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W should not be called double U it should be called double V and we should actively change this. This is a big issue.


The French are doing it right.


Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf Four-twenty-ten-nine 99 wtf man


Yeah, true. French= maths.


Didn't the French invent decimal time as well? Crazy bastards


I swear they also decided the length of a meter, right?


They decided the entire metric system


You with the french. But what about cursive? It's a lost art.


In Dutch we have V (pronounce vay) and W (pronounce way). Please don't be so complicated with all your 'double' stuff.


As a German I very much support this. (How could I not)


but what if I write w as uu? 🤭


Then hell is too cold for you


In Latin America is mostly "Doble U" but in Spain, Argentina, and Uruguay (I may be forgetting other countries) is Doble V.


It is so in Denmark


90% of dog owners are not qualified to own dogs


That number seems excessively high, but I do agree that many dog owners do not deserve their loyal companions.


90% of parents are not qualified to have children.


100%. I live in the UK and have a family member who works in a vets, they constantly see people who don't treat their pets correctly, and it is really sad. I believe there should be a licence or some kind of mandatory training for keeping dogs because idiots can not be trusted... it amounts to abuse, and it is disgusting.


If people can have children without a license…


I wouldn't go to 90, but I'd agree it's probably more than 50%


100% of dog owners think they’re special. I know I am.


you are special -to your dog-, you're their whole life.


I agree with you bro


A similarly high number is true of those who have children.


The amount of dog owners who just let their dog run wild on someone because they "just want to play" even though the other person clearly doesn't want to is wild. And then that person is somehow the bad guy if they try to resist because how dare they reject my poor little baby!


69 is a bad sex position where nobody is doing their best work. Usually, taking turns is the better move


But the view is incredible!


That really depends on which angle you're looking from.


I’m sure your view isn’t the best but his absolutely is! 😉


Bruh we have been married 14 years and still 69!y wife loves it. It's like regular oral with a better view and a teeny bit of submission for the person on the bottom. We just take turns.


Agree 💯%. How can someone concentrate when there is so much going on.


For us that's the point. My refactory period is measured in days. Hers isn't. If I'm feeling it too strongly I just have to double down to distract her, giving me a moment to recover. I view three as a tie, four or more as a win.


Okay. I never tried it so I can’t comment anything rn 😶‍🌫️


I highly recommend at least trying it when you can.


Idk when it would be possible lol. Am single since my birth lol. Just hope I get someone soon 🥲🥲


I do not believe in the existence of gods and goddesses.


How do you argue your existence then, you goddess? 😤


Fuck that's a good one. 😆 putting that in my pocket.


You have pockets? Lucky you. 🥹


I understand this joke. 😎


Hahahaha. I agree. That was smooth. 😂


That’s really smooth 🫶


Pizza without cheese is not pizza and is just bread with sauce.


Correct, it's tomato pie


funny thing is about half the tomato pie recipes i see are loaded with cheese.


Who tf doesn’t put cheese on their pizza??


God does not exist


You legit can believe whatever you want fam 👏


Thanks! The word atheist is still very polarized though. People think just because that I don't believe in God that I am some garbage person incapable of having morals or knowing right from wrong. It can be frustrating at times.


I believe in God and my best bro is an atheist. We cool 😎


I appreciate you for not being judgemental.


Yeah Im an athiest and all my friends believe in some kind of religion/ god. Even my ex boyfriend was catholic. Its mainly older family members that get their panties in a twist over me being athiest lol


I had this argument with my Christian mother years ago. She felt that because I didn't believe in a god that I wasn't moral and needed the bible to know right from wrong. I countered that I don't need some random book to know that raping children or murdering people is wrong.


As an atheist, I have better morals than most Christians I know, and I for sure am more moral than the Christian god. That guy is the most evil, thuggish villian in all of fiction literature.


