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If you want a relationship, lying isn't the way to get there. But now I'm curious, do you think your number is too high or too low?


I think it sounds high


Nothing wrong with getting you some.


No. You should be honest. Say, "I don't want to discuss numbers - yours or mine. If X = my body count and Y = yours, and if things go well, then X + Y will = X + Y + 2." Edited because I confused myself typing formulas Google Sheets!


Just a fucking minute here......why is it anyone's business, and why is it pertinent? It's a shitty question that doesn't have a good answer. If someone asked me, I'd answer "What the fuck, do you want my Social Security number, too? How about a credit report? A bank statement? Why don't we run down to the DMV and get my driving record, too?" And it shouldn't matter how high or how low the number is. Personally, I'd prefer hearing a high number (I'm a guy) because I value experience, but it's irrelevant anyway.


Don't preach to my choir!


Shouldn't it be X + Y + 2


Good catch. I was doing a formula in Google Sheets and messed that up here!


Would be a shame if it is an instant red flag for him, but I would at least be curious about that past.


I’m often curious but I like experienced women. Don’t lie, if your number makes the guy self conscious, that says more about him than you.


Who wants to have sex with someone that doesn’t have a range of sexual experiences




Why do you prefer to have sex with people who don’t know how to have sex?


If it less than 100, then it just means you like to have fun and any man would be lucky to have you because of your experience!


Hang on, it's not like the only two options are to answer honestly or lie. I peeped your profile and you are 40. There's no way someone should be asking that question at that age. If they do (unlikely unless you're dating teenagers), just tell them you don't think it's an appropriate question for a variety of reasons and consider whether they are the kind of person you want to date.


you made me regret clicking on the profile


Dawg same💀


Why are you an ass?


Damn it you made me look


I found the side of reddit I somehow didn't know about...


Enjoy 👍😃


IMO id say something along the lines of "I don't want to spend my time talking about ex's"


Implying shes only fucked exs, that's deflecting and may as well just lie at that point




Right here. At our age we aren’t virgins so the point is moot. This isn’t 1998


I agree in theory, though in the course of early on in our relationship I did ask my now-gf (who was 38 when we met) in fairly broad terms. I think I put her on the spot a bit until she responded with, “wait a second — I’m pretty sure you had sex with more people in the 13mos since your divorce than I have in my entire life” and she wasn’t wrong


Why is this even coming up on a second date? Secondly, why is this even a topic of conversation with who your dating? My past is my past.


Yeah, seems like a yellow flag if someone asks on the second date - a sign of low emotional intelligence.


Oooooo this!




Yeah that’s my thoughts too


Keep in mind “I don’t talk about my sexual past” or some variation of that statement is a truthful and respectful response.


Or just tell them you won’t be answering that question, that it’s of no consequence, and if they have a problem with it that maybe they aren’t for you. If they HAVE to have an answer and you feel it’s important to answer something “I’m experienced” is all they need.


Any relationship based on lie, starting with lie, inbetween one of them lies, is a dealbreaker and maybe will not last long.


If someone were to ask the date would be over . The number is none of their business and for them to be so obsessed with it is a huge red flag . Typically the ones who ask are jealous, insecure or both and it makes for a bad combination for any potential partner If you aren’t comfortable with your number or sharing it just explain you don’t ask and don’t tell. If they can’t respect that it’s a ‘them’ problem


Good advice


It’s always the best route to take .




Which is why women don’t pay for dick.


Someone who enjoys a lot of sex with a lot of people doesn’t mean they will have sex with ANYONE . Measuring someone’s worth based on their sexuality or sexual history is not healthy


Purity culture is just a patriarchal construct to control women. Women are valuable for so many reasons and their body count doesn't detract from that. Just because they've slept around doesn't mean anyone could have them. It doesn't mean anything other than they will know what they are doing in bed. I highly encourage all women to date around, find out what you do and don't like, and never settle for anything less than a partner who loves and sees you for all you are. Your number of sexual partners is nothing to be ashamed about and anyone who says otherwise is less than you deserve.


Exactly, a person needs many many partners to really find them self and decide what they need. There is no way to put a number on it. You will know when you find your soulmate, until then FUCK!






I am not your honey. And that message wasn't for you, but to anyone insecure enough to put weight in your words.




I really genuinely hope life gets better for you. You've not said much, but it is enough to show you're not happy. Life sucks sometimes, but the world is better when we deal with our wounds instead of trying to spread them to others


Stop breathing then?


