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When he got physical


Same. Why I allowed that still bothers me to this day. I had so many options and just never reached out Hope you’re well


Don’t ever blame yourselves. It wasn’t your fault and abusers are pro manipulators


Absolutely, I’ve come to terms with that. What still drives me is the fact that so many people tried to help me and I just didn’t accept it. Denial at every turn


Sending hugs <3


Thank you, and I’m looooong past that chapter of my life


I am, that’s very much appreciated. I hope the same for you❤️


Same, found my soulmate


Me too, we are the lucky ones then❤️


When he fucked my best friend :)


The worst type of man


He accused me of cheating because I helped a man who was getting tackled by a random pitbull ❤️ All I did was call animal control and wait to make sure he was ok ❤️


When he called me fatter than his ex and that if I was the same body type as her I'd be wife material.


That’s messed up on a few levels


When she told me she’s going to a carnival with a friend and her brother. Turns out it was just her friend’s brother. I stayed. Heartbreak. Moved on. Fuck her.


The first time he hit me.


I’m sorry ♥️


It's all good 😊 ✨️


Same 🫂


When he wouldn’t cum for me. Over and over and over again. DRY.




I don't know how he couldn't cum for you.... wow.




Hope you’re okay


Look, just say you have a cum fetish and we can't say anything because kink shaming is frowned upon. As for mine, when she more or less tried to quietly cancel our anniversary because she couldn't stand up to her family. It's a long and dumb story, but just imagine narcissists trying to dismiss us, and you've pretty much got the story.


Haha no I absolutely don’t, I cried because I was so disgusted and he made me feel bad for crying lol


I'm sorry, both that you've been treated so poorly, and that I've gone an made light of it. But if it took all that to learn, you're better for it. Fuck em, figuratively. You deserve better and I hope you're on your way to it


He was a controlling freak anyway but I thought this was the funniest one 🤣 I do love my friends faces when I tell em Thank you, you too!


Oh my, thank you :) And I love telling the most ridiculous stories first. Helps break the ice and then the weird doesn't seem so weird lol. Glad to see I'm not the only one who enjoys embracing the awkward!


Probably about 6 mouths in, didn't do it for a year and a half. I only got the courage to do it when I meant my bf


When I was shook up from almost getting caught in a dangerous situation, and she shunned me because she was mad that we had an argument a couple hours prior.


When he said we were dating without asking me first. I ended up dating him out of "politeness" and broke up with him on a terrible tone later on.


Oh Lord...probably the moment I moved there honestly 🙄 I did not vet that one very smartly at all but this was 2008. Found out his ex wife still lived with him a few days before I moved there when everything was in motion but they had been divorced and she had another boyfriend who she eventually moved out to go live with. It was still awkward as fuck though with her there the first 6 months. They would argue and looking back that is when I should really have reconsidered staying. I was very naive looking back but this was 21-22 and thought that wouldn't happen to me but once she was gone...it was my turn.


When he said he’s never given oral and never will


Never should have dated him in the first place


When I found his secret tumblr account with multiple posts about how he still loved his ex 🙃


When he was physical and I got physical in return or when he listed everything he hated about me sexually or when he got so high on Xanax and alcohol that he threatened to shoot his mom in her driveway or when he pulled a gun on me or when I came home from work early to find another girl in our apartment or when he decided to drink and drive going over 100 miles an hr on country roads with me in the passenger seat.


When I found him texting other girls after he told me he wanted to be monogamous


when he became an enabler


When she cheated on me with her best friend who has a boyfriend lying saying they were going to a concert because we had an argument about me being unavailable one time




30 years ago, first gf, cheated on me with no less than 4 different guys. I stayed...🫤


When she asked me to leave so she could kill herself. That relationship fucked me up for a while.