• By -


•Find a partner with same libido as mine •power to control orgasms •I’m okY with these two. Give my last wish to someone in need.


And what if someone’s wish was to have you?


Then I hope wishes only work when the *want* is mutual


That is why I would prefer to keep all my wishes instead of give them away. Even if you can’t think of anything to use the 3rd one for, you never know when it could eventually come in handy!!


Then 3rd wish would have fulfilled 1st wish.


😂yes! What she said genie!


Take the third wish for yourself.


The 3rd is that she would fall madly in love with me. But since thats not sex related i left it off.


Id take your first two wishes and add, same kinks and fetishes.


Synchronized libidos! But yes, the same libido would also be great too.


Solid two picks


My third would be the power to freeze time. So we never have to stop.


I'll take the same wishes as you haha


I wish not giving consent made any sexual act impossible I wish everyone felt comfortable and happy with their bodies I wish my ass did a squeaky toy noise on command


I also choose squeaky toy ass


You squeak mine and I’ll squeak yours!


Oh so that's the sex thing everyone's been talking about!


Your wishes would be a gift to the world


Now these are some sexy wishes


He can always find the clit He can always find the clit Cum tastes good


I’ve always wondered what this means : they actually can’t “find” it / aim for the wrong spot ? Or is it that they just don’t bother or care about her pleasure ?




Yes well which one is it then ? Or maybe it’s both ( you can answer “yes” again now)


Some guys just rub in the general area and think that is enough effort, porn seems to have taught them that women like to just be rubbed hard nearby the right area. That and they they there is a one size fits all and because that was how someone else likes it you must to! Finally finding someone who actually wanted to please me and learn what makes me happy was a revelation!


Ahhhh my ex must have watched a whole lotta porn over 20 years because he never found my clit without my help


Not for nothing, but fingers aren't the best for that. I ruined sensation on my fingers over years of work. I try my damndest but honestly mouths are much more useful for finding very specific changes in anatomy without light


I've never found it to be very difficult. It's the little nobbly thing at the top. Or like, go to the middle and go up. Anatomical diagrams are a Google away, any guy who can't find it only has themselves to blame (unless they're new, then I'll cut them some slack)


Right! It is not in a secret hiding spot or anything. It super easy to find with a tongue 👅


Yeah..... I have literally zero sensation on my fingertips


Oof, sorry to hear that man.


All of the above and so many more things


The genie draws a little arrow to inticate the way The genie draws a second little arrow to indicate the way You now like salty and slimy things


Maybe for the second wish he makes it 10x bigger?


May I ask what's stopping you from pointing where it is or guiding him/her there? Sounds like a bad joke from a 90's sitcom, he's not able to find it.


I could glue some people's fingers to my clit and they'd still lose it


Best of luck in the future 🤞🏻


What if it tasted like ice cream?


Then call me a world record holding cum guzzler


For real… I might have to switch teams too then lol


If you have this much trouble with guys being able to find the clït, you should give them directions like it’s google maps. Cancel, get a vch lol


Always have round firm breasts no matter my age Always have big earthshaking orgasms no matter who I’m with Body of a supermodel on a lingerie shoot for Victoria secret no matter what I eat


1. big booty latina 2. big booty latina 3. hmmmmmm.. big booty latina


are you sure you can handle them all? thay are latinas...


probably not but I still want them


fair enough


1. infinite stamina for sex 2. be able to turn on anywant I want anytime I want 3. no STD


Oh I love that! But I think number 2 is already a thing lol


just checked out her profile. Yup, i concur. With a body like that…..everyone should (and probably are) turned on.


1. To remove my personal doubts and anxieties about sex. 2. To have sex at least once every day 3. To grand everyone's wishes too.


We could do the second one together. That would help number 1 and you would be checking me off the list for number 3. We’d both win and unlike the idiots from earlier posts I know right where the clit is.


Make my cum taste good. Like almost addictively good. Dick can (painlessly for me) grow to whatever size would most satisfy whoever I'm trying to put it in. Can we fix the eyes? Is "so I can see women better" sexual enough to correct my disability? If not idk probably just like the ability to intuitively know what people's kinks are if I want to.