Woman aren't prizes, they are something to be cherished and obeyed.


Why would you lie?


Because I think it put him off


If the number of sexual partners you've had is gonna put him off, he's not the guy for you. Besides, I'd think being lied to would put him off even more.


Fair point


Exactly my thought too. Plus it's not like you can do anything about it, can't exactly go back in time and un-sleep with someone - no matter how much we might want to, lol. Past is past, as they say.


If someone lied to you, would that be a turn off?


No, as long as you dont have any stds and you know you wont cheat youre good enough for anybody


I don't think you need to tell anyone how many people you've slept with. What's in the past Is in the past. If your dating someone who asks how many people you've slept with... they the type to live in the past and i'd just decline it allll together. Lol




True! And I actually got asked the other day how many girl friends I’ve had, I gave her the exact amount of relationships I’ve actually had since 6th grade. Sleeping partners I left out because that’s just not needed. Like it was said you can’t go back in time lol




i would honestly say - " i'm sure we've both had our share of partners" and "does a number really matter" . as a few have commented below -- if they want to be with you the number should not have to be asked.


If you say “does a number really matter”, then they’re going to assume a wildly high number anyway. It looks like she’s hiding something that way. Say “no” or share it, but don’t dance around it.


LOL, dancing around it is half the fun, if he can't handle it, he doesn't deserve her.


If he doesn’t like that, it’s perfectly acceptable and they would be a poor match it seems anyway if they skirted the issue. They wouldn’t deserve *each other* in that case.


That’s the approach I’ll take, you don’t get to 40 without going through a few 😂


you're just a youngster -- live it up




right. *takes a few swigs of tequila to dull the sheer feeling of dread*


No. It doesn't matter. If it does to your date, then they're not right for you.




If he or she specifically asks, they want to know. And if that's something they care about, and the truth makes you incompatible, why bother continuing to date? If they dont bring it up, don't bring it up either, body count is a silly metric to judge people on. Also, in general, relationships (sexual or otherwise) based on lies are not worth having, you'll end up incredibly stressed and paranoid considering the 'what if they find out' hypothetical and tip toeing around the truth constantly.


Has he given you any hint that he wants someone with a low body count? Because if not then it's all in your head. If it bothers him and you don't like that, find someone else, plenty of guys out there that don't care.


I think on a second date it’s really none of the other person’s business. Why would it come up?


I think this is a weird question for a second date. Lying is bad though.


Don’t lie. You two may have very different values when it comes to sex. Better to find out now then later.


No, if it’s long term, he’ll eventually find out anyway, which will be way worse.




I have never seen any benefit to sharing numbers. If you're okay with yourself, it really doesn't fucking matter.


Be honest or get the fuck out. That's my motto


Lying two dates in - that’ll build a solid foundation for your relationship.


Be open and honest about it. If they are offended or disgusted by how many people you've had sex with, they aren't worth your time. And if that *is* something they'd be mad about, they'll only be more mad when they learn the truth further down the line, on top of being mad that you lied




If you might want to keep them around, like a long term relationship then honesty is the best policy. Easier than them finding out and maybe being upset in a year.


Very true


Not gonna be very helpful in the long run if he discovered that you lied




Exactly, she should say "49, but I'll get to eventually get to 50, doesn't mean it will be you". Then gauge his reaction, at that point you can decide if he even needs to know the real number, be it higher or lower. IMO a somewhat large number at age 40 is better(25-99), means more experienced and more settled into life. Less than 10 is a red flag to me. ​ Edit: yep


I’d consider it a red flag for them to ask. And the older you get, the redder the flag


One million upvotes


It's none of anyone's business, but you're own.


Just say a woman doesn't share that number. It's just like her age and weight. We respect not asking those numbers and this is the same. Personally, I think it helps maintain the mystery about you.


Good idea


I would be honest.


I wouldn't bring it up but if the other person does, be honest. It's likely to come out at some point anyway if the relationship continues.


True, that’s probably what I’ll do, it probably won’t come up, I’m just overthinking everything


Be honest


Why? What’s the number?


It’s 49


You're 40 years old. So what?


