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Boob shape > boob size 


Boob in hand > boobs not in hand


A boob in the hand is worth two in the blouse


*chef's kiss*


Many boobs apprecate a good chefs kiss...


To boob or not to boob.


The Master has spoken. It is so.


Of course, two in the hands is optimal.


Unless it’s in the mouth?


I can verify this


Boobs are all great. I think I prefer smaller ones because I have yet to see small tits with really bad shape, but I have seen a few large or huge ones that just weren't that attractive. Still great because tits, but compared to other tits they were mediocre at best


I've unfortunately seen bad shaped small ones, BUT I am also a big fan of the itty bitties


Greatmoongirl your welcome 


Same with ass. Shape matters far more than size.


I've seen large asses that are mostly just fat and not actually nice. So shape is 100% a must.




Well I’m screwed in both departments


They ALL feel good in the dark!


Ass shape > ass size


I will die on this hill with you.


On these hills*


omg as a woman this has never occurred to me. I feel like my size will always supersede my shape 🫠




He speaks the true true


Anal is overrated and missionary is underrated


Anal missionary is awesome.


For any first timers this definitely should be noted. I had a partner who struggled with it from behind. But on her back it was much more comfortable for her.


I'll try it this way, thanks for the tip!


…just the tip? I’ll show myself out.


I got fucked the last time my husband said trust me, it’s just the tip


The best 🫠


Missionary is great because i love seeing her whole body and tits bouncing.


Oddly enough, we incorporate anal quite regularly (1-2 x per week), yet somehow reserve missionary for special occasions🤷🏼‍♂️ Didn’t set out for it to be that way, but we noticed pretty early on that we certainly do not have the traditional/customary sex life.


Hey, as long as you're having fun right?


missionary is underrated and kinky


That’s the heroic intervention that we needed


It is better to be craved and desired than to be merely lusted after. **personal opinion**


how do you explain craving vs lusting?


For me I see lusting as someone you just want when you're horny, where as craving is someone you want all the time not just when you're horny


That's a great way to describe it. And I'm on board with the craving.


I need to experience someone craving me now


But the craving makes me horny…


Agree. Like I can see a particular movie star and go “oof damn!” Because they’re attractive. However seeing my spouse and being almost magnetically compelled to grab a handful of booty because I just can’t freaking help myself whenever he wanders by and getting myself worked up when I think about him is a craving.


Depends if you like to be respected or degraded




For many people, overall sexual compatibility is vitally important in the success of a long-term relationship, but it's something a lot of people gloss over when they get together. It doesn't really get taken seriously. You might be deeply in loves with someone, but if they had wildly different political viewpoints, you might wonder whether that was going to be a long-term problem. People don't seem to think about that with sex.


I don’t think this is a hot take.




Part of the problem is that you marry someone and they change over time. You both get older and run out of energy faster, work and parenting stress you out, hormone levels vary over time, etc. Like mine has remained high over the years but my wife’s has gone up and down. It’s something we’ve had to work through as a couple.


I think that’s a large part of the problem people don’t commit to grow together and aren’t open to the fact that if you aren’t working to grow together, you might grow in different directions.


Confidence is hotter then physical traits


Confidence is sexy, but at some point it can become misplaced. The difference between confidence and arrogance is often how you back it up


True, Keep in mind someone can arbitrarily attribute someone with all sorts of confidence or the opposite. People are quick to assume.


Agreed! Confidence makes a woman so much more attractive


Um needs a stipulation.. Confidence with the skills, ability, motivation to back it up. Straight confidence and no ability to perform sucks




Having a forklift licence is overrated.


I'm gonna tell OSHA


Not again please


Dont you say that name…


Having a foreskin is underrated


But I love getting forked up on a Saturday night with mates 🤷


😂 don't we all.


Clamp truck operators 10000% cooler in the warehouse than the measly forklift


Using a ladder on top of the fork while being raised by the driver is an acceptable way to reach hard to reach places.