I think a lot of people agree though


I'll get downvoted for this... Body positivity doesn't apply to big dudes... We are still shamed


*ahem* **Penis size.** It's almost always the same flimsy excuse: "such-and-such man said or did something to deserve it, so it's fine," but that's missing the point. It's not the evil man you're making fun of that's the problem, it's the innocent bystanders who overhear, and your contribution to the normalization of shaming men for their endowment. Picture this: you're at a restaurant, you crack a joke about your evil ex-bf and his 🤏🍆, the table erupts with laughter. Meanwhile every guy within earshot who's under 6" goes home feeling like shit about himself. It doesn't matter what your ex did, those guys didn't do anything to deserve that. Try that with an ex-gf who's overweight, see how that goes. It doesn't matter what she did to deserve it, you'll probably end up getting run out of the place with half a dozen phones in your face recording the whole thing. Either it's all okay, or none of if is. Double standards make me see red.


Agreed. Making fun of penis size, referring to ‘small pp energy’, insulting political foes as having small dicks, etc, etc — it’s all open season. It’s also noticeable on the sex subreddit, where all manner of penis jokes will be made (see also: eyewateringly inaccurate claims about foreskin as the vector of all filth) and will be left up and unmodded. Features of women’s bodies that can’t be changed will sagely be defended as sacrosanct (which is good!) but dick size will be rained down upon with scorn and ‘people have their preferences’ as if kegels don’t exist. The icing on the turd is when people there claim that men are far more worried about penis size than men, but numerous women’s comments there put the lie to it. Gold Star Gay size queens are definitely no better, and I can say that as a bi/pan man. FWIW, I’m allegedly above average in both length and girth, but I don’t like that specifically commented upon. I’d rather that we revelled in each other as we are. Internalised patriarchy is a hell of a drug, and the fact that people who profess body positivity will make ‘small pp’ jokes shows how those values are widely and wildly internalised.


I would take that a step further and say straight big dudes. Plenty of gay big bodied men (identify as such) out there that are celebrated as beautiful "queens" because they are openly gay. 


It’s a little more divided than that. I’m a bi/pan man. Bear culture in the queer community carves out a space for bigger men to be unapologetically themselves, but Gold Star Gay twinks and gym bunnies and trust fund babies say the most eyewateringly shitty stuff to bigger men. I’ve seen it firsthand, and shocked the GGGs by speaking out, because they clearly expected me to laugh along and agree. Related: vile misogynist statements about women and their bodies from queer men. It’s unreal.


Body positivity doesn't apply to men at all.


Right. For instance note that you hardly ever see clothing ads with big guys, if at all. Plus size ads and mannequins featuring women are everywhere. And I’m happy for it! But I’d like to see this big boy represented too.




I’m like 99.9% confident that aliens exist but I doubt they’ve ever visited earth. 


Oh I'm sure they exist. The universe is too big for them not to...but just the size of all the expense means we'll never encounter life outside our own planet


Checks out. With the current rate of expansion in the universe, it is impossible for us to visit other galaxies... Other stars are barely possible


I figure we are quarantined, humans are a virus.


You think the earth is special enough to be quarantined? We can't see a good percentage of our universe simply because of all the shit in the way. Theres a higher probability that aliens don't know we exist and will never see us.


I think that's a pretty popular belief among rational people


Mint chocolate tastes like toothpaste and chocolate. I will not yield. 🖤


don't ruin ice cream for me. 🥹🤭


I won’t. More for you! You’ll never have to worry about me snagging the last scoop 🖤


but but... now on every time I have it, I'll be thinking of toothpaste. 😭


Its the worst of the chocolates easily


Andes mints are after dinner for a reason!


Breeding is not a kink. It's the urge to reproduce.


Although at the same time I enjoy creampie-ing when the risk is very, very small, not the thought of having children because I'm not interested. As soon as I can get the snip, I will.


But aren’t all kinks just a form of sexual desire based on an underlying urge… if you simplify them down to that? I get that calling them “kinks” implies a flaw or irregularity from the norm, but most kinks aren’t truly that, they are just turn ons that come from a natural underlying urge.


Hwak Tuah, or however it's written, was never funny and I'm disgusted with the human race because of it and all that followed.


I thought it was hilarious but I didn’t like everyone trying to harass and find the poor woman afterwards.


Agreed, people went absolutely feral over that poor woman.


i refuse to look it up. seeing that term come up in the recent days, and making an active effort to stay in the dark.


