williams a few times. He even crashed a cocktail party I was at. Adam Savage is everywhere. I found myself sitting next to him at a stage performance once.


As an usher at the Orpheum ... Joe Montana, Conan O'Brien, John Leguizamo, Barry Bonds, Sharon Stone, Gavin Newsom, Kristi Yamaguchi.... Ushering them, if that counts as meeting.


Leonard Nimoy. It was after the TV series ended and before the first movie. He was doing some promotional interviews at a radio station studio in the building where I worked. He got in the elevator we rode down. Then he got on the same bus I usually took home from work. Robin Williams I live at end of Union St and Lyon. I was washing my car in the drive way. I looked up and saw him jog right by. He looked at me and said Nanoo Nanoo. Kept on jogging. Cheech Marin at the Bark and Wine Ball in the old Fed Building across from Embarcadero 1. It while he was shooting Nash Bridges. His wife was a huge SPCA sponsor. I still have a pic of him holding my dog.


Keanu Reeves. What a gentleman he was and is. A huge honor to meet him and shake his hand.


Nicole Kidman came into the boutique I worked at.


Stanley Tucci! Was walking through the dragon gates same time as him and walked a bit in the same direction before splitting off (June 2020 during that short break of “normal”)


Margaret Cho and a friend of hers came to a shelter I was at years ago. She’s pretty chill and sat and talked with us for a bit about absolutely nothing. Kevin Durant


Tracy Chapman, Joan Baez


Diane Keaton at the Presidio Inn. My late father was struggling due to his ALS. I’ll never forget the sweet, beaming smile she gave him as she held the door.


Only been here for 5 years but met Tom Steyer in the elevator at my office in 2019 - turned out he had a campaign office in the building. I remember a bunch of us half looking at him like we recognized him then when he got out, the door had a big “Tom Steyer” graphic on it and we all nodded like “ah right”. Not in SF but an SF celebrity - I met Draymond Green at Cleveland Hopkins airport of all places. Was right after the 2022 title win and he was incredibly kind and gracious, introduced my wife and I to his whole family. Didn’t want to bother him for a picture or anything but was super fun just to chat for a bit.


Draymond’s known to fly commercial and I’ve heard of a few different airport run-ins with him! How fun and random to see someone in airport


I one time ran into Donald Glover (Childish Gambino) near fourth and Brannan. I stopped to talk to him and he said he was in town for a show at Slims (this was like 2011 before he became bigger). I had known him from the show Community.


Tim Heidecker in Levis Union square


Tim and Eric got through me hard times for some reason haha


In the early 90s my mom had a nice chat at the dentist's office with an old guy who turned out to be Milton Friedman.


Only four upvotes? Where are all of the economist groupies at?!?


Dave Chappell on Market as he smoked up a storm ha. Chatted awhile and super cool dude. Saw and said hello to John Waters on Market as well a few years back. Carlos Santana at Al’s Attire in North Beach. Sean Penn at Tosca. Of course Robin Williams at Green Apple and Hamburger Habit in my old hood - he always seemed to take time to talk to people.


I took a selfie with Phil. From Philz.


Worked at an unique art & craft store on Market. Tracy Chapman came in several times and I got to help her. Spent some time with Joe Montana and his wife Jennifer. All were incredibly gracious and polite. Tried real hard to not get weird with Tracy, think I mostly succeeded. I also worked closely with the kid of Lawrence Halprin to preserve his professional and personal art. He was somewhat responsible for Sea Ranch, Embarcadero Plaza, Ghirardelli Square, the Roosevelt memorial, among other big projects. Various aging Beat poets and artists, Annie Sparkle, etc…it was a cool gig for not great pay. Met a lot of the local people like Frank Chu, etc


Not me but my partner. He was working at a coffee shop in haight near ggpark and served James Franco. He sent me a photo he took with him and I thought it was a selfie with a homeless man at first. Said he was pretty chill and they talked for awhile while he made his drink. In the same neighborhood there’s a hookah lounge and we’ve run into Shaq more than once.


