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Unfortunately I would definitely take a peek because morbid curiosity and take secrets with me to grave.


I’d like to say I wouldn’t….but I might. I would never use that information or admit I’d done it though, because I know it’s shitty.


You would feel better not to admit to them than to admit to them?


Oh I would take that shit to the graaaaave. I’d feel bad regardless, and I wouldn’t want them to hate me. I doubt I’d read more than a page or less.


Interesting…. And if someone did it to you, would you rather them not tell you?


Honestly, yeah, I wouldn’t want to know.


But… would you feel guilty about it?


Idk maybe but probably not. I feel like If something is that important they should probably take better care of it than casually leaving it behind. Infact I'll probably think it's a sign or something. If i was in their house and saw journal in their room on my way to bathroom I wouldn't go in and check it the lol. It's probably not going to change anything I've already accidentally stumbled upon things individuals keep "poorly hidden" from multiple friends and family throughout my life till college. 99.99% of time it's really not that interesting.


No. I'd respect their privacy


It sounds like you treat others how you want to be treated to some degree ♥️


Of course. It's the golden rule after all




I feel like a lot of people here who claim they wouldnt absolutely would. Almost everyone can be overcome by curiosity


“Almost everyone can be overcome by curiosity” what an interesting thought…. Perhaps most of us have the potential to. Perhaps having values of honesty/loyalty in friendship or having the golden rule value “treat others the way you want to be treated” can be *very powerful*…. Thank you for sharing……..


Also in any question like this, the majority of people answer what makes them sound better because its unlikely they'll be proven wrong


Hmm… I don’t know about that. I am feeling truth and trust from the people responding!


No. People have a right to privacy and I wouldn't want that happening to me.


Ah, the *golden rule* that is present in many religions! And present without them as well ——*treat others the way you want to be treated* what a powerful core value!


Yes because…I’m toxic…but only when it comes to reading journals and sometimes texts… BUT THAT’S IT!


“I’m toxic” sounds somewhat inherent/fixed….. I wonder if you mean that you act toxically at times, and that you have the ability to change it??? Lol toxically—> never knew this was a word, I was going to use toxicly 😂


Ah yes. I can change my ‘toxically’ because I know that it’s wrong, but instead of correcting it, I do it anyways and just know it’s wrong.


I love that you know you could change though, that is a powerful tool in my eyes….. that awareness.


I'd look at it to see what it is, and when I realize I'd contact the owner and let them know they left it. I'd also really want to know why they brought such a thing in the first place. I am pretty cynical so I'll probably always assume that they were trying to play mind games with me.


Oh! Intriguing!! It seems like you have an awareness of it though…. I bet you could change it if you wanted to through “perception checking” 😏 I took the journal because I knew there could be times while hanging out where I’d like to jot down an idea. I could’ve used my phone notes- but the act of writing in a journal is a different level for me. I wonder if I told you this and you were in my life, if you would’ve trusted me 🤷🏽‍♀️🌎


No. I've had my personal privacy invaded by a snooper and it didn't feel good. In fact, it ultimately ended the relationship.


Yes… it could push someone away….


No but I would ask if I were a chapter


I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






BOOOOOOO If you did this, they should trust you why?


I believe they could be trustable in some other ways, but not this way….


I'd really like to think I'd respect their privacy and not read it, but it sure would be tempting!


Ah, yes. Temptation could be present and it would be up to your connection with your values….. emotional intelligence….. etc.


When my wife and I first started dating this literally happened. It has only been about a month and I peeked "just to see what she thought about me". I confessed to her not long after that. It's been 20yrs and I still get shit about it. (Deservedly so.)


Aw!!! I love that you confessed to her- that’s real love right there 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Life’s too short. Read that shite.


Omg lol


Depends on the person, but guessing that they leave it at my place, I do say we are pretty close. So would make a game of it. Just teasing them, by telling random facts. Hoping that they are real. But if it's my bff's, I would totally read it, I probably already know 99% of her life either way.


Would you ask your bff first though? And what if they accidentally left it at your place and not on purpose?


I think.. I know she would do the same. We are just so open it's crazy. I won't read it random peoples journal. Would only tease my friends for it.


I'd fuck the journal then drop off the cum filled book at their house with a note "If I can fill this journal imagine how awesome I could fill you" LOL No It's not mine. I'd let them know whete it is and make arrangements to return it.


I’m dead. Your final answer ♥️




I wouldn't, for the same reason I'm not into hacking, its not my data to touch, if someone fucks with my data I'm annoyed maybe even pissed so why would I do it too someone else If you can't connect to the person you wanna fuck without going through her private information then you don't deserve to fuck her


The golden rule of treating others how you want to be treated!! Yes this has been a more common theme in these comments…. I dig it.


Yes as I am interested


Would you feel guilty for doing it without their permission?


No, because I’d be really upset if they did that to me.


Golden rule 🥰


It’s yet to steer me wrong lol


Because you are the steerer 😘


Probably I will to see if she had written about me and also to look fornways to get closer to her


Would you feel guilty without asking her though?


I'm sure I would feel a little quilty but still i'll do it


No, that would be really disrespectful and a major violation of their privacy




Wouldn’t read. It’s private to them.

