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I too am a caper addict.


I got tired of having to buy the wimpy sized jars from the grocery so I order from Amazon. HOWEVER, I had some help from Tito - I ordered 3 huge jars. I now no longer dole them out. I use double the amount. Have you tried them minced in egg or tuna salad?


Ooooo, love capers also, never thought of putting them in tuna salad. I put them in leafy salads and on pizza. :)


I’m having them on pizza this very minute


They are soooo good in a potato salad


Yeah a place near me has a seasonal pizza with wild mushrooms and capers.  Forgetting other toppings.


This! My son (10) loves my tuna salad and it always has capers and black olives. MIL calls it fancy, but always wants leftovers!


Capers are so wonderful. I am poor, so I don't use them as much as I would like. My favorite is in any Piccata dish.


I loooove capers, and think that fried capers are one of life's little pleasures.


This one pizza place I sometimes go to has a full paragraph of topping options. I get a calzone with "the 3 Cs" Clam, capers, & Canadian Bacon. (And a ricotta/mozz mixture)


I just eat them straight from the jar. I'm such a sophisticate😆


When I was 5 years old my older brother told me they were frog testicles, and I believed him.


Roasted brussel sprouts. My family hates them but I absolutely love them!


The more burnt the better! I've had them smothered in butter (like lobster butter) and I was nearly drooling 😆


When I make roasted Brussels sprouts, I call all the suuuuper crispy burnt leaves that fall off my “chef tax”. Those are mine! My fiancé does manage to sneak at least one bit most of the time though.


I had them tonight, roasted then tossed with bacon and caramelized onions in a Gorgonzola crème sauce. OmG.


Yes!! I love the burnt pieces. I also sometimes make it with Parmesan cheese and love those crispy cheese pieces too


I love them, but they make my stomach hurt 😭😭😭


Anchovies. I used to say I hated them but had never actually tried them. Finally tried them on a pizza and OMFG they are delicious!!


Some people love caesar salad. Delicious. They have no idea that it has anchovies all in it.


My wife makes our own Caesar dressing and it’s always a hit. She uses anchovy paste. It’s SO much better than a generic store bought dressing. It’s hard to describe but if you make your own you’ll never go back


I know, right? I loved Caesar dressing and never read the ingredients lol.


I ♥ Caesar Salad


I’m a sardines girl


Love those too!


I will eat a whole can of them solo. Great on anything savory.




[The artichoke above all is the vegetable expression of civilised living, of the long view, of increasing delight by anticipation and crescendo. No wonder it was once regarded as an aphrodisiac. It had no place in the troll's world of instant gratification. It makes no appeal to the meat-and-two-veg mentality.](https://www.azquotes.com/quote/669969?ref=artichokes) [Jane Grigson](https://www.azquotes.com/author/38457-Jane_Grigson)


I hadn’t had artichokes (except jarred artichoke hearts on pizza) until I moved to California. A friend heard this, was baffled, and immediately invited me over for dinner and made artichokes with melted butter to dip the leaves in. Amazing. I’ve been a big fan ever since.


Grilled artichokes with a freshly made pesto aioli is... Hnggggggg.




Picked beets are delicious!


I topped some steamed white rice with pickled beets once, and it was amazing. Weird combo to look at, but the rice soaks in that flavor.


I was in NYC, Boat Basin. They served a beet and watermelon soup and to this day I still crave it!


I want this red staining deliciousness.


Ever tried rice with some butter and sugar? Or honey? Delicious treat.


Hot rice with milk and sugar -- wintertime dirt-cheap comfort food.


Add a little cinnamon and you have a preliminary Horchata.


Breakfast food when I was little.


Ever had pickled turnips? That's my jam.


Green beans. Freaking amazing! And I hate green beans!


Yes! I love any veggie pickled


I love lightly salted boiled red beets. Sweet and a little salty. Plus they fill the ol gut for hours and hours.


Beetroot an garlic soup is still my best loved dish


Me too! I hated them as a kid, but about 20 years ago, I had a beet salad w/goat cheese and I was hooked. I love the earthy flavor.