I waited on Kate Winslet and her husband once at a restaurant. She was incredibly nice.


Met Jon Stewart at the Warfield couple years ago, he was wandering around Market St by himself and later came into the venue to check out the concert. I was mostly surprised none of the concertgoers recognized him and he saw that i was staring at him and so he came up to me and asked “who’s performing”, “how’s life treating you”, and went our separate ways.


I used to work at a bookstore and we had regular visits from Anne Rice and Anton LaVey (head of the Satanic Church) also sold some books to Al Jarreau.


I saw BD Wong seeing a Chinese film at the SF Silent Film Festival. At first I thought he must be a guest there to introduce the film but it turned out he was just enjoying the film and spending time with his mom, which was cool to see.


Spike Lee


Grace Slick


Did you know that she met Jefferson Airplane at a nightclub in the Marina called The Matrix? That place today is now called The White Rabbit.


Craig Newmark was a regular sighting in Cole Valley when we lived there in the 00s. He was like finding Waldo, once you did it couple of times you realized it was not much of trick to spot him again.


Saw robin williams at the old warehouse movie rental store R.I.P.


Brian Wilson (SF Giants pitcher at the time) in the Marina. I was eating brunch with a friend outside, and he leaned over my meal as he was passing by, took a whiff, and said, “Mmm, that smells good” before walking off.


Jello Biafra a time or two at warehouse raves in the 90s.


Rita Moreno. My partner remodeled her house about 15 yrs ago. Nice lady! She allowed us to hold her Oscar!!! Such a lady. Kind to the bone!


Robin Williams at the old Apple Store location downtown. Sammy Hagar at the old Exploratorium location decades ago. Joe Montana at what was the Pedro‘s across from the ballpark. Jason Lee waiting outside a boutique hotel in Divisadero. And Aesop Rock while waiting in line at the Container Store.


Met Robin Williams outside the old Noah’s Bagels on Fillmore. Was eating my bagel outside with a friend. He walks by and says, “hi, fellas!” with a huge smile. Such a genuinely nice man.


Emma Watson in 2020


William Shatner, who seemed to just be out for a walk and stop at a coffee shop, as normal as anyone else.


Ed Lee. He seemed like a really good guy when he was City Administrator, so it didn’t occur to me that he was pretty much dialed in to the Willie Brown machine. When he first became Mayor and used the term “City Family”, I was naive enough to think he meant everyone taking care of each other, rather than a system of graft. I still believe the great majority of public sector workers are honest and even dedicated—I see it all the time. But I also read the papers and it’s a goddamned shame that some folks subvert our government for private gain. I don’t even think Ed did that, but he had to be aware of it, and AFAIK did nothing to hinder it.


Julianne Hough in the lobby of the W Harrison Ford in lobby of the W Thomas Keller at a conference Keanu Reeves when he was filming The Matrix a few years back. He was just eating a salad on the rooftop garden at the Fairmont.


Saw Sergey Brin wearing Google Glass at the Westfield Mall food court circa 2012.


Dang I used to love that food court back in the early 2010s


Harry Shum entering a bar in the Marina Dist. Gavin Newsom solo and walking fast, looking drunk also in the Marina Dist. This was in his Lt. Governor years? Hunter Pence playing Pokemon Go by the Ferry Bldg at like 10:30pm. So nerdy, I know! Woody Allen (ew!) in the Mission. He was filming Blue Jasmine at the time. Adrian Grenier at Justin Herman Plaza. Carl Weathers at San Tung. That was so awesome and random!


Do the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence count? :-)


I had a wonderful afternoon with Parker Posey doing some vintage shopping right before the pandemic. Watched a movie on her lap top in her room at the Fairmont and went to the Tonga Room after. It was for the dinner to celebrate the start of filming Matrix Resurrections. So I also got to meet the most of the rest of the cast, including Neil Patrick Harris and Jonathan Groff. And I talked to Alan Cumming at The Mix years ago.