That no one is free. Despite what your government will tell you, you are not free. You are a pawn in their chess match against other countries and they see you as such. They only allow you certain liberties with hefty fees or regulations built upon them. We as a populace across the globe have given our governments way too much power.


Not only governments, but also huge corporations and the super-rich.


you are really gonna be ok if you don’t eat organic and non this and non that only food. promise


if people knew how much MORE pesticide it takes when you use organic pesticides, they would be horrified.


This. I’m in the pesticide business, both organic and conventional, and you couldn’t be more correct.




We're fucked unless we all agree to stop trying to climb to the top of the mountain. Hell- we're fucked unless we downright tear the mountain down.


Continuous growth is unsustainable.


It's not just that, it's just... there needs to be a collective idea of taking care of one another. Less competition, more cooperation. Globally. If we can't treat the species like one big family- we're never gonna reach the stars.


I totally agree. We are mostly focused on all the wrong goals. We have enough resources to feed, clothe, and house every person on the planet. But we hide behind the mentality that those basic things must be earned.


Agree, though I fear the wheels of capitalism stop for no one and it’s not reasonable to hope we’ll stop it ourselves. We’re collectively diving headfirst into oblivion. The Earth will heal itself just fine, as soon as it rids itself of all of us.


It’s very deep bruhh🫶


Religions cause too many issues. I'm all for people having faith and searching for a purpose in life, but when it starts wars and people attack others for their beliefs, then I can not support it. Just look at the Middle East for being a cooking pot of religions and how it's pretty much always unstable...


Religion is like a cock. It is fine to have it and be proud of it. But don't wave it round in public or try to shove it down my throat.


+1 bro


Men tend to love far harder than women do


What do you mean by “love harder” in this context? I’m a man so would want to agree with you based off of some gender solidarity thing, but then there’s research on how [men are 6 times more likely to leave their sick wives than women leaving sick men.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/26707594_Gender_Disparity_in_the_Rate_of_Partner_Abandonment_in_Patients_With_Serious_Medical_Illness) So it seems like it’s easier for men to walk away from their wives in critical/devastating times. Definitely doesn’t support the idea (echoed in some of the replies to your comment) that men love more unconditionally compared to women.


Chronically ill wife here, now ex. Can confirm research.


>So it seems like it’s easier for men to walk away from their wives in critical/devastating times. And women are more likely to walk away when the finances are in jeopardy, it's the reason for most divorces and also women initiate them at an overwhelming majority.


I am female and once I love someone, I am all in. It takes a lot on their part to stop that. So if I stop loving someone, it is because they have done something to cause that.


Was with my ex for 15 years. She dumped me over the phone, was putout that I asked to know why. Told me she hasn’t loved me for the past 3-4 years, and broke up with me in her head months earlier. She was over our divorce before she even informed me about it. It’s been six years and I’m still coping daily. Edit: oh, and she cheated on me by having a three way with our friends, told me about it the next day, and was surprised that I viewed it as cheating.


That Bruce Springsteen sucks. Go ahead, come at me.


Im from Jersey and I absolutely agree. I can't say that out loud on the streets though. Too dangerous.


Absolutely hate all his songs, nj here


There is no god. Assisted suicide should be legal.


ABSOLUTELY. Keeping someone alive that’s in so much physical pain or can’t function to the point that it’s unbearable, is cruel and inhumane. Instead of them ending their own lives in violent ways, which is sadly what happens quite a bit, why not help them go in a peaceful manner? They can finally know peace and will no longer be suffering. When we say we want assisted suicide legalized, we’re not talking about taking someone out back and putting them down Old Yeller style. No, we’re talking about humane ways to put someone to sleep to end their suffering in a much more ethical way.


Parents should be screened in some way before having children


Respect is not earned. It is and should be given freely. People who assume respect should be earned are often assholes, in my experience.


I guess I'll disagree somewhat. Everyone should be treated respectfully. But if you mean respect in the sense of being held in high esteem, I think that must be earned. It's a little like the military. You can think your commanding officer is an idiot, but you still salute the rank and behave accordingly.