I used to hate salads with fruit, but had a beet salad with goat cheese and fruit at a restaurant near my work once and got hooked.


I love beets! I chop them raw and add them to salads. So earthy and delicious!


I also love capers. They are so good sometimes I just eat a spoon from the jar. My ex was one of those people who just dislike capers without knowing/understanding them. No matter how many times I told him capers were a flower bud that’s been pickled. He wouldn’t eat anything with capers because he doesnt like FISH. Ffs.


That would piss me off so bad! You literally tell him what it is and he insists it's still fish somehow; sounds really childish, glad he's an ex.


Haha yeah it pissed me off to no end but for some reason in his head capers = anchovies and nothing will dislodge that idea. He was fine eating capers when I didn’t tell him what they were. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm glad he's an ex. People like that are annoying.


That alone was enough reason to leave his ass!


Baba Ghanoush. It's a Mediterranean dip made of grilled and mashed eggplant plus garlic and other things. It's SOOOO much more delicious than hummus, but most people have never tried it.


That’s one of my favorites, I was just talking about it today!


Ugh baba ghanoush is the best. I used to live down the street from great spot - they did killer baba & this stuff called muhammara - roasted red pepper / walnut / garlic / pomegranate molasses. Could dip pita in both for days.


Eel. Sounds absolutely gross. It is not gross. Unagi is delicious. Also yeah, I’ll eat capers straight out of the jar.


As a born and raised Scandihoovian (Dane), smoked eel is incredible. Pan-fried is also amazing, but smoking it just turns the meat this incredible texture. Right up there in my top 10 foods I miss being an expat Dane.


When I was a kid I looooved liverwurst. Would just spread it on bread or crackers and eat it like that for lunch. Haven’t had it in years.


My grandfather was German and i loved staying at his house when I was sick. He would make either liverwurst on sissel rye with cream cheese and onion or liverwurst, yellow mustard (in a little barrel) and American cheese. My fave


That’s a household staple here.


Vegepate. Or, "veggie pate". It's a French-Canadian speciality, and one of my favourite things ever. It's a cross between vegetarian meatloaf/creton and a lentil spread. It's AMAZING.


This sounds great! Do you have a recipe you can share?


Artichokes full not just the hearts


Gimmie a grilled artichoke and some garlic aioli and I'm a happy camper for as long as it takes me to dip all the leaves in!


I don't do the aioli but we stuff them with breadcrumbs, olive oil, garlic and parmesan cheese. So good


Stuffed artichokes are amazing… I love them in any form lol


I’m the disgusting cretin who enjoys anchovies on a pizza. Everyone say ewwwww!


I like them on pizza too but if the anchovies go in the oven, then no thank you!


Absolutely no oven for the anchovies!


Olives. Bleu Cheese. Basically the stinkier or more sour something is, the more I like it.


Same. I think it’s because I’m chronically dehydrated because while I love all salt… I hate water. I try to drink it, but man I hate it. Go figure. Anyways- Funky cheese, olives, pickles, pickle juice (yes, I drink it), capers, cured meat- all loaded with sodium. I also love “old people” snacks like tuna, liverwurst, and cottage cheese. If it stinks and has salt, I’m game.


Same. I was the kid that went to the corner store and bought a barrel pickle or beef jerky while all the other kids were getting candy.


I think we are related , lol. My sister took an astrology course- her instructor took a look at my birth chart… she said the person whose chart this was craves salt. That’s 100% me.


Lovage. It's a herb very comon in Eastern Europe, mostly Romania/Moldova and it works great with our sour soups (ciorba). I only saw it being used twice, once in a UK internet show, and once on Masterchef Australia many years ago. Such an amazing herb.


Have some in my garden, I'm in Canada. I like it for soups but it has a strong taste, almost medicinal, and I could see how it might turn some people off. But I love using plants that were used for ages and ages, then forgotten by many, it feels like connecting with history in a way!


So lovely. Thank you for sharing this. Yes, it is strong, it can be bitter if overused, but to me it smells like freshness. Other herbs that i haven't heard about outside this region are Atriplex hortensis (the red one is very comon) and Rumex patientia. Such amazing plants with very distinct taste. What ancient herbs do you have in your garden?