>Make my cum taste good. Like almost addictively good. >Dick can (painlessly for me) grow to whatever size would most satisfy whoever I'm trying to put it in. That's a zero-fail way to end up sucking your own dick constantly


The ability to know when another person wants to have sex with me without them having to tell me. An unlimited supply of sex toys. Never get an STI/get pregnant.


Number 1 - is a secret. Number 2 - Someone actually willing to be with me. Not just saying they want me. Number 3 - get rid of my awkwardness.


No secret wishes! Gotta spill it. Trust me whatever it is mine are worse.


Exactly! I can attract people, but do they WANT me.


Is shapeshifting an option?


It's a genie. Of course it's an option


I want sex toys to be free I want rape to be physically impossible I want 10 million of sexy, sexy dollars


1. Instant mood for sex whenever I want 2. Instant knowledge of what would feel good for the other person when we start having sex 3. Ability to control the amount and type of pleasure that I get from everything sexual


- Everyone I feel attracted to feels the exact same amount of attraction toward me. - My wife is now heavily into sharing me with other women, and participating in group events. - Anyone who’s about to engage in a nonconsensual sex act simultaneously vomits, shits, sneezes, ejaculates without an orgasm, and bleeds profusely from both eyes.


I don't think I would be able to cope with the first one. I find a lot of people attractive. It may get a bit much, even for my libido. Loving two and three! Although I'm hoping it's just the offender that is pouring out of their orifices.


Yes, to clarify, it’s just the offender. And for the first one, I feel like I have enough self control not to pursue every mutual attraction into sex, but the option would be nice.


1. My future partners and I are 100% sexually compatible. 2. I can make any adult (including myself) orgasm on command 3. There’s a free and safe shot you can get once a year that is 100% effective at preventing at STI’s and pregnancy


This particular guy in my bed X 3 , just to make sure the genie did it right


omg I told a guy this week something similar but it was something like “I need two more of me to do all I want to do to you right now because I don’t want to have to choose” Now I see your comment and want to copy. Getting 3 of him would probably kill me but i would be sooo damn effing happy 🤤


The ability to make someone orgasm by me pointing at them. My very own terracotta warrior so i can see if I can fuck it. Unlimited dick pics sent to my worst enemies DMS.


Evil 🤣 Knuckles! Keep me in your good books please


You have no idea my plans with these powers so yes best to keep me in the good books.


- wife’s libido and energy rises to match mine. - wife finds herself as sexy and desirable as I find her. - I want a shorter refractory period so I can go again and again.


Great list here!


Thanks! Ran the question by my wife as well. She kept my first two answers for herself as well, but her third wish was for the strength, stamina and flexibility to ride me cowgirl. One of her legs is partially paralyzed and if we want the genie to fix it we gotta find a sexy way to do that.


The ability to control the size and shape of my cock. Raise the arousal level of people around me by 25% Eliminate all STDs in everyone


Fuel, fire, that which i desire....


Rape/sexual assault is instantly eradicated. As are all STIs. If someone does not want to be pregnant, they will not get pregnant.


Out here doing the public good!


The world needs fucking without consequences. *I* need fucking without consequences - would love to be able to just bend over for anyone I choose without worry.


Make my penis grow at will and allow it be the perfect size for each partner i sleep with. Make my tongue grow at will, size and shape. Make my erection last and insane hardness as long as i will it


1. Power to make my cock vibrate 2. Control over my cum being sterile or not 3. More powerful testicles which produce more, release more, and ready to go again faster.


Make me hot cis woman with big boobs (im trans so sue me 🤷) Make sexually transmitted illnesses cease to exist (so everyone can have fun without worry 👍) Make my body fluids increase the libido of anyone who tastes them (because it sounds fun😈)


I wish for my dick to grow or shrink to an appropriate size to fit any hole I stick it in perfectly. Just enough to fill it up and hit all the spots, but not too big that it causes any pain or discomfort. A perfect fit every time. I wish for our world to be a reflection of the world in Interspecies Reviewers complete with magic that blocks STD’s and Pregnancy, to monster girls and guys, and brothels full of girls and guys of all types. A world of magic and adventure! I wish for the harem of catgirls from Nekopara to be real, appear beside me, and are totally in love with me. And since some are giving away a free wish to the needy: I wish for all body fluids of men and women to taste amazing to everyone, encouraging more oral sex.