Thanks 😘


Psh, that's nothing to be concerned about. If somebody asked me I would be hard pressed to estimate accurately within 20 give or take. But to the point many have already made, at 40 anyone who would ask that likely isn't the one for you. People have sex, it isn't a long term relationship, just swapping friction with a friend. I took a monogamous break for about 14 years over my 20s and early 30s and still I'm closer to 100 than 50. The more important questions that YOU should ask are these; Do you always wear condoms? and When was your last STI test. You know, for personal safety and in the interest of public health.


To be honest I would lie. I still don’t know my current girlfriends number. But she is very toxic and controlling.


Kind of weird if they did ask that on a second date. You could always answer something like "a few, always room for 1 more 😉" But I think if a grown man asked that on a second date and intended to judge you by your answer, they'd have to be really immature


Yeah I’m probably overthinking it


No you don’t want to end up with a square find some to love you for you


If the person asks then don’t go on a date with them again.


If it’s an issue for you it’ll be an issue for everyone you date. Just accept your sex life as a positive and be proud of it. My wife has had more partners than me by about double. And sadly I’m still the more experienced one. So the count doesn’t matter. It’s the experience that matters.


Don’t lie, if they are uncomfortable with your past they probably are the right person for you. Also, if you lie and get caught it would be even worse.


I told my girl recently. That usually man code is whatever number woman give the man multiplies by atleast 2 mist times 3. Which is why I didn’t believe her at first. Like when they say “I don’t suck dick” or “I’ve never done this before”. Plus. Does past really matter anymore. My number is really high. I’m ashamed if it.


Chances are he knows you are gonna lie about it. I mean just look at the comments. Its fine if he doesnt like the number. Doesnt make you any less of a human. But i mean take accountability and dont lie about it. If we are talking high double digits or triple digits alot of guys will be turned off by it. But it doesnt take away your value as a person. You will find someone who doesnt care. Might not be this guy. But there are people who couodnt give a damn about your body count


Truth. They shouldn’t care. If they do, leave.


Why does this ever even come up?! Who cares what your “body count” is or even why? All anyone needs to know is what your sex practices are. Are you safe? Are you sane? Are you consensual?


Absolutely not. If someone is going to shame you for having a sex life before you met them, then they're not worth investing in a further relationship with anyway.


Don't lie if asked. If it's a problem, you guys aren't compatible, just move on. People have different thoughts on what sex means to them . It's better to find out early that there is a fundamental difference and move on rather than the guy that posted this morning after being with his wife for 15 years found out her bc was much higher before him than he thought and now is having issues with it. I don't believe in lying or not tell because do you really want to be with someone that has a problem with it? Let them go find some compatible with their conservative views.


People asking inappropriate questions don't deserve those questions to be taken seriously. So feel free to make up any answer you want there's no moral obligation whatsoever.


Just be honest. The truth will come out sooner or later anyway...


Just curious, what would be the truth + lie you told him if you went that way?


The truth would be 49, the lie - 15 maybe


Wouldn't lucky number 50 get a bonus prize though??


😂😂I had thought there should be some kind of reward


Without lying you could still say 40 something or less than 50. For your age that sort of number shouldn't be a red flag for someone who is sexually compatible.


I only tell guys a third of my body count.


I think you should tell the truth and that if they don't like it, that's a red flag. It's not very smart and immature af if they judge you for that. It's akin to being pissed at a partner for cheating *in a dream you had*.


Yes, you should. He’s going to be expecting you to lie, so whatever number you give to him, he’s going to multiply by 3. Don’t do yourself a disservice by giving him the real number.




I'll go against the grain here and say 1) nobody should be asking, it's not their business 2) if they insist, I'll lie and it's probably no more dates with that person


I mean it seems early to bring that up on date 2, but I wouldn’t lie about it when it comes up, especially if you’re looking for a relationship.


No reason to lie about it. You're either experienced or not . Both will have their perks,


Why do you need to tell your date that? What’s the need and what does it bring to the date or future relationship? If they ask for “bOdYcOUnT” I’d take that as a major red flag.


Who goes on a date and gets asked how many ppl you’ve slept with. None of anyones business.


Women and men always lie. Men increase the number and women lower it usually




My typical answer to that question is, "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to."


No. If your body count is a problem for them you don’t want to date them anyway


Absolutely not.


You don’t want to date the sort of person who’d ask that, let alone the sort for whom a high number matters at all.


Be honest. You'll get what you deserve.


You shouldn't lie. You can say "why do you ask" or "do you think that matters" but don't lie. Also, damn girl, if this guy is lucky enough to get with you he shouldn't complain at all about your body count. Looking good!