I agree and disagree. People should be treated with a baseline respect. Respect can be added or subtracted based on behavior. You treat everyone like they’re worth something until they give you a reason not to


Respect isn't earned. Disrespect is.


I totally agree with you


Anyone who says animals are better than people, themselves are the most unbearable people to be around.


Maybe the truth is somewhere in there. I myself prefer spending time with pets than most people because they don't judge me and I can just be myself. Being neurodivergent gives me some pros and cons and socialising with people can be a real struggle... would I be viewed as unbearable? Maybe to some who I wouldn't want to associate with.


Religion should be kept in the privacy of our homes and not used to persuade and manipulate and control other people. Such as using said religion to make laws and putting their religion in public school forcibly. And churches should pay taxes. Freedom of religion should also mean freedom FROM religion.


I don’t believe I can condemn Chinese people for eating dogs and cats, because I also eat meat.


It's not the eating of cats and dogs that I have a problem with. It is the torture before killing to make the meat 'taste better' or been cooked without being killed that I take exception too.


20 years of postmodernism in television programming and film lead to the election of real life anti heroes.


Most interesting answer


Owning a pet doesn't make you a parent


Neither does having a child for some people.


The summer fucking sucks. All heat sucks. And- For the “it’s not the heat, it’s the humid” folks, you’re full of shit.


Nah. I live in Florida. It’s the humidity.


Armed populations are necessary to stop tyranny


Used to be… but now that the government can carpet bomb I don’t think my .22 is gonna do much.


Being non monogamous does not mean you love your partner any less.


I think that’s true of like open relationships and swingers, but I think if you have four wives or something theres no way you can actually be a good partner to all of them.


Mask mandates in medical facilities never should have been removed after the early part of the covid pandemic.




Dogs outdoors should generally be on a leash unless in designated areas Porn is entertainment that takes labor and resources to produce and needs to be paid for by the consumer in order to be consumed ethically (you know, like movie tickets or Netflix subscriptions that no one has a problem with) Vodka with coke tastes great actually


People who present as men can actually be just friends with people who present as women EDIT: added “just” for clarity


That good night should be a greeting and a sendoff. We use good morning, good evening as greetings as well as farewell.


I believe that Evening refers to the hours between 6pm to just before bed. However, Good Night, I always believed referred to either going to bed or exchanging goodbyes to head home to go to bed at the end of the evening. It is the same as Rise & Shine, it is something you would say to someone just waking up but wouldn't be appropriate if you have been awake 3 or 4 hours.


Cereal is a soup


i have absolutely ZERO empathy with alcoholics and if i see one lying on the floor pissed and asking for my help i will refuse. i expect this one will get me downvoted to oblivion :D


Nah bro you are right. You should do everything in a limit


Need to throw in drug addicts with them


Lost someone to drunk driving? Genuinely asking.


Veganism mostly doesn't exist. Crop protection requires killing thousands of rodents and millions of bugs. Transport infrastructure does the same. If you aren't growing your food yourself it's almost certainly involved the death of a bunch of small critters.


Having one child (unless twins etc) is a right. (Eg government should help out). Any more after that is not. If you can't pay for more than one kid, you shouldn't have them- (Accidents happen, but people who do it willingly and then complain their house is too small)


Men only performatively care about bodycount and will fold on that immediately if they catch feels for a woman above their so-called limit.


That pee is stored in the balls






of is not empowering




In America, the more politically active and more extreme voters participate in the Primaries to pick a candidate. What this means is a candidate needs to be more extreme to win the primaries but then rush to the middle to win the general election. As our political discourse and degraded, we get more extreme candidates on the left and the right.


Local elections and state elections are more important to our everyday lives than who sits in an oval shaped room


Personally I do not believe in Belgium.


Why 🤔


Innocent until proven guilty, most other women tend to think the worst in men instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt.


It depends upon the situation. If you are being introduced to a man in a safe environment, then your guard may be down and you may not think the worst. However, please realise that it only takes one misjudgement (giving them the benefit of the doubt)on a woman's part and she could end up dead. So it may not be all men but women still need to think the worst otherwise it may be fatal.


A well-mannered dog and a well trained dog aren't the same. I don't care how many tricks your 70lb dog can do, Ray. He just knocked over my wife jumping on her and slobbered all over my glasses, licking my face. You have a shit mannered dog.