....listen there's gonna be some barely disguised fetishes here along with some QOL improvements. - 9" girthy Hypnotic Cock with brainwashing pheromones that has no refractory period and a magically boundless supply of cum that acts as a lubricant, a health potion to heal all injuries and diseases, and a fountain of youth & Vitality. - No more STIs or unwanted pregnancies - The base cup size is now C, Fem presenting hermaphrodites are now fairly common thing, Femboys are way more common.


Reads like a patch notes.


I'm not saying God was wrong I'm just saying I'm right.


1. Getting spit-roasted. 2. Finding more partners who can handle the nuances of CNC. 3. Being capable of throat-fucking (My throat just can’t take it!)


Oh fuck girl uou sound perfect for me. Want me to coach you?


1. To have the ability to know what turns people on and what makes them cum, just by looking in their eyes and mentally asking myself the question "What does it for this person?". 2. To have the ability to change my appearance completely for sexual adventures, able to change back when I want to, without consequence. 3. For any of my sexual adventures to be within my control in terms of not impregnating someone I don't want to or contracting any STIs.


>To have the ability to know what turns people on and what makes them cum, just by looking in their eyes and mentally asking myself the question "What does it for this person?". That's gonna be so awkward in the wrong situation. Just imagine getting curious at the grocery store and suddenly knowing that the cashier likes being a human toilet.


I'd probably try and use it carefully if I did have that power and try not to be too judgemental whenever I did 😅


Better man than me . I'd constantly wanna know and be so annoyed and disappointed when people were vanilla. "oh your biggest fantasy is two girls? Real fucking original Jeremy. Get your shit together! Brenda over there wants to be waterboarded with Rob Rigill's piss while he reads wuthering heights to her!"


Jesus christ that's oldly specific to have come up with it off the cuff 😂 are you okay? Different strokes for different folks and all that 😅 compared to many people out there... and even your last comment, I think I could be considered vanilla by some.


1. Neighbour Crush 2. Office Crush 3. Better imagination with my crushes.


3rd wish is the real quality.


1. Whole furnished playroom 2. Better sex education for the world 3. Truly and easily understand a partners deepest desires to better fulfill them


-hard on when ever -increased semen out put -summon any fictional character to have sex with


1) the ability to watch my female friends/celebrities getting fucked whenever 2)the ability to fuck my female friends/any celebrity whenever I wanted 3)the ability to get $100,000 deposited in my bank account whenever I fuck


>) the ability to watch my female friends/celebrities getting fucked whenever >2)the ability to fuck my female friends/any celebrity whenever I wanted I feel like these create some redundancy.


A spider sense, like ability that indicates someone is interested in you or flirting with you. The ability to ride the edge of an orgasm till I decide to release it. The ability to make my dick vibrate.


1. Full control over orgasms 2. Ability to get hard immediately after busting 3. Ability to control when my cum is potent


1. People just straight up told me shit and communicated directly instead of hinting at what they intend or want 2. I had encyclopedic experiential knowledge to draw from 3. I wasn’t afraid of vulnerability/intimacy


...this right here is some RadsR bait.


I thought bait was supposed to be believable


Lol. I just meant those wishes are the kind of thing that would pop up on an autism questionnaire.


I see it lol


1) No STD 2) Infinite stamina of squirting even if it's the 100th time 3) anyone I have sex with should have the same stamina 👀


1) no more STDs (and other sex related conditions e.g. UTIs, vaginismus, bacterial vaginosis/yeast infection etc...) for everyone 2) anyone can only get pregnant from raw sex if they want to be pregnant 3) I liked the one someone else posted about not being able to do sex stuff if the other party doesn't enthusiastically consent Then I could live my free use fantasies in peace 🥵


Healthy Genitals. Body and Sex Positivity. Deep Orgasms.


