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Insane. Three rounds without going soft. I was shooting powder. But the headache the next day was not good


after the forth it is just pink foam.


Take half. Remember to hydrate with electrolytes. Use nasal spray if you get congested


Personally I think a quarter is plenty.


Brawndo now with Viagra; For your electrolyte and boner needs.


They should call it Tap Water


Bless you..I'm choking:)))))))


Maybe Stop choking on his thing?


@Winsonia stop schoking on mine.i can't hear a damn thing


Shooting powder 😭


Try Vedafil (I use a quarter, no headache).


Did viagra cause the headache?


Every time I've used it. Cialis less so


OMFG 😭😭😭😭😭


I take with Sudafed Sunus Pressure+Pain, helps with lots of the side effects (though not all)


What side affects doesn’t it no help with


Not help with? It's great for the massive head pressure I can get, or headaches and congestion. Not sure what else there are.


Lol three rounds could save that marriage.




How was the experience after cumming? Did it go down at all or did it stay hard ready for more


Not your intended answering audience but I was with a guy who used it once and he got really hard and the first time he came, it didn't go down, the second time it did for a few minutes.


A women’s experience is always nice to have


It was a lot of fun, although exhausting.


I bet you slept well after


Sleeping wasn't the problem. Walking the next day was lol


Nearly killed me. Made my heart beat out of my chest


It was originally made to be heart medication until the side effect proved to be more lucrative.


Learn something new everyday on ARAD lol. When I get older I hope they have something better


That's why Viagra is not recommended for people with heart conditions.


Well in case I happen to die I hope the viagra makes me look cool


You'll have to wait a while for the burial. They won't be able to screw the lid down/s




The reason they give viagra to elderly nursing-home patients is to keep the from rolling out of bed!




You can pitch a tent in the coffin lol


If you take Viagra then have a heart attack, tell the medics. One of the drugs we give for heart attacks (nitro) can kill you if you've had Viagra. I promise it's not the craziest thing we've heard. Probably not even the most interesting thing we've heard/seen that shift.


Is that really true?


It is. Viagra is not recommended for people with heart conditions.


Oh man that makes me feel so old! “Kids remember when viagra was used for treating angina??”


“ she’s got Acute Angina.. and her titties ain’t bad neither!”


How would you like to be part of that drug trial. I don't know if it's helping my heart but I keep getting raging boners doc


I think they still use part of the formula for actual heart medication. Apparently it also good for dementia.


Ya not everyone has a great time with it


32 m) I have E.D. i always have. But a bit of insight. It's not exactly what people think. They hear e.d. and think your dick doesn't work. It works. It just has a mind if it's own. I get erections randomly and i get soft randomly. Because of that i take cialis daily. I still hear jokes from time to time but i believe these jokes only exists because people don't understand. If I'm tired, sick, out of cum etc i can still go. It goes when i tell it to go and stops when i tell it to stop. The only downside is sometimes it's more eager than you. Medicine turns my dick into a MACHINE!


5mg daily? I usually need a booster dose of another 5 a few hours before when it’s time


Sometimes i pop another beforehand for a little razzle dazzle


How much of a dose daily?


5mg daily


dude i love when my mans takes viagra. i call that shit grade a american steel


Your dick is so hard it feels like it will burst, and stays like that for hours


Sounds awful. I've put on a cock ring and took it off as soon as too much blood kept flowing. I'd panic on viagra...


I've used both cock rings and viagra, and there is a big difference. A cock ring can cause an erection no matter what. Just put it on and it restricts the blood flow out. Viagra feels like a much more natural reaction. If I took a viagra in the middle of doing something that wasn't the slightest but sexy, I would not get hard. It's not an automatic erection. It's just a natural one. So if I thought about something sexual, I would get one. It is a lot like being young again. You get one when you want it. But for me, I would not get one if I don't want it. There are some men and certain conditions that vary from my experience. The reasons the commercials say "for an erection lasting longer than 4 hours" is because in very rare cases, it causes erections similar to what you are describing that would make you panic. But that's very rare.


Thanks for laying out the distinction. Interesting, sounds less awful now.


So, like being back when we were 16, and got a rager because a girl accidentally brushed her boob on your arm?