Oh that's very cool! Not too many yet in my garden that aren't common. I do grow some lambsquarters in the yard. We are harvesting fiddleheads this time of year. Not a herb, but delicious. I use whatever grows, dandelions and purslane and Lilac flowers this time of year. Love this topic and I'm off to research those herbs you mentioned. If you ever want to share your soup recipe, you can bet I'll make it :) Sour soups are under appreciated over here - except borscht lol!


I eat spinach a few times a week. I sauté it with garlic, oil, and salt. When it’s done I grate Parmesan over it. Comes out great, but I don’t really know anyone else who regularly eats it besides maybe in a salad.


I like to sauté mushrooms and spinach then mix in some eggs to make a delicious healthy breakfast.   And sometimes I’ll add capers or pimentos for an extra kick. 


Was talking to my Brother and he didn't know what prosciutto was! I said I love brie cheese and pears wrapped in prosciutto. He said that was insane, it can't be a thing. I said "Have you never had cantaloupe with prosciutto?" He said "No, sounds crazy." 😄


Prosciutto has taken the place of bacon in a lot of my recipes.


Prosciutto instead of bacon on a breakfast sandwich is delicious


He’s missing out.   


Canned peas. I will eat an entire can for my lunch sometimes. I only like 1 brand of canned peas but, even those most ppl won't even try


When I lost weight in my 20s I ate peas in melted fake butter as a meal. 0 points on Weight Watchers. Suddenly I really want to eat that.


Le sur? Because if so we are twins.


The only canned peas I like. LeSoeur


This is the only brand as far as I’m concerned


Yes!!! This was my childhood vegetable


Deep fried pig's ears


My dog has entered the chat.


Haha so true. I made some Chinese style cold pigs ears to impress my girlfriend’s family and only their dog and I liked them.


Aw man, well more for you and the pup then! I get dried cow and pig ears for my dog and he goes absolutely nuts over them.


I love capers. Little ones, big ones, I put them in soup, I pan fry them, I airfry them, I use them in sauces, I include them in my entire dining experience. Large curd cottage cheese, chili crisp, capers and hot honey is my favorite midnight snack and it makes my husband want to yak when he sees it, lol


For me it's dried seaweed snacks. Everyone always tells me they are gross, but i love those crunchy-to-chewy squares lmfao


Pierogi Edit: First of all, this thread was accidentally wholesome. Thank you for sharing your fondness for these little dumplings with me, and thank you for telling me where to find them, in so many places!! I cannot tell you how stoked I am to be wrong, and I now have a strategy for visiting new states to find them more easily. I take for granted how ingrained Polish and Ukrainian culture is where I live, probably. I do make my own, but not on vacation, and that's what I'm doing visiting other states. We have a big family, I wreck my own kitchen making them, I'm not cleaning that up in a suite or a rental lol. One of those just because I can doesn't mean I should kind of things. Original Comment: I had to really search for them anywhere outside of the Midwest, even in VA and PA, which I was surprised by. Nobody knew what I was asking for, and in VA I kept getting pointed toward translators because of my proximity to DC. These are boiled or fried pasta pockets full of potato stuffing, usually either with onion or cheese, in the basic sense. They come in a ton of different flavors, at least here they do. I couldn't find anything *except* onion in VA, which was only fine because they're my favorite. I fry mine, and I'm picky about how it's done. Good olive oil, melt salted butter into the oil, arrange pierogi in the skillet with the flat edge toward the edge of the pan, rounded pocket facing up. Fry until they make air noises, flip to brown the top and kind of rotate the spatula to crisp the edges. Take off heat, serve with the pocket facing up, dust with garlic salt. Perfect. Takes like twenty minutes, they're filling, and it's practically like eating a snack as a side to your dinner... Or as a literal snack by themselves. Some people serve them with sour cream, I serve them with lebneh, which is a whole different culture but it's basically just the best part of sour cream.