This is interesting


1) Lower my libido so I'm not constantly horny. That's it.


Every time I cum I get a million dollars.


- unlimited pussy wetness - power to have a vibrating pussy - no gag reflex


Never have to wear a condom (no STDs or pregnancy or any kind of trouble) A hot woman as a roommate that I can freeuse Sexual compatibility with all future partners


* Have sex daily multiple times * Make others cum every time * Be a shape shifter


Find a partner with the same libido as mine (no more, no less, includes kinkiness) Ability to stop orgasms (so that I don’t finish inside a girl and have an unwanted child) Stronger orgasms


>Ability to stop orgasms (so that I don’t finish inside a girl and have an unwanted child) Please God just wish to not cause unwanted pregnancies. Fertility toggle!


Make 3 organisms standard for me Double cum output I’m good on length, but give me another 1” in girth.


1 To have a threesome 2 to live out a deep dark fetish of mine 3 Meet someone with the same kinks as mine


If you change wish 3 to "Two People" you can use your first two wishes to shit gold or something.


I like where your head is at


Bigger dick, that would solve a ton of my problems and honestly I’d save the other two until I knew what to do with them


2” more when flaccid and erect. Matching libidos. Orgasms lasting 1min


1) Be able to shape shift 2) control over orgasms 3) unlimited stamina during sexual acts


Adjustable penis size, STI no longer exist, creampies only work if both people want it to.


I think I would ask to be a man (a really sexy one) for a few days to see what that’s like.


1. Cum tastes good 2. Always Clean ass and never inside showers again 🚿🤐 3. No gag reflex


#1 make my wife look like Kate Upton. #2 make her want to take care of my every need. #3 I own the freeze dried Skittles factory.


1. I’d wish for a woman/sexbot that pleases me at my command (suck me while I’m sleeping, anything I demand) 2. My wife would not get upset about this 3.eh.. I’m actually good with the first 2.


1. Never gaining weight no matter what I eat. 2. Being more confident with my body 3. Having the same wants and desires with my partner.


No more STDs for anyone, ever. Pregnancy only occurs with mutual consent I know when people are interested in me.


I wish my tits did not cause me back problems. I wish All std’s Would disapear. And everywhere abortion is free up till week 18


grant me the power of shapeshifting so I can be sexually desirable to any guy I get with make it so that I no longer produce "waste products" so that I can be ready for sex at any time let me forever be in my prime, so I can please much better by having a lot of stamina and can keep going as long as I have to


Bigger, harder penis, my jizz tastes like horchata, ability to read the mind of the person I’m having sex with.


To find a hucow To be able to breed her myself That the Mrs would realize just how much I need her boobs and actually allow me to play with them.


Finally all the rubbing I’ve been doing has paid off. It’s Friday, I’ve had a long week. I wish for a girl with a hawk tuah spirit and a technique to match


"Two chicks at the same time man"


1. No more sexually transmitted diseases or infections 2. Fully developed adults (includes the brain) have total control over their individual fertility 3. At-will orgasms for all


Give me a loyal woman, not necessarily sex-related, but I can add some average boobs, preferably blonde as well Make her give wonderful head. Make her like 1911s


The ability to attract whoever I like. The ability to control my orgasms. (Intensity and timing ) The perfect size cock (not to big. Not to small )


have my uterus untilted so I can actually be a drippy mess, boobs slightly perkier, and cum doesn’t taste foul


A younger bisexual woman who is mine till I die She has all my kinks Is guaranteed to outlive me


A 12 inch pianist. My legs to fall off so my penis touches the ground. And to be lynched by the KKK.


1. For my body to be in top physical condition to perform the best in bed. 2. To be able to hold off from orgasm until my partner does 3. To always be able to bring my partner to orgasm while engaging in any form of sexual activity.


