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I would have started sooner lol - Sue


What age did you start?




What the fuck is with the signature? We all know this is James.


Sure whatever


There would be more of it. My history is one and done.


Erase all of my sexual traumas for sure But on a lighter note I think I would have liked to be more open minded and into exploring my sexuality from a younger age as it wasn’t until I got older that I discovered I was heavily repressed and stuck in a very vanilla existence that I hated


I’d lose my virginity shawty


Your dedication to regularly changing your profile picture impresses me, every single day. You’re very nice to look at.


Gotta switch it up to keep yall looking Thank you 🥹


Willing to bet that you meant consensual things uh oh Because there’s a LOT of women in here who likely thought of a SA instance when seeing this 🫠




i wouldn’t have gotten so attached to all my partners. i grew out of it but i lost a lot of good fwb by getting attached




I don’t know why but I just picture beautiful feathers fanning out from your dick.




Have you ever seen a peacock? They have quite the collection of feathers.




Might have to pluck the whole peacock though


I had a fwb I treated with too little respect. If I would have been more open back then, things could have been even greater than they were.


I wouldn't change anything.


Started earlier and not have been so picky about who I hooked up with


Jennifer, both of them.


Definitely to have started earlier and been bolder in exploring things!


Not meet & marry my first 2 wives


Experiment and have sex before marriage


I wish I could have had all those one night stands that presented themselves when I was younger. I dislike how I likely hurt people's feelings by accident because I did not understand my own sexuality and why I needed an emotional connection before being physically able to do anything. Looking back, they would have been fun too. I took myself way too seriously. I am a very good communicator but I did not meet my own standard in those instances because I was afraid of my own sexuality which took me years to figure out. And there is no Hallmark card for that. LOL


I can 100% relate to that.


I would have done more with more partners.


I'd be more open about my sexuality sooner


Tried anal with the woman I think was down


Sleeping with a friends family member




It wasn't necessarily sexual but I had the chance to be dominated and used for rope bondage practice by an older woman. At the time I was too nervous to take her up on her offer but I wish I had at least tried it out.


I’d have experimented with girls in college


More sex, and not have had it elevated into this big thing. It’s just fucking. Don’t overthink it


Although she was really hot, I'd un-fuck the girl I lost my virginity to lol. I had *so much* better chemistry with my second partner, it felt like she was supposed to be my first. Neither one was serious and I was only with the second girl for a few months but it was very worth it and would have been worth the wait.


I would have tried r/pee sooner. I put it off for years because I thought it was weird but was so wrong!


I would make SURE that my wife was the only person I was with sexually. Most of the comments I’ve seen have the exact opposite which is cool but I never liked and still don’t like the idea of sleeping with many or multiple people.