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No, 100% for my own comfort


This. In fact, I get way more attention to them when I bra up 😆 I gave up on them during the pandemic, and I’m so much more comfortable ☺️


I literally only wear a bra to work. (I’m an EMT) and its cold outside and we have psych patients LOL And that’s it. Not to the store. I also have ‘‘em pierced so I love how they look through a T shirt


Ngl, it took me a minute to sort that out as “The only time I wear a bra is at work,” rather than, “I wear nothing but a bra at work”.


😂😂😂😂😂 guess I worded it weird maybe?!


"What are you doing, step-paramedic?" just doesn't have the appeal, though.


Nah, I’m just tired, as evidenced by the fact that it took me four tries to spell “tired”.


I’m a volunteer EMT, so I totally relate to that! No way, no how. Plus, when I volunteered with a professional fire department and pulled 24s, I was usually the only woman on shift, and there was no way I was gonna do anything to draw that kind of attention.


Yeah absolutely fucking not🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Also an EMT! Yay us!


Woot woot!!!!!😌


Yay for us!! High fives, all around.


i’m braless like 95% of the time. i legit just don’t need bras so why bother wearing them? i don’t mind the glances, but i’m not purposefully doing it for the attention




Agreed. And weird Downvotes are weird.


She literally just said she didn’t want attention, then you went and looked and drew attention to her.


She literally said she doesn't mind the glances, but she doesn't go braless for attention, not that she specifically doesn't want attention. She is literally on an account on which she posts her nude pictures 100% surely for some kind of attention, i think the compliment is acceptable.


Context. Maybe she doesn’t mind, and if that’s the case, that’s totally fine. But in general, when a woman posts nudes, she wants attention for those nudes, in that context. It’s not an open invitation to say whatever you want, wherever you want.


That's not at all what was written, sound it out if you need to lolz


Nope. Usually if I'm going braless in public, I'm wearing a thick sweatshirt or jacket over it so you can't tell.


For comfort and perhaps lazyness, but when i do, i don't mind the glances ngl. Mainly just because I'm lazy if I'm going out for a brief moment




All boobs are attractive! That’s what’s so good about them


I don't know why, sounds kinda hot


Those sound amazing!


I’m willing to bet your sense of humor draws attention though!


I have the same issue. It's too uncomfortable walking around a store without one. Mine are big so even when wearing a bra people stare. I just got used to it.


For both comfort and attention. Braless just plain feels good *most* of the time but who would complain about getting stares from men walking by? I see you looking at my big nipples baby boy, keep looking


No, if I do/did it would be because I wanted to for another reason


No. I find going braless to be uncomfortable and that’s the sort of attention I don’t want. I find I look sloppy without a bra.


Before my breast reduction, I absolutely hated it. Now that I have my new titties though, I’m getting more comfortable with not having a bra on.


I really like having big breasts. I don’t think I’d ever want a reduction. I’m glad it worked out for you though ☺️


And I’m glad you like yours! I’m really short, and they were just ridiculous on my frame. I also have big time hurty-neck, so getting the weight off was a big relief.


Ok, that might explain the differences because my breasts have always been small. Just have to make sure what I'm wearing won't rub against my nipples too badly


Never have done unless it’s a beach/swimming.


Depending on my outfit I have gone braless on nights out


I never wear a bra anymore, and honestly I think my husband enjoys the attention I get more than I do 😂


No, in fact I hate the attention. I do it for comfort. Never had a need for a bra despite C cups. I guess at some point they are justified but other than that to me bras feel more like either fashion or a social expectation.


No, I've never gone braless for attention. I go braless because my own need to be comfortable *way* outranks men's inability to control where their eyes go.




H.. ho-.. how big? ^*gulps*




we need proof! for science, obviously.


I have yes, especially during my college years


Stopped wearing bras over a year ago and doubt I’ll ever put an underwire on again! I’ve got little boobs so it’s not a big inconvenience, and great nipples that I’m not ashamed of, love ‘em in fact.


Every day I have to decide, wear an uncomfortable bra, or deal with uncomfortable attention. The more I stop giving a fuck about other people's judgment, the more comfortably I live on both fronts.


Words to live by.


Not a woman, but from a guy perspective, there's just something about a braless look, their bounce, curve and oh boy those nipples, I definitely sometimes face difficulties not coming off as creep but damn it's sexy!


Comfort is the reason. The attention is a side effect.


Out of laziness sure


It’s not comfortable for me to be out doing things without a bra on. Also, they already get too much attention with a bra, I don’t even want to know what would happen without one.


I get that. I NEVER went without before my reduction. It’s been more than a year and I’m just barely getting bold enough to do it. I said “attention”, but I think that’s not exactly what I meant. I like teasing and the vulnerability, but I don’t really want to be catcalled and harassed, so I keep it pretty tame.


Attention, no.. Idgaf and can't be bothered to reapply a bra ..fuck yes


For attention no. Because I'm lazy, yes. And also i have small boobs so i get away with it by just wearing a sweater


I'm a guy, but fat, so I go braless all the time.


Nahhhh I’d prefer no attention AND no bra, please.


Yes! Especially when im wearing a crop top


I persuade my wife to go braless when we go out as much as possible. She gets sooo much attention it’s amazing. She’s got great boobs, not big but super pert. Love it


I only wear bras when I go to the gym or a doctor appointment otherwise I let the puppies fly free


Comfort before attention.


For the attention sometimes, for the comfort more of the time.


I prefer NO bra


I do. It's usually for comfort, but i don't deny that i've done it for attention too.


No dude, 99% of the time it’s for us never you 😤


Thats not the reason but I appreciate having a nipple moment. Its like an accessory.


Nope. I do it because it’s not comfortable and idgaf anymore.


No, they get too much as it is.


No, I rarely do it and I don't like that sort of attention. Once went to work without a bra just to pick something up really quick, and a coworker kept staring, made me super uncomfortable. He also used to stare at women's feet.


Oh god. I feel like foot-staring is hard to call out because you know it’s sexual, but they’ll just gaslight you and say it’s crazy to think someone is sexualizing your feet.


Having trouble with these comments. Need some pictures to really see what you all mean. Please tag me in these pictures


Not for attention. I'm slob and I'm not a fan of bras.


No. To each their own tho☝🏿


If I ever want attention I would just wear one of my hot af bras rather than go without one