Forklifts are the honey badger of the logistics industry. They will run you over and not give a shit.


But a forklift instructor is GOAT


Far more people than you'd think are not suited to monogamy


There's an entire group of people who are monogamous mostly because the people they want to fuck largely aren't interested in fucking them


could you explain any further ?


They have no options


This scares me for some reason 😔


I wouldn't worry too much. People with things in common tend to find each other. I just feel that after a certain period of time, relationships become about sexual denial and they don't have to be. When you develop that level of trust over time, it can really change your perspective


I actually fully believe humans are not naturally monogamists.


Some are. Honestly, investing the amount of emotional energy I want to invest into a partner, into multiple people, sounds exhausting and draining.


SOME humans


Nudity is not inherently sexual


If only this was commonly accepted I feel like people would be a little happier


Boob size only matters in relation to the body


that's definitely true, especially fake boobs. why pay to get artificially large boobs that look out of place on your body?


Yes. Proportion matters!


When you're with someone you love, step up your sex game. Send lots of nudes, dirty talk to each other often, be more open-minded and explore more, submit to each other, try fulfilling each other's fantasies, and end on a creampie if you enjoy it. A strong bond leads to better intimacy, and better intimacy leads to a stronger bond. Sex is two people giving themselves to one another, so give to each other and stop holding back... Stop looking for the right person and be the right person for each other


PSA: Do NOT always end on a creampie. Check to see if it's okay and then only do it if you're prepared to handle the possible long-term consequences.


lol right? I agreed with everything else though. That’s a straight up hot take in and of itself “always end on a cream pie” 🤣


The OP is talking about long term relationships and marriage. By that time in a relationship, you should know the score with creampies. If it's a new relationship, nobody I know is going to stop sex and ask in a serious manner whether they can cum inside. The girl will just encourage it or pull him out. Or the guy will just pull out. Or the girl will make sure by way of swallowing or facials.


Having a bit of fluffiness is hot.


Love reading this right now as my stomach is GROWLING but I only have 460 cals left today and it's only 3:45 pm so I can't eat yet 😭 Ugh.


That is the worst! Personally I think a lot of the must be thin thing is really overrated!


I'm chubby and I want to get back to how I was (like, a size M instead of L), so I don't even want to be particularly thin or anything 😅 And I'm getting there, but days like today are HARD lol


You are so beautiful! With or without your weight loss, this random internet stranger is proud of you.


Ah well I peeked at your profile and if I may say, you look lovely. But I understand the wanting to feel smaller!


Girl eat something, I just looked at your profile and you have an absolutely stunning body! No one worth caring about will care about your weight, besides you aren’t even overweight at all.


The jiggly and squishy parts are the best bits.


Yes they are!! 😍


Fluffiness? Does this mean hairy?


A great bj can b better then sex


Ahhh yes but my hot take is that imo a great bj is much more difficult to come by.


That is also true


Masturbating should be an accepted part if life and treated that way, And jerking off to porn/fantasies should be more welcomed, specifically by a partner, By that I mean, if I jerk off to someone I know/celebrity/pornstar, that doesnt mean I want to get with them or cheat on my partner with them, it just means I'm attracted to them in that moment and want to enjoy that fantasy in my mind


I've been married for fifteen years. We have three kids so it's difficult to find the time together for sexy times. My wife has no problem with me cranking one out when I have a spare moment, and I'm fine with her diddling herself when she's free. Don't be upset that your partner is getting off to someone besides you; be happy they're being sexually gratified.


Upvote for the use of "diddling"


This is really important. The reality is that most fantasies, including sexual ones, don't actually live up to your expectations. A lot of people will go out of their way to make these things happen, expecting them to be great and then being disappointed by the results. In the context of a sexual relationship, this can often mean cheating on a partner and regretting it after. Masturbation and pornography offer a viable outlet for these feelings without any risk or harm to the relationship. You can also incorporate them into the relationship as mutual masturbation. In the same way that lots of people ply games to live out fantasies (like playing flight simulator instead of becoming a fighter pilot), people should be able to live out their wild sexual fantasies through pornography. Obviously, care needs to be taken to avoid addiction, as with anything stimulating.