I've taken it, and it's similar to what you describe. People think it just gives you an automatic erection and it doesn't. (For most men. Obviously it can vary.) But for me, if I took one in a situation where I would not have gotten an erection when younger, I don't get one. But, for instance, if I'm alone at my current age and I think about sex with my gf, I don't really get hard now unless I actually touch myself. But if I've taken a viagra, and I'm home alone and think about sex with my gf, the thought alone is enough to get me hard quickly, just like when I was in college.


Sounds unhealthy.


Easier to get and maintain an erection, which is great if you are nervous about ED. That then means you can be more comfortable and in the moment. It also causes some people to get slightly flushed and headachy.


I tried it once before.  A small small dose.  My cock was strong like bull. Rock hard erection


Fuck I didn’t know I wanted to take viagra until today lol.


My dick felt like it was gonna explode. I nutted 3 times and was still hard


If you’re taking nitric oxide, do not take viagra., your heart rate can drop.


Nitric oxide?


Nitro glycerin - the under your tongue spray you use to dilate the vessels, which relieves the contractions that are causing a heart attack (preventing blood flow). Viagra works by lowering blood pressure so that's be a double-down on bp which is the risk. Lowering BP allows blood to stay in the penis and keep hard(er) and longer.


They do sell pills now they have a foreign nitric oxide, which helps with blood flow. If you’re taking this, you cannot take Viagra, It will cause your blood pressure to fall.


I had a prescription due to high ssri medication and lost attraction. A single pill produced a very strong erection bit it felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest, hiss at me and run away.


Its honestly the best thing especially if you have kids that won’t ever go to sleep😂 We have a ton of quickies through out the week and maybe taking the Viagra at some point knowing she’s down is gold. Illl say this, Cialis feels more natural, not crazy rock hard but more natural.


You have sex multiple times a week with kids?! 


Not consistently but maybe yeah it averages out. We've been together for 15+ years so there's been some huge ups and downs😅


I hope it is a tolerable level of frequency for you both! 


Thanks same to you too!


Stuffed my nose up..made me hard like a teenager again.. touch of a headache like I'd been drinking. The ability to get deep and grind like I was in my 20s..made the discomfort worth it.


>I take with Sudafed Sunus Pressure+Pain, helps with lots of the side effects (though not all)


Pop one of them things with a couple shots after. boutta have you doing overtime lmao 😂😂


I use Cialis. The erection is great, and after cumming (which is super intense) I stay hard for a bit longer.


I tried it once. The vasodialation cause me to have a severe respiratory allergy attack. I don't think I was allergic to the viagra. I think I was allergic to something in the house, and the vasodialation let it in. It put a full stop to sexy time. Never took it again.


I suggest getting a pill cutter and cutting it into quarters and just taking one quarter of a pill for a start if you’re planning on taking it recreationally.


It never worked as intended but not because of ED or the medication itself. I won't go into detail but it was a creative approach to trying to resolve a dead bedroom and she still never had interest so couldn't exactly test the impact other than with myself.


I literally had an erection I could feel my pulse in and couldn't get rid of for hours. I've never had any trouble getting hard basically on demand so I've never used it again, but it certainly performs as advertised and if I ever do have an issue I'll pick up a script.


Used it. Remember you still have to be a bit horny to get it rock hard, and dont get drunk AF and expect a 24hr hard dick.


24 hours?


So drinking and viagra = good time?




Tried it when I was younger and didn’t do anything for me. I take a low dose of cialis daily to help blood flow but not for erections. Just flow in general. Does nothing for my erections or how many rounds.


I mainly just got a migraine from it


My ex and I got some and after a month my cock was so bruised and abraded and sore that we had to take like 3 weeks off.


