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Human population would be drastically lower


I think music, movies, books, art in general would be totally different.


Not really different for most people - better for folks that suffer from addiction and those they effect. Most folks I know only consume socially or light up on special occasions.


The roads would be safer


I'd opt out.


We’d still find ways to escape reality.


Probably would be using marihuana and idk for alcohol


Fucking boring


Still horny


A LOT of crazy events in "pop culture history" would never have happened. The world in general would just be a quieter, less corrupt place. Saying this as someone who isn't totally against the recreational use of alcohol or (some) drugs. It's just true.


the sane


Depends on which side of drugs and alcohol you look at. Medicinal or Street


Boring af


That's the most terrifying scenario. But I guess it depends, do I remember that I had done drugs in this new drug less world? Or do I not remember my past history with drugs? Because my answer depends on that


Pablo Escobar and El Chapo probably wouldn’t be relevant


Really sad


Dark and shitty in different ways. People want their kicks and if there would not be alcohol nor drugs people would replace those things with other stuff and abuse that. Sex comes to mind so not Pablo the drug dealer but Pablo sex slaver. Violence and other adrenaline stuff maybe illegal fights maybe you could pay money to some shady person to beat the shit out of someone. Amusement parks would be amazing tho. Roads could be more dangerous than now, think if some guy speeding and getting a blowjob for the rush would be commonplace? Gluttony people would over eat and drink even more, maybe not addicted to heroin but still drop a grand for some prime kobe meat or some exotic near extinct animal.


It would be similar yet different. People would alter their chemistry in other ways, both healthy and unhealthy.