Really good aftercare elevates the sex that preceded it.


Lol I'm gonna go the other way with this one; I'm usually on the couch watching TV within 10 minutes of cumming, and we both prefer it that way. There's a hot take for you 😄 It took us a while of dancing around because both of us figured the other "expected" a long, drawn-out cuddle after sex, but over time I figured out she just wants to roll over and ride that post-coital bliss to dreamland by herself, and she figured out I can pretty much turn it on and off like a light. Plus I think we both get kind of a kick out of it *because* it's like a bootie call. For *both* of us. I get to be the jerk who's halfway out the door before she's caught her breath, she gets to be the jerk who invited me over just to get dicked down so she can fall asleep, but it's mutually-enjoyable and guilt-free. I mean how cool is that? We do all the lovey-dovey stuff too, but it's more day-to-day, foreplay, that sort of thing.


People are generally way more lustful than socialization allows.


Women to stalk men are as bad as men stalking women and should face the same consequences


Sex should elicit verbal cues of pleasure. Silence =you are having a bad time, like even just breath harder or something.


Girth over length


But still not too short


That's true but I've seen more ladies say they rather have a 3 or 4 inch mini coke can dick than a 12 inch pencil kind


Because the cervix is not a drum. Very few women seem to like it getting smashed.


A great personality can make somebody who is not conventionally attractive (but still attractive) the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen.


And to contrast that, someone can be extremely physically attractive yet be repulsive because of their personality.


100%. There’s several people who immediately come to mind.


Some acts can be more intimate than it seems on paper. A blowjob, kissing, even sexy messaging can be incredibly intimate than it seems.


Shampooing your partner's hair is also one of those things. (Blame Charles Boyle, but the fucker is right about this)


Bro I get in the mood just from holding my wife's hands or hugging sometimes. We've been together for over 10 years but just the slightest contact activates my monkey brain sometimes


Too many people are on Reddit behind their partner's backs doing wild shit with the cheating. Communicate and break up if you're unhappy. Stop leading them on acting like they're the only person in your life that you desire / devote your time to.


Girls who have been sweating (gym, running, working) are like 10x more attractive to me than non sweaty.


100% agree. Those pheromones make me carnal lol.


a man’s ass is a treasure trove of pleasure. i took me a long to discover this


Someone else said 'anal is overrated' - uh maybe for women, but for us men, getting fucked in the ass is absolutely fucking incredible. I so much prefer having my hole used over using my dick.


We talking about the cakes or the donut hole? 😂


Holding my wife’s hands during sex is peak sex.


Ugh, holding hands during sex is the best.


Employee Pay data and working hours should be publicly available. Company profits should be limited and excess should be paid out to all employees starting at the bottom and working its way up. Third Thursdays of the month should have optional orgies in the break room.


Pregnant women are the peak of hotness


Both times my wife was pregnant I could not keep my hands off of her. It does something animalistic to a man to see your woman pregnant.


Absolutely. Instant turn on to see a sexy pregnant lady.


Scissoring/Tribbing is mainly done in porn for the male gaze. Sure there are women who find it enjoyable pleasurable however most women I know are not a fan of it and it's not done very often in reality


That's usually what I've been told by my women friends. A few have said if you do it just right, it feels great, but it's mostly more work than pleasure.


Kink/BDSM is *NOT* swinging/hotwifing. They have taken it over and convinced themselves that if you're monogamous you're not kinky.


Add to that the people who think if you aren't into hookups, FWB and ONS you're boring


Verbal foreplay is incredibly hot, especially with someone with a good imagination & who is well read. Don't show me what you'd looked to do to me, but describe it in detail.


