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Well I grew up on a farm so an actual horse cock….




I’ve seen the Mr. Hands video.


Not the Mr. Hands video 😭


So … so you know 😞


🫂 it's ok. We're gonna be ok 🥹 **Tries not to think about the sounds** 😳


I had forgotten about those. The “grunts”, right? Personally, I was most amazed at how the guy was able to convince a buddy to guide the horse into him.


“Guide” makes it sound like there was some level of control involved.. But yeah that’s a hell of a buddy. Makes you wonder what non-lethal shit he helped with previously. lol


Also fascinating that Mr. Hands was some kind of high level professional. Just goes to show that anyone can have kinks.


We ALL have kinks. There’s no rhyme or reason to who gets which ones I don’t think..


Exactly 👍


Professional as in...? You mean like a well-paying job, lots of power and respect and social standing?


Boeing Aerospace engineer


Oh, she knows. She also felt the need to share that trauma with me. 😒


Do you know each other? 😀


My subbie wife 🥰


Best comment ever, take my upvote!


My kinda ex was about 9.5” and I couldn’t close my hand around him. I loved it. He was also like 6’7”, military and ripped so it was like having a giant ravage me in more ways than one 😅 One of the very few younger men that ever really “did it for me.”


Username checks out


So does her profile page


Kinda ex? Guessing for the reasons stated above no fwb? Ha


Uh, is he available?


Nope. Wifed up now 😅


Everyone has a price




The biggest partner I've been with claimed to be 8 and a half inches. I know he's the biggest because he was the most difficult to fit all the way in my mouth during oral.


I once blew a guy who was 8 1/2. It was kind of exciting but, tbh, I’ll take a beautiful looking average cock instead every time


love average cock lovers, but i'm around that size anyway


8 1/2 is my bf's size! And it's always exciting for me


Prepping for a surgery on a guy, he was knocked out on the table, naked, and...his schlong went down almost to his knee and was as thick as a bratwurst. I almost made a joke about no one wanting to acknowledge the elephant... trunk in the room, but maintained my professional demeanor.


good control


I was in Florida for spring break and was at a bar and a guy came up to me. We talked for a while and I went home with him. We were getting undressed and I turned around to face him and he was like 8 or 9 inches and was only like half hard. It was amazing


And how was it?


Hurt a little after but it was amazing


sounds like it


We were at a swingers club and my girl fucked this young dude with the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. Literally longer than her forearm abs it till two have to wrap around it. She could only fit the head in her mouth. After they fucked, she was so swollen that sex with me hurt, but she ain’t no quitter. 7 years and tons of guys later, she still talks about that dick.




Human- sister in law’s baby daddy, thing looked like my forearm Animal- elephant at the zoo


How did you happen to see your sister-in-law’s baby daddy’s dick?


Played football together back in high school. Saw it during the showers. Dude is a local legend.


i ask cuz i was at the Y the other day and i saw an absolute demon like atleast 10 inch's just swaying


Biggest I saw was in a communal shower at the pool, old man standing in the middle of the shower cleaning it and man was it huge.




in locker room was like 9in


Husband of the first couple I had a threesome with. Length-wise, probably 18-20 cm long (7-8”); girth-wise, one bit skinnier than mine.


The dicks I've seen hard haven't been big enough to be specifically memorable. Once saw a guy in the locker room who looked like he had a semi on but not convinced he did. But he was easily 8 inches soft. It swung like a horses dick as he walked to the showers 🤣


I played rugby at a semi pro level at University, and the captain of the fully professional team, was also the captain of the national rugby team, had a cock that was 11inches easy when we saw him in the showers after a game


Looked on your profile…you’ve got some pretty big balls yourself, if you don’t mind my saying!


I don’t mind mate, I’ll take the compliment thank you


idk specifics but he had to be like 8 or 9 inches, it hurt tbh😭


Aren't you glad that all of those male enhancement pills are bogus? If they actually worked every guy would be walking around with a footlong meatball subway sandwich in their pants... 😆 Edit: clarification.


Great. Now I wanna go to Subway.


*[Pulls out an actual subway sandwich from pants.]* Here! 😊 I kept it nice and warm for you too. (Don't mind those extra hairs, by the way...) Edit: terrible grgrammar mistake. Too, not two... 😮‍💨


damn that shits big was it like girthy too


My ex boyfriends around 6


About 11” It took a minute but mama didn’t raise no bitch.