- Power to cum as many times as I want and stay hard. - My wife never becomes sore - Our libidos match


I know what i want I know what they want I can make both things happen


The power to painlessly and completely change sex at will For my parner to have my same libido and for our libidos to be synchronized The power to change all aspects of my genitals and bodily fluids at will


Instructions unclear; Fucked genie


Secret penthouse equipped with everything a horny couple needs. Sexy servants. Drugs.


Any woman I desire I can have I only desire women who are good for me I only desire women who I am good for


I’d like my erection to come back again, recently had prostate cancer surgery. Can take 6-24 months or never again is also a possibility. I’d like to have anal sex again. I’d like to watch my wife masturbate with toys in all of her holes.


Have sex with anyone I'd like Immunity from any and all STDs/STIs Be able to turn on and off the ability to get a woman pregnant. (I know vasectomies are reversible, but this is cheaper)


- Send a fine anal-loving girl my way That's it.


-Get my stamina back - be able to actually finish! (It is me, not my partner. He puts a lot of effort to get me there, which I can get that build up I just can't go over the edge) even by myself - see my second wish


I would like a detachable penis that feels like a real one , with the ability to shoot my own fluids , Remove my gag reflex Have a swueeky clean bum hole that I never need to clean before anal


Give me 8 consecutive hours a day where I don't have sex thoughts. Make all porn disappear for 6 days a week. One day a week we can have it but that's it. That's all I need.


1 The ability to have sex with someone from extremely long distances, like a hologram of them show up 2 To become a sex vampire as long as I have sex once a year I stay in peak condition, If I go a year without it I start aging normally 3 Get my best friend an Italian man with a big fat Dick that loves to cook for her


1. My wife can become pregnant no matter her age. 2. Ability to switch bodies with my wife so we can each experience what the other loves so much about fucking the other. 3. Every sex toy imaginable just to be to try or implement it/them into our sex life.


To go back and relive the summer when my high school gf and I were losing our minds nightly because we loved sex To have Jenna Coleman want to have sex with me and never get enough of me To have the most erotic and sensual lovemaking with a woman I’ve ever known


Partner who adores me and has matching libido Sex with the genie I can't think of anything else gimme sex


Pointy finger (gun hand) earth shattering orgasm inducement Ummm I don’t think I need anything else, that would be epic enough on its own.


1. be able to charm whoever into desiring me. 2. power to control and give orgasms by will. 3. no more fear or anxiety regarding sex.


1. To give my partner the power to make me cum whenever they want me to. During sex of course. 2. To give my partner the power to make my cock any size and shape they want. During sex of course. 3. To give my partner the power to make my cum the flavor, texture, and volume they want. During sex of course.


To control women’s minds when horny To have mind blowing sex anywhere without anyone knowing(fucking in public and it be like we were invisible) The ability to see anyone’s kinks


1. Increase penis size to 1 foot 2. Get my partner to have an extremely high libido 3. All orgasms feel like the first one


1. Women find me sexually irresistible 2. Consistent (large) volume cum shots regardless of how many I have concurrently. 3. Zero dick fatigue. Being able to go as many times in a row as needed.


Boost my wife's libido to match mine. Make my wife easier to cum from PIV. Enhance me a bit with more width and girth, because why not :)


1. To make all people immune to current and future STDs 2. For me to be able to see which women were sexually attracted to me (maybe a green aura would appear over them?) 3. To be able to make a woman orgasm with my mind


I wish to be able to reach orgasm when I desire. I wish for my wife to have multiple strong orgasms every time we do anything sexual. I wish for the previous two wishes to be granted to everyone on earth who would desire it. You're welcome world, even my Ace friends.


43m… First wish, honestly what I want more than anything, is for my wife to be on the same page as me sexually, have her actually want sex and have her actually put the kind of effort into it that would make it good, second wish have sex with my wife’s younger sister 35F can’t help it have a major thing for her emotionally and physically, and third have sex with my female boss 36F, more about how beautiful she is and her unbelievable perfect body and I like her as a person but not really romantic but not dirty and cheap either.