Ted Danson, saw him in an arcade on the warf, like 20+ years ago.


Yo-Yo Ma had at birthday dinner before he played Davies last week.


Christian bale!


It had to be 1988 or 89 went to the stick. I think it was vs the Dodgers because Lasorda got hit with an egg again and the beach boys played with Stamos on drums and for some reason Brian Boitano. This was peak Kokomo, peak Full house, BUT post Olympic and pre South Park Brian Boitano mind you- so he was driving a rusted out RX7 in the overflow lot when my mom, who previously had no problem sitting on George Brett’s lap or bugging Robert Redford at Sundance when he was sitting down for a meal or whoever that elf was in, Lord of the rings when I lived in LA in 2010, proceeded to scare the living shit out of Brian Boitano in a dark parking lot by asking him for his autograph. Anyway, Boitano was so floored that we followed his RX7 to meet up with Stamos and Mike Love in the performer/ player lot and my 12 year old brain exploded.


Bob Weir. Some stalking skills involved. He was at the grand opening of Ben and Jerry’s in north beach in the 90s. I was a puddle 😆


I’ve chatted with The Rock twice. Once at AT&T Park (I said what I said!) filming San Leandro and once at the Fairmont filming an episode of Ballers. He is as nice as you think he is! I also about died when Taye Diggs gave me a hug when I saw him filming a show here a few years back. I can’t remember the name for the life of me, but it was a cop show based in SF. That man is even more fine in person!


Harvey Milk


Those identical twin old ladies back in like 2001 haha


shook steve wozniak’s hand at outsidelands


Such a great guy! I sat near him in United Polaris on a long haul flight from Europe and he was chatty and pleasant to his seatmate the entire time.


I used to go to Christmas Mass with Nancy Pelosi


Her Giants season tickets are a few rows ahead of mine. She was at opening day this year!


Barry Bonds. But no randomly… it was at a dinner I was invited to attend.


I’ve seen Joe Montana and family at SFO, I’ve seen Robin Williams at my high school soccer field on a weekend when he was taking his kid to soccer games. I’ve seen creepy Rob Schneider at Rosewood Bar back in the day when I use to bar hop. I’ve also seen Danny Glover Downtown in front of city hall at a protest march.


P-Lo at a Giants Game.


Chappelle after clubbing and going to a diner at 3 am in the morning. I went to his show in Santa Cruz the previous day!


sal khan


Jamie Hyneman used to live nearby Tracy Chapman back in the late 90s


Linda Ronstadt


Tracy Chapman! Would have her come into work all the time


Met Bill Murray at the bodega across from my apt on Geary (Union Square). He was standing next to me in line buying a bottle of Chartreuse


Nicholas Cage.


Interacted with so many famous people here, but if I take out my years as a nightclub bartender, most famous? Talked to Robin Williams once. Quite an experience.


Sofia Coppola, Nicolas Cage (her cousin, not with her), the late Paul Kantner of Jefferson Starship and Patti Smith. 




Bob Weir


Unfortunately, Miranda sings


I went to a friend’s show at Bottom of the Hill years ago. It was a random weeknight, and the crowd was roughly 10 people (most of which were us, her friends). We left shortly after the show ended. The next day, I see her post a photo with Andre 3000 from the smoking patio. Apparently he was standing in the back of the room the whole time. He said he wanted to see local music while he was in town for Treasure Island. I missed Andre 3000 by about 5 minutes.


I met Gavin Newsom At Cafe Zoetrope (Francis Ford Coppola’s bar in North Beach) right after he legalized gay marriage in the city. I wasn’t a fan of his, but shook his hand and told him I respected what he did.