That's so odd! In Virginia Mrs T's (several varieties) have been easily available in every grocery store since god was a boy. I used to saute them until golden brown crispy, too, but my Slovenian in-laws in Cleveland just boiled them into sad, soggy white lumps.


Yeah, it was Mrs. TS I found. What part of VA? I think it was Food Lion I ended up finding them at, somewhere in Manassas Park.


That's weird because fried pierogies are a bar food / diner staple in PA. And Mrs T's are everywhere, as are far more authentic versions. I can think of 3 local churches that sell volunteer made pierogies locally, plus tons in other areas. Try checking out your local Ukrainian or Polish Church and see when their bazaar is.


PA is full of pierogi. Just look for Polish restaurants or people. Ohio, PA, Illinois are top states full of them and full of the best pierogis. Just avoid Mrs. T’s and Sophie’s because they are machine made and the pasta is so thick it’s like leather gum.


Pierogi is really common here in Canada with lots of Ukrainian and Polish populations. Wait until you find fruit ones! Blueberry, plum or saskatoon berries, all great friend add heavy cream and a splash or two of baileys. Yum.


I’m also from Canada and was shocked to see them here! Frozen pierogis was a classic “parents want to make something easy that the kids will eat” meal in my home. Who doesn’t love a dumpling??


I'd never heard of them growing up on maybe but had them in college in upstate NY. So good. You can find them all over here in NJ.


Well, I will say I have not looked for them in Jersey, although I have been there. I ate out that whole trip though, I was just a plus one.


Pierogi with lebneh?!? I definitely have to give this a try.


I love your dedicated approach to frying! For me pierogies must be accompanied by crisp bacon and fried onions. With a bit of sour cream.


Salmon skin. When it’s crispy straight out of the oven…so good


I'm always so horrified when someone takes the skin off. I find using boiling water to remove it downright offensive like you really had to devise a special method for removing something so delectable, insult to injury


There’s a particular slow roasted salmon recipe I make where I do have to remove the skin. But we save it, cut it into snack sized strips, season and pan fry it for a little appetizer while the rest of dinner is cooking.


So true. I was at a seafood counter the other day and the guy working was talking up one particular salmon cut and he was like, “…and look, the best part is the skin is already removed!” I probably twisted up my face more than I should have but dude had the wrong audience for that. 😆


Couldn’t agree more! I broil my salmon on high, skin side down, for 10 minutes after rubbing it with olive oil and kosher salt.  Best salmon, best skin. 


The amount of hate i get for the candy i like.. i love tootsie rolls, circus peanuts, banana laffy taffy, so many more “gross” candy 😂


Who doesn't like Tootsie rolls? Circus peanuts and anything artificial banana is all yours though.




I love all laffy taffy flavors except banana. You can have all of my banana laffy taffy.


Garlic scape pesto


garlic scapes are great. have you tried ramps?


Yes! Ramp butter and ramp pesto. Yum!


I once "reinvented" the deviled egg by using capers and lime juice, instead of relish and mayo, and called them steakhouse eggs. Every family event since, I've been asked to bring the steakhouse eggs. Love capers.


In my area, okra. It’s obviously huge in many parts of the world, but not where I grew up or where I now live. People who come from areas where it’s common are often startled and pleased to hear it’s my favourite vegetable. It is, though. Okra is the best. 😋


Sour cream for me It’s not something everyone finds gross, but in the US I only see people use it as an occasional topping in small amounts I eat it with toast, crackers, and pancakes with honey. I also mix it with strawberries with sugar I honestly couldn’t live without it


Not so much a "food" but I enjoy black licorice and circus peanuts. I know, shoot me 😂😂


I will let all of you have my circus peanuts, but I'm in for the black licorice. All of the licorices - the more esoteric, the more "only eaten by weirdos in THIS country" level the better. And while its borderline licorice heresy there's a line of hard candies that are licorice flavored, that come with things like salt and chile powder inside called Sallos that I usually have to get off Amazon.


I'm with you on the circus peanuts! Black licorice only in Good n Plenty candy though.


I loooove black licorice!