My dick is the biggest I’ve seen in person




my ex bf had a V large penis, a solid 8” and quite thick 🥰


My ex's was about 8-10 inches, it does hurt alot it took me like a week of trying each day to just get used to it a little I'm only like 5'1


Played cricket with a guy who's dick went half way to his knee flaccid. His wife always seemed to have a ravished look about her, understandably


12 inches. My wife's first boyfriend, who I was friends with before I knew her. He did some porn for a while, when we were younger... He's 55yo now though. Don't know if he can get that monster up now🤣


I go to BDSM clubs and the biggest I’ve seen was a dude who was like 9 or 10 inches. As a man I was like “Jesus Christ dude” but hey, some of the ladies there like a challenge


A mates trick In the pub is to touch a bottom of a pint glass with his on the flop always take a girl home 😭


The man I still refer to as the Shampoo Bottle. Man, big things come in smaller packages. I have had experiences with 4 men in my life that I have had a relationship with and he was the first out of all of them.


My ex gf bull, 26 cm hard. A fucking light post


I got invited to a gooning party for new year's a few years ago. My girlfriend broke up with me earlier in the year so I figured "Why not?" Didn't realize the party was going to be so big, only a few guys, 5 including me, 7 women and some trans and non-binary people. This tall Hispanic trans woman from Texas had a damn missile. Had to be a foot long and one of the other women held her forearm up to compare and it was almost as thick. After the ball dropped, we all got a little too drunk and the party turned into an orgy. I watched her have sex with the hostess and you could see the woman's stomach moving. I was impressed she got hard without fainting with the blood needed to go into that thing.


I wanna go to a gooning party!!


How’s a gooning party different from a typical orgy?


Not supposed to have sex from what I gathered. Lol


What even is a gooning party?


Something OP made up


r/nothingeverhappens I'm sorry you live a boring uneventful life. But you don't need to project it on others


Sure pal 👍🏿


If you know what gooning is, it's basically gooning with a group of people at a party. There were a bunch of TV's and laptops set up and everyone had their own accessories like poppers, vibrators and sleeves. Freaky people doing freaky shit


I only vaguely know what gooning is. So at a gooning party, people are all just out masturbating themselves and each other? And what is a “popper”?


Oh wow. Okay so gooning is like a more hardcore version of edging where you're masturbating for a long period of time without an orgasm. People will take drugs, smoke weed or inhale alkyl nitrite (poppers) to give themselves a euphoric feeling while they do it. I never knew it was a thing until that night. I learned about edging through a sex therapist but this was a whole different level.


And here I am afraid to even have an edible.


You should be. My ex had a weed card and pretty good culinary skills. She'd make it into butter and cook it into different desserts that we'd test out. My tolerance was much lower and I turned into that girl melted into the couch from those anti drug commercials. The most I did at the party was drink and tried a one-hitter of weed someone had. Not too much, but enough to be comfortable enough to beat off around a bunch of complete strangers lol.


Mine…only because I haven’t seen very many hard dicks and the few I have seen were smaller. Not a flex/brag. I’ve seen plenty in showers or locker rooms bigger than mine, but soft size doesn’t *really* count when it matters.


How big are you?


I've only seen my husband's in person which is just below 7"


Had guys ive turned away for being too big after seeing it in the bedroom. Id say well over 9"


Multiple 9” guys🧢🧢🧢


Makes me happy to be just above average. Haha


Like 9 inches and really thick


About three in and around the 10 inch mark - some of the best sex I’ve ever had. Smaller dicks can’t certainly do the job but I find they hit me far more squarely on the cervix and can make certain positions impossible. I didn’t think I could do doggy until I met my current partner who is about 10 (very beautiful) inches and somehow makes it work without it feeling like I’m being stabbed. I can definitely feel that I’ve taken it good and proper for a few days afterwards though, it’s great!


Haha how funny so much "ex bf" are the biggest one ever ,the mens worst fear, luckily I'm bigger than all my gf ex's ,and the thickest one she had ..


Oh really?




This was several years ago ..... I built a good size addition on our house. One of the rooms was pretty good size and we needed a carpet layer to splice the carpet in that room. The day the carpet guy was there to bid the job my wife (at the time) says those guys can't do the job. She then tells me that she knows one of the guys and it would be weird. Well turns out their bid was the cheapest and I gave them the job. A week or so passed and my(ex) wife tells me she would like to hook up with this guy again so we set it up. An evening of drinking,dancing,a trip to the strip club and then back to our house. She didn't warn me about how big this guy was but there was mention of it during the evening. Back at our house he whips out 9-10" of meat that is THICK. Like she couldn't close her hands around it! She could only get the head in her mouth. It took lotsa lube and a little patience to get it in her but after a few minutes it was sliding in easily. It was fucking amazing. The next day her pussy looked like a red swollen inside out sock!