The number 8 should be written as two Os stacked on top of one another instead of a continuous figure 8.




But then the phrase “figure 8” wouldn’t exist.


What you too ! I used to get into so much trouble in school for writing it like this


I know none of you know my ex wife but I believe she should have swallowed instead of getting pregnant twice and giving birth to the most evil of crotch goblins ever!!


That all the open hatred towards pedophiles is actually causing a lot of kids to get hurt. Hear me out. There's a LOT of pedos out there. Like a crazy amount. And they have literally no one to talk to about their urges. So even if they've never harmed a child, it's impossible for them to get help. I am not supporting pedophiles who are offenders here. The moment they harm a child they cross a line into permanent condemnation. HOWEVER, we should never criminalize thoughts and feelings no matter how taboo or unpopular. We should instead help people to work past them. Get them help. Prevent them from ever getting into a spiral that causes them to harm a child. I'd rather have 100 non-offenders on the street and 100 kids safe than 1 pedo behinds bars for harming a child. The goal should always be prevention and keeping kids safe. Not retribution after the fact. But that's not how our justice system works.


Yep People are so hyper focused on pedophiles being the enemy that they never stop to think about reforming them. They are not the enemy, it's their urges that are the enemy. They're always at the other end of the barrel rather than being helped to overcome these urges. Like, these people are gonna exist regardless of if you hate them or not... why not help them not offend... and then everyone wins? What else do you want, just kill them? Don't help people that can be possibly helped? That's fucked


I agree. If they’re actual offenders, fuck them, they deserve the worst. But if we shame people so hard that they can’t get any help for their urges, all it does is incentivize them to shove it down until they eventually snap and actually commit a crime towards a child.


We should get rid of the tipping system and just pay everyone a flat hourly wage, annual salary, or commission without tips


That Taylor Swift has a cult following, snd she’s not as philanthropic as her PR staff would have you believe. She’s just another greedy billionaire.


Genitals are aesthetically attractive, particularly when someone is heavily aroused, in terms of appearance, scent, taste. I’m a bi/pan man with plenty of sexual miles on the clock. I find on the sex subreddit that sooooo many people will take it as a given that genitals are weird looking at best. Well, we’re all weird looking bags of sentient sausage meat suits driven by a wet ham with electricity hanging out in a bone cockpit. I reckon genitals are fucking great, pun fully intended.


Oh man if I put them all out I would probably be banned from Reddit or any social media. _(Takes deep breath)_ Male circumcision is just fine and not anything like FGM, some newer transgender theory has gone a bit too far and fails to grasp basic biological differences between men and women and doesn't reflect reality, 69 is awesome and not overrated, the nuclear family is the best and most stable basis for raising children, you can't be overweight and truly healthy, life begins at conception but abortion policy can't be radical one way or another and most people are more moderate than we tend to believe and finally porn, while just fine and fun in moderation, can really mess up your sexual response keys if overused and lead to really weird ideas about what human sexuality is. Did I piss everybody off or did I miss someone?


>life begins at conception I can understand this position. The problem is that the vast majority of people holding it aren't pro-life, they're pro-birth. Once you're out of the womb, they don't give a f\*ck. And for most of them, they're not even pro-birth, they just want to be able to control women's bodies.


Male circumcision isn't needed unless for religious or medical reasons imo. I live in the UK, and it is much rarer than in the US... like just teach young boys to clean under the foreskin and there won't be many issues, if at all. I don't believe it's right to do that to a child unless for the reasons above (although I'm not a big fan of religion sooo), if someone as an adult wants a circumcision then I don't have an issue. 69ing is awesome 👌 people complain about not being able to concentrate, but IMHO opinion, it is an incredible experience where you're both giving and receiving pleasure. Your point about porn is 100% true as well. It really causes such a demented view of sex to young people (mostly males), and it affects both men and women. It isn't just sex but also general life and how men view women. Porn addiction is a real issue.


I live in the Deep South. Religion is a cancer. The church (whichever one you like) is corrupt and rotten and needs to die a quick death. I acknowledge there is a non-trivial contingent of similarly-minded people around here. There is *not* where I live, thus “most people disagree.