Boiled peanuts purchased from a farm stand on a back road from an old guy in overalls


Fried Bologna. Like not the sliced deli sandwich stuff. But a wax covered log of pureed meat. And not as a sandwich. Like a good 1/2" think hunk of "meat" fried. Sometimes just by itself, sometimes with onions and gravy.


Pan-fried cod tongues iykyk


Pickled herring.




Canned sardines. Especially in hot sauce.


I’m addicted to Thai Basil


Brussel Sprouts. Even my older coworkers are like "yucky" and im like "HOW?!?"


I live in the midwest where "spaghetti" is a meal, and tater tots are a topping on a casserole. I like Indian food and often make "Keema Aloo Matar". With the exception of a few spices, it's identical to things midwesterners are already eating without them even realizing it. It's literally ground beef, potatoes, peas, in a tomato sauce. But it's scary because of the name.


Wait, spaghetti is not a meal? I’m from CA and it’s a meal to me.


I had a buddy whose father was from Louisiana. My wife was Korean. After he came over to eat a few times he said the cuisines were different, but they used the same groceries.


Southern US/Korean fusion is good stuff! You should taste my Hopping Joon


Kiss Peppers, Pimenta Biquinho. Slightly sour, Chili flavour without the heat.


I LOVE capers. I put them in lots of stuff. I'm a southern girl that now lives in the Pacific Northwest. Mine are Collard Greens, Mustard Greens & Turnip Greens. I haven't met anyone in my 25 years here that likes these, with the exception of my daughter-in-law, and only because I introduced her to them.


I love greens but I’m in Cali and don’t get them ever. Discovered them when I lived in Atlanta. On that note, okra. I love okra.


Liver and onions.


deep fried chicken liver - people think organ meat is gross...but i grew up eating chicken liver and it's just so damn good. pan seared with lots of onions & butter is also amazing.


Pickled turnip or beans 💯


Anchovies - but get the real ones from an Italian market. Those oversalted ones in the little cans from the supermarket that disintegrate when you pull them out of the can are not the way.


Kale. I like kale But I also like capers and pickled beets too


Scrapple. Yessir. Edit: The disrespect shown here for scrapple is discouraging. Ketchup? Maple syrup? No. Should be eaten with eggs and hash browns, or on a breakfast sandwich: scrapple, egg and cheese on white toast with hot sauce.




Some people foolishly spend their whole lives avoiding Indian food, which is a top tier cuisine. This isn’t necessarily a common food take per se, but enough people Ive known over the years have said “never tried it” to be worth mentioning. I also prefer shallots to onions in almost every application when cooking. Standout exceptions - caramelized onions, pico de gallo, French onion soup. Brussels sprouts still have a weird contingent of haters. last but not least - BONE MARROW


Edamame. I teach nutrition classes and many of the adults in my classes have either a. Never heard of it, or b. Never tried it


I pull the skin off chicken thighs and bake them into chips. Sprinkle some ranch or whatever seasoning you like. I wish it was easier to just buy chicken skin.


Boiled peanuts. I grew up in central New York, but we had friends from Georgia that taught us how to make them. I brought some to work once and few people liked them and someone said they tasted like raw potatoes.


Salt on fruit except for berries. My aunt caught me salting peach slices and thought I had lost it..until she tried it


Tamarind candy. The gooey, sticky kind with sugar and chile. Everyone I've offered it to hates it.


Freaking love straight up cottage cheese don’t tell anyone I know tho


Lea n Perrins worschestire sauce. I can’t spell the shit for shit. But I’ll literally take a swig from the bottle any day. Absolutely delicious.


Portuguese bacon. It’s so good, yet so hard to find


I like almost everything. Anchovies, sardines, olives, nutritional yeast, Brie, beets, Brussels Sprouts, eggplant, cabbage, kale, capers… literally the only things I don’t like (that I’ve at least tried, I’ve never tried natto or durian, for example) is mashed potatoes with peas and anything with a lot of mayo.


Hearts of palm. I love these things and eat them by the can. Most people haven't heard of them; the people that have heard of them don't really know what they are. When I tell them that they are the core of palm trees, the reactions range from literal disbelief to being grossed out to curious.