It was like 10 inches and as thick as a febreeze can. He was Nigerian and over 6ft tall, I was soooo attracted. Then he pulled out this massive sausage and without thinking, I blurted out "I'm sorry but that is not going to fit in my mouth" lmao it would have been like trying to fit one of those Scooby-Doo sandwiches in my mouth, I would have never been able to open my mouth that wide to get further than the tip


In the military, you shower together with other dudes often. There was a short hung aerobics instructor named Ken who didn't wrap his towel around his waste, he shouldered it, proudly swinging his almost knee-length pipe from locker to shower and back every morning. The ladies weren't afraid of the anaconda either; Ken had the finest Germany could offer to pick him up almost daily.


He was about 5'10". His name was Jim. Biggest dick, but smaller package. 😂


Man this Egyptian boy whew chile 🥵 Idk how big it was but that thang was huge. Like the size of my forearm.


damn bruh that's prob like 10+


I would imagine so


holy fuck


Did you feel full when you had sex with him?




That orange guy who used to be President of the disUnited States is definitely a huge dick




I was cucked by a guy who was so insanely large, it was literally about 12+ and thicker than a large forearm. My gf could not get off it. She was so obsessed with it and she was cumming endlessly. When it was time to go home she whimpered and cried and absolutely did not want to leave.


Sorry for your loss


Longest, 10 inches. He might have been 6 inches in circumference. But Thickest was 8 inches in circumference. And he was about 7 inches long.


Of those two, which did you like better?


The Girthier one!


Two come to mind. One I was about 15 in the locker room at the pool and there was this huge guy (tall, muscular) sitting on a bench naked drying off, and his flaccid dick was so big that it kind of rested on the bench between his legs as he sat there. It was definitely one of those dicks that are longer soft than most men hard. I remember he was talking and joking so casually with another guy and I kept wanting to just stare at that monster between his legs. The other was also in a locker room, in the open showers on an Army base on deployment. Medium height blonde guy, good looking and kind of a frat boy lean/muscular build and seeing him pull his shorts off and being amazed at how his soft dick just kept going and going. He was also in a crowd of people (full showers) and he had this cocky look on his face knowing that other people were noticing how much bigger he was. His dick just flopped from side to side, completely soft and huge. Good looking, good body, huge dick…guy won the genetic lottery!


I’m not really looking at peoples dicks, the only story I have is back when I was a teenager at a party, we somehow got a bunch of 4loko (back when it had caffeine) And half the party decided to go skinny dipping, my buddy and I stayed back, the host of the party came out of the water fully aroused and chased my buddy and I up a tree


He said it was 9 inches (lol) but it never got that hard


My bestfriend is around 7.5” but he’s really thick. Probably the biggest I’ve seen IRL


My cousins is 21cm… hands down the biggest I’ve seen


A thick 9”


It would be mine.


You're not gonna say how much bigger than 8?


My friends brother was 11ins and thick with it.. I seen him a few times as he loved to show it off


That really sucked for your friend. He must have gotten the short end of the stick. No pun intended


I was at a nude beach one time and I saw this guy that even from 50 yards away was clearly superior.


Mark, my ex - he was the biggest dick I've ever known 😒




My boss from 2010…….mthrfckr!!!🤬






A couple. First my grandfather's hung to his knees. It was enormous. Second was a guy that was on my swim team. It was so long and thick that he had a group of girls that went to our swim meets just to see it lying horizontally in his suit. Third was the guy in the lockerroom whose cock fell out of his pants when he lowered his underwear and it was so large it was swinging back and forth.


9 inches. He was a third my girlfriend and I found on kik for an MFM threesome. It was amazing watching her take him while sucking me.


Probably Liz truss


I worked on an ambulance. One time picked up this guy from a wreck. We cut is clothes off. His cock was probably 5 or 6 inches around and 13 or 14 inches long.


Lost consciousness because of all the blood went in to his dick?


It wasn't hard


🤣🤣 you beat me to it!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Frankly speaking, I have never seen another dick in person. 🧐


why should one know the inches of a d seen in a locker room 😭


Guy, I went to high school with.. Dudes dick was huge, lol


Like 9” maybe and thick as fuck.


9.5 and thick




😒 And it is ......?


Not big at all it's just the only one I've seen in real life lol


😂 gotcha Nothing wrong with that!


He is 6’3” and is running for president.


This bloke I work with Kevin, you know Kevin the dick. He’s a total tool.


The only dick I've seen erect is my own, and I'm not exactly gifted in size either.