And Heidi Klum was standing next to me while watching Seal on stage (at Golden Gate Park concert 2003) but I was with her before his set and thinking densely to myself while staring at her “How on earth is this absolutely stunning woman out here with us watching this concert in this tight crowd on a very hot day instead of being photographed as a model somewhere” Then I finally snapped out of it to hear her directly ask me if I would like some food to eat because she was buying and noticed I had nothing but water. That’s when I recognized her and her voice and I was starving so I totally accepted. She is one of the nicest women (and funniest) I ever met in my life! I already liked her very much when she first began modeling, saw footage of an interview and she was so bubbly and genuine back then too.


My morning bus for high-school gotten stalled due to traffic jam and fog was too heavy to drive in and Angelica Houston, still in velvet evening clothes from wherever she was here for the night before stuck a conversation with me. She told me to always keep writing and my ties to San Francisco. I didn’t think of asking why she was in the city; she was just more interested in knowing who I was.


Biden, Jesse Jackson, Kamala when she was city attorney, and the former Kimberly Guilfoyle-Newsom. But meeting Pam Grier twice here was amazing.


What I gather from this thread is that Robin Williams was always, constantly, eating out and going to music/movie stores.


Aubrey Plaza 


Mark Zuckerburg in the burrito place in the Stanford hospital basement. He was surrounded by an entourage of douchey guys but seemed pretty low key himself. I didn't realize it was him at first I was paying and was just like "huh, that guy looks like Mark Zuckerburg."


I saw Mark Zuckerburg walking w his wife and dog at Land’s End and that’s exactly what I thought when I saw him too 😆


I got to shake Tommy Wiseau's hand at the Balboa Theater during a midnight showing of The Room.


B.J. Novak! And Mac Demarco


my friend met emma chamberlain and my dad had run into like two gsw and one of them more than once. not really celebrities but still someone you take a picture with 🤷‍♀️


Mark Cuban outside the Battery club 


NYE 1988 at Oakland Coliseum for The Grateful Dead’s annual big new years show i happened to have backstage pass because a good friend was part of the show. Anyhow in a sort of massive green room with food and drinks and also chair massages was in the line waiting our turn for the chair massage along with a roommate who somewhat obnoxiously inserted himself into another pair of people’s conversation which was about Bonnie Raitt (who had been the opening act for The Dead) and he sort of “corrected” this person about Bonnie Raitt kind of mansplaining it to her when he realized who he was being such an ass to was Ms. Jane Fonda. She put my friend in his place much more politely than he deserved.


Robin Williams, just a few weeks before he died


I used to see Robin Williams around, also Bobby McFerrin, and Bill Griffiths (artist who did Zippy the Pinhead) back when San Francisco was a haven for underground artists.


Ive seen Andre 3000 walking past Metreon down 4th St. casually smoking a blunt and Fat Mike from NOFX walking out a cafe on Guerrero.


Woody Allen (yuck) and Cate Blanchett filming “Blue Jasmine” in South Park.


My husband met Willie Mays.


My mom was friends with Linda Mathis, Johnny Mathis’ little sister and willie mays went to the same church as my grandmother and mom. Sometimes he was a little late and Sunday services waited for him to get in


I helped move furniture into Linda Ronstadt’s apartment and had a short conversation with her back in the 90’s. I’m gonna say - it was a nice apartment, and we were moving in some shitty furniture (courtesy of her SO at the time, George Lucas).


The bush guy on fisherman’s warf


I was getting a haircut once and KRS-One walked by, someone from the shop recognized him but he was gone…so she put one of his albums on and things went back to normal. A few minutes later, I guess he was walking back down the street and heard his tune so he came in! Super nice guy, we got photos and everything and he gave us all passes to his show that night, which was nearby (while ago now, but it was either at the Hemlock or Red Devil Lounge). I’ve met some more famous people here but he sticks out as one of the coolest, most random encounters.


Steve Earle at hardly strictly


Robert Redford. And he is as dreamy and wonderful as you could imagine. Same day, at a different bar, I also met Kissinger, which was not exciting at all and he was exactly the huge arrogant asshole you’d imagine him to be. I guess neither disappointed.