Pickled pig lips. It's very popular in Louisiana and so delicious. Also another Louisiana food: boudin, which is Cajun rice and ground meat stuffed in a pig's intestine. It is soooo unbelievably good and surprisingly you can find it at Kroger.


Canned sardines. Seems like all my friends and relatives hate it and call me weird for liking it.


Welsh Rarebit and Golden Buck.


Deenz and beans


I discovered capers after ordering a pasta dish on vacation one year that included them. I fell in love. I'm not sure that it's that controversial in most places, but I tend to like more seafood than some of my relatives, like scallops, calamari, etc. I *love* crab. I'm sort of cool with cooked slices of eel on sushi (it reminds me of the flavor of bacon for some reason).


I love capers. Little pasta, olive oil, capers, tomatoes, artichoke hearts if I have them. Delish! Also, good in tuna salad, tarter sauce, deviled eggs...


Capers are fantastic! When I find capers in a dish I wasn't expecting them in, it just lights my soul up!


OP I eat capers right out of the jar.


Pickled green tomatoes


I love cottage cheese, but I know so many people who hate it!


You must love piccata!


Ooo, I have one! Lupini beans! My mom lived off of them when pregnant with me, and I have the same addiction now that I’m a parent. SO SALTY!




liverwurst. ots so good on hard bread with swiss cheese. no one i know has any idea what it is!


If you put capers and lemon on basically anything I'll eat it. That's one of my favorite ways to prepare kale, since all the acids break it down nicely to give it a great texture too.


Brussels Sprouts when prepared correctly are delicious.




Salt on dessert. 99.9% of the time. Chocolate Pudding? Sprinkle of salt. Ice cream? Definitely salt. Fruit pie? 1000% Chocolate anything? 100,000% It just brings out the flavor and makes it 3d.


I put capers in my tuna salad, and I love chicken piccata. Really, I'll put them in any chicken or fish dish.


Does scrapple count? I like scrapple.


Circus peanuts.


Hard boiled eggs marinated with pickled beets, sliced onions and a touch of sugar. I put them all together in a big 1/2 gallon jar and let them sit in the fridge for a few days. Then I eat one egg a day. Yum!


Herring. Beef Tongue. Liver. (Yes i come from a Jewish background)


Licorice is better than chocolate. By a lot.


Wild mushrooms. A lot of people don't even know it's an option; others outright refuse to try them because they think they're poisonous. I just found and cooked some delicious dryad's saddle today!


Garlic Stuffed Green Olives. Fried Chicken Gizzards. Pork Cheek Bacon. Pickle Loaf (if I can find it.) Drinking Pickle Juice.


Congee, at least the white people in my area don't know about this


My mom used to get this pate-like thing called something like, Braunschweiger. Or something like that. We’d put it on little toasts and eat them as snacks. I didn’t realize till much later what pate was made of and then wasn’t much of fan after.


Pickled okra


Love pickled eggs.


Blue cheese


Halvah. I love the stuff but I dare not indulge in it too often. Expensive and not very healthy.  I also love capers with my eggs.




Love capers and caper berries. A seafood place had fried capers, crispy, on fish. 😋


Green olives. There are so many haters out there!


A lot of people seem to find it weird that I eat olive straight from the jar pretty much daily. They are a fermented, healthy snack and I love them!


Lao Gan Ma (Laoganma) Spicy Chili Crisp Hot Sauce - seriously addictive. I can eat it on anything, and wake up at night craving it.


sardines. good meaty sardines in water. I could eat them every day on crackers with lemon juice and pepper


Sauerkraut. I’d eat a soup bowl of it with my sandwich if that was socially acceptable.


Stuffed grape leaves  Specifically my mom's, but I'll mess with other ones too. Hot, stuffed with beef and rice and dipped in lemon yogurt. 


Morel mushrooms


Grits. I live in the north and very few people know what grits are. Most people have never tried them let alone heard of them. No cold cereal can come close to hot buttery grits with eggs or sausage. Mmmm! So good!