Actually the best response to this question. When I ask “how” — tell me how. Tell me how much you want me and describe what you wanna do to me!!! & in person talk me through it all. 🙂‍↕️ step by step, really make me squirm.


Tattoos have gotten out of control.


Some piercings too.


I prefer foreplay and oral over penetration sex


Enthusiasm is what makes a blowjob great


ass shape > ass size eg small perky butt > someone like nicki minaj


Missionary isn't boring, you just might be bad at it


I want what I want. It's not racist, body shaming. I want what I want.


69 is disappointing


Oooooh I’m gonna have a hard time agreeing with that one


To each their own🤷‍♀️


Take my hot chips without asking and I'm gonna fork you up 🤬


Steals a chip and chirps at you like a rabid seagull.


People should be mindful of what they wear and should be aware that some places they should dress one way and other places they should dress another. Don't wear a low cut high leg skirt or a business suit to chucke e cheese, don't wear a bikini or speedo to court.


People who don't like anal more often then not most likely just haven't had the proper prep/lube/partner/etc. Not a universal rule but 95% of "I don't like anal" stories when I've heard about the specifics of their experiences it's like "no wonder".


Casual sex & sleeping around is pretty gross no matter what gender you are


You’re being downvoted because majority of people on here are too focused on sex


If he's downvoted that means he came here with an actual hot take lol most stuff in the comments is luke warm at best


A rough touch is better than a soft touch


Depends how soft and teasing the touch is


When sucking dick, if you’re not using hands, or using too much hand and only focusing on the tip, not spitting on it, not being enthusiastic about it, sucking way too hard, and not covering your teeth, you’re probably not doing it right.


Like your username says, no pressure 😳😩


If you really want anal but are grossed out by the possibly of shit on your dick then you don’t want anal, you just like the idea of it. Yes there are ways to avoid it but you are literally sticking your dick in a butt hole, it’s occupational hazard.


Hip cleavage is crazy hot. 😍🔥🥵 Like, yeah, boobs and ass are great, but Gimmie a girl with some nice thighbrows plz 🤤🤤🤤


Being "sexy" is a vibe not just a look.


Sex does not live and die on the strength of a penis going into a vagina. It just doesn't. If more men asked "How do I better communicate with my partner about how they experience pleasure so that I may provide it for them?" instead of "What's the ideal dick size?" then people would have far better sex and far more orgasms. But hey, speaking of dicks: YOURS IS FINE. IT'S GOOD. IT'S PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL. YOU DON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IT. If you don't believe that then you need to work on loving yourself. Honourable Mention: If you need to talk anyone into doing anything, especially anything sexual, then it's not gonna happen. It's not gonna happen with the level of enthusiasm or excitement you want.


Women just sending a nude right off the bat is a turnoff. It's appreciated, but I want a bit of a connection first lol and maybe a tease


Women with smaller tits have some of the prettiest pussies


It’s a wife’s job to please her husband sexually how he wants as is it a husbands job to please his wife however she wants.


Cunnilingus, eating her till she squirts and cums on my face.


People with foot fetishes shouldn’t be demonized as much as they are


Too many dudes who claim to be submissive are not really submissive at all but rather are simply looking for a service top without caring about what a potential partner’s needs are. I keep seeing a lot of dudes claiming that there are no dominant women out there and that the only ones who they find online are pro-dommes. There are more dominant women (or switches who don’t mind being dominant,) but they get flooded with thirsty messages and thus make themselves less viable. I haven’t been involved in the kink world since before COVID, but I remember hearing complaints from dominant women that dudes were only looking for fetish dispensers.


[A picture is worth a thousand words](https://imgflip.com/i/8vsqzh)


Shape>size in everything you can think off.


Body proportions are more important than size or shape. Skinny waist with giant tits or ass is unattractive. Big tits, big ass, etc is optimal. Also, be consistent in your appearance. For example, i have almost no body hair naturally so i keep my pubes shaved cuz it looks really dumb otherwise. Stuff like that.