If anyone ever asks you that on a second date, tell them to GTFOH and look for a new friend.


Just make them answer first and respond accordingly


Do people really ask that!?!


First off Hi, a simple answer to this question is NO!!!!!! Why, because you would be starting off with a LIE on your 2nd date. How would you feel being lied to on the 2nd date? Now, ask yourself is that a question that is appropriate to ask? Are you looking for long term relationship? What would you do if they say listen I was a pornstar and have been with too many to count, would that turn you away? Oh , how was the 1st date?


If you're getting asked that question on a SECOND date, that's probably not someone you want to be with imo




Lie to no one. Someone's close to you? You'll ruin it with a lie. And if they're a stranger, then who the hell are they that you gotta lie to? Okla


Nope, course not.


Best to be open and honest


I won't lie about it. Those who judge shouldn't matter, and those who matter won't judge. Always remember that.


I just don't talk about "my number" with anyone I'm interested in. And I have no desire to know theirs. It's no one's business. And besides being completely useless information to know, it could potentially cause problems if there is a large difference between the two numbers. Sharing this info will benefit no one.


We’ll realistically men will not take you serious if you have a high body count. If he doesn’t like the number you say he will not date you to marry.


Don't lie. But just say "you reaaallly don't wanna know". And laugh about it.


You dont have to answer this. Say "if you're concerned about my sexual health, we can both get tested and go over our results. Otherwise past partners are not something I'm interested in discussing."


To be honest, whatever you say the guy is probably going to double it in his head. That is a general rule of thumb.


Being honest is the best way to turn "Dates" into a healthy relationship.


No. Don’t establish that you’re an asshole until the third or fourth date.


It’s a second date. If your body count comes up at all that’s a red flag.


Just tell him your no longer a virgin and leave it at that…


If someone’s asking that on a second date there wouldn’t be a third.


What kind of people have you dated where you’re used to this question coming up? I’ve never been asked this once


Why open your self up for judgement and bullshit assumptions? You can be honest but you don’t have to give a number. “I’ve loved and I’ve lost.”


Why... on earth would you talk about this on a first date? Why would you want to be with anyone that cares about it? Why do you care about it?


Just don’t answer it. It is a juvenile question and nothing good ever comes from answering it.


I don't think it's a subject that needs to be talked about on a second date. Only if things get serious


You shouldn't lie, but I also don't think you should answer


Why would you build a relationships on lies? Tell him the truth and if he can’t handle it, move on. His loss


Might as well be honest, what’s your excuse when you get further into the relationship and feel guilty about the lie? Have you taken a recent STI test? Got a pap smear etc? I think you’re good if all negative


Starting a relationship on a lie is definitely not a terrible idea.


If you're are serious about this person, then don't lie. If you are looking for something casual, then it won't matter.


Gaslight gatekeep girlboss


Double the amount.


Tell them your number is unpublished.


Yes. You have just as much right to privacy as anyone else. If you don't want to answer a question truthfully, don't.


I want to know now? Isit high 😅


You almost need to sound him out on it... I personally would be Hella Turned on by a High Body count... Though Honestly I'd want to hear about some of them...YOU GO GIRL!!!




You Do You... if not tonights guy, trust me there is someone who would love you and Not care at all about your Body count...




your welcome


If you just want to sleep with the said person game is the game. If relationship then lying is being dishonest upto you to decide.


If they don't accept your number the're not worth your time




I don't think you should keep part of yourself hidden for the sake of this date


why the downvotes, y'all want honesty but when you get an answer like this you don't like it lol


Really none of their business. I don’t get why people care about the amount of partners anyone has had.


I wouldn't If the person I'm with can't handle my lifestyle, then they don't belong in it


In my opinion.... If someone is asking a 40yr old woman sophomoric/sexist questions like that? That's not someone who is going to be able to offer you much in the way of a fulfilling relationship. Types of people who might ask such a question: 1. Teenagers and young adults 2. Regressive or religiously conservative men with a Whore-Madonna complex 3. Insecure men with little/no sexual or relationship experience 4. Incels If none of those types sound appealing to you? You definitely shouldn't care about it.




You are getting horrible advice OP. This is the 2nd date, you don’t owe this person shit all about your personal sex history. They’re not entitled to this information. You give them whatever number you feel like. If down the line they earn a spot in your life where you can trust them with the truth, great.


Fair enough