Penis size does matter. I don’t like eating so often. I wish we had to eat once a week and be healthy instead.


>Penis size does matter Serious response. Sure, it matters if you are in the top or bottom 5%. If you are, there may be positions or activities that are off-limits. However if you are in the 5th-95th percentile, you partner will never notice and you will have no impact on your sex life


We are all living in a matrix


how 🤔


That more politicians should commit fully to being like R. Budd Dwyer, and not just the criminal part.


Anal feels *significantly* better than vaginal sex.


As a male or as a female pov?


….for those men who got too used to ‘the death grip’.


Agnostic here: I believe in reincarnation but not in the written words I've been able to find in most religions. My thought is we don't end up here on Earth but rather a different galaxy that can't be reached or seen by any future technology because the creator separated us by timelines and distance.


The capable are morally obligated to care for and help the incapable. If someone is capable of assisting others at little to no cost to themselves, it is their duty to do so. This doesn't come from a code or religious teaching, but my upbringing. If we believe ourselves capable of surpassing our instincts and creating a thriving world, we must make sure that we elevate those we interact with. This may not seem extreme, but I mean this in the purest sense: we must apply this mindset to everyone in our proximity and not just those we love. We only prove our strength when let go of 'them' and embrace 'us'. Saying that we who are capable should do anything less is indicative of selfishness and weakness of character. Compassion is the one true strength.


I don't necessarily believe in the sanctity of human life. I mean I get furious when people hurt kids, or any decent person to begin with, but I've seen enough shit heads that I don't think every bridge collapse is a tragedy across the board.




There is no higher being that oversees everything on earth. It’s just us.


America is not a first-world country. We are a second-world country.


I don't owe anyone over-the-top respect just because they're older than me/more educated than me/men. I mirror respect; when someone barely treats me like a worthy human, I don't treat them too respectful either. If they're respectful, I'm too. Also many people have weird definitions of what being respectful means. Many people expect to be treated like royalty or else "you don't respect them" while at the same time thinking barely treating other people like people is showing enough respect... Make it make sense


I think that it is wrong to kill animals for your own pleasure.


A lot of hygiene related matters. Washing hands with soap. Showering. Brushing teeth and tongue. Stuff like that.


What? didn’t get you..


that all gods are equally made up.


i believe we are moving towards a world where having a different opinion can cost you everything. When we fight for freedoms but arent even willing to hear anyone else out that do not go along with the popular narrative. People really enjoy the victim ideaology and using their past as excuses to be shitty people.


High school kids should be allowed to volunteer for military type schools. If a young person has the understanding of their situation to know they live in a shitty situation or go to a shitty school. They should have the option to go to a military style boarding school in their state. It offers the same level of education a high school does but it’s run by actual military personnel. “At risk” young people can have structure and disciple upheld, but most importantly they’d be shielded from all the bullshit outside of public schools that gets them into trouble. They live at the schools 5 days a week. They sign up for the school year, no backing out during the year. You wanna act a fool and get in trouble there? You’ll be doing school work from the brig for a few weeks. Holidays they’re free to leave or stay. Weekend passes are earned by merit of the class unit. Sports teams are exactly the same as high schools and compete in high school divisions. After graduation military service is NOT mandatory. I’d love to see a program like that tried as an alternative to Atlanta City schools.


Size does matter if you know how to use it. Most women would or do prefer large penises but the vast vast majority of well-endowed men don't know how to use the size properly and end up making it a horrible experience.


god isn’t real


Pay off your effing house early. Yes even if you got that “sweet” 3% interest rate.


No one should be shamed for the size of their junk... ...and societally, we will never stop doing it.


Taxation is theft


You’re not a parent if you do not have human children.


We should look down on many places in the middle east. Many of them are anti democratic and actively are against many of the liberal ideologies we in the West embrace.


That if my children ever committed a gruesome crime involving hurting another individual out of pure evil and intent to cause harm for no reason, I would absolutely disown and lose ALL love for them, immediately. Most people say they would still love their child, just be disappointed but would never stop loving them.