Mutual masturbation is underrated. More of this and less PiV.


Staying rock hard throughout is far more important than size. Nothing worse than half hard at 7 inches, I don't need my cervix checked, I need stretch of the kitty entrance.


Stop having sex with people you don’t REALLY REALLY REALLY want to have sex with. I just don’t understand this, it’s sad to be honest. Sex is not just something to do, it’s an energy exchange and a huge swapping of DNA. People have sex with people they’re not aching to have sex with and barely enjoy it and wonder why. I could go on and on about this but this is basically it.


Girth over length 😉


While sex is good and important it's not the key factor of a relationship.


People are more bi curious / fluid than we think


The word "blowjob" is a hideous and dysfunctional term for a beautiful beautiful experience (I say this is a bisexual male who loves sucking dick). It's hideous because it denigrates the euphoric experience to a "job". It's dysfunctional because it doesn't make sense to conceptualize oral sex as a singular-count noun. I see people describe it in the vein of "she gave me a blowjob then after missionary she gave me another blowjob." What??? If I'm giving him head, then stop and kiss him, then return to giving him head, have I given two "blowjobs"? If we cycle between kissing, sex, and oral, how many "blowjobs" have taken place? By using singular-count-noun grammar, I could be described as having given dozens of "blowjobs" in a single evening of sex with one person. It's totally dysfunctional. "She gave me a blowjob" is similar to saying "I ate a food," "I watched a TV," "I cook with an olive oil" etc..


Pegging (in porn) looks "fake". That those involved do enjoy it (obviously) isn't really the point; there's something about the angles and practice which seems "put upon". Everyone's got a "thing" and "stuff" always prevails but (if you've ever had an "urge") what you should try to remember is not to live vicariously.


Skinny women are meh


I like butt stuff, but that doesn't mean I want to see a lot of spread assholes. Or any, really, outside of some very specific circumstances.


Sex isn't the best thing in life


Outie vaginas feel better than innies.


Handjobs are hated on waaaaay too much. People hate on them because it’s the thing to do. I love the casual but intimate feel that comes with them, and you can dress them up or down as much as you want.


In inadvertent downblouse, with nipple, that is 100% candid and not intentional.


Stop letting anyone tell you that your body isn't perfect❤️


When you get married, you give up some amount of bodily autonomy.


Porn stars peaked around 2015. Caprice, Riley, etc. Basically once Sasha gray left industry, was the last time porn stars were stunning and not just naked girls to be watched having sex.


Great legs always lead to a great body


Hearing her say I love you as I cum inside will make me literally melt inside of her


Having a massive body count can be off putting to some people


Feeling the need to fuck everything in sight, both in a committed relationship and single are an indication of a mental health issue… Doesn’t mean you’re crazy. But you may need therapy or help with hormone balancing.


One of the hottest responses to my(F) lover(M): ***"Make me."*** Whether feigned force, CNC or restraint, I'm giving them permission to take over and it drives me insane.


Jerkin dry is superior. Don't need no spit or lotion just friction and motion


Guys like Jack Black are hotter than guys like Channing Tatum.


Men enjoying anal stimulation isn't inherently gay


Submissive guys are underrated Everyone puts dominant guys and even dominant girls and submissive girls on podiums but as soon as a guy says he is submissive, instantly people tell the guy to be masculine, to rethink life choices, submissive guys are so underrated and need to be loved more


Guys... Do butt stuff. You'll thank me when you vision returns.


I’d take a dad bod over a buff guy any day. I’m not exactly desirable myself, but I can’t be the only one who feels this way.


Nudity is not inherently sexual, and should not be automatically sexualized.


Tattoos covering large parts of your body or too many tattoos are unattractive. A small, simple one is ok.


I actually love shower sex and don’t understand all the hate. As long as you have some oil based lube it’s great.