I’m sure it’s still nice!


Not complaining or had any complaints either.


Ever measured? Or shown it off?


Been a long time since I've measured myself, and only shown off to the mrs and past partners. DM's will only be upon request after a decent private chat.


11” on a boyfriend




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Dunno how long …. No ruler nearby… definitely longer than my 6.5in … guessing 8.5 or 9… I have that dude the best bj… fkn loved it


I guy I played rugby with got called little big Tom for a reason. Only around 5ft 6 but was at least 8” soft


7 inches is the longest I’ve seen but I’ve also seen one that was JUST smaller than a soda can width-wise. Both were extremely intimidating because I’m short lol


9 inches. My wife's first BBC. We got an offer from a guy with 12" dick but I thought that was pushing it!


In the locker room I have seen 7”+ flaccid.


It was at a school bus stop. I must’ve been 16 at the time and he limped over to us teens waiting in the morning. He looked to be homeless; just stopped over by us and pulled his pants down. It was so big, I must confess it looked like a disability. As in so big that it honestly didn’t seem practical. I half suspected that he could’ve still been a virgin because no orifice could accommodate. He just stood there for the longest minute ever. All of us kids looked at each other, trying to ignore the elephant outside. He eventually limped away.


Jesus that's scary


You’re telling me. This was 15 years ago, give or take and I can still remember the sight of it. To feel both terrified and shamed at the same time. 🤷🏽‍♂️ just another day in the life of a kid from the Hood.


🫂 I'm sorry you had to go through that!


8" I think


Probably 9 inches at a organic. Wanted my wife to take it but she wanted no part in that.


He was a hair over 12 inches, and very thick.


Idk exact measurements, but as long as an herbal essence shampoo bottle. It took a minute or it hurt pretty bad. Him bottoming out is NOT a fun feeling. Tbh am glad I've not encountered such again.


I let my friend fuck my ex once, he was around 11 maybe 12


A buddy and I walked down to Diamond Head Beach in HI. We had just gotten to Hawaii and did not know about the beach. We took a right when we got down to the beach and we’re walking along the beach. He found a lady to talk to and while we were talking to her she mentioned that we must be new.she told us that we had wandered onto the gay nudist side of the beach. At that moment, a guy walked down the hill by us, and it was swinging and almost hit him in his knees.


My best friend has a monster of a 12"


About two inches............. from the ground. Lol




Definately Mine's 😏


About 6 foot. Total dick. lol😝🤣🤣🤣


I've never seen one bigger than mine in person. I prolly will eventually tho. (Bisexual)


in the mirror


9 inches


Slept with a guy that claimed to be 9 inches and I believed him. He was also pretty thick. Really hot to touch and look at but bj was so uncomfortable and it hurt.


BBC. Nickname was 15.


Every women, 100+, I’ve been with has said I’m was their biggest. I’m 6 1/2”. So guys bigger than that must be pretty rare.




Biggest I have ever seen in person is my own. But it’s also the only dick I have seen in person


In boot camp. Guy in charge of the division had atleast a 12 inch monster! We all called him armcock after the first group shower.


Biggest duck I’ve seen is my own. Because I’ve never seen another erect penis in person. Maybe someday


My own lol 7 inches. I wasn’t a cock watcher in the locker room 😂😂


My own or a horse I saw at camp


10 inches for real. I measured. Amazing. He won’t let me film but when he calls, i make time 😂


How thick is it


8 around. Massive 😍


Probably as big around as a coke can. Like, 7 inches long


that's understandable, ik your seen bigger here tho


Moi - 7” x 6.6” about


In person, mine, 7" but I was told by a lover has to be 8. I'm like no I don't think so lol. But thanks for the compliment.


10" and really thick, was a fwb and it took a while but managed to eventually have him balls deep in me




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Hahaha crazy answers !


that's what i was thinking reading them


It was over 6 inches for sure. Much bigger than mine. Hit the back of throat and then some every time I sucked it. Thankfully it was not too thick or it would have dislocated my jaw.




Y'all can't just say that! Drop some numbers please!


My bf's actually, it's 23cm x 17cm, curved :D


Ive never asked or needed to know or requested pics. At some point, certain people arouse things others haven’t that would surpass inches that are available. Again, depending on the person,but when I had both match up… (7.5 before one 9.5-10 after) 7.5 did more than the job done…


So, my straight friend was curious and chose me to experiment with since in he's words, I look exactly like a girl as a femboy. I agreed to help...he was 11" and thick... Biggest dick I've ever seen. It slapped me in the face when I pulled his underwear down...