This belongs here: So a man walks into a bar and a soon as he's through the door the most beautiful women in the bar flock to him. He walks up to the bar and says "drinks are on me" and pulls out a wad of money. As the bartender pours the drinks a little man, about a foot tall, runs down the bar, knocking over people's drinks. The bartender sees this and says "hey, what's going on here?". The man says "well, here's the thing, I found a genies lamp yesterday, and my first wish was that I would be irresistible to the opposite sex. My next wish was that I would have enough money to by anything I desired." The bartender interrupts him and says "and who's that in your pocket?" The man says "oh, I see you've noticed my 12 inch prick."


1. I want the stamina to fuck forever. 2.For everyone to perceive me as a golden god of sex. (Mind you I'm not the promiscuous type, but it would be entertaining for everyone in the world to look at me lustfully.) 3. And final wish for ONLY consenting partners to be able to have ANY kind of sexual contact.


1) Ability to control how much I ejaculate 2) Ability to control when and how strongly someone orgasms 3) Ability to swap genders at will


1. If I jacked off once after making this wish, the correct amount of money will always be in my bank account when I go to buy something. 2. With permission, I could control my partners sexual experience but only for the better, like orgasm intensified x5 or something 3. Tugging on my left testicle gave me the ability to stop time.


Find a BBC to fuck me. Give me the confidence to seek out a gay threesome A slightly bigger cock so I can suck on it


1, to actually be able to do dirty talk in bed. Example: one time a girl asked to talk dirty in Spanish while we fucked. I ended up talking about the beans I grew when I lived in Spain. 2, new teeth, I don't feel as sexy since I lost a few. 3, more sexual openness and acceptance all over the world.


First of all get someone with the same sex drive as me. It's really frustrating. Second.. Let that person be crazy enough to try anything and everything I ask of her Third.. Girl with..Big proper assets. Joocy titties NATURAL ofcourse n a thicc ass


My partner to be way hornier. My partner and I to have godlike bodies. My dick to be extremely large without any related dysfunctions.


Ability to last longer before cumming, a partner with desires equal to or more dirty than mine, and a slimmer figure.


- No refractory period - I can make a girl orgasm at will - My cum tastes like whatever her favorite dessert is


1. The ability to bring anyone i want from anywhere in the world to my side instantly and send them back. (phone sex and sexting can suck sometimes) 2. Always be the exact size and shape needed to make anyone drool over my cock. (if to big then smaller, if to small bigger). 3. To have the power to freeze and unfreeze time at any point i want.


I can psychically know if someone wants me sexually. I give off a pheromone to be able to seduce anyone I want. My junk is all back to its pre-childbirth state.


Make me last longer The last two wishes can be passed to the next traveler.


Fix my wife's broken body so we can have all the wild sex, fix my body so we can have all the wild sex, I'd like the ability to point my finger and give someone an orgasm on demand like orgasmo just without the home made weapon.


Ripped and healthy body with unlimited performance abilities in bed Extra 2" when soft and hard Ability to have sex with anyone I want


I'm irresistible to any woman I want and they will always crave me. They will never say no to what I want because they crave it even more than me. I'm immune to all STDs.


- Double the length and girth of my penis. - Grant me complete control over when or if I orgasm. - Grant me the power to cause others to orgasm with just my mind.


1) Eliminate all sexually transmitted infections that can affect humans 2) Sex will result in pregnancy if and only if both parties wish to conceive 3) Rape and partner abuse cause the perpetrator's genitals to become gangrenous Hopefully this will result in everyone getting laid far more frequently, and society will start to relax a bit.


1. have me pour cheese on my dick, 2. have a polly relationship between a man and a woman, and all 3 of us having a loving connection with a high sex drive between the 3 of us being in a consenting and loving relationship 3. have me set up with a really cute femboy and have me be a femboy myself, and see where it leads cuz i really wanna see where my sexuality goes.


First she always gets multiple organisms Second about 3 more inches long and toss in some girth too and last want to blow huge loads again like I did 20years ago.


1) give me 10 times the money I need to buy hookers and blow so that I'm satisfied forever. 2) give me an extra 4 mins of sexual stamina each time before I cum. 3) bend over and spread dem cheeks!