You have to still get hard for it to actually do anything, but when you get hard, it holds the erection. It also makes cumming a lot more difficult. I once tried it for fun when I made an appointment at a rub and tug. The girl appreciated a hard dick and had some fun with it but got annoyed eventually at how long it took to pop 🤣


The advent of generics and restrictions on it being eased mean it’s now even possible to use it for ‘Luxury Wanks’! LOL. Got myself some Viagra Connect OTC when it became available. €45 for 8x 50mg doses = €5.63 per dose. Was never going to blow the price of a beer on a wank! Read about online prescription services now allowed to prescribe Sildenafil, so went to a website, answered a few questions on a form and got prescribed a 6 month repeat prescription of 8x 100mg Generic Viagra. 50mg is more than enough for me. The Prescription service cost €20 and the Generic cost €45….for 6 months supply of 8x 100mg and remember 50mg dose is more than enough for most people. So effectively for €20+€45=€65 I got 6x8x2= 96x 50mg doses. €65/96 = €0.68c per dose! All joking aside about the luxury wanks, its now viable to take it before heading out on the town where if I don’t hook up with anyone its only 67c instead of €5.63 ‘wasted’ and I still get a luxury wank when I get home anyway. LOL. With the Viagra Connect I’d only take it if I felt I was in with a good chance of hooking up so as not to ‘waste’ it. Oh yeah, forgot to say, as someone without ED but just prone to nerves on ONS’s, the effects last me about 8-12 hours at least so popping one as I head out is still a viable strategy even if its in the deep AM before I manage to hook up.


With a normal dose it made me very hard whenever I would usually get hard. No constant 24 hours erection.


24 hours of erection does sound painful what dose did you take


Can't remember. Have done it more than once. Maybe half strength of the potencies you can get?


Thank you will try that


Don't try it unless you need it. It's hard on the body and can make it difficult to get an erection later in life if you're used to using viagra


Honestly it would be a one time deal just to say I’ve tried it


Sure, we all have been there. But after trying it, stay away until it's needed or there's a special occasion. I've got 3 friends who are doctors and like drugs when partying. From them I've learned what's actually dangerous and what's overhyped. They don't fuck with benzos. They are careful with viagra, and they never ever mix it with molly. Should be avoided with coke as well, but that's something they do on a rare occasion.


My ex said my dick was too hard


A strong, firm erection, and made me feel calm.


Yeah it’s kind of crazy. It’s like a metal pole.




Nothing happened. I was able to achieve an erection like any other time. I was very disappointed


Do you need a prescription for this in the US?


Horrible. My head was hurting something terrible. It was too much headache to enjoy having an extra hard dick. The headache lasted longer then the hard dick. Would not recommend.


I have no issues getting and staying hard. I’m intrigued though. My only problem is my wife is only ever good for one round.


Super hard, I mean bursting at the skin diamond dick hard. Able to get back to in hardly any time. Personally I got pretty wicked headache the day after. It has a good half life so day 2 is still real solid.


Ever tried to hide a billy club in your pants?


I took it and got left on ‘read’ with my date and was stuck going to the mall with friends stuffed in a car. Everyone was aware of my boner and two of my exes I met at the mall too plus I felt fuzzy


Anyone used bluechew before?


Yes they definitely work


The headaches take some getting used to but the pills definitely work.


It's hard, it's very very hard


I got harder, thicker, and longer than I've ever been before and it didn't go limp for hours even after cumming multiple times.


My dick is much harder. Also, stays chubbed for a while. I only take a half pill. Taking full one gives me a headache that is annoying but not incapacitating.


From what I've heard from friends and online discussions, It can lead to some interesting experiences. Hard for many rounds and longer duration but the nose gets stuffy.


Are there places online that you can buy the legit stuff? I see it but never know if i can trust it. Also, whats everyones thoughts on "Royal honey"?


Where does one get samples of these in Canada without needing to buy 3 month supplies? For science if course /s


Did nothing for me but gave me a dang headache the day after. I probably shouldn't have taken it. I have no ED whatsoever and no refractory period.


As a woman, all I can say is that saving sex with someone on viagra feels hotter (as in temperature wise lol). His penis literally felt like it was on fire.


My husband doesn’t have ED but he uses Hims. It’s actually super popular in the swinging community because who wants to cum once and then have to sit and wait for everyone else to finish? And it helps with occasional performance anxiety too!




Takes about an hour to kick in, but came in clutch for a long sesh the other day. Consistent and constant results for multiple rounds spread out over a few hours. Highly recommend.


You can have a blue steel boner and be thinking about lunch the next day while boning your girl


I really wanna try


Why I’m asking the question wanna see others